Saturday, July 20, 2024

‘He was a pious man’: The Gaza neighborhood shocked to find Israeli hostages in their midst


"Hussein Ibish, senior resident scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington, said that approach fits Hamas’ strategy to get Israel “bogged down in the urban centers of Gaza and push them into a counterinsurgency that cannot end, which is the perpetual war Hamas says it wants.' ”

"The Aljamal family was widely respected in Gaza’s Nuseirat camp. They were known as pious and prominent members of the community. While people knew they had connections to Hamas, neighbors say no one could have guessed how deep those links truly went.

"When Israeli forces stormed the Aljamals’ building on June 8 they found Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov and Shlomi Ziv, hostages who had been captured from the Nova music festival on October 7, cowering in a darkened room.

"The experience of the three men – alongside that of Noa Argamani who was held in another house nearby, belonging to the Abu Nar family – echoes testimony from previously released hostages. They describe being confined among the civilian population, rather than in Hamas’ vast tunnel network under Gaza.

"In the aftermath of last month’s rescue, neighbors in Nuseirat, a refugee camp in central Gaza, told CNN they were shocked to learn that Ahmed Aljamal, a physician, and his family had kept hostages in their midst.

“ 'Had we known, had he told us, we would have taken safety precautions, hide or move to somewhere else,” one neighbor, Abu Muhammad El Tahrawi, said.

"Dr. Aljamal, 74, was a general practitioner and also led the call to prayer at the local mosque, waking early every day to get there before dawn." . . .

Israel-Hamas war: Families release photos of five female Israeli soldiers from their first days of captivity in Gaza | CNN   . . ."In the pictures, Levy appears to have a badly bruised right eye. Another image shows four of the women sitting on bedding in a bare room; two of them, Gilboa and Ariev, have bandaged heads." . . .

Liri Albag, Agam Berger, Daniella Gilboa, Karina Ariev are seen in this image
 taken in the early days of their captivity in Gaza. 
Hostage Families Forum

America’s education system is failing and more

 NY Post; Letters to the Editor  

Vanishing history  "It should come as no surprise that the current generation of American students don’t know our nation’s history (“U. don’t know jack,” July 17).

"This trend has been underway for years, with colleges and public schools dismissing history studies as irrelevant. Equally disturbing, the seminal conflict of World War II that gave rise to today’s troubled geopolitical borders is often given little more than one class period in an entire school year. Previous surveys revealed that many students couldn’t even identify who the Allied leaders were. It is dangerous for a nation to forget its heritage."

Lawrence Kadish, Old Bethpage

About half of Americans say public K-12 education is going in the wrong direction | Pew Research Center  . . . "We asked adults who say the public education system is going in the wrong direction why that might be. About half or more say the following are major reasons:

  • Schools not spending enough time on core academic subjects, like reading, math, science and social studies (69%)
  • Teachers bringing their personal political and social views into the classroom (54%)
  • Schools not having the funding and resources they need (52%)

About a quarter (26%) say a major reason is that parents have too much influence in decisions about what schools are teaching.

How views vary by party

A dot plot showing that Democrats and Republicans who say public education is going in the wrong direction give different explanations.

Americans in each party point to different reasons why public education is headed in the wrong direction.

Republicans are more likely than Democrats to say major reasons are:

  • A lack of focus on core academic subjects (79% vs. 55%)
  • Teachers bringing their personal views into the classroom (76% vs. 23%)

In turn, Democrats are more likely than Republicans to point to:

  • Insufficient school funding and resources (78% vs. 33%)
  • Parents having too much say in what schools are teaching (46% vs. 13%)" . . .

This video examines the question of why public education is failing parents and students.

Report: Analysis Reveals Third Weapon May Have Been Used In Trump Assassination Attempt; Oh please; not another "grassy knoll" theory.

 John Symank; 

 “So basically law enforcement let the shooter get on the roof, knew about him being there before Trump got on stage, and then they let him open fire on President Trump and his supporters,” Laura Loomer wrote on X before suggesting the snipers “need to be charged.”

 It is now being reported by @benshapiro that the Secret Service may abide by an insane policy where a potential assassin can take the 1st shot before USSS lethally responds.  This may explain why snipers waited for Crooks to shoot first. Does this make sense to anyone else?!

"An audio analysis of the assassination attempt against former president Donald Trump suggests that as many as three weapons were fired at the rally before the shooter was killed.

"CNN published results of forensic analysis from Catalin Grigoras, director of the National Center for Media Forensics at the University of Colorado in Denver, and Cole Whitecotton, Senior Professional Research Associate from the same location.

"This report alleged that three shots were fired by “weapon A,” and the next five were consistent with “weapon B.” Weapon A presumably would have been the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, while weapon B was most likely the Secret Service sniper who returned fire and killed Crooks.

