Saturday, January 20, 2024

Electric Vehicles Enter the 'Total Failure' Phase of Their Existence

"They are less capable than your average gas-powered vehicle. They typically cost more new but don't hold their value because the batteries are so expensive to replace, meaning buyers get hit coming and going. The list goes on"

 RedState   "Is it time to start asking whether electric vehicles have any redeeming value in 2024? Given the recent spate of bad news surrounding them, the answer to that question is becoming clearer." 

"As RedState reported, Ford has cut the production of its "Lightning" electric pickup truck in half. Why? Mainly because no one wants to buy them. Why do they not want to buy them? Because they are overpriced, unreliable, and impractical. 

"Who could have guessed that paying $55,000 (and that's with EV subsidies) for a stripped-down, base-level truck that overheats when you tow things and can't drive over 300 miles on a single charge wouldn't appeal to the average F-150 buyer? Certainly, people who use their trucks for work have found little to no use for such a pointless monstrosity.

"It's not just the Lightning, though. The entire EV industry is getting hit by reality right now. 

"There is no better example of government idiocy than the top-down push for electric vehicles, which at this point has cost American taxpayers tens of billions of dollars. They were a solution to a problem that didn't exist, and even then, they turned out to not be a solution at all. It's not just about cost either. How useful is a car that loses most of its range when it gets below freezing? How useful is a car that can't be driven for more than a few hours in a row, even in perfect conditions?"

Religious Themes Banned in Jill Biden's White House Easter Egg Contest for National Guard Children

The contest rules state entries “must be consistent with the image and values of Sponsor”, Jill Biden.

 The Gateway Pundit | by Kristinn Taylor   Jill Biden is sponsoring a White House “Youth Art” Easter egg decorating contest for children of National Guard servicemembers that bans religious themed eggs, even though Easter is a religious holiday that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ–and the contest announcement states the eggs will be displayed during the Christian and Jewish observances of Easter and Passover.

"The youth artists are encouraged to submit designs that reflect their daily lives as children of servicemembers but may not feature “religious symbols, overtly religious themes.” The contest rules state entries “must be consistent with the image and values of Sponsor”, Jill Biden." . . .

. . ."In addition to barring religious themes on the Easter eggs, political, racist, obscene or discriminatory content is also barred, as is content disparaging the sponsor, i.e., Jill Biden and the Biden administration. Surprisingly, the rules state descriptions of the entries “must be primarily in English.”. . .

"The Submission must not contain material that promotes bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age;

"The Submission must not contain material that is unlawful, in violation of or contrary to the laws or regulations of the United States or of any jurisdiction where Submission is created.

"The Submission must not promote illegal drugs or firearms (or the use of any of the foregoing), or any activities that may appear unsafe or dangerous;

"The Submission must not include any questionable content, religious symbols, overtly religious themes, or partisan political statements;". . . You mean like Easter or Passover?

"The contest also apparently bans any Hunter Biden themed eggs: “The Submission must not promote illegal drugs or firearms (or the use of any of the foregoing).”   Wouldn't dream of it.

On Confronting the Iranian Regime

  Majid Rafizadeh: Gatestone Institute  

Iran had their way with Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama and - so far - Joe Biden. Lets see, what do the three of them have in common?

"Any evaluation of the Biden administration's policy towards the Iranian regime (and towards the Palestinians) reveals a failure: the deadly Western miscalculation that "being nice" will be reciprocated."

The Biden administration's reluctance to robustly respond to the rogue Islamist regime of Iran apparently only reinforces the inclination of Iran's political and military leadership to inflict more harm. In 1988, President Reagan launched Operation Praying Mantis, which retaliated against Iran for its attack on a U.S. Navy ship, sent a strong message to Iran, and reduced the threat posed by Iranian naval forces in the Persian Gulf

"Any evaluation of the Biden administration's policy towards the Iranian regime (and towards the Palestinians) reveals a failure: the deadly Western miscalculation that "being nice" will be reciprocated. In the culture of the Middle East, that simply does not work. Instead, one is looked on as a gullible sucker or juicy "mark," like a jolly drunk at a strip club.

