Thursday, December 26, 2013

Time to Stock Up on Incandescent Bulbs Before They Go Out Permanently

MB12.26_v2 - light bulbs
....  "Proponents of government-imposed efficiency standards and regulations will say, “So what? There are still plenty of lighting options on the shelves at Home Depot; we’re saving families money; and we’re reducing harmful climate change emissions.”
"The “so what” is that the federal government is taking decisions out of the hands of families and businesses, destroying jobs, and restricting consumer choice in the market. We all have a wide variety of preferences regarding light bulbs. It is not the role of the federal government to override those preferences with what it believes is in our best interest.
"Families understand how energy costs impact their lives and make decisions accordingly. Energy efficiency has improved dramatically over the past six decades—long before any national energy efficiency mandates." ...


At least we were all a lucky choice.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Thanks, Duck Dynasty, for the Christmas Gift (Updated)

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden

Lloyd Marcus  "Duck Dynasty gave me an unexpected wonderful gift for Christmas: a renewed hope in America.  Polling on various social issues confirm that liberals have made significant inroads towards secularizing America into a culture in which anything goes.
"The norm on TV is disrespectful kids scolding their parents, cussing, youths sleeping around, the promotion of homosexuality, and poking fun at Christians.  Traditional principles and values are on the chopping block."
"So thank you, Duck Dynasty.  Thank you for letting me know that the battle for the culture of America is not over.  Perhaps, Phil Robertson's leadership will inspire more Americans to push-back against the tyranny of political correctness."
Lloyd Marcus is the songwriter and vocalist of the "American Tea Party Anthem." He currently serves as president of NAACPC (National Association for the Advancement of Conservative People of Color). His website is here:

UPDATE: The highest-risk sexual behavior   The CDC confirms what Mr. Robertson said.
Damn those rednecks at Obama’s Centers for Disease control! Who do they think they are for basically saying the same thing Phil Robertson said to GQ?
Damn those rednecks at Obama’s Centers for Disease control! Who do they think they are for basically saying the same thing Phil Robertson said to GQ?
Damn those rednecks at Obama’s Centers for Disease control! Who do they think they are for basically saying the same thing Phil Robertson said to GQ?

Merry Christmas

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Star of Bethlehem from a Christian View

Dr. Ray Bohlin   ... "The Gospel of Matthew states that the star informed the magi of the birth of the King of the Jews and actually led them to Bethlehem once they had arrived in Jerusalem. The star of Bethlehem has been the subject of scholarly discussion ever since the first centuries after Jesus' birth. Some believed it was a supernova explosion, others a comet or a conjunction of planets associated with specific constellations that would herald the birth of a king in Israel. Some have suggested that none of these astronomical events can adequately account for all that Matthew tells us within the context of his worldview. In this discussion, I will be investigating the more common explanations to see if we can come to some understanding as to just what the magi saw 2,000 years ago." ...

Raymond G. Bohlin is Vice President of Vision Outreach at Probe Ministries. He is a graduate of the University of Illinois (B.S., zoology), North Texas State University (M.S., population genetics), and the University of Texas at Dallas...
Celebrating Christmas  ... "Dr. Keiper walked with him over to his office and, calling him by name, said, "Have you ever read the text carefully?" The professor replied that he thought he had. Keiper then took his Bible from his briefcase and turned to Luke 2:14, to the verse that is our text, and then read with his professor, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men" (KJV). He asked him to examine the last clause of the verse carefully: "good will toward men." He explained the full force of the original language which literally means "Glory to God in the highest and peace among men of peace." He then assured the professor that the reason why the Christmas message was an apparent farce to him was not God's fault. The trouble lies with men. Keiper concluded, "When men are truly men of good will — seeking to do God's will — this text becomes a mighty force. When men seek to have their own way, it becomes a mighty farce. Because man is at odds with God, there cannot be peace on earth. What we sow we shall reap.' "

Merry Christmas from Rich Terrell, the mad Photoshopster

Have a merry Islamic Christmas

Merry Christmas from our Muslim friends in Canada  "Right at holiday time, a Muslim "charity" in Toronto has started a highly offensive advertising campaign in the Toronto subway declaring Jesus is no God. Just for a micro-second, imagine what hell would break loose if a Christian group on the eve of Ramadan (or heck, any day of the year), sponsored subway ads declaring Mohammed was no prophet." ... 
This Islamic teaching aligns with that of  the Watchtower Society - known as the Jehovah's Witnesses - whose literature is used by Muslims to refute Bible-based claims about the nature of Christ.
A Muslim friend I knew at work was a fervent man from Pakistan, very committed to converting those of us around him to Islam. A shelf above his desk was full of literature he used to equip himself to refute all aspects of Christianity. On that shelf I saw several books published by the Jehovah's Witness organization, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.
An organization that refers to itself as the only true Christians produces literature used by a Muslim to refute the claims of the Christian faith.

Liberal Hero Farrakhan’s Call for Gays to be Beheaded Gets No Reaction from Media

Liberal Hero Farrakhan’s Call for Gays to be Beheaded Gets No Reaction from Media
Liberal Hero Farrakhan’s Call for Gays to be Beheaded Gets No Reaction from Media
Conservative Byte 

"It is amazing that Leftist hero and Obama buddy Louis Farrakhan can talk about beheading and stoning gays to death and you won’t hear a word from the media.