"However, the report also alleges that a possible weapon C emitted a final “acoustic impulse,” which may have belonged to a third, previously unknown shooter. 

"The FBI has stated that Crooks acted alone." . . .

A terror for sniper teams is to shoot an innocent person and spend years in prison for murder:

When will Democrats be held responsible for their Trump-hating rhetoric?

 Ben Kew - American Thinker  "Takei, who is one of Hollywood’s most severe sufferers of Trump Derangement Syndrome and has previously advocated for pedophilia, is one of numerous leftists to claim that Trump is either exaggerating his injuries from the assassination attempt, which was inches away from killing him." . . .

Every TV celebrity who had a show claimed Trump would take them off the air. Oddly enough, they stayed on air through the previous Trump administration. "Trump will be coming after me!"

The incendiary Joy Reid made it through Trump and is still stoking enmity between the races just as Joe Biden pits half the nation against the other half. TD

How Democrats relentlessly dialed up violent rhetoric against Trump before assassination attempt — comparing him to Hitler (

"Democrats’ rhetoric stoking fear and hatred against former President Donald Trump — including repeated comparisons to Adolf Hitler — is coming a harsh new light following the assassination attempt against him on Saturday.

"Trump’s political opponents have long used incendiary language in response to his more controversial statements — commonly casting him as a cartoon villain hellbent on bringing about the end of democracy itself.

"Their divisive statements frequently include tossing around words like “dictator” or making overt references to the Holocaust or Nazi Germany.

"Republicans now blame this very rhetoric for stoking the assassination attempt that got Trump shot and left a hero firefighter dead and two others critically wounded." . . .

The Democrats were just fine with this disgusting performance by this practiced demagogue, Joe Biden. Surely America has better leaders than this man. TD

Here’s How Dems Can Force Biden Out

  Issues & Insights (

The media’s gaslighting has been so extreme that they brushed under the rug the feeble fumble the entire American viewing public saw them seeing first-hand

"In their laughable charges of White House “cover-ups” and press-briefing misinformation in the wake of the visibly slumping Joe Biden’s debate debacle, the legacy media are demonstrating an even steeper cognitive decline.

"Is the collective short-term memory loss of the sharks in the White House press pool so severe that they have forgotten their own full-on frenetic feeding frenzy just five months ago? On that previous Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Night when the incumbent did his best Sen. William Scott imitation in denying, and thereby proving, Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report that Biden is a man of “diminished faculties in advancing age”?

"The media’s gaslighting has been so extreme that they brushed under the rug the feeble fumble the entire American viewing public saw them seeing first-hand.

"Now the virtual-ink-stained wretches have done an about-face so crisp and coordinated it might put a top-flight drill team to shame.

"Alongside our counterfeit commander in chief’s erstwhile cheerleaders on Capitol Hill, who are deserting his sinking ship so rapidly that to compare them to rats would give said rodents a bad name.

"To wit: a growing number of both cohorts have come to the conclusion that seven in 10 Americans had already reached those five moons ago. As this column put it then:

If he’s lost his wits, Sleepy Joe must quit.

Just three tiny, teensy-weensy problems with that.  . . ."Publicly, if the Offer Mr. Biden Couldn’t Refuse is indeed refused, it would go something like this: 

“We’re shocked, shocked to find that Mr. Biden engaged in abuses of his office.”

Then choose from the menu of abuses any one or combo that would be most politically palatable – and even advantageous: (See below: Issues & Insights)

Democrats have become enablers of a strange, diminished America


AfterMath - Home (

"Unalived?" Is that the word she used? TD
Jess Piper explains why Biden is 3, not 30, points behind Trump - Andrea Widberg   . . ."The reason for Biden’s continued success can be explained by one representative person: Jess Piper, the Executive Director of Blue Missouri, a Democrat political organization. According to her bio on the site:

Jess is a mother to five and grandmother to three and lives on a small farm on the Missouri/Iowa border.

She was born and raised in rural America. She received degrees in English and Teaching from the Univerity of Arkansas and was an American Literature teacher for 16 years. After the 2016 election of Trump, Jess became politically active.

"On her TikTok page, where she has 264,000 followers, Piper expressed her shock and horror about Saturday’s events. However, she wasn’t shocked or horrified that someone tried to kill one of the two leading presidential candidates. Instead, what frightened her was that there was a doctor in that MAGA crowd. This doctor:". . .

She cannot make herself say that a man was murdered. She calls him “unalived” — and that is entirely separate from her defamatory rant against the doctor. This is what leftism has done to America, and one really must wonder if this nation can be saved.
 Jess, who lost her race for a Missouri House seat is “mortified” that a Trump supporter can be a doctor.

