Friday, July 26, 2024

Friday Funnies: Hilarious Parody Campaign Ad Beautifully Exposes Kamala's Monumental Flaws

 Bob Hoge – RedState

. . . "Obviously, there are things that Kamala would never say, but she has regularly spewed out nonsense rhetoric that uses many words to say essentially nothing, and her record is truly horrendous, as even a cursory glance shows."... 

"Kamala Harris regularly seems like a parody of a vice president, but a new fake campaign ad created by a social media creator who goes by the name “Mr Reagan” hysterically points out her serious flaws as a presidential candidate and shows why we should be terrified at the thought of her taking on the job of commander in chief.

"Mr Reagan makes it clear that the ad is not genuine and titles it simply “Kamala Harris Campaign Ad PARODY.” Then he brandishes his sarcasm scalpel and rips the VP’s speaking style and horrendous record to shreds.

"The spot is "narrated" by Harris, but it’s clear that it’s done by either using an AI voice generator or by splicing together audio clips to make it sound like she said things she obviously didn’t. Mr Reagan intersperses those sections with real footage of Kamala making a fool out of herself without the aid of advanced technology.

"It made me laugh out loud:"

 Full Article.

Barack and Michelle Obama Endorse Kamala Harris, The Megan Markle of American Politics



Corn pop’s revenge. It was always going to be thus… - The Last Refuge   "Here we go, the manufacturing of Madame President continues.

As if the last four days were not enough pop culture to elevate Kamala Harris into the beloved Megan Markle position, here comes Barack and Michelle Obama.

"In a video released by the Harris campaign (the Campaign Manager is Brian Fallon from Clintonian fame), Harris spoke to the Obamas by phone while she was in Indianapolis for an event on Wednesday. Barack Obama said he and the former first lady “couldn’t be prouder to endorse you and do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office.” Michelle Obama then added: “This is going to be historic,” a nod to the beatification process currently underway to create the first woman president.'' . . .

In the background, ballot coordinator James Clyburn will be counting on this manufactured enthusiasm to generate the harvesting operation his ballot scanners need.  By my back of the envelope estimation, in the roughly 17 regions that Clyburn controls (central collection points for ballot counting), there are approximately 300,000 to 500,000 potential extra ballots per region.

Do you believe that the views of the Pro-Palestine student protestors will eventually become the mainstream . . .

. . ." orthodox opinion in the US, or are they bound to fail and the US will remain mostly pro-Israel?

"College students are almost never good representatives of American public opinion. Colleges select for a population that is young, white and wealthy and the lack of life experience makes them a peculiar population when compared to the general public.

"In the best cases, college students are able to be exceptionally moral when compared to the general population. This is why college students came to oppose segregation long before the general population.

"However, in lots of other cases, college students wind up throwing their weight behind destructive authoritarians because of the unnuanced worldview that college students tend to adopt. Ayatollah Khomeini is a good example of someone who won over college students despite his being a fiercely theocratic dictator. And you could find support for many different dictators, including Mao, Stalin and others, amongst the anti-Vietnam protestors back in the day.

"In the case of the Israeli-Palestinian war, I think it’s likely that the protests will have no impact on popular opinion.

"Americans by and large still think that Israel was in the right when responding to Hamas."

(Language) · Physician Jul 18  "Since most of the student protestors are “useful idiots” with little idea of how the real world is outside their safe spaces, from which they get extremely myopic, distorted and divorced from actual reality views, and most are simply following other virtue signalers who are either as poorly informed or full of shit, I suspect that the views of the American college students who extolled the virtues of the Hamas rapists and baby killers will go the same way as the views of those who supported BLM, Occupy Wall Street, Defund the Police, and the Seattle Autonomous zone- they’ll be seen for the idiotic, counterproductive, and objectively unsound and untrue bullshit, and the people leading and supporting them will be seen for the corrupt, hate-filled, anti-American and anarchistic bullshitters they are."