Monday, September 28, 2020

Boston University professor is urged to resign for calling Amy Coney Barrett a 'white colonizer' who is using her two adopted Haitian children as 'props'

UK Daily Mail  "A Boston University professor is being urged to resign after saying Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett was a racist ‘white colonizer’ for adopting two black children from Haiti and using them as ‘props’. " ‘Some White colonizers “adopted” Black children,’ Kendi wrote on Twitter. ‘They “civilized” these “savage” children in the “superior” ways of White people, while using them as props in their lifelong pictures of denial, while cutting the biological parents of these children out of the picture of humanity.’ " . . .
"The charge was leveled at Judge Barrett - a devout Catholic who has five biological and two adopted children - on Saturday by Ibram X. Kendi, a professor of history and the director and founder of Boston University's Center for Antiracist Research.
"As sad as it is, dividing people along racial lines, promoting discord for dollars, and dedicating your professional existence to grievance mongering is an extraordinarily lucrative business. Just ask America’s latest racism expert, Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, whose nonsensical suppositions (like: there are no non-racist beliefs, only racist and anti-racist ones) have landed him large checks from guilt-ridden white liberals in media:" . . . 

The ResurgentIbram X. Kendi’s Gross Take on the “Racism” of Interracial   Adoption  "Race-hustling is still race-hustling even if it comes with a PhD and the air of sophistication." . . .

"Another Twitter user wrote: ‘You should show us where in our society some non-Racism has been achieved so at least we have something to move forward toward. 

" ‘Instead you give us racism as the fundamental element of all human interaction in our society while you enjoy success at the pinnacle of the status quo.’

"Podcaster Katie Herzog tweeted: ‘My first act as an anti-racist will be sending my black son back to the orphanage.’ 

"Journalist Glenn Greenwald, who is an adoptive parent of children of color, tweeted: ‘Adoption is one of the most beautiful things that exists in the world, and while - like everything, including biological families - it can foster abuse, casually insinuating that for adoptive parents is despicable.’ "

Major League Baseball Spreads Far-Left Black Lives Matter Propaganda on Social Media

 <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The message is loud and clear at Reds camp. <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#BlackLivesMatter</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; MLB (@MLB) <a href="">July 8, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Neon Nettle  "Major League Baseball has been spreading far-left Black Lives Matter propaganda across social media, with Twitter saturated with "woke" posts from players and the league alike.

"Dozens of radical-left posts have been emerging from MLB in an apparent show of support for the Marxist BLM group.

"In 2016 and 2017, pro baseball escaped from much of the anthem kneeling controversies by avoiding pressure from the woke mobs.

"If the league’s Twitter account is any indication of where baseball is heading, however, that seems to be coming to an end.

"MLB’s Twitter feed is filled with tweets celebrating Black Lives Matter that have been given the seal of endorsement with official posts and re-tweets from the league.

"Although baseball had some that took a knee during the anthem over the years since former NFL player Colin Kaepernick began protesting during games in 2016, the protests largely went unobserved in Major League Baseball." . . .

A new low: At least Democrats didn't attack the Kavanaugh children; but Judge Barrett is another story.


The fight to confirm Amy Comey Barrett is a fight over the role of the Supreme Court

"Democrats, especially the media wing of the Democrat Party, (CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, NY TIMES, Wash Post, etc.) will attack Judge Amy Coney Barrett because they believe she will be a vote to overrule Roe v. Wade/Planned Parenthood v. Casey. 

"She will also clarify and define the role of the Supreme Court to apply the Constitution as written (Originalism) and statutes as written (Textualism).

"Abortion is now the religion and sacrament of the Democratic Party. It is difficult to understand in a rational manner why the Democrats have this obsession to kill the unborn.

"Democrats lie that overruling Roe means that abortion will be illegal. Remember Teddy Kennedy’s outrageous, unfounded smear against Judge Robert Bork:" . . .

Amy Coney Barrett and the Zealots  . . . "Now, you may take issue with, let’s say, medieval man’s conception of Truth, but the logic is airtight. Consider: If Marxism is essentially false, what’s most significant: that we call it “secular” or that it’s untrue? If God is real, what’s most significant: that belief in Him is labeled “religious” or that it is true?"