. . ."For people like Jess Piper, Biden could be an actual eggplant, and she’d still vote for him. And you know what? I get it.

"My vision of America is the exact opposite of the one that Piper and her friends hold. I understand that Biden and Trump are both the tips of their respective ideological pyramids and I, too, would vote for an eggplant if it topped my constitutional ideological pyramid rather than her Marxist one."

This is the ER doctor that she would not want her loved one to be in the care of.

She was a schoolteacher! Want your loved one to be taught by her?

Anthony Fauci: Assassination Attempt On Trump No Big Deal Since An Ear Wound Is “Superficial” (  "It’s hard to overstate my disdain for disgraced Branch Covidian Anthony “I am the Science” Fauci, but he’s managed to plumb new lows in his comment about President Trump’s near assassination.

Hollywood Leftist George Takei Claims Trump Was Not Actually Hit By a Bullet, Needs a 'Doctor's Report' to Prove It | The Gateway Pundit

Takei, who is one of Hollywood’s most severe sufferers of Trump Derangement Syndrome and has previously advocated for pedophilia, is one of numerous leftists to claim that Trump is either exaggerating his injuries from the assassination attempt, which was inches away from killing him.

Biden is reportedly flying into rages

Monica Showalter 

He's like a wounded Frankenstein's monster of Democrats' own making; artificially stitched together, rotting, braying, lashing out. That's some candidate to present to the public, and as of this writing, he's not going. 

"Republicans have wrapped up their national convention in Milwaukee this week, and President Trump has emerged triumphant.

"Attention now goes to the Democrats and their upcoming convention beginning on August 19 in Chicago.

"That should be some convention because right now, at least two news reports have the Democrats' candidate, Joe Biden, is whimpering and flying into rages.

"According to NBC News in a story headlined: Biden left feeling angry and betrayed by top Democratic leaders wavering on his campaign:

The president is furious at how the party has tried to force him out, two sources say, as Democrats in Congress increasingly believe the question is when, not if, he will end his campaign.

President Joe Biden feels personally hurt and betrayed by the way so many Democrats, including some of the party’s top leaders, have left him hung out to dry as he faces the biggest crisis of his political career, according to two sources familiar with his thinking.

"According to Fox Business's Charlie Gasparino:

Charles Gasparino: BREAKING: Word from inside the POTUS  war room to Wall Street c-suiters who are following this drama is that Joe Biden is beside-himself angry, which is why it's taking so long for him to concede to reality. This guy is a tough man who feels completely dissed. I first reported on Biden's anger a few years back. Here's the story:

Mailwoman Shot in Chicago

 Mailwoman Shot in Chicago - Moonbattery

"Traditionally, mail carriers’ worst enemy is aggressive dogs. But where the Democrat Death Spiral has caused law & order to collapse, they have bigger problems:

A mail carrier was fatally shot while walking a route in Chicago, authorities said. …

Octavia Redmond, 48, was shot shortly before noon Friday on South Harvard Avenue on Chicago’s South Side, police said.

"Gasps Elise Foster, a local official at the National Association of Letter Carriers,

“We are federal employees. How dare you?”

"As the wolves close in around the dwindling campfire of civilization, no one is secure. Not even federal employees.

"If you can’t have retail stores where society has succumbed to leftism, why would you expect to have mail delivery?"

Below:  Taking a Stantis: shootings in Chicago (

Has the Media Been Covering Up President Biden’s Cognitive Decline?

Intellectual Takeout   "For the last 17 months of his two-term presidency, following a severe stroke, President Woodrow Wilson (1856–1924) was barely functional.

"Behind the scenes, Wilson’s wife Edith stepped in to effectively serve as de facto commander-in-chief. She even earned herself the title “Secret President” and “first woman to run the government,” according to her official White House biography.

"The parallels between Woodrow Wilson and President Joe Biden might not be exact, but they are hard to ignore.

"Biden has faced disastrous polls since going head-to-head with GOP frontrunner Donald Trump. All eyes are now on Biden’s age and apparent cognitive decline since the pair’s last electoral matchup in 2020.

"To be fair, the current POTUS is certainly more functional than Wilson was: It would be near impossible to conceal a Woodrow-like condition in the White House given today’s 24-hour news cycle and incisive social media scrutiny.

"It is no surprise that the White House and prominent Democrats have denied reports of Biden’s declining mental acuity. That is, it could be argued, their job.

"What’s far less forgivable is the role the media has played in such denials.

"Voicing the concerns of many, Newsmax host Todd Starnes asked over the weekend, “How many White House correspondents will be fired for their part in the coverup of Biden’s health. They all knew. They had a front row seat.”

"Indeed they did." . . .