"As Osama bin Laden pointed out, especially for his region, "When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse."

"Former U.S. Army General Jack Keane recently noted that many possible targets are already on "the list" and suggested taking out the military installations that have been launching such attacks. Other possible responses floated include sinking Iran's spy ship currently in the Red Sea and taking out Iran's military communications systems.

"If Iran itself is not made to pay a price, it will simply continue using its proxies to escalate aggression and take the hits. After all, that is why Iran has proxies in the first place.

Recall when Ron Paul ran for office he said, "If we are nice to Iran they will be nice to us"? Like if we give our lunch money to the school bully, he won't beat us up. TD

"Dr. Majid Rafizadeh is a business strategist and advisor, Harvard-educated scholar, political scientist, board member of Harvard International Review, and president of the International American Council on the Middle East. He has authored several books on Islam and US Foreign Policy." 

Biden finally admits border isn't secure, believes 'massive changes' needed: 'I'm ready to act'

 NY Post (   "Tell us something we don’t know, Joe.

"President Biden told reporters Friday that the US-Mexico border is not secure — contradicting Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas — after endorsing “massive changes” in immigration policy.

“ 'No, it’s not,” Biden said when asked whether the frontier was secure following remarks to a bipartisan group of mayors in the White House East Room.

"During his speech, the 81-year-old Biden said he hoped for Senate negotiators to announce a compromise next week on border policy as part of a broader $106 billion supplemental spending request that would also finance military aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.

“I believe we need significant policy changes at the border, including changes in our asylum system to ensure that we have the authorities we need to control the border. I’m ready to act,” the president said.  [as opposed to three years ago when Biden "acted" by opening the border to millions]. . .

"Current administration policy allows nearly all migrants who illegally cross the border to enter the US to await backlogged asylum proceedings, entitling them to work permits after an initial wait period.

"Soon after taking office in 2021, Biden ended former President Donald Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy, which required most asylum seekers to await their case rulings while remaining south of the border.

"Mayorkas, whose Department of Homeland Security administers border policy, outraged Republicans in the spring of last year by repeatedly claiming “the border is secure” as record numbers of foreigners crossed illegally.

"Despite apparently disavowing Mayorkas’ claims, Biden defended his DHS chief when asked about House Republican efforts to impeach and remove him, telling reporters Friday that “I don’t get it.” . . .

ANALYSIS – Harvard Jewish Student Antisemitism Lawsuit

 Legal Insurrection (

The third in a series of lawsuits against NYU, then Penn, and now Harvard, each alleging reprehensible antisemitism by school faculty and students, and anemic, if any, response by school administrators

. . ."You can review the NYU Complaint here, and please read the whole thing, but check out this excerpt:

NYU has not “addressed and ameliorated” campus antisemitism, as the university committed to do three years ago. In fact, shockingly, NYU has done the opposite—it has deliberately sought to burnish its antisemitic credentials and make the campus environment even more hostile and frightening for Jewish students. For example, on October 9, just two days after the horrific terrorist attack in Israel, NYU announced the appointment of Eve Tuck to establish a so-called “Center for Indigenous Studies” at NYU. Professor Tuck, who has a long history of anti-Israel statements, wasted no time praising the murder of Jews. Four days after the Hamas massacre, she called the “Palestinian resistance” “life and future affirming,” and two weeks later, signed a viciously antisemitic open letter defaming Israel. NYU did not censure or terminate Professor Tuck—as it has done for far less egregious conduct where antisemitism was not involved—but remained silent for a month, when it belatedly issued a statement on her behalf purporting to condemn Hamas’s terrorism—which, given her previous statements, could not have been more disingenuous. 

