Thursday, January 6, 2022

Former Washington Redskins to Pick Their New, Politically Correct Name From Seven Candidates on Feb. 2

 PJ Media

"It has been a year and a half, but our long national nightmare is finally drawing to a close: in less than a month, the NFL team formerly known to its everlasting shame as the Washington Redskins is going to choose a new name. The chosen moniker will be offered in order to appease even the perpetually offended woke legions that forced the team to drop its original name, which it had borne since 1933. If you think all this is howlingly stupid, that’s only because it is.

"The 87-year-old team name was ditched because the team finally succumbed during the George Floyd riots to the intense woke pressure to which it was being subjected. The assumption was that the name “Redskins” was white supremacist and disparaging to American Indians, and there was no opportunity given for any rational discussion on the matter. In reality, the team was called the “Redskins” out of admiration for the strength and courage of the Native Americans and a desire to project the same virtues. The idea that a sports team name disparages those who bear the name is a ridiculous proposition that rests on the absurd premise that teams are named for things that people despise.

"The closest that ever came to being true was in the two previous major league baseball franchises in Washington, both of which were known as the Senators. It’s a pity the Washington Senators don’t exist today because if there ever was a disparaging team name, that was it. If the Redskins name had to be dropped because it insulted American Indians, the Senators name would have had to go because it insulted not the 100 solons in the Capitol building, but the poor baseball players who had to play under a name that referred to corrupt kleptocrats, hacks, and pigs at the public trough." . . .

Nancy is why Dems are leaving the House

But you have to wonder how fun the job is. The House Speaker is a bullying witch obsessed with Trump. She couldn't handle his two State of the Union speeches. She made clapped back, made faces, and even tore up one of his speeches. She has impeached him twice and is bound and determined to prosecute him. 

Pelosi Shows Her $12-a-Pint Ice Cream

 Don Surber  . . ."The wave of resignations does not mean Republicans will pick up those 25 seats.

"In 1996, Democrats held 19 of the 29 open seats their retirees held.

"And every decline of a re-election paints a different story. 8 of the 25 are seeking a higher office.

"But you have to wonder how fun the job is. The House Speaker is a bullying witch obsessed with Trump. She couldn't handle his two State of the Union speeches. She made clapped back, made faces, and even tore up one of his speeches. She has impeached him twice and is bound and determined to prosecute him.  

"All the votes are strictly along party lines in the hyper-partisan House. If you are not part of the leadership, you have no say in the matter. Your job is to vote how they say you will. You are just another brick in the blue wall." . . .

AOC Lays Wreath At Her Grave On January 6th

 The Babylon Bee Parody

"BRONX, NY—United States Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez visited Woodlawn Cemetery this morning to grieve in quiet dignity at her own grave on the 1-year anniversary of her death on January 6. She was seen openly weeping and tearing her clothes by the photo crew she brought with her.

"AOC, who was killed in the Capitol’s House Chamber by murderous Trump supporters, left a wreath where her body had been peacefully laid to rest. Though she made no official statements, eyewitness testimony claims she “looked mournfully off into the distance” as if contemplating the fleeting brevity of life.

“She just looked so brave and helpless,” said Jim Acosta from the scene. “I could see that she was clearly hurting. I don’t know how she gets up in the morning, especially since she’s already dead. What a fighter.”

"Once her camera crew confirmed they had several good shots, she wiped her eyes, slowly walked to her brand-new Tesla, and drove off—leaving a crew of professional mourners in her wake. 

"Visitors to the cemetery are advised to socially distance and mask up while mourning the loss of America’s greatest congresswoman. For those mourning remotely, a contribution can be made to AOC’s 2022 campaign."

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

The Great Epstein Cover-up, Part I

 Ann Coulter  "Question: Is our ruling class trying to make us to think they’re a bunch of pederasts? Our media could not be less interested in Jeffrey Epstein’s child molestation ring and, with the sole exception of the Palm Beach Police Department, every arm of government has bent over backward to bury the case.

"(Who says our media and government can’t work together?)

"The jury’s courageous delivery last week of five “guilty” verdicts against Epstein’s pimp, Ghislaine Maxwell, was a sort of reverse jury nullification. The U.S. attorney’s office — the prosecution — did everything it could to get an acquittal, but the jurors defied them.

"As for media coverage, did you even know that the FBI found Epstein’s cache of sex tapes labeled “(name of underage girl) + (name of VIP)” — and then lost them?

