Showing posts sorted by relevance for query alyssa milano. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query alyssa milano. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Poor Uncle Joe; they're piling on him now. Because he is white...and a man

At least by being a Democrat he should be spared the leftist lynch mob and the indignant celebrities like, for example, the camera-savvy Alyssa Milano. But, unlike the assembly of current leftists, he has been the one closest to being a normal, traditional Democrat politician.  Not altogether good in and of itself. TD

Joe Biden gets a sexual assault accuser of his own  "Over the years, we've cracked a few jokes about VP Biden, from his gaffes to his quick hands.
"Yesterday, we learned that a woman is accusing V.P. Biden of a little too much touching, or something like that.  Her name is Lucy Flores: . . .
. . . 
"Well.  Then she goes on the victim trip about surviving in a culture of "white men" and "machismo."
What can I say? 
"I believe that this entire incident speaks volumes about the modern Democratic Party.  My guess is that the party just does not want a white man named Biden on top of the ticket.  So the Dems are dropping this story now as V.P. Biden is contemplating a run for president.
"Who knows where this story will go or whether there is more coming?  In the meantime, President Trump must be watching and enjoying the show."

CNN, MSNBC Ignore Allegations Against Biden  . . . "The former vice president is currently leading in nearly every presidential poll."
Joe Biden's skin-crawling touching of little girls and grown women now an election issue  . . . "Unfortunately for Biden, he cannot deny this creepy behavior. There are plenty of videos and still shots of Biden, kissing, groping and putting his hands on children and grown women in public.

. . . "Only three days ago Politico reported Biden was the top choice of 29 percent of Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents surveyed in a Quinnipiac poll.
"Flores's accusation should be a game changer for touchy-feely Biden. Will the mainstream media give the man some call “gropin' Joe'' a pass?
"The liberal website insists the MSM will not cover for Biden.  In a March 29 article entitled "Flores isn't alone," the Vox writer states:
 ...It's no secret in Washington that Biden has touched numerous women inappropriately in public. It’s just never been treated as a serious issue by the mainstream press.
"Biden does have his defenders who view the unsolicited hair sniffing, touching and kissing as lovable and endearing. Dick Harpootlian, a South Carolina state senator and Biden supporter said this about his friend:
All of us who have been around Joe Biden — he hugs men, women and children. He is a hugger. That’s just the generation he comes from, and that’s his personality. You shouldn’t read anything into it other than he was doing what he has done to me, to my daughter, to my wife, to Barack Obama.. . .
Looks Like It’s On: Elizabeth Warren Says Joe Biden Has To Give Answer For Allegation Of Inappropriate Touching  . . . So you would think that other Democrats would cheer that response, right? Believe all women? Not so much." . . .

"Who’s sabotaging Creepy Joe’s campaign?"  . . . "Kyle Smith is asking the correct question. Who is the beneficiary of Uncle Joe’s #MeToo demise?  The Clintons?   Bernie and the Socialistas?  The author of The Cut piece and their staff are clearly Bernie supporters. Or, even possibly, former President Obama and still Chief of Staff Valerie Jarrett clearing the way for their preferred candidate?" . . .
Let’s hope that whoever is exposing this corruption may continue to do so. Creepy Joe Biden has already been far too close to the most powerful job in the land than he should have been. He doesn’t need to get any closer.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Alyssa Milano seeking the cameras again

Recall her publicity shots at the expense of Judge Kavanaugh and, of course, his wife and two daughters?
Admired Hollywood heroine
Deplored by Hollywood

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Our Bankrupt Elite

Matthew Continetti at NR

Actress Lori Loughlin (left) appears at a hearing at the federal courthouse in Los Angeles, Calif
. . . "Lessons? Here are two. First the good news: We are shocked by the actions of these parents precisely because there is so little corruption in America. If the problems were as systemic as some on the Internet believe, they would hardly raise such an outcry. Denizens of countries where bribery is a way of life look at us and say, “Amateurs.”

