Saturday, May 30, 2020

Newsom Fiat: No California Protest Can Have More Than 100 People

No, this is not, repeat NOT from the Babylon Bee. The Tunnel Dweller

California Political Review  "Regressive Supreme Leader Gavin Newsom is angry.  On Saturday more than 2,000 showed up at the Capitol to protest his dictatorship, issuing 40 Executive Orders and changing close to 200 State laws, without a vote of the Legislature or even telling them in advance.  He signed over 400 NO BID contracts—some for firms owned by the Chinese Communist Party.  People are angry—so they protest.
"Now, in the name of “safety and health”, Newsom has issued another illegal edict—no protest can have more than 100 people.  Watch as that edict is violated in every corner of the State.  This is no different than what the Chinese Communist Party is doing to the people of Hong Kong.  No, I am not accusing Newsom as being a communist—I am noting he is using their tactics to control the population." . . .

“ 'The agency “recommended” that protesters use “alternative” channels such as online and broadcasting platforms.
"Under the new restrictions, attendance at a protest is limited to 25 percent of the area’s maximum occupancy or capped at 100 attendees, whichever is lower.
"The restrictions also say physical distancing of 6 feet between attendees coming from different households will be enforced at all times. Failure to abide by this rule, the department said, “may result in an order to disperse or other enforcement action.”
"Unless the people use their First Amendments rights, they will continue to be taken from us—right to assembly, right to free speech, freedom of religion—all gone.  Even the Legislature, per the Governors new budget loses most of its rights to participate in the governance of California.  Obviously, Newsom is not watching re-runs of Seinfeld, he is studying the Chinese method of government." . . .
You MUST have a reservation.

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