1. Penn, the historic 300-year-old Ivy League university, has transformed itself into an incubation lab for virulent anti-Jewish hatred, harassment, and discrimination. Once welcoming to Jewish students, Penn now subjects them to a pervasively hostile educational environment. Among other things, Penn enforces its own rules of conduct selectively to avoid protecting Jewish students from hatred and harassment, hires rabidly antisemitic professors who call for anti-Jewish violence and spread terrorist propaganda, and ignores Jewish students’ pleas for protection. In doing so, Penn has placed plaintiffs and other Jewish and Israeli students at severe emotional and physical risk." . . .

Derek Chauvin’s imprisonment is a gross miscarriage of justice

 Bob Weir - American Thinker

Suppose you had to personally deal with the dregs of society, trying to break into your home, or accosting you and your family on the street.  Do you think you could fight off the muggers and the burglars by yourself?  If you continue to make cops afraid to do their job, you might be forced to find out.

The price this nation pays to please the Al Sharptons among us. TD
"One of the problems we face in our country is the common practice of many people giving opinions on things they know nothing about.  Police work is at the top of the list of things people comment about without a scintilla of experience in law enforcement.  Take the George Floyd fiasco, which became the perfect opportunity for left-wing, anti-police propaganda.  The arrest of a degenerate, drug-addled criminal, with a rap sheet that should have kept him off the street for decades, became the rallying cry for every lowlife radical with a hatred for the rule of law.  The photo of Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, with his knee on Floyd’s neck, was disseminated throughout the world, faster than the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center." . . .

. . ."Chauvin was a family man, an active cop with 19 years’ experience, and numerous arrests that took a lot of hardened criminals off the street.  Now he’s in prison, sentenced to 19 years for doing the job he was trained to do.  That’s right: the knee on the neck is part of the training in the Minneapolis P.D."

‘CALIPHORNIA’ Far-Left Marxist organization to train elementary school teachers in how to incorporate so-called ‘Palestinian narratives’ into public school classrooms

 Bare Naked Islam (   "A pro-Hamas activist group that previously downplayed the October 7th terrorist attacks against Israel will be training teachers in Oakland, California, on Saturday (1/20/24) to incorporate “Palestinian history, narratives, and culture into K-12 classrooms,” according to a parental rights group."

"Daily Wire (h/t Marvin W) According to a flyer shared with The Daily Wire by Parents Defending Education, the Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA) will be holding a Saturday training called “Palestine in Our Classrooms: Teaching to the Moment — 75 Years of Resistance, Resilience, and Sumood.”
"The training will take place from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. at an undisclosed location in Oakland at a cost of $25. Highlights of the training will reportedly include hearing “Palestinian and Arab Youth speak” on “the effects of invisibility and silencing,” “teaching Palestine through the arts — hip-hop to murals,” “multiple perspectives framework for teaching Palestine — focus on Gaza,” and “teaching about Palestine through stories — designed for k-5 educators.”...
The problem with Gaza explained in less than one minute as no Democrat or useful idiot in the media will 

Kudos to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.  "RFK, Jr. Just increased the number of potential death threats he’ll get for telling the truth about Gaza just as he’s already been doing about the Fauci Cabal. Any wonder why Crooked Joe won’t give him Secret Service protection?"

Kamala Enjoys Finally Being Smartest Person In The Room

  Babylon Bee

. . ."My, my, my how the turntables have… done what they have done," Harris said as she presided over a room full of her intellectual inferiors for the first time. "As bearers of knowledge, we must know and bear the type of knowledge that carries around the world to other carriers and bearers of knowledge. It is only at that time that we will know our knowledge. Knowledge is knowing things."

"The hosts of The View were amazed as they sat around the Vice President and listened to her brilliant rhetoric. "We heard she was a smart cookie, but now we've experienced it firsthand," said longtime host Joy Behar. "She ran mental circles around us. This woman exhibits true leadership in every aspect, from declaring the southern border secure to admitting she's ‘scared as heck' of Donald Trump winning the election, her wisdom is what we all look to. Our panel can't hope to compete with that." . . .

