Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Three things to watch for in Obama's Iraq address (Updated)

CNN  One question: "Q: Will Obama mention his predecessor? White House spokesman Bill Burton said that Obama called former President Bush from Air Force One and talked "for a few minutes" while he was en route to meet troops at Fort Bliss, Texas. Burton did not reveal what the two presidents discussed."

Obama's Iraq speech: Can he address opposite views of the war? " “Obama is in a terribly delicate position because he has to make his statement about Iraq in a way that does not contradict his previous stance that the war was a mistake, while at the same time balancing that against honoring the sacrifices of the men and women who served there,” says Wayne White, a former State Department intelligence officer specializing in Iraq. “It’s extremely difficult, and frankly I don’t see how it can work.” "

Obama's address tonight: It’s Time for Reality, Not Deadlines, in Iraq and Afghanistan

Heritage "Tonight President Barack Obama will deliver a prime-time Oval Office address on Iraq. Acting as President of the United States, the leader of a country, not a movement, tonight would be a perfect time for Obama to give due credit to those commanders who made the current progress in Iraq possible. He should thank General Ray Odierno, who implemented the counterinsurgency strategy that led to the dramatic decrease in violence in Iraq, General David Petraeus, who oversaw all coalition forces in Iraq during the surge, and President George W. Bush, who had the courage to explain the new strategy to the American people at a time when it was extremely unpopular to do so.
"Unfortunately, if the Weekly Address President Obama delivered from his rented vacation home on Martha’s Vineyard is any indication, none of that will happen."....
"As a candidate, Barack Obama could afford to indulge in irresponsible rhetoric about "ending" the war in Iraq without regard for the disastrous consequences of losing that war. But as President, Obama should act decisively as the nation’s commander-in-chief and protect vital American interests by successfully finishing the jobs in Iraq and Afghanistan." Emphasis added.

GIBBS: Obama Believed Surge Would Work; Voted Against It Anyway Fox video.

NY Times: Obama to Make 2nd Oval Office Speech " “I’m a general fan of how he’s handled the two wars,” said Michael E. O’Hanlon, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. “But if there’s a consistent weakness, it’s the episodic quality in how we hear from him about the wars. He temporarily engages.” "

Obama’s Iraq Speech Should Stress a Resolute U.S. Security Commitment "In both Afghanistan and Iraq, bolstering the security of local allies is crucial to the long-term success of U.S. policy in both regions and in the broader war against terror. And U.S. troops should be part of this effort for many years to come. As a candidate, Barack Obama could afford to indulge in irresponsible rhetoric about “ending” the war in Iraq without regard for the disastrous consequences of losing that war. But as President, Obama should act decisively as the nation’s commander-in-chief and protect vital American interests by successfully finishing the jobs in Iraq and Afghanistan."

 William Kristol:  A Note to the President  "When you speak to the troops [tonight] at Fort Bliss, and to the nation tomorrow night from the Oval Office, you speak, of course, as the president. As our president.
"You won't be speaking—not in these settings—as a once (and perhaps future) candidate for president. Nor as the leader of the Democratic Party. Nor as a critic of your predecessor's foreign policy. You are all of those things, of course—but it is not in those capacities that you speak to the troops at Fort Bliss, and to the nation from the Oval Office."

Our Schools, Dumb and Dumber (Updated)

Alan Caruba "The DOE is pretty much owned by the National Education Association which is not an “association”, but a powerful union, the largest with an estimated 3.2 members. The Democrat Party is heavily indebted to it for funds and campaign workers." Alan Caruba blogs at Warning Signs .

Education Secretary pushed employees to attend Sharpton rally "Anyone with any experience in the private sector of managing people would understand that already. An “invitation” from the boss to a political event amounts to an implied diktat and a strong hint on approved political affiliation in the workplace, and everyone knows it. As we have seen in other contexts, though, this administration is almost bereft of such experience. Instead, it’s comprised mainly of political hacks … like Arne Duncan." Hot Air Blog.

NEA's Politics : "Rules for Radicals".... Really??!? You can't be serious! "I have a huge problem with you recommending poisonous literature which overtly espouses Anti-American sentiments. Books like these have no place in education and as a member I DEMAND their removal from the recommended reading list for NEA organizers. See below:"
Rules for Radicals
Saul Alinsky, Vintage Books, 1989"
From the comments section of the NEA website. The original link appears to be deleted and this comment will probably disappear soon as well, ergo we have copied the text of the letter below for you:

"I have a huge problem with you recommending poisonous literature which overtly espouses Anti-American sentiments. Books like these have no place in education and as a member I DEMAND their removal from the recommended reading list for NEA organizers. See below:
Rules for Radicals
Saul Alinsky, Vintage Books, 1989
Organize for Social Change
Midwest Academy Manual for Activists
Third Edition, Kim Bobo et al, Seven Locks Press, 2001
If you insist on promoting this kind of subversive material I will rescind my membership in the NEA and actively convince others to do the same."
Our union should not be advocating the reading of this kind of material. In addition to being plain wrong it is divisive and inflammatory. This is a new LOW for the NEA which reinforces my sentiment that I am NOT proud of being a member of the NEA because their activism does NOT reflect my values. I will contribute to the union in my school district only on a "fair share" basis thus giving the minimum. This organization DOES NOT have the right to misuse the funds I give them for the support of twisted political views as expressed in the above listed books..... and so... I will no longer provide them with any financial support. The endorsement of these authors only serves to fuel some of the public opinions that we as teachers are "out of touch" and a bunch of wackos. It's just not helpful to our image. See the link for yourself:

High federal pay means less capital formation, lower wages and reduced innovation.

Forbes " It should also be remembered the perverse incentives that exist among federal workers. Not able to advance based on profits, and doing more with less, workers in the government succeed the more the bureaucracy they work for grows, the more lawsuits they win against private actors, the more regulations they impose, and the more fines/fees they lift from the increasingly empty hands of the average American taxpayer."    John Tamny is editor of RealClearMarkets, a senior economist with H.C. Wainwright Economics and a senior economic advisor to Toreador Research and Trading. He writes a weekly column for Forbes.

Consumers don't want to spend. They know his promise not to raise their taxes was another ObamaLie

Neal Boortz "Right now we have dozens of federal agencies that are working on more than 120 new rule-makings under ObamaCare and the wonderful financial overhaul bill. Businessmen have no idea what those new rules and regulations will entail. They've found out about the 1099 reporting debacle under ObamaCare. What's next? The rules aren't even written yet, and when they are written they will be crafted - if that's the word - by bureaucrats who have never hired a worker, met a payroll or developed a business plan in their entire lives ... and these businesses are supposed to answer Obama's battle cry for hiring and economic growth?"

MORE ON OBAMA'S SMALL BUSINESS "JOBS" BILL "Back to this small business bill. Obama came out swinging against the Republicans and their blockage of this bill. So there has to be a reason why the Republicans do not believe that this bill will not be the small business savior that the Democrats claim it to be."...Boortz

Obama's Appalling Mistreatment of Israel

David Limbaugh "As Israeli and Palestinian peace talks are scheduled to resume in Washington in a few days, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated that Palestinian recognition of Israel as the Jewish homeland is an essential condition for peace. Completely reasonable, yet don't keep your fingers crossed, especially with the Obama administration's attitude toward Israel."

On and on it goes: "The Mosque Controversy"

Thomas Sowell "The proposed mosque near where the World Trade Center was attacked and destroyed, along with thousands of American lives, would be a 15-story middle finger to America."....
"...Barack Obama is not so much the cause of our decline but the culmination of it. He had many predecessors and many contemporaries who represent the same mindset and the same malaise.
"There are people for whom moral preening has become a way of life. They are out in force denouncing critics of the Ground Zero mosque."
The mosque will be built; there is no way the backers will retreat before the world. Then they will say, "Praise the warrior Atta, he has brought down the World Trade Center and erected a mosque in its place!"

The Fox News connection to Ground Zero mosque "The Saudi prince whose post-9/11 relief check was rejected by former New York Mayor Rudy Guiliani has found a more willing recipient in the city for his millions: the head of the Ground Zero mosque project. The same Saudi potentate, Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, owns the biggest chunk of the parent company of the Fox News Channel outside of the Murdoch family."

 All Roads Lead to Ground Zero Mosque – Part 1  "Sperry’s WND.com piece goes on to unravel a tangle of connections between the Aspen Institute and the Cordoba Initiative, with the occasional link back to the George Herbert Walker Bush & chums. (See Part 2 tomorrow.)"

Monday, August 30, 2010

America — Behind the Mosque (Revised)

Victor Davis Hanson Children of the cognitive elite go to safe, enlightened and, for some, expensive schools, from kindergarten to the Ivy League or its liberal arts counterparts. Life is lived within safe, secure, fashionable, and enlightened neighborhoods.
"In other words, there is a cocoon around many of our culture’s most vocal critics. The elites of postmodern America, because of their education, own merit, hard work, connections, luck, or inheritance, have reached a point where they are largely exempt from worries about dangers to what I would call their good life — one that the vast majority of Americans, who otherwise do pretty well themselves, do not share."


Boortz "Why were liberals so upset with this huge gathering in Washington? Because they know that other than the president there is not one star in the liberal firmament who could come close to gathering this many people together in this way. No chance. No way, no how. This, of course, means that the conservative who can gin up a crowd like this must be demonized.
"And speaking of demonization ... what is the principal method of demonization used by the left? Race, of course! So the liberal noise machine was in full force last week trying to make this rally a slam on Martin Luther King, Jr."

 The malignant malice of Chris Matthews "Presently, the left is frantically rooting around in a political dumpster for their last grasp of discordant power. Race baiters are emerging from the farthest recesses of a refuse heap with a crumpled, stained race card firmly in hand. Racial strife is the last great hope of the likes of political pundits whose true "nightmare" is the exercise of Constitutional freedoms giving rise to the dream of which Martin Luther King spoke and the realization that that "dream" is hindered only by those like Chris Matthews, who fear its unifying power."

Ballplayer Albert Pujols 'a real-life hero' "Unlike those pathetic protesters who chose to profane local icon Stan Musial (who set the standard for community service by St. Louis athletes) by gathering at his statue, Albert Pujols and Tony La Russa have worked tirelessly to make their community and society in general a better place."
Subliminal Reduction at the Washington Post  "WaPo’s article about the rally carried a time stamp of 1:38 p.m., but the photo of a near empty crowd in front of the Lincoln Memorial clearly was taken long before the tens or hundreds of thousands of rally participants arrived. The caption says “Glenn Beck Rally Draws Thousands,” but the photo is not of the rally.  Subliminal deception."

The Intolerance of Tolerance

Stand to Reason "Tolerance of persons must also be distinguished from tolerance of ideas. Tolerance of persons requires that each person's views get a courteous hearing, not that all views have equal worth, merit, or truth. The view that no person's ideas are any better or truer than another's is irrational and absurd. To argue that some views are false, immoral, or just plain silly does not violate any meaningful standard of tolerance."