"Immediately after Epstein’s arrest at Teterboro Airport in July 2019, the FBI executed a search warrant on his New York mansion. Following a daylong search, agents discovered a hidden safe in the closet of a fifth-floor dressing room, used a saw to break into it, and found an enormous collection of photos of naked girls, and CDs of the girls apparently having sex with influential men.

"Then, the agents left — abandoning the photos and CDs, with Epstein’s employees free to wander about the place. As Kelly Maguire, FBI special agent in charge of the search, explained during Maxwell’s trial, they only had a warrant to search the house, but not to remove evidence — evidence at the heart of the entire sex trafficking scheme." . . .

The Democrats' Exploitation of January 6 Gives Away Their Game

 The Democrats' Exploitation of January 6 Gives Away Their Game – PJ Media   "This year, Jan. 6 will be commemorated with all the ballyhoo and rigamarole Democrats and their media allies can muster. CNN plans an entire special around the anniversary, titled “Live from the Capitol: January 6th, One Year Later”; the show will feature the “heroes who protected our democracy in the face of an insurrection,” and will include interviews with such luminaries as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and January 6 Committee Chair Bennie Thompson, D-Miss. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are also expected to commemorate Jan. 6 with special remarks, and Pelosi has organized a bevy of events in memory of the riot.

"Now, you might ask yourself just why Jan. 6 merits such outsized attention. One need not downplay the events — the horrifying image of rioters bashing police officers with metal poles, storming through the halls of Congress shouting for Mike Pence — in order to recognize Jan. 6 for what it was: an ugly but not pivotal moment in American history. The event resulted in one direct death — rioter Ashli Babbitt was shot by a Capitol police officer — and some $1.5 million in property damage to the Capitol building; the Capitol was cleared within hours of the riot, and Vice President Mike Pence and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell promptly presided over the certification of the 2020 election. Those who broke into the Capitol or even trespassed have ended up in jail." . . .

Republicans Have Rebounded from Jan. 6 in Voters' Minds – PJ Media

“But public opinion doesn’t happen in a vacuum,” the report added. “More voters have reason to believe that the GOP is on the right track given the conventional wisdom supporting their chances for midterm election victories, and as America gets further away from the Capitol attack, some of the improvements reflect voters’ reactions to a year of Democratic control of Washington and displeasure with Biden.”

Chuck Schumer & Democrats Using January 6 to Rewrite Electoral Rules | National Review  

. . . The Democratic drive to nationalize our elections has always been a sweepingly radical step in search of an alleged crisis to address. When a version was first introduced a few years ago, it was sold as addressing “the vile voter-suppression practices” of the GOP, in the words of the New York Times. The big lie of the time was that the Georgia gubernatorial campaign of Stacey Abrams in 2018 was undone by such practices. Now the justification is the Capitol riot and subsequent GOP state-level voting changes that have been portrayed, falsely, as the return of Jim Crow.. . . 

As we observe riot dates in 2021, let us not fail to observe these!

US Cities Hit Homicide Highs in 2021 But BLM- and Antifa-Infested Portland May Be the Worst    Andy Ngo reported for the Daily Mail the following:At least a dozen major U.S. cities have set grim new records for homicides in 2021 — and the year is not over yet.

The city that may be the worst among them is Portland — where I’m from.

Portland turned over its streets to Black Lives Matter-Antifa rioters last year and allowed the far-left to dictate public policy.

Elected officials in the ‘City of Roses’ condemned the police, defunded law enforcement and coddled violent criminals in the name of ‘anti-fascism’ and ‘anti-racism.’ 

Antifa Terrorists Violently Attack Christian Families *With Young Children* Gathered to Pray on Portland Waterfront – Police Were Called, But Didn’t Respond

List of incidents and protests of the 2020–2021 United States racial unrest - Wikipedia

Deadly unrest: Here are the people who have died amid George Floyd protests across US | Fox News   . . ."As of Monday, an informal tally shows 17 people have died in incidents stemming from the unrest following Floyd’s May 25 death — though details in some of the cases remain murky." Here’s a snapshot of those who have died:" . . .

Not done by Trump supporters

Antifa and BLM protesters continue their reign of terror | Herald Sun  "The bulk of the media are whitewashing daily acts of violence committed by BLM and Antifa protesters despite abundant footage of attacks, arson, looting and property" damage.

The bulk of the media are whitewashing daily acts of violence committed by BLM and Antifa protesters despite abundant footage of attacks, arson, looting and property damage.