"The second lesson is not as comforting. Operation Varsity Blues is further evidence of the bankruptcy of American elites. For over a decade now, the legitimacy of elites in politics, foreign policy, central banking, journalism, religion, and economics has crumbled as reality failed to match their rhetoric. Education is the latest sphere where elites have betrayed our country’s institutions and our country’s people by using wealth and connections to rig the rules of the game.

"The scandal also points to the flagrant hypocrisy of Hollywood liberalism. No class is more moralistic, more hectoring, more obnoxiously activist than the Hollywood Left. They barrage Americans with displays of their virtue, their calls to humanitarianism, their paeans to multiculturalism and feminism, their slanders of President Trump, Vice President Pence, Republicans in general, and conservatives in particular. And they have great sway in national politics. A Democrat’s future depends on the beneficence of Hollywood donors — donors who were well represented among the individuals charged in Operation Varsity Blues.

"The entertainment-industry liberals talk a good game. But look at their actions. . ."

Read also: Justice for Smollett versus justice for Loughlin

I still recall the image of actress Alyssa Milano, getting some great publicity by choosing the ideal place to sit in the Kavanaugh hearings. Her self-righteous glare giving her plenty of coverage at the expense of the Judge and his family. TD

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Hollywood YUUUGE Loser in Georgia Sixth

"In actuality, I submit that what angers them most is that Trump is not interested in them.  He is interested in the actual working class, which they disdain. " . . .
Image result for hollywood trump haters cartoons

PJ Media  "As a resident of Hollywood, CA, I didn't exactly see crying in the streets, but I did "feel their pain," as the saying goes.

"According to (where else?) Variety, the local entertainment industry went in big time in support of Jon Ossoff, the jejune sometime documentarian, in his quest to win the election in Georgia's sixth congressional district.
Rosie O’Donnell [ je suis shockay], Jane Fonda, Jessica Lange, Sean Daniel, Connie Britton, Sam Waterston and Kyra Sedgwick are among those who have donated to Democrat Jon Ossoff’s campaign, while others have been participating in phone banks to get out the vote and a few, like actress Alyssa Milano, have volunteered to go door to door in the suburban Atlanta district.
"Will these moral narcissists talk with Ossoff again, now that he has lost by a solid margin, more than predicted, failing to do any better than Hillary against their Public Enemy #1  (Donald J. Trump) despite having by far the largest war chest in American congressional history, nine times bigger than his opponent's?

"I would think not.  These celebs have better things to do behind the walls of their twenty-million-dollar mansions, especially now that, thanks to Trump, although they would never acknowledge it in a million years, their already fat stock market portfolios have grown roughly 17% since Donald was elected." . . .
"Their boy . . . Ossoff lost more substantially than expected in an upscale part of Georgia elitists should win. Enough of the Trump bashing.  Start thinking about how to make the country better.  Come up with some policies that make sense. Then maybe you'll start winning again."

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Hollywood loves Joe Biden because it's kind of like Joe Biden

The bottom line is that these hypocrites know they make lots of money doing nothing of any real importance.  So they want to feel important by lecturing us on how to live.  They are attracted to the redistributionist polices of the left to assuage their conscience about the money they make for the relatively insignificant work they do.


 J. Marsolo  "I use the term "Hollywood" to refer to the numerous actors, actresses, singers, and other entertainers such as the NFL and NBA — and also the media, which are a major wing of the Democratic Party.  All of these loudly, openly, and obnoxiously support Joe Biden.

"Why do they support a corrupt, lying career politician who has never had a real job in the private sector but has been on the public payroll for 47 years enriching himself and his family?

"Let us be honest.  Actors read lines written by others, make faces, and change their voices to suit the scene.  Some singers write their own songs.  But again, most sing tunes written by others.

"Athletes such as basketball and football players are born with gifts of physical ability that they hone to play sports.  They can run, jump, catch and throw a ball, and dribble and shoot a ball.

"What does any of the above qualify these people to lecture us on abortion, immigration, and who to vote for for president?

"They "entertain."  There is nothing wrong with entertaining us, but do we need them to lecture us?

"Hollywood comprises a bunch of phony hypocrites who earn more than they ever dreamed they could.  They live in mansions, drive expensive cars, and have no regular real contact with normal working Americans.  They have not invented or improved any machines, products, medicine, or other items that enhance our way of life.

