Friday, July 5, 2024

Trump, Critics Unload on ABC's Biased 'Angry Man' Stephanopoulos Before Crucial Biden Interview

 Bob Hoge – RedState  "Former Bill Clinton aide and now ABC host/Democrat apologist George Stephanopoulos may wish he didn’t take on the assignment of interviewing Joe Biden in the president's desperate attempt to salvage his foundering campaign. Stephanopoulos’ own history has come back under the microscope—and it hasn’t been pretty. 

"GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump took aim at the newscaster on social media Thursday, calling him “one of the worst and most vile Broadcasters in the business” and an “angry man”: . . . Donald Trump Truth Social

"He brought up Brian Ross, who was forced to part ways with the network in 2018 for reporting fake "Russia Collusion" news:

The meanest and most vicious Interviewer out there is George Slopadopoulos of FAKE NEWS ABC, one of the worst and most vile Broadcasters in the business — In fact, the home of disgraced “reporter” Brian Ross whose reporting on the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax was so outlandish that ABC, after defending him at levels not seen before, was forced to put him, and their reputation, out to pasture.

. . ."George may regret taking on his assignment because as all eyes turn to him, the world is being reminded of what a truly partisan, dishonest hack he is. Whether his interview is enough to save Biden’s reelection campaign remains to be seen, but don’t count on Stephanopoulos to be an honorable seeker of the truth." . . .

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