Monday, July 8, 2024

Former Israeli Defense Minister Urges Jews to Flee France After Rise of Far-Left: ‘There Is No Time’

 Joshua Klein (

"Former Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman is urging French Jewry to flee France, warning that “there is no time” following the far-left’s triumph in the country’s parliamentary elections.

"As Breitbart News reported, French President Emmanuel Macron’s alliance with the New Popular Front delivered a victory over Marine Le Pen’s populist right, which has raised concerns about antisemitism, with many French Jews feeling increasingly uncertain about their place in France.

"The unexpected shift in political power has sparked fears within the roughly 500,000-strong Jewish community, boosting worries about the potential implications for its safety and rights.

"In response, Lieberman expressed his concerns regarding the matter.

“ 'In light of the victory of the radical left in France, I call on all French Jews to immigrate to the State of Israel,” the Israeli parliamentarian wrote on Monday, warning that “there is no time.”

"Lieberman, who heads the Yisrael Beytenu Party, slammed Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the new kingmaker in French politics, for having “spoken out more than once against Jews and the State of Israel.” He also described Mélenchon’s far-left France Unbowed Party as “representing pure antisemitism” and an expression of the “significant rise” in Israel hatred. 

"The matter comes as French-Jewish leaders express deep concern over rising antisemitism, advising young Jews to emigrate to Israel, especially in light of the recent political victories of Mélenchon and his far-left party.

"Prominent French Rabbi Moshe Sebbag of Synagogue de la Victoire told the Times of Israel that it appears that France has “no future for Jews” and advised young Jews to move to Israel." . . .

The movie 'Exodus" and the powerful theme song that opens it: The Meaning Behind The Song: The Exodus Song (This Land Is Mine) by Pat Boone

Comment to this video: "The book is amazing, based on facts, the theme song is one of the best. My father bought it and I read it as soon as I was interested in that genre of books (1960's). They fought so hard to build a barren land into the successful country it is now."

And they made the land beautiful, building neat, clean villages, homes, and schools. Then the predators of Gaza entered, raping, murdering, and burning from the infants to the aged while their families watched; their children bleeding out in front of them. TD

Israel is fighting a death cult, says Douglas Murray

 I saw horrors in Israel after October 7… Israel is fighting a death cult, says Douglas Murray - YouTube

"As an Israeli, I am so grateful to have intelligent, thoughtful people like Douglas Murray supporting us and recognizing what we’ve been through. "He is worth 100,000 screaming anti-Israel protesters!"

Comments: A scene that I saw were two girls were one was sat and one was laid down in a pick up truck driving through a group of Palestinians who did not rescue these girls but spat on them they had been raped by hamas gun men. This image will never leave me .these girls were later murdered .Israel will always have my support.

"Many Palestinians cheered on when a naked young girl was paraded through their streets. I will never foget it or forgive that association with Hamas. Never."

"Blitz primary"?

VERY URGENT: A Parkinson's disease specialist has visited the White House residence medical clinic at least nine times since July 2023 (  "The President's personal physician and a nurse who coordinates his care scheduled the meetings with Dr. Kevin R. Cannard. Before last July, he had come only once during Joe Biden's administration."

The logs show Dr. Cannard traveled to the White House residence medical clinic each time. He met either with the president’s personal physician or the naval nurse who coordinates care for the president and other top officials, the logs show.

 Taylor Swift, Oprah and a 'blitz primary': Well-connected Democrats including a former Obama and Clinton advisor issue bombshell memo detailing wild plot to replace Biden | Daily Mail Online  "A pair of well-connected Democrats have issued a bombshell memo detailing their wild plan to replace President Joe Biden on their 2024 ticket.

"It would require Biden to step down as the head of the ticket by mid-July to pave the way for other Democrats to throw their hats in the ring for a 'blitz primary' that would feature celebrities such as Taylor Swift and Oprah, according to Semafor.

"The six candidates with the most votes from delegates would also have to vow to run a positive-only campaign.

"The plan is the brainchild of Rosa Brooks, a Georgetown law professor who served in both the Obama and Clinton administrations and as a volunteer policy adviser to the 2020 Biden campaign, as well as Ted Dintersmith, a venture capitalist and education philanthropist who has donated to a number of Democratic campaigns.

"They have already circulated the plan to Democrat donors, as well as officials within the Biden campaign and administration - and say they have widespread support." . . .

How do you solve a problem like Kamala? - Jeff Dill

. . ."As vice president, she was tapped in March 2021 as the point person to lead the administration’s efforts to secure our southern border.  After one trip to Mexico and Guatemala, she released her strategy to address the “root causes” of migration.  The strategy identifies the root causes of migration as corruption, violence, trafficking, and poverty.  Duh!  She further identified the pandemic and “extreme weather conditions” as exacerbating factors.  (Seriously!) No mention of illegal immigrants from over 100 countries around the world.  No mention of the tens of thousands of military-age males arriving from the Middle East, China, and Russia.  No specific plan of action to stem the tide or secure the border.  We can see the results." . . .

 Parody or not? Nancy Pelosi Says We Must Re-Elect Biden To See If He’s Senile | Babylon Bee

. . ."This is why it's so important to re-elect him," Pelosi said in a televised interview. "As concerned as we may be about President Biden's cognitive health, the only reasonable answer is to keep him in office and really find out just how mentally defective he has become. It's the only way."

"The uncertainty surrounding Biden's mental fitness has drawn questions from the media and calls from prominent Democrats and campaign donors to have him replaced as the nominee, which Pelosi said would be a serious mistake. "If we fail to re-elect Joe Biden, we will never know just how senile he is," she said emphatically. "A vote for Donald Trump is a vote to make Joe Biden's level of dementia a permanent mystery. What better way to learn how far he has declined mentally than in real-time on the global stage, with the fate of the world at stake?' " ...