"For example, every day, we get lectured by Rob Meathead Reiner, Barbra Streisand, Alyssa Milano, etc.  The worst is Hanoi Jane Fonda, who laughingly told us that the China virus is a gift from God to the left.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Democrats And Leftists Will Be Giving At Least Six Separate Responses To Trump’s State Of The Union Address

Weasel Zippers

"Gee, they really are desperate, aren’t they?
In case you have an insatiable desire for liberal hand wringing, Democrats and leftists have scheduled at least six individual responses to President Donald Trump’s state of the union address Tuesday night.
Democratic Rep. Joe Kennedy (yes, those Kennedys) will be giving the Democratic Party’s official response immediately following the conclusion of the president’s speech, right from the heartland in Kennedy’s home state of Massachusetts.
¿No habla inglés? No problemo. Virginia Del. Elizabeth Guzman will give the Democrats’ official Spanish-language response, although it’s not clear how her message will differ from Kennedy’s.
The rock star declares:

Millionaires plan People's State of the Union speech  "Fox News reported, "A group of Hollywood elites, progressive groups and social activists are planning a People’s State of the Union as a public alternative on the eve of President Donald Trump’s first State of the Union address.' "

"The news channel listed the celebrities as Michael Moore (net worth $50 million), Mark Ruffalo (net worth $20 million), Alyssa Milano (net worth $10 million), Rosie Perez (net worth $8 million), and Whoopi Goldberg (net worth $45 million).

"Now granted, we have a billionaire president, but the people elected him to speak for them.

"No one elected Michael Moore dog catcher." . . .

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Hollywood Celebrities Attack Conservative Women Speaking at RNC: ‘Barbies,’ ‘A**holes’

Nothing irritates an elite Hollywood left-winger quite like a strong, successful conservative woman.
"Hollywood stars took their knives out for the Trump-supporting women who spoke during the third night of the Republican National Convention, singling out Kayleigh McEnany, Kellyanne Conway, Karen Pence, Marsha Blackburn, and even Catholic nun Sister Deirdre Byrne for mean-girl attacks and insults.
"Celebrities including Mia Farrow, Alyssa Milano, and professional Trump haters Rosie O’Donnell and Kathy Griffin launched their social media attacks Wednesday evening as the RNC paid tribute to women who have made a mark on U.S. history, including Susan B. Anthony and the suffragettes who secured women’s right to vote.
"Mia Farrow insulted Trump-supporting women by saying they all look alike and resemble “Barbies.' ” . . .

Saturday, January 6, 2018

The 20 Most Annoying Liberals of 2017 (15th Annual)


The 20 Most Annoying Liberals of 2017 (15th Annual)

"Honorable mentions: Bill Clinton, Cher, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Stephen Colbert, Carmen Yulín Cruz, Lauren Duca, Lena Dunham, Keith Ellison, Jill Filipovich, Al Franken, Kirsten Gillibrand, Al Gore, Al Green, Kamala Harris, Chris Hayes, Jemele Hill, Eric Holder, Jesse Jackson, Van Jones, Tim Kaine, Steven King, Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher, “Chelsea” Manning, Chris Matthews, Alyssa Milano, Ed Murray, Tariq Nasheed, Keith Olbermann, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Ben Rhodes, Linda Sarsour, Chuck Schumer, Starbucks, Brian Stelter, George Takei, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, The View, Joan Walsh, Wil Wheaton, Montel Williams, Sally Yates, Mark Zuckerberg (2016 list)"
. . . 
"13) Sheila Jackson Lee / Maxine Waters: Both of them are embarrassingly dumb for members of Congress, yammer on about impeaching Trump and blame racism for every problem in their lives. They're basically indistinguishable idiots; so why not let them share a slot on the list?"
. . . 
"Defining Quote: "Whether we realize it or not, most men hate women." -- Sally Kohn"
. . . 