Friday, January 19, 2024

Biden holds America hostage

  Don Surber (

"I cannot think of one major city run by a white Republican. If you call yourself a sanctuary, then you have no choice but to take everyone in. But if making Democrats keep their word is racist, so be it."

"CNN reported, “Schumer optimistic leaders will reach agreement on border, Ukraine funding following Biden meeting.”

"Democrats and RINOs made it clear that protecting Ukraine’s border is more important than protecting America’s border from an invasion for 10 million or more terrorists, drug mules, Red Chinese spies, gangbangers and welfare cases.

"Schumer said, “There are a couple of people in the room who said let’s do the border first — we said we have to do both together in the Senate. The president himself said over and over again, that he is willing to move forward on border.”

"Willing to move forward?

"That’s not what the facts say. In Texas, Biden and his goons want Governor Greg Abbott to quit protecting the state’s border with Mexico.

"NBC [The network of Joy Reid & Ali Velshi] reported, “Texas is refusing to comply with a cease-and-desist letter from the Biden administration over actions by the state that have impeded U.S. Border Patrol agents from accessing part of the border with Mexico.”

"Under Biden, Border Patrol agents are little more than Walmart greeters.

"The story continued, “In a letter to the Department of Homeland Security, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton rejected the Biden administration’s request for the state to cease and desist its takeover of Shelby Park, an epicenter of southwest border illegal immigration in Eagle Pass.”

"Paxton wrote, “Because the facts and law side with Texas, the State will continue utilizing its constitutional authority to defend her territory, and I will continue defending those lawful efforts in court.”

"Obama previously succeeded in getting the John Roberts Supreme Court to stop Arizona from enforcing federal law to protect its border. Texas is using state law." . . .

Rachel Maddow Earns Herself a BRUTAL Drew Holden Takedown With Claim MSNBC Can't Broadcast Untrue Things –


"Drew Holden taking MSNBC apart is a beautiful thing in general, but when he pinpoints a specific talking head? It's glorious.

"Especially when that talking head is Rachel Maddow who claimed she cut away from Trump's victory speech because she couldn't broadcast untrue things.". . .

Oh yeah; there was this too:

 ‘This Is Mostly A Protest’: MSNBC’s Ali Velshi Says Riots Aren’t Unruly As Building Burns Behind Him | The Daily Caller

Denver Hospital at Point of Collapse Due to Illegal Immigrants


"This will shock you, I know.

"Well, probably not, unless you are an advocate of the whole “sanctuary” phenomenon, which is based on the idea that kindness alone will suffice to ensure that opening the doors to every Tom, Dick, and Harry will turn out well for everybody.

"Denver isn’t exactly flooded by illegal immigrants by today’s standards. Only 36,000 have come through the city in the past couple of years, out of the 8-12 million Biden has been letting flood through the southern border.

"Yet still the city’s health care system is on the brink of collapse. Denver Health has been reducing the number of beds available and turning patients away because they have been providing over $130 million in uncompensated care to migrants.

"It turns out that the money isn’t unlimited, but the demands for it are.

Denver Health came close to breaking even last year after receiving millions of dollars in one-time donations, but executives say the safety net hospital needs more support if it’s going to continue operating as it has been — let alone meet the needs of Colorado’s mental health crisis and an influx of migrants.

The health system still is calculating its final 2023 numbers, but it appears Denver Health lost about $2 million last year, said Dr. Steve Federico, chief of government and community affairs.

Denver Health had ended 2022 about $35 million in the red, and the most recent year would have been significantly worse without a cash infusion of about $20 million from the state, Kaiser Permanente Colorado and private donors, he said. . . .

Biden, a Democrat, seems to forget Israel has been our friend and ally for decades

Netanyahu began his press conference by reading from a note he had received from the mother of a paratrooper who had died in Gaza: “So that we will know they did not fall in vain, destroy the evil,” she implored him.  Joel B. Pollak

 Surrender: Blinken Tells Netanyahu Israel Can't Defeat Hamas (   . . ."Netanyahu reportedly rejected the idea.