This was all covered ad nauseum back with JFK. As is said in court: "asked and answered".

They'd prefer Justice Britney Spears  "Vanessa Grigoriadis, ace reporter for the New York Times, Vanity Fair, and Rolling Stone, publicly stated what many other journalists believe: that Judge Amy Coney Barrett is unfit to serve on the Supreme Court because she has 7 children under 20." . . ."By the way, Justice Antonin Scalia had 9 kids. Liberals didn't say that disqualified him. They ought to apply that standard to women, too." . . .

Race Hustler Al Sharpton Singles Out Barrett’s Adopted Black Children…. . . "If you thought liberal journalists and hosts were ugly to Brett Kavanaugh, you haven’t seen anything yet. Minutes after Donald Trump finished nominating Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court on Saturday, MSNBC speculated on secret coded messages the President was sending to racists. If that wasn't enough, race hustler Al Sharpton even disgustingly singled out Barrett’s children. 
"Using the nominee’s two adopted Black children as some sort of prop, Sharpton sneered, “Not to mention, that was the least diverse audience I've ever seen in around announcement like this. I looked around — I was glad her two kids did come out, I couldn't find too many other people of color in that audience.” (Newsbusters)

Former Trump Campaign Manager Hospitalized Over Mental Health Incident


. . . “ 'Brad Parscale is a member of our family and we all love him,” Tim Murtaugh, Director of Communications for the Trump campaign, said in a statement. “We are ready to support him and his family in any way possible. The disgusting, personal attacks from Democrats and disgruntled RINOs have gone too far, and they should be ashamed of themselves for what they’ve done to this man and his family."

"While people prayed for his health on Twitter, many leftists did not. 

“ 'F*** Brad Parscale,” wrote Florida Democratic congressional candidate Bob Lynch. “The business of separating innocent refugee babies from their parents, stripping women’s rights, selling our country to the Russians, and on and on should take a toll. It sure did on those innocent families. Killing is Trump/DeSantis’ business.' ” . . . More Democrat vitriol here.

Trump's demoted campaign manager Brad Parscale is hospitalized after 'barricading himself in his home with a gun and threatening to harm himself – amid probe into him STEALING from President's 2020 fund'  . . . It is understood Parscale has since been taken to Broward Health Medical Center under the Baker Act. That allows families to provide mental health services and temporary detention for people who are impaired because of their mental illness.

"Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh said: 'Brad Parscale is a member of our family and we all love him. We are ready to support him and his family in any way possible.' 

"He added: 'The disgusting, personal attacks from Democrats and disgruntled RINOs have gone too far, and they should be ashamed of themselves for what they’ve done to this man and his family.' "

Parscale had been increasingly sidelined in the weeks before his removal. Rather than parting ways completely, Parscale was retained in part because of the difficulty the campaign would have faced in rebuilding its digital advertising operation so close to the November 3 general election. 

Here’s How Minnesota Republicans Are Responding To Riots

"As Minnesota reels from the violence on its streets in Minneapolis and St. Paul in recent months, the state’s Republicans need to offer a better alternative if they are to succeed in November. White House Correspondent Anders Hagstrom sat down with Elliott Engen, a Republican candidate for the Minnesota State Legislature, to discuss the unrest in Minnesota and how Republicans are planning to respond to it. Last month, a Black Lives Matter activist recently elected to the Minnesota House of Representatives threatened to burn down homes in Hugo, Minn., which is in Engen’s would-be district. (RELATED: BLM Protestors In Seattle Call On White People To Give Up Their Homes) “We coming. We coming for everything that you motherfuckers took from us. We coming for them [congressional] seats, we coming for the money you owe us. This whole goddamn state burned down for 20 goddamn dollars, you think we give a fuck about burning Hugo down?” the activist, John Thompson, said. Engen said Minnesota officials should support accepting help from the federal government in tamping down violence, saying Trump’s sending of the Minnesota National Guard greatly contributed to the decrease in violent riots across the Twin Cities."