Friday, April 3, 2020

Pelosi and Schumer, get out of the President's way and let him run the country

*Amid the confusion, fear, and uncertainty surrounding the outbreak of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic in the United States, one thing is obvious: this country is astonishingly fortunate to have Donald Trump as our president.
Unhinged: Pelosi Claims She Knew About Coronavirus Threat, Defends Prioritizing Impeachment…
"Is that why she dozed off while Trump addressed coronavirus during the SOTU?"

"You may recall that the most dangerous place on earth, Bob Dole wisely observed, is between Chuck Schumer and the TV cameras".
“If you spent less time on your ridiculous impeachment hoax … and instead focused on helping the people of New York, then New York would not have been so completely unprepared …. You have been missing in action, except when it comes to the “press.”

But the left never gives up:
Pelosi Forms Committee to Investigate Trump Handling of Coronavirus Pandemic
"Committee focus supposed to be on spending of stimulus funds, but has broad enough scope and subpoena power to turn into another impeachment-style fiasco in the middle of a national crisis."

*President Trump Stands Tall
Amid the confusion, fear, and uncertainty surrounding the outbreak of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic in the United States, one thing is obvious: this country is astonishingly fortunate to have Donald Trump as our president. . . .
. . . In stark contrast, national Democrats and national liberal media figures look small.  Chuck Todd of NBC tried to toss poor Joe Biden a softball by asking him if "Trump has blood on his hands for his initial slowness to react to the crisis."  Once he understood the question, even Biden wouldn't agree with Todd.  But rather than acting like a statesman — an American statesman — and publicly supporting the president, Biden has instead either been silent (offering nothing constructive or supportive) or made 8th grade–style snarky criticism from the safety of his unaccountable sidelines.  Biden has confirmed his smallness. . . 

The bottom line of all this: The greatest worry of most journalists and other Democrats is not the virus, it is that Trump might win reelection
We must place our country into the hands of those who love this nation, not those who are the choice of Bett Midler, Maxine Waters, AOC, Rashida Tlaib, Bill Maher, Mazie Hirono, Nancy Pelosi, Megan Rapinoe and most of the US Women's soccer team, Stephen Colbert, anyone now at CNN and MSNBC, Alyssa Milano, Headhunter Griffin, Robert DeNiro and, well... you can name many others, can't you?  The Tunnel Dweller

Sunday, March 31, 2019

My uncontrollable sobbing while watching 'Unplanned' scared my wife

Honestly, I am amazed that Pure Flix was able to get Unplanned into so many theaters, knowing how hotly opposed this movie will be. In fact, I have learned that the number rose from 900 to 1,100 theaters (at last report) due to popular, advance demand. I also heard that one theater canceled the showing but had to reinstate it after a local outcry.
A scene from "Unplanned," in theaters March 29, 2019.
Michael Brown  "This weekend, history will be made as the Unplanned movie will open in more than 1,100 theaters across the nation. And you can expect the backlash to be intense. And I mean very intense. The foundations of the pro-abortion movement, in particular, those of Planned Parenthood, will be challenged. Evil will be exposed and hope will be exalted.
"By all means, make your plans to flood the theaters this weekend, not just for your own benefit, but to help send a message to the movie industry that this movie needs to be seen. That means it needs to be widely available.

"If you’re not familiar with the background to Unplanned, it tells the real-life story of former Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson, who is now a pro-life champion.
. . . 
"Without giving anything away, let’s just say that an important scene in the movie occurred earlier than I expected. (For those concerned about bringing children to Unplanned, first, there are far more graphic images of aborted babies found online than anything seen in the movie. Second, if your kids are old enough to have an intelligent discussion with you about abortion, they are old enough to see the movie.)
"As the scene unfolded – it is something witnessed at Planned Parenthood clinics every day of the week and it was scientifically fair and honest – I was completely overcome, sobbing uncontrollably. Yet there was nothing manipulative or contrived about the scene in the least. Just the simple reality of an abortion. And I lost it." . . .

If you see the movie rated "R", this is why.

