Friday, July 10, 2015

Mark Levin: We Are Under ‘Martial Law’ Already

"The United States under this administration is currently not engaged in the pursuit of liberty or equality of opportunity, rather, ours is a country pursuing social engineering and redistribution to equalize the end results of every single thing that takes place.

"Barack Obama and his team are social engineering the nation into a utopian vision that has little relation to what our Founding Fathers foresaw when they developed our Constitution.

"Barack Obama is diversifying so-called wealthy neighborhoods seemingly without any authority to do so. He’s directly addressing the suburbs which he sees as white and privileged.

"He believes there is one pot of resources and the suburbs are stealing them from the urban areas. He seeks to remedy that and equalize all resources.

"The standard the left is using to end discrimination is based on the end result not the intentions. They want equal outcomes in other words.

"The mainstream media has been largely silent on the issue. Obama can do anything he wants and few with a megaphone question any of his actions." . . .

Fight The Power: Bold White Man Launches Petition To Change “Cracker Barrel” To “Caucasian Barrel”

"Ryan Koch, a bold white man from Des Moines, Iowa, launched a petition this week to change the name of the “Cracker Barrel” restaurant to “Caucasian Barrel,” because as Koch astutely wrote, “white people should have something to be offended by too!”

“ 'I say all of us European Americans start protesting Cracker Barrel,” the resolute champion for equality wrote on his petition. “It uses an offensive slur and it is deeply offensive and mocks our long and proud heritage”:
The name is offensive, their logo stereotypes European Americans as people who sit on chairs and lean against what appears to be a bourbon barrel, claiming we are all a bunch of alcoholics. Sure, they’ll SAY it’s a “cracker” barrel but everyone knows crackers don’t come in barrels, they come in bags and boxes!
"Indeed, Mr. Koch. Indeed!

"Like Young Conservatives contributor Yehuda Remer wrote, this petition is “hilariously awesome” because it does a great job mocking the race baiters." . . .

Hillary supporters, do you know what "congenital" means?

Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

A Couple of Reasons why Hillary is not Evita . . . "By coincidence, she also created a foundation that helped many people with loans and other assistance. By the way, Evita's Foundation was also the subject of corruption charges, such as people saying that donations to Evita's causes were meant to create access to the president.

"Evita and Hillary are very different in two significant ways:" . . . Read more

 Michael Ramirez Cartoon
Hillary Clinton's Blizzard of Lies, The Sequel  . . . " New York Times columnist Bill Safire must be rolling in his grave. A 1996 essay of his, "Blizzard of Lies," began, "Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our first lady — a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation — is a congenital liar." . . .

Jonah Goldberg*; NRO: Estrangement From the Truth Is a Problem for Hillary
. . . "But Bernstein is right about one thing: Hillary is a specialist at lying. And that’s a problem for her. Her husband was — and is — a prodigy at deceit, a renaissance man of lying. If football were a game of lies, he could play every position on offense and defense.
"Mrs. Clinton, alas, is more like a veteran coach — she’s adept at telling others how to lie on her behalf. But she’s not a natural liar herself, and it shows. At a time when the Democratic base craves authenticity (hence the mobs at Bernie Sanders rallies), Clinton seems utterly fabricated (hence her inability to get a capacity crowd at her announcement speech last month in New York City). Her best hope now would be to stop pandering to Sanders’s fans and instead explain where she and Sanders differ on policy. But that would require a level of political authenticity she’s forgotten how to fake convincingly."
* Goldberg is the opinion writer that Trump said can't buy a pair of pants. To wit:
 "[Trump is] repeating himself. I'm like Jeb on this. I'm done. The man's specialty [is] to suck oxygen, I'm going to be breathing fresh air... And I do want to make an appeal to the viewers out there to crowdsource, to buy Jonah a pair of pants. I think if you look under the table it's disgraceful the way he comes to the show."  Ann Althouse, quoting Charles Krauthammer

About that subpoena…Hillary’s CNN interview gets the Trey Gowdy fact check treatment

 Hillary Clinton told CNN Tuesday she was never subpoenaed to testify on Benghazi. One hour later, House Republicans produced the subpoena they sent her to testify about Benghazi. Democrats won the argument, saying it's just like Republicans to make fun of a woman who suffered a head injury.  Comedian Argus Hamilton

Legal Insurrection. . . “You know you’re starting with so many assumptions that are, I’ve never had a subpoena, there is no, again, let’s take a deep breath here,” said Mrs. Clinton, obviously rattled and speaking to herself.