The NYT confirms President Trump was telling the truth about being under audit

 Twitchy  "The New York Times is out with a huge scoop and somehow obtained thousands

The Alpha Stelter

of tax returns for President Trump and related entities going back “more than two decades”:

The New York Times has obtained tax-return data extending over more than two decades for Mr. Trump and the hundreds of companies that make up his business organization, including detailed information from his first two years in office. It does not include his personal returns for 2018 or 2019. This article offers an overview of The Times’s findings; additional articles will be published in the coming weeks.

"So, who leaked it? The NYT said it was someone with legal access to the information:

All of the information The Times obtained was provided by sources with legal access to it. While most of the tax data has not previously been made public, The Times was able to verify portions of it by comparing it with publicly available information and confidential records previously obtained by The Times.

"This excerpt on how little the president paid in taxes over the past 15 years is what we’re seeing most blue-checks focus on right now, but. . .Full article here

Unlike Biden, Trump didn’t profit from his office: Jeff Carlson’s list of what Trump’s tax returns REALLY shows is SO BAD for Dems

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Delaware State University DENIES Joe Biden was a student after he said during town hall event that he 'got started' at the historically black college

 UK Daily Mail  "Joe Biden said last year that he kicked off his academic career at Delaware State University, a historically black university, but the institution has now denied that claim. 

"Biden made the declaration before the South Carolina Democratic primary - which he won by a landslide - during an October 2019 town hall event at Wilson High School in Florence 

" 'I got started out of an HBCU, Delaware State — now, I don’t want to hear anything negative about Delaware State. They’re my folks,' Biden told the crowd. 

"But a spokesperson for Delaware State University has now denied that the Democratic presidential nominee was a student at the school, The Washington Times reported  

" 'Vice President Biden did not attend DSU,' Carlos Holmes, Director of News Services, told the publication.

" 'However he was the Commencement keynote speaker in 2003 and [2016], and during the former he was awarded an honorary doctoral degree.' '

. . . "The high school was founded in 1866 by the Freedmen's Bureau for black children seeking an education after The Civil War's resolution. 

" has reached out to Delaware State University for further comment."

Mr. Biden cannot be believed anywhere, at any time. Picture the man giving a State of the Union address, or speaking from the Oval office during some significant event, or over your child's casket. TD

Biden Has Earned 11 Pinocchios From Fact-Checkers During Coronavirus Crisis

Watch how CNN interviews this Black Lives Matter supporter

 Proof positive Kamala Harris is a lying phony  "Even in a profession known for phoniness, Kamala Harris stands out as remarkably fake.  We expect politicians to lie — "what a beautiful baby!" — but we also expect them to be reasonably skilled at it.  Being unable to convincingly name a favorite thing takes a lot of experience in counterfeiting feelings.

"Yet, yesterday, in the softest of softball interviews on CNN, where she was asked about her various "favorites" — roast chicken is her "go-to" dish to cook (as if she spends a lot of time in time in the kitchen wearing an apron that says "kiss the cook") — she stumbled and revealed that she only pretends to listen to rap music.

. . .  "Watch below as very friendly CNN interviewer Angela Rye asks her to name "the best rapper alive."She answers, "Tupac" and gives that slightly hysterical laugh she uses all the time.

"Rye screws up her face and seems genuinely taken aback, saying emphatically, "He's not alive!' "

Speaking of CNN: Tucker Carlson Slams CNN And MSNBC For Encouraging Riots And Violence  "Following a grand jury’s decision in the Breonna Taylor case in Kentucky, a left wing mob rioted.
"Liberal media outlets like CNN and MSNBC have fanned the flame of unrest for months now, often sowing the seeds of misinformation to make America sound like an evil country.
"Last night, Tucker Carlson called out CNN for doing this repeatedly."
. . . 