A scene from the movie "Unplanned"
'Unplanned' is a movie the radicals do not want you to watch  . . . "Then there was the testimony of former abortion clinic worker Abby Johnson. While she testified forcefully at that hearing, her comments in a prior speech struck me the most. She had worked in a clinic for several years without being fully aware until one day she assisted in an ultrasound-guided abortion and could see directly on a monitor exactly what happens in the womb during a first-trimester abortion.   
“ 'Can you see the arms and legs? Yes,” she said. “Can you see the fingers and toes? Yes, absolutely. You see that baby’s heart beating. You see the whole baby on that screen.' ” . . .   

UPDATE: 'Unplanned' Actress Ashley Bratcher Had a Message for Hollywood on Their Threatened Boycott of Georgia Over Heartbeat Bill . . . "Bratcher, a Georgia native, addressed her letter to actress Alyssa Milano, who had spearheaded the boycott threat.
“ 'Mother to mother, actress to actress, and as a proud Georgian, I’ve got some things to say to you,” she wrote. “Hollywood may be silent on women’s rights but Georgia, the new home of the movie industry, is making its voice heard loud and clear. I’m incredibly proud of my home state for taking a stand in the fight for life amidst backlash and dubious threats.”
"Bratcher went on to reference her shocking personal story of recently discovering that she had almost been aborted.
“ 'I can’t help but think how you would feel in my shoes,” she wrote.
“ 'Having just learned months ago that my life was spared on an abortion table, it definitely put a few things in perspective for me. You had the privilege of being born in 1972. My generation was not so lucky. Over 61 million lives never reached their full potential. How many doctors, scientists, philosophers, and even actors like you and me, never had the chance to leave their beautiful marks on the world?' ” . . .

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Mississippi prof, who went to Georgetown Prep with Brett Kavanaugh, sues HuffPost

“Defendants’ statements were false, malicious and fabricated, and were published with a knowing, intentional, subjective awareness of, and/or reckless disregard of, their falsity,” Evans’ attorney, John Sneed, said. “Plaintiff has suffered damages as a result of the Defendants’ statements, including emotional distress and harm to his reputation.“
Alyssa Milano relishes the character assassination of Judge Kavanaugh
Clarion Ledger  "A Gulfport professor and advocate is suing the national news website HuffPost alleging defamation involving a September 2018 story on U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's days at Georgetown Prep school.
"Derrick Evans’ lawsuit was filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Gulfport against  HuffPost and its former journalist, Ashley Feinberg.
"The lawsuit said HuffPost and Feinberg repeatedly defamed Evans and friend Douglas Kennedy to a nationwide audience on multiple occasions in September 2018 by falsely asserting that they helped arrange the purchase and delivery of cocaine at Georgetown Prep that resulted in the April 1984 death of David Kennedy, Douglas’ brother and the son of the late U.S. attorney general and senator, Robert F. Kennedy.
“ 'These statements were not only false and defamatory, but outrageously so, and were published by defendants with knowledge of their actual falsity or in reckless disregard of the truth for the apparent purpose of creating a salacious story designed to drive internet traffic to HuffPost’s website,” the lawsuit said." . . .

The Kavanaugh family in a proud moment before they had to be taken out to protect them from seeing Democrats destroy their father. . .

... and seeing Democrats laughing at him while they do it. TD

Friday, January 24, 2020

‘American Hero’: Hollywood Sold On ‘Rockstar’ Schiff’s Impeachment Screenplay

Gabriel Hays  "Impeachment circus ringleader Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) may find his Hollywood screenwriting aspirations fulfilled after all.

"Many of tinseltown’s leading players have been so enamored with Schiff’s fictional impeachment arguments in the Senate trial that they are calling him a “rockstar,” an “American Hero,” and the key man for such an “historic moment.”
"Rabid Bernie supporter and once-relevant actor John Cusack revealed he’d drank the entire kool-aid punch bowl, heaping lavish praise on Schiff for taking a stand against GOP corruption. He tweeted, “@RepAdamSchiff I applaud you - the tremor in your voice matches the historic moment your describing - he’s angry - and rightfully so - We need to make the gop afraid of us - they are trying to coronate a king while killing the rule of law.”
"He added, “go straight to hell gop.” Whatever, John. Maybe you should worry about the establishment Dems who want to tank your guy for a more electable candidate. By the way, put your money where your mouth is. Use some of your $50 million net worth to pay off some student loans.
"Pro-abort activist and Charmed actress Alyssa Milano couldn’t resist some emotional leftwing grandstanding. She provided a resounding declaration on how well Dem Impeachment managers are presenting the farce. She tweeted, “This trial is a ‘great’ campaign ad for the 2020 Democratic ticket. If the @SenateGOP were smart, they would allow evidence and witnesses. Trump’s defense team can’t compete with what’s going down on record.' ” . . .