"The silence is telling and very predictable."

Wikipedia: "The Southern Poverty Law Center states NOI’s “theology of innate black superiority over whites and the deeply racist, anti-Semitic and anti-gay rhetoric of its leaders have earned the NOI a prominent position in the ranks of organized hate.' ”

Farrakhan In His Own Words On Homosexuals  “ 'God don't like men coming to men with lust in their hearts like you should go to a female. If you think that the kingdom of God is going to be filled up with that kind of degenerate crap, you're out of your damn mind.' ”

'The Call' Viewer Calls For Gays To Be Beheaded   "A Staten Island resident stunned the host of New York 1 program "The Call" by suggesting that gays should be beheaded in accordance with Sharia law.
"...  the caller noted, "I'm Muslim and I believe 110 percent in Sharia law. Sharia law needs to be implemented in the United States because that's the only way this deviant lifestyle will be corrected.' " 

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Fall of NBC News

Thomas Lifson  "It seems that turning itself into an Obama lapdog has not worked out too well for NBC News.  The once-respected and prosperous news organization is facing cutbacks and an alienated staff. Claire Atkinson of the New York Post writes:
NBC News boss Deborah Turness is spending the last few days of the year eyeing cuts - moves that could include axing some senior on-air talent, The Post has learned.
Turness, brought on in August to shake up the moribund news division - where "Meet the Press" and "Today" had stumbled - is in the midst of a host of end-of -year buyouts and cost reductions, sources said.
The current moves are not the first time Turness has irked journalists under her command.
NBC veterans have complained privately that Turness is not serious enough, sources said.
"Instead of getting better, NBC News has been getting worse," said one executive. "It's a mess."
The grumblings are centered on Turness' more aggressive tabloid style.
"Why would the network operation turn to tabloid style? Must be that people are not watching. And in fact, both Meet the Press, the most venerable program in television history, and Today, traditionally the most profitable product of NBC News, have fallen behind the competition. So revenues lag, and costs must be cut. Somehow, audiences must be persuaded to come back, and nothing sells like sleaze.
"Nobody is yet mentioning the hard left turn NBC News made when Barack Obama took office. The network has become a laughingstock for its softball propagandist approach. That could have a lot to do with its decline (Fox News, in comparison, is doing just great). But that is unmentionable at 30 Rock, the network's headquarters.

"There is no way to know how much damage the leftist lunacy broadcast on MSNBC has done to the NBC News brand, but it cannot have helped. NBC News figures regularly appear on MSNBC, and the stain may not come out.
"NBC News fully deserves its fate, having reneged on its duty to provide hard hitting news. But as an amateur student of broadcast history, I can't help but be nostalgic just a smidgen. NBC, after all, invented network broadcasting in the days of radio. Working with its sister corporation, the now defunct (take heed, NBC Universal!) RCA, NBC pioneered technologically (it invented color television) and culturally.
"That proud history is now lying in ashes. What a shame. The current bosses have sold their souls and sacrificed their heritage on the altar of politically correct Obama worship. Barack Obama is bringing ruin to those who backed him as some kind of messiah. There may be a lesson in this, but those who need it most are incapable of learning it."

Some random, unconnected thoughts

"And so, Mr. Obama, Hope n' Change encourages you to stay in Hawaii as long as possible and wishes you a heartfelt "Mele Kalikimaka."
"God knows you've caused enough of a melee back here on the mainland." 


... "When you say: “Merry Christmas,” you are saying: “Congratulations on your false religion,” “Congratulations on your false understanding of life.” You are congratulating them on the most evil of polytheism and heresy. [...]
This is worse than fornication, drinking alcohol, and killing someone."
Then all Muslims should be pleased with the Obama's Christmas, er, holiday card. shown below.


Where's the Liberal "Fairness" in this?

As soon as I read this first post to my wife of fifty years, she made the connection to the second post.
Enjoying irony, I can't resist putting these together here. 
The Tunnel Dweller.

British supermarket will allow clerks to refuse service to customers buying pork and alcohol
"But M&S appears to have surrendered to the notion that the religious sensibilities of their employees tops the needs of its customers. If they want to put devout Muslims on a cash register, they should also put up a sign saying "This clerk does not ring up pork or alcohol products." Can you imagine standing in line for 10 minutes and then being told you have to go to another register to be served?"  More here.

Baker must cater to same-sex weddings, or else
Masterpiece Cakeshop in Denver
... "This decision sends a boding message to other small businesses, especially those in the wedding industry such as florists, bakers, photographers, and event venues, putting them in a troubling standoff between freedom of religion and anti-discrimination laws."

30,000 In IL Must Redo Their O-Care Applications

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
From an unfazed Associated Press:
"CHICAGO –  Illinois officials are emailing and calling thousands of people, advising them to start over on their health insurance applications if they believe the federal government mistakenly referred them to Medicaid.
"We wonder how many people were ‘mistakenly’ shunted into Medicaid by those ACORN and SEIU navigators? After all, Democrats want people to be as dependent on the government as possible.
The latest wrinkle in the troubled enrollment process for the nation’s new health insurance system was announced Wednesday, just days ahead of a key enrollment deadline.
"You see, it’s just a ‘wrinkle.’ Having health insurance isn’t a matter of life or death, after all. " ....