"During his opening comments, Carlson played a soundbite of the wise words of Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron (R): “If we simply act on emotion or outrage, then there is no justice. Mob justice is not justice. Justice sought by violence is not justice.' ”…   Video

He then singled out CNN: “Look at yourself in the mirror CNN anchor, what are you doing,” he demanded rhetorically. “You know what you are doing, you are encouraging violence. Criticizing violence is, quote, ‘very politically loaded language?’ She’s scolding us? Really? That’s what they’re saying.' ”

The Four Young Men Who May Help Carry Our Nation through These Tough Times

Let's see what Sandmann, Rittenhouse, Williams, and Bentley are up to in 20 or 30 years.  Indications are that they will be responsible, respectable men who serve and protect in some fashion.  They have defiantly gone against the zeitgest.  Let's hope they set the standard for what is "cool" in the future 

American Thinker    "Many of the young people rioting today are not committed Marxist revolutionaries.  (There are large, powerful, dark forces behind the riots; the actual rioters are just political fodder.)  Many are rioting largely because it's considered by their peers and their influencers to be the cool, popular thing to do.  In that, they are the most recent iteration of the popular American "counterculture" that began in the mid-20th century and has traveled hand in hand with left-wing politics (and has, alarmingly, gained the upper hand in the popular culture)." . . .

"Now a new set of young men is showing a new direction, a new "cool."  Although they are unfamiliar with each other and rose to national prominence in different situations, similar themes run through their actions.  They are Nick Sandmann, who coolly stood his ground and maintained his dignity when verbally accosted in person by an antagonistic protester — and again when the media tried to paint him as the aggressor; Kyle Rittenhouse, who coolly protected himself under fire against a mob of criminals hell-bent on harming him during the Kenosha riot; and Brady Williams and Jarad Bentley, two high school football players who resolutely stuck up for their principles by carrying flags representing the police and firefighters onto the field before a game on September 11, despite knowing that punishment by their school's administration awaited them.  (Certainly, other examples exist, but these four exemplify the pattern.)

"They are not part of the coastal elites, but from flyover country: Sandmann is from Kentucky, Rittenhouse from Illinois, the other two from Ohio." . . .

. . . "Contrast them with the prancing hyper-sexuality of pop, rock, and rap stars, or the uninformed mumbling of professional athletes, or the neurotic, irrational demands made by movie stars.

"Better, contrast Sandmann, Rittenhouse, Williams, and Bentley with the perpetually angry, vicious, foul-mouthed, and unhinged Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters with their often disturbing appearances and antisocial contempt for order.  Which group's members are seeking goodness?  Which of them are likely to marry and raise families and teach their children to honor the nation and the rights of others?  These are not difficult questions.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Thinking of BLM as “White Progressives In Political Blackface.”

Here’s Why Black Lives Matter Is A Threat To African Americans  . . . "Typically, I do not engage in conversation with members of these groups because it typically doesn’t go anywhere once they find out that I’m not on the left. 

"But this time, one of the Black Lives Matter/Antifa activists approached me and we discussed police brutality and its impact on the black community. It was evident from the conversation that this young lady, who I nicknamed “Mandy,” had been indoctrinated into the Church of Progressivism as are many college-aged folks in Austin. 

In this video, I talk about the conversation between “Mandy” and myself and what it reveals about the national Black Lives Matter organization as a whole. "

Watch: Los Angeles BLM ‘Protesters’ Attack Car, Try to Pull Person Out of It  . . . "This needs to [be] prosecuted everywhere they are employing this dangerous tactic. While it’s clear the police are investigating whether the drivers hit people, can we even hope they are investigating the attacks on the drivers? That they’ll hold some these people responsible for the dangerous and harmful situations they are creating? It’s Los Angeles, so I don’t hold out too much hope." . . .

BLM does a website correction "Frankly, I am surprised that it took this long.  In other words, it's amazing that all of those Marxist and anti-family ideas sat on the Black Lives Matter website for so long.

"Well, BLM is changing its image, as Jason Whitlock wrote:

BLM's "what we believe" page originally exposed the movement's heavy Marxist influence. The page called for the disruption of the nuclear family. Let me quote it directly.

"We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and 'villages' that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents and children are comfortable."

That's a Marxist concept. Libby Emmons at The Post Millennial succinctly summarized the BLM agenda, writing that BLM "espouses Marxist principles of communal children and the demise of the family structure over American ideals of individualism and family unity."

