Saturday, March 16, 2019

Justice for Smollett versus justice for Loughlin

The spinning Wheel of Misfortune is fickle. Kathy Griffin and Roseanne Barr are gone for making bad jokes. Samantha Bee remains employed after calling the president's daughter the C-word.

Don Surber  "Jussie Smollett faces 16 charges for faking a hate crime. A Chicago judge set his bond at $100,000. He is still employed by the TV show, Empire.
"Lori Loughlin faces charges for cheating and bribing to get her daughter into a prestigious college. A federal magistrate set her bond at $1 million.
"Now I get the difference in bond.
"Smollett's case is local. Her case is federal because the complaint involves dozens of people in various states.
"But here is where the double standards apply." . . .

Well, Smollett has a two-fer in the Democrat assessment: black and gay. Loughlin is a woman, but white. Any public statements she makes would do well to begin with the words, "As a woman..."

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