"NBC News reported Wednesday that Blinken, and Biden, are therefore trying to work around Netanyahu — the democratically-elected leader of Israel — in a departure from the Biden administration’s posture as the supposed defender of democratic ideals:. . ."

Biden Administration's 'Pathway' to a Palestinian Terror State :: Gatestone Institute   "By continuing to obsessively stick to the creation of a Palestinian state, the Biden administration is actually sending a message to Iran and its terror proxies that terrorism pays - that if they inflict more pain and casualties on Israel, the Americans will reward them with a state of their own next to Israel to facilitate their mission of continuing their Jihadist murder spree against Jews and finally obliterate Israel.

"The poll further showed that if presidential elections were held today, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh would receive 78% of the vote, as opposed to only 16% for Abbas.
The poll found that 64% of the Palestinians oppose the idea of a two-state solution, while 53% support a return to the "armed struggle" against Israel." . . .

Netanyahu Issues Veiled Rebuke to Blinken: Israel Will Achieve 'Complete Victory' (   "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a veiled rebuke to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Thursday night, pushing back against Blinken’s claim that Israel could not defeat Hamas in Gaza, and that it should accept a Palestinian state.

"Without naming Blinken specifically, Netanyahu criticized those who, he said wanted to tie Israel’s hands and said that Israel could not win.

"On Wednesday, reports emerged that Blinken had told Netanyahu last week that Israel would not succeed in destroying Hamas’s military capabilities — an assertion at odds with Israel’s ongoing military success, and strong Israeli public support for the war. Blinken and the Biden administration also want Israel to accept a Palestinian state as a condition of peace.

"At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Blinken told New York Times columnist Tom Friedman — a rabidly anti-Netanyahu opinion writer — that Israeli society, not the Arab nations, was the current obstacle to peace in the Middle East.

"The reaction from the prime minister’s office was defiant."

Grading Biden's Israel-Hamas War Response ( . . ."U.S. President Joe Biden’s approach to the Israel-Hamas war, especially his seemingly preternatural support for Israel, has been criticized across much of the U.S. political spectrum. An NBC News poll published Nov. 19 found that just 34 percent of registered voters approve of how Biden is handling the war. Many younger voters in particular are angry; and some Arab and Muslim Americans are telling pollsters they won’t vote for Biden in 2024 because of his stance." . . .

An Israeli preemptive strike against Hezbollah was averted early in the Gaza war, top official says  . . ."A month ago, The Wall Street Journal, reporting on the dramatic events of Oct. 11, said intervention by President Joe Biden was key to averting the strike. Israeli warplanes were in the air, awaiting orders, when Biden called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and told him to stand down, the report said, citing people familiar with the call.

"Eisenkot said loud objections raised by him and others during the Cabinet session were key to calling off the strike. At the time, he and former Defense Minister Benny Gantz, both opposition lawmakers, had just joined Netanyahu to help lead the war. Asked if their presence prevented a bad decision, he said: “Unequivocally.' ” . . .

UPDATE: The West's lethal error in the war against Israel - Melanie Phillips (  "In the current war in the Middle East, it’s a given that a distinction must be drawn between Hamas and the "ordinary" Palestinian Arab residents of Gaza.

"This distinction, however, is largely spurious.

"An article in The Washington Free Beacon that drew upon interviews given to Israeli TV by freed hostages has confirmed that ordinary Gazans were deeply involved in the Oct. 7 pogrom and subjected the hostages to cruelty, abuse and starvation.

"Nili Margalit recounted how Gazan "civilians, regular people" took her hostage at knifepoint in the Oct. 7 attack. Margalit said a "boy … 17, maybe 18 years old" and an "older man with the knife" broke down the door of her home in Kibbutz Nir Oz and forced her, barefoot and in pajamas, into a stolen golf cart.

"Margalit said she saw a "mob, thousands of people," including "women and children," pouring across Israel’s breached border with Gaza less than two miles away." . . .

We must remember God says Israel is the "apple of his eye".