Embedded image permalink

Oh, and here’s a link to the subpoena.
How embarrassing.
The Select Committee on Benghazi issued a fact check of their own:
- See more at:

Dems File Bill Banning Words “Husband” And “Wife” From U.S. Laws… Are you beginning to fear this Democrat party?

More than two dozen Democrats have proposed legislation that would eliminate the words “husband” and “wife” from federal law.

Those “gendered terms” would be replaced by “gender-neutral” words like “spouse” or “married couple,” according to the bill from Rep. Lois Capps, D-Calif.

“The Amend the Code for Marriage Equality Act recognizes that the words in our laws have meaning and can continue to reflect prejudice and discrimination even when rendered null by our highest courts,” Capps said. “Our values as a country are reflected in our laws. I authored this bill because it is imperative that our federal code reflect the equality of all marriages.”

Immigration Policy, Mexican Style

American Thinker. . . "Meanwhile, Trump is being vindicated on a daily basis.  A young woman murdered in San Francisco by an illegal immigrant previously deported five times.  Another illegal alien from Mexico, who was deported last year, killed and burned a Washington woman and her son.  Over four thousand illegal alien pedophiles were apprehended in one state in one year.  And another illegal immigrant raping and sodomizing a 10-year-old Alabama girl.  Are these Mexico’s best and brightest coming to America to do the jobs Americans won’t do?

"Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush “has always had strong ties with Mexico” and “great respect and affection for our neighbors.”  Jeb is also “indignant,” as “he takes Donald Trump’s remarks personally.”  So here’s an idea.  Let’s reform our immigration system Mexican style.  This is how it might look based on Mexican immigration law." . . .

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Silly State of the Union

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Dem Sen. Tammy Baldwin: Pro-Life Americans Do Not Have First Amendment Religious Freedoms… 

Hillary Clinton Sees Sexism In Treasury’s Decision To Have Woman On $10 Bill Along With A Man…

Feminist Complaint Of The Day: Calling Women “Girls” Is Sexist… 

Great news, Oregon. 15 year olds can now get govt funded sex change surgery without parental permission  . . . "You may be wondering at this point how the good citizens of Oregon ever voted for something like this. If there is any small sliver of comfort coming out of this story… they didn’t. The state did it on their own without notifying anyone." . . .
CENTCOM Tells Airmen to Observe Ramadan; “RESPECT RAMADAN” Artwork
The Claim That ‘Gay Marriage Can Defeat the Islamic State’ Is Everything You Need to Know About the Left  . . . "It is much, much more likely — or certain — that the Islamic State sees the Supreme Court decision on gay marriage as evidence of the United States’ decadence and societal decay, and that this will serve to embolden and encourage them." . . .

Hillary; a serious world leader for a serious nation

"Hillary told CNN she’s not running for president of the press. She’s running for president of the American People. Hopefully that means she won’t roundup the rest of us with ropes when she speaks.

" 'She says people should and do trust me despite a June 2 CNN poll in which 57% said Hillary is not “honest and trustworthy”."

Who Will Pay For Hillary’s Era of Big Government?. . . "But, influenced by the shift to the left in her party’s base, Clinton is also offering a rather ambitious agenda for the nation. Like the similar yet even more radical proposals put forward by her chief Democratic rival, Senator Bernie Sanders, the Clinton plan for America is offering a lot of free things as well as traditional liberal talking points. But the problem with all this free stuff is, of course, that is not free to the taxpayers who will be required to pay for it." . . .

 Even media liberals aghast at Hillary CNN Interview
" Hillary Plays the Victim in CNN Interview"
‘I Never Had a Subpoena’ and Other Hillary Fables. . . "As we have discussed repeatedly in these pages since March, however, federal criminal statutes, federal record regulations, State Department handbooks, and Mrs. Clinton’s own directions to State Department personnel all plainly governed and prohibited her egregious conduct." . . .
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

How to insult a “progressive”

"Our Weasel Of The Week!"

Nice Deb   "Yes, once again, It’s time to present this week’s statuette of shame, The Golden Weasel!!
"Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of the slimiest, most despicable characters in public life for some deed of evil, cowardice or corruption they’ve performed. Then we vote to single out one particular Weasel for special mention, to whom we award the statuette of shame, our special, 100% plastic Golden Weasel. This week’s nominees were all particularly slimy and despicable, but the votes are in and we have our winner…the envelope please…"

" Former Actor, Dirt Highway Explorer, Professional Victim And Racist George Takai!!"