People are finally looking beyond BLM's catchy slogan and evaluating the actual agenda. The agenda is Karl Marx's anti-God, pro-communism political theory. BLM scrubbed its "what we believe" page because smart people are distancing themselves from BLM. 

"Thank you Jason, for pointing this out." . . .

Friday, September 25, 2020

And so it begins –> WaPo already working hard to smear Amy Coney Barrett by tying her to sexual assault on college campuses

Twitchy   "We all knew this was coming but really, WaPo? They are struggling to find a way to accuse her of being a sexual predator so they are tying her to giving sexual predators a way out of getting in trouble on college campuses.

"You can’t make this up.

"Ok, that’s clearly not true because WaPo did. . . .

"Cue the ‘Barrett is responsible for ELEVENTY BILLION women being raped at colleges’ narrative …"

. . . "Exercising Rights To Delay Senate Action Generally

"Speaking at Length — In the absence of a unanimous consent agreement governing time to debate or cloture, a Senator who gets recognized to speak can speak at length.

"Objecting to Routine Consent Agreements — Any Senator may object to routine unanimous consent agreements, such as those to adjourn, to recess, to approve the Journal, or to dispense with the Morning Hour.  Forcing roll-call votes on routine motions to adjourn or recess would require Senators to come to the Capitol and also prevent the Senate from taking other action during the time that it would take for Senators to come to vote.

"New Legislative Day — If the Senate adjourns without a unanimous consent agreement providing for the handling of routine business at the beginning of a new legislative day, a new legislative day starts with the morning hour, a 2-hour period with a number of required procedures.  As part of the morning hour, any Senator could make a non-debatable motion to proceed to an item on the Senate calendar." . . .

Thank Dems for the Barrett nomination  "Among the reasons President Trump has reportedly decided to appoint Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court is that the Democrats already attempted to “Bork” her, but failed, and disgraced themselves in the process while elevating her public profile." . . .
"You can expect a lot of news reports over the next few days to re-run Sen. Dianne Feinstein  attacking Barrett’s Catholic faith in Barrett’s confirmation hearings to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals three years ago. It will not be a good look for Democrats if they reprise this attack, but I’m betting they won’t be able to help themselves. I hope Barrett quotes John F. Kennedy back to them.
. . . "P.S. Remember that Kamala Harris is on the Judiciary Committee. Chances she’ll grandstand bigly in the Barrett hearings: 100%."


 Powerline Blog   "Poll data, including data generated by my own organization, show that Americans draw a clear distinction between demonstrating and rioting. Large majorities have no problem with demonstrations, but strongly disapprove of riots, looting and arson.

"The problem is how to define what is going on around us. Democrats insist that protests are “mostly peaceful,” even as looting is rife and buildings are going up in flames. “Demonstrators” shut down highways, inconveniencing thousands and potentially endangering others’ lives. As time goes by, more voters are being convinced that what we are witnessing belongs largely in the riot category, rather than the demonstration category.

"This, I think, lies behind the AP-NORC Poll’s finding that Americans are souring on race-related protests:

The poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds that 44% of Americans disapprove of protests in response to police violence against Black Americans, while 39% approve. In June, 54% approved.

"While the AP doesn’t put it this way, those numbers mean that a plurality now disapproves of “protests in response to police violence,” whereas a majority approved of such protests in June. And this survey was conducted before the latest round of violence in Louisville and elsewhere.

"This shift is ominous for the Democrats:

Just 35% of white Americans approve of the protests now, while 50% disapprove. In June, 53% approved, while 34% disapproved.

"But disapproval of the riots is growing among all ethnic groups. Note that Latinos sympathize with rioters even less than whites, which helps to explain President Trump’s growing strength in that demographic:

Among Latinos, 31% approve, compared with 44% in June; 63% of Black Americans support the protests, down from 81%, with more now saying they neither approve nor disapprove.

"Nothing about this is surprising. Riots have never been popular, and Democratic Party happy talk about “mostly peaceful” assault, looting and arson isn’t fooling anyone. Watch for this trend to continue from now through Election Day."