 Democrats in Congress show no remorse, no regret over the destruction they have wrought in American cities. No condemnation from Nancy Pelosi,  Maxine Waters, Joy Reid, Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, the View women, Jerry Nadler and certainly nobody from MSNBC nor CNN. TD

Joy Reid Show Tells Blatant Lie About the Death of Officer Brian Sicknick –

 RedState   "We’ve seen Twitter seemingly jump at the chance to kick Republicans off of its platform for the excuse of “misinformation.” Yet, there’s a boatload of out-and-out lies that are pedaled by those on the left and in liberal media daily — and Twitter doesn’t seem to give a darn about those.

"Take Joy Reid. Please.

"You could run a balloon for days on the hot air she blows. Not exactly a person who is known for the truth or reliability of what she puts out. Indeed, quite the opposite. We saw her media malpractice with her comments about Kyle Rittenhouse, Brett Kavanaugh, and “white male tears.” Then she attacked Nicki Minaj and defended her prior vaccine hesitancy by blaming President Donald Trump. “Why would any sensible person take a vaccine Trump had anything to do with?” she said. But now, of course, she has taken that Trump vaccine because somehow, Biden being in the office makes it safe? The logic of these folks just blows my mind.

"Reid also promoted the slimy “DeSantis is missing” conspiracy. She’s still pushing it, even after it’s been fully debunked by local media. He was never missing and continued to work while taking his wife to cancer treatments. Yet Reid and others still can’t stop the lies." . . .

Reid does have a way with words: "'White' Conservatives Are 'Selfish' & 'Don't Play Well With Others'" Says MSNBC Host (

Democrats Use Jan. 6 Bloodlust to Push Fake Voting Rights Bill -

  The American Spectator | USA News and Politics  "GOP and moderate senators should not cooperate."

"Watching Democrats take advantage of those mourning January 6 to pass an unconstitutional attempt to further federalize our elections is outright disgusting." . . .

Jan. 6 Anniversary Coverage Is All About Silencing Republicans (

Equating the U.S. Capitol riot with GOP efforts to reform election laws is a way to avoid honest debate over the latter.

"A lengthy New York Times editorial over the weekend has set the stage for this week’s Jan. 6 anniversary coverage. “Every Day Is Jan. 6 Now,” declare the Times editors, warning that Republican lawmakers in 41 states “have been trying to advance the goals of the Jan. 6 rioters — not by breaking laws but by making them.” 
"The argument itself, that tweaking state election law is somehow a subversion of democracy, is absurd and incredibly lazy. But it’s important to note, if only because it will serve as the baseline narrative for the entire corporate media’s Jan. 6 coverage this week.
"Their message — they will all have more or less the same message — is simple: all Republicans are insurrectionists, the GOP is the enemy of the people, and the only way to preserve American democracy is to ensure that only Democrats can win elections." . . .

Biden in October said he was open to the possibility of altering or eliminating the filibuster in order to pass federal voting rights legislation. Progressives have repeatedly called on Biden to support abolishing the filibuster to address election reforms. Republicans have used the filibuster to block votes on Democrat-backed legislation multiple times. 

But does Joe still swim nude in front of his agents?


AfterMath - Home (

Joe Biden's disrespect for the Secret Service - Washington Times   "Like human surveillance cameras, Secret Service agents see what goes on behind the scenes and are uniquely positioned to assess a president’s or a vice president’s character.
"What agents experienced while protecting Joe Biden as vice president was quite different from the jovial “regular Joe” image Mr. Biden seeks to project. In fact, agents considered being assigned to Mr. Biden’s detail the second-worst assignment in the Secret Service. 
"Unlike Hillary Clinton, whose detail is considered the worst assignment in the Secret Service, Mr. Biden chatted with agents and went out of his way to spend time with their kids when they visited the White House.
"But routinely, Mr. Biden would abruptly decide to go to his home near Wilmington, Delaware, or elsewhere without giving agents any advance notice.
" 'Biden or his staff continually change the schedule, and that’s a grueling four years for agents to be assigned to his detail because of travel back and forth to Delaware, last-minute movement, and no set schedule,” an agent told me for my book “The First Family Detail” when Mr. Biden was in office. “Sometimes he gives literally a few minutes notice that ‘Hey, we’re going to Wilmington.’”
"Because Mr. Biden was so thoughtlessly unpredictable and his personal trips back to Delaware so frequent, the Secret Service rented more than 20 condominiums near his home in Greenville for agents who had to accompany him and stay overnight." . . .

When a woman alleges sexual assault, presume she is telling the truth." - Joe Biden, 2018.   Does the Left still care about #MeToo?"  John Nolte reports:

With the new revelations about Joe Biden allegedly exposing himself to female Secret Service agents, on top of newly uncovered incidents of alleged unwanted and inappropriate touching uncovered by far-left PBS, the number of Biden’s sexