Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Our Schools, Dumb and Dumber (Updated)

Alan Caruba "The DOE is pretty much owned by the National Education Association which is not an “association”, but a powerful union, the largest with an estimated 3.2 members. The Democrat Party is heavily indebted to it for funds and campaign workers." Alan Caruba blogs at Warning Signs .

Education Secretary pushed employees to attend Sharpton rally "Anyone with any experience in the private sector of managing people would understand that already. An “invitation” from the boss to a political event amounts to an implied diktat and a strong hint on approved political affiliation in the workplace, and everyone knows it. As we have seen in other contexts, though, this administration is almost bereft of such experience. Instead, it’s comprised mainly of political hacks … like Arne Duncan." Hot Air Blog.

NEA's Politics : "Rules for Radicals".... Really??!? You can't be serious! "I have a huge problem with you recommending poisonous literature which overtly espouses Anti-American sentiments. Books like these have no place in education and as a member I DEMAND their removal from the recommended reading list for NEA organizers. See below:"
Rules for Radicals
Saul Alinsky, Vintage Books, 1989"
From the comments section of the NEA website. The original link appears to be deleted and this comment will probably disappear soon as well, ergo we have copied the text of the letter below for you:

"I have a huge problem with you recommending poisonous literature which overtly espouses Anti-American sentiments. Books like these have no place in education and as a member I DEMAND their removal from the recommended reading list for NEA organizers. See below:
Rules for Radicals
Saul Alinsky, Vintage Books, 1989
Organize for Social Change
Midwest Academy Manual for Activists
Third Edition, Kim Bobo et al, Seven Locks Press, 2001
If you insist on promoting this kind of subversive material I will rescind my membership in the NEA and actively convince others to do the same."
Our union should not be advocating the reading of this kind of material. In addition to being plain wrong it is divisive and inflammatory. This is a new LOW for the NEA which reinforces my sentiment that I am NOT proud of being a member of the NEA because their activism does NOT reflect my values. I will contribute to the union in my school district only on a "fair share" basis thus giving the minimum. This organization DOES NOT have the right to misuse the funds I give them for the support of twisted political views as expressed in the above listed books..... and so... I will no longer provide them with any financial support. The endorsement of these authors only serves to fuel some of the public opinions that we as teachers are "out of touch" and a bunch of wackos. It's just not helpful to our image. See the link for yourself:

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