Hypocritical ‘News’ Media Have Done a Complete Flip-Flop on Impeachment
. . . "Do we really need more witnesses?" . . .

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Global warming, mental illness, and Greta Thunberg

Global warming, mental illness, and Greta Thunberg " . . .La Vagabonde will take roughly three weeks to reach Spain, where Thunberg hopes to arrive in time for the next round of United Nations-sponsored climate talks.
"Without a doubt, Thunberg's travels across North America, which included angrily lecturing world leaders at the United Nations, have gained her fame and notoriety. This is reminiscent of another child, anti-gun activist David Hogg, being elevated to celebrity status overnight. Both Hogg and Thunberg have been honored not because either has any insights, but because they are fresh faces useful in advancing leftist causes.
"Thunberg's case is the stranger of the two. Not only is she a child leading the man-made climate change parade, but a mentally ill one at that. As Thunberg herself has repeatedly stated, she suffers from Asperger's syndrome, classified as a mental disorder by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), along with several other mental conditions. 
"In Greta Thunberg's eyes, her mental illness is not an impediment to her analyzing the hard science behind climate. On the contrary, it's actually an asset. She cites one advantage of Asperger's syndrome is that it provides "remarkable focus and persistence." Or in Greta's case, could we perhaps say the 'remarkable focus' is an obsession?"  . . .

Obama to Greta: 'You and Me, We're a Team'  . . ."If she thinks Obama is on her team, she’s one of the most gullible and uninformed 16-year-olds in the world. Since she apparently knows little about his carbon-consumptive living, I will share that information here. According to TIME, following are a few of the lifestyle choices he made in the first five months after leaving the White House in January 2017, each of which speaks volumes about how seriously he takes his own feigned call for “each and every one of us” to make drastic cutbacks in the use of fossil fuels.' . . . Here are the cutbacks the Obama's have yet to make.
How does this sanctimonious man get away with such stunning hypocrisy?  He gets away with it because the corrupt mainstream media never call him out for consuming the unconscionable amounts of carbon energy needed to fuel his insatiable appetite for lavish living, the planet be damned.
Satire. Much like Schiff's version of Trump's phone call:  Impeachment Committee Calls First Star Witness Greta Thunberg
. . . " 'You have stolen my dreams and my childhood!" she shouted, pounding the table in front of her. The crowd began to get emotional, weeping and shouting and screaming at the sky all at once. "This is all wrong! I shouldn't be here. I should be back in school!"'Even Schiff himself shed a few tears and led the committee in a standing ovation for Thunberg's bravery. "I think we've heard enough. I declare Donald Trump impeached!" Sadly, Schiff was later informed that he couldn't simply declare impeachment."Thunberg concluded her testimony by shouting, "PEOPLE ARE DYING!" to thunderous applause."The committee is now expected to call on other star witnesses like Alyssa Milano, Jane Fonda, and Debra Messing."
Greta Thunberg Mural Equipped With Laser Eyes That Shoot At SUVs

Friday, May 17, 2019

The old "Clumps of Cells" trick.

Death Always Follows Democrat Policies  . . . We're no longer up against simple tax-and-spend Democrats; we're up against Democrats whose ideology — an amalgam of the worst mass-murdering and mass-suffering ideologies in world history — has made killers of our kids." . . .

American Thinker
About the cartoonist, Mike Harris.
Here is a link to Mr. Harris's political cartoons.