Batten Down the Hatches—Dark Brandon Is Coming Back!

  Bob Hoge – RedState   "Cover the windows, batten down the hatches, and gird your loins because Joe Biden said on Sunday during a rally in Philadelphia that “Dark Brandon” is set for a sequel. If you remember, the Dark Brandon meme started on the internet early in the Biden administration and Team Joe tried to use it to his advantage to tout the president’s achievements. 

"Remember this malarkey?"
The reason it's so dumb in my opinion is because it unintentionally highlights the contrast between the vigorous (though evil)- looking guy with lasers in his eyes and the black-eyed, vacant-looking commander-in-chief that we saw on the debate stage (and elsewhere). 

"Well, unfortunately for us all, Biden evidently thought it was effective enough that it needs to be resurrected:

“Dark Brandon is coming back,” he joked to one supporter in Harrisburg who asked him about the meme, one that developed into a unifying force to fight off concerns about Biden’s age early in his campaign. [Yeah, not so much.]

While he faces increasing calls from members of Congress to leave the campaign after a faltering debate performance last month, Biden said he hasn’t seen the same response from voters.

“We’ve been drawing big crowds. Ever since the debate, not joking, even that night we had big crowds afterwards,” Biden said.

. . .


"Bidengate is far worse than Watergate." Victor Davis Hanson

 "Biden’s scowls and outbursts grew as he seemed to come alive only when slurring and slandering half the country as “semi-fascists” and “ultra-MAGA” deplorables. So, in the recent debate, Biden at least admitted that he had written off half the nation that voted for Trump." Victor Davis Hanson

AfterMath - Home (

Lucas: Jill Biden for president? She's already running the country (   "Jill Biden is becoming the Edith Wilson of America.

"Edith Wilson was President Woodrow Wilson’s second wife.  She ran the country for a year and a half after Wilson was incapacitated following a massive stroke in 1919.

"The public never knew.

"This is not to say that First Lady Jill Biden, 73, is running the country today. It is to point out that she is running Joe Biden, 81, which may amount to the same thing.

"Edith Wilson’s first move after Wilson’s debilitating stroke was to mislead the nation regarding the bedridden Wilson’s ability to function, let alone continue to serve as president.

"The stroke was of such an intensity that it incapacitated Wilson, leaving him permanently paralyzed on the left side of his body and blind in one eye.

"While Wilson was confined to his White House bed and barely conscious or rational, Edith Wilson, in effect, took over the presidency—and the country.

"Even after Wilson went from a sick bed to a wheelchair, his health continued to deteriorate. His mind wandered and his memory diminished.

"There was no 25th Amendment to allow for the replacement of an incapacitated president as there is now. That amendment was only passed in 1967." . . .

Biden’s Blackmail   . . ."By foisting Joe Biden on America, the Democrat’s “best and brightest” granted a reprobate the ultimate upper hand in this election cycle: the threat to use the president’s unlimited power to grant pre-emptive pardons to himself and whomever he chooses." . . .

Democrats wheeling old Joe off the cliff? - M. Walter  . . ."It’s hard to think of a bigger grandparent to throw over a cliff than a sitting president of the United States, but here we are.  We are being told by a variety of legacy media they — House and Senate Democrats — want grandpa gone by Friday, with tomorrow, Tuesday, being a critical day on the way to that cliff’s edge." . . .

Bidengate and the Doom Loop ›Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness 
"The entire 2019-20 Biden candidacy and subsequent presidency were predicated on a rotten Faustian bargain. A hale Joe Biden would feign his aw-shucks, Joe from Scranton schtick. And an ossified working-class Joe’s camouflage would get the hard left elected—especially thanks to the changes in balloting laws that often saw only 30 percent of the electorate voting on Election Day in key states.
"In exchange, the two narcissistic Bidens would bask in the power and attention of the presidency. From the start, Jill and the media would orchestrate deep cover for Joe’s escalating dementia as well as the true intentions of the now-in-power radical Democratic Party with its neo-socialist agenda. The former Obama acolytes would get their long-dreamed-of third presidential term. And this time they would enact a truly radical agenda while their string puppet mumbled to everyone that he was just old, familiar Joe working for the middle class."

How racist was this?

 California delegate says Black women will 'blow the party up' if Dems pick a 'White man over Kamala Harris' ( Jeffrey Clark)00

"California Democratic delegate Areva Martin told media personality Stephen A. Smith that passing over Vice President Kamala Harris as President Biden's replacement should he withdraw from the race would destroy the party. 

"If you pick a White man over Kamala Harris, Black women, I can tell you this, we are going to walk away," Martin said Tuesday. "We are going to blow the party up."

As speculation over Biden's status as leader of the party grows, Democrats are openly divided over who is qualified to run against former President Trump in the months before the election. 

. . .Martin also compared the presidential race to a sports match, saying that Biden is the "star player" and deserves support. 

"I don't know anything about sports, but I know you don't give up on your star player in the middle of a game," she told Smith. 

"We are almost at the finish line. We have an opportunity to save this democracy. And I bet you, [if] you blow up Joe Biden, you might as well give Donald Trump the keys to the White House and let him start ruling the country in August," she said. "

I recall one of these judges Biden selected could not say what a woman is during her confirmation.

Social Media Reacts To Vice President Kamala Harris Being Referred To As A ‘DEI Hire’ For President Joe Biden: ‘It’s An Insult, It’s The New N-Word’ (

Maxine Waters Accidentally Reveals Popular Scam Used by Black Democrats