"The Noisy Room:   My nomination this week goes to raving moonbat, George Takei, who frankly should have stayed in space, his last frontier. Uber Leftist actor and activist George Takei, known for his role as Hikaru Sulu in “Star Trek,” said that he and his husband are “overjoyed” by the Supreme Court’s legalization of same-sex marriage. But his shocking comments about conservative Justice Clarence Thomas were just over the rainbow on this one:

“ 'He is a clown in blackface sitting on the Supreme Court. He gets me that angry,” Takei said, visibly flustered as he railed against the African American justice. ”For him to say slaves had dignity … I mean, doesn’t he know slaves were chained? That they were whipped on the back?”

"Takei shows his idiocy in all its glory here. He was railing against Thomas’ dissent on the gay marriage ruling:" . . .

HUD, Obama, and the radical transformation of America. How can one branch of government rule like this?

"The Marxist agenda of Obama and his comrades requires that all of those who are under their boots be of equal social stature. Rather than the capitalist ideals of the past which with each generation raised society in general, the Obama goal is to degrade America to third world status. We’re then much easier to integrate into a world government system, minus the social barriers of economics and nationalism. In order to accomplish those objectives, our private property, standard of living, societal cohesion and values must all be degraded. That’s where Obama and HUD come in." . . .

Massive Government Overreach: Obama’s AFFH Rule Is Out . . . "AFFH is easily one of President Obama’s most radical initiatives, on a par with Obamacare in its transformative potential. In effect, AFFH gives the federal government a lever to re-engineer nearly every American neighborhood — imposing a preferred racial and ethnic composition, densifying housing, transportation, and business development in suburb and city alike, and weakening or casting aside the authority of local governments over core responsibilities, from zoning to transportation to education. Not only the policy but the political implications are immense — at the presidential, congressional, state, and local levels.

" It is a scandal that the mainstream press has largely refused to report on AFFH until the day of its final release. " . . .Read more 
Even with AFFH now public, the Obama administration and the press corps will do everything in their power to obscure the real issues at stake in the massive AFFH power-grab. Don’t let that happen.

We must rally behind the Kleins UPDATED

"On a side note here – I predicted that once gay marriage was legalized, LGBTQIA supporters would attempt to silence all dissent."  Todd Starnes
UPDATE: Oregon Bakers Must Pay Fine by Monday  . . . "Aaron Klein is outraged, saying, “Basically, the state of Oregon is saying we can kick you out of your house and make you homeless. They have no qualms about the fact that they’re doing this to my five kids as well.” That’s because the Kleins committing the ultimate sin of crossing the Rainbow Mafia. The good news is the couple has raised more than $200,000 through a funding campaign (their first fundraising effort was shutdown by GoFundMe* because it was for “discriminatory” purposes). The bad news is their income has been halved since being forced to close their bakery. Aaron now works as a garbage collector to put food on the table for his family." . . .

 Sweet Cakes by Melissa couple

Lloyd Marcus  . . . "What am I saying?  I am saying if we passively allow the left to destroy the Kleins, we are next!

"I thought another "Dan's Bake Sale" style rally in Oregon might be in order for the Kleins.  Imagine: multiple thousands showing up in support of the Kleins and protesting the left's unconstitutional tyranny.  We would need someone with a big platform like Rush to pull it off.

"As I stated earlier, folks, I prayerfully covet your ideas and solutions.  All I know is We the People cannot simply stand idly by and allow what is happening to the Kleins go unabated.  Quoting the heroic Todd Beamer, "Let's roll!"

How can we do something, anything?  Lars Larson has one suggestion:

Donate To Support Aaron and Melissa Klein from Sweet Cakes by Melissa
. . .  Although the couple was able to secure another cake for their wedding within a matter of days and even received a free cake from celebrity pastry chef Duff Goldman, they filed a complaint with the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industry.  The State of Oregon has prosecuted this case vigorously and has asked for damages in excess of $150,000.The Kleins have already had to close their shop and have been struggling to make ends meet.  They have five children, the youngest of which are two year old twins. The state is going after their personal assets and any amount they have to pay will be money that they would have used to pay their mortgage and feed their children.

"This page exists with the knowledge and cooperation of the Kleins.

"Give today to help Aaron and Melissa as they stand for their faith and their constitutional right to live out their faith without fear of punishment by the government." . . .

*The Go Fund Me site for Aaron and Melissa Klein shows  "Campaign Not Found".