And here he is in Wikipedia
. . . Harris enlisted in the New York National Guard in 1986 as a 19D Cavalry Scout. He was selected for Officer Candidate School and was commissioned as an armored cavalry officer in 1988, and is proficient with a variety of small arms, armor weapons and demolitions. He is also a martial arts student, having studied judoaikidoTaekwondo, and T'ang Soo Do.[2] He has served in a variety of positions with the Army Reserve and National Guard, and was assessed to the Active Guard Reserve program in 2004. Harris has served combat tours in Iraq and continued to produce artwork for the Army informally while working in operational assignments. He retired from the Army in 2016, at the rank of lieutenant colonel, with 30 years of active and reserve service.
Previous TW post: Alyssa Milano's epic fail on sex strike for abortion driving her nuts

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Stacey Abrams says Georgia 'fetal heartbeat' bill 'bad for business'

The Washington Times

"Failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams said Sunday that a bill banning abortion as soon as a fetal heartbeat is detected would be “bad for business” in the state.

"The controversial bill, which would ban abortions as early as six weeks, is expected to be signed by Republican Gov. Brian Kemp. A campaign launched by actress Alyssa Milano and signed by more than 100 celebrities threatens to boycott the state if Mr. Kemp does not veto the bill.

"Ms. Abrams, who narrowly lost to Mr. Kemp in 2018 and is floating a possible 2020 presidential run, said on MSNBC’s “AM Joy” that the bill threatens the state’s booming film business.

" 'think Georgia has to realize that while we’re enjoying an extraordinary boom in the film industry, there is nothing that says it has to stay here,” she said. “We have to be a state that is not only friendly to businesses, we have to be friendly to the women who work in businesses.

“ 'You should not have to worry about your ability to controlling your bodily autonomy because the governor has pushed such an abominable and evil bill that is so restrictive,” she added. “It’s not only bad for morality and our humanity, it’s bad for business.' ”

Thursday, December 19, 2019

President Trump and Republicans stand between these people and us

Watch: Alyssa Milano, Katie Hill Headline L.A. Impeachment Rally: ‘Impeach the Motherf**ker!’
. . . "One man carried a rubber head of Trump on a pike. He told Breitbart News he wished it were the real thing." . . .

Trump Issues Perfect Response Following Impeachment Vote  "Late Thursday night, President Donald Trump reacted to the House impeachment vote with a meme on social media.
“ 'In reality, they’re not after me, they’re after you,” the text of the meme, which features a photo of the president, declares. “I’m just in the way.” . . .

At long last, this photo at right has real meaning:
. . . "Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii voted “present” on both articles.
“I could not in good conscience vote for impeachment because removal of a sitting President must not be the culmination of a partisan process, fueled by tribal animosities that have so gravely divided our country,” Gabbard explained, according to Fox News reporter Chad Pergram.
"While the House debated and voted on the articles of impeachment, President Trump spent his time at a rally in Battle Creek, Michigan, delivering on the same message.
" 'With today’s illegal, unconstitutional and partisan impeachment, House Democrats are declaring their deep hatred and disdain for American Voters,” he said. “This lawless and partisan impeachment is a political suicide march for the Democrat Party!' ” . . .

Tony Branco
It Looks Like Rashida Tliab Forgot About Her ‘Impeach the Motherf**ker’ Remarks About Trump  . . . "Russian collusion, which was exposed as a myth, was going to be their main line of attack before then-Special Counsel Robert Mueller submitted his report which torpedoed that narrative. They needed something else. It could be anything. When Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) took to the House floor to give her speech, she invoked how the chamber honors veterans daily and their devotion to service, urging the body to do the same when it comes to honoring their oaths and to defend the Constitution as Americans, not as Republicans or Democrats. That’s quite a call for unity, right? It’s also completely covered in crap. Tlaib’s remarks when she entered Congress in 2018 exposes this whole circus, the entire Democratic Party façade on impeachment. She declared that the new House Democratic majority was going to “impeach the motherf**ker.” I know it seems like several years ago, but there you go. This outburst and Rep. Al Green’s (D-TX) declaration that the Democrats have to impeach Trump in order to prevent his re-election reveal the Left's true intent. We’re impeaching a president because Democrats don’t like him; they hate him. None of the articles that are about to be voted on today meets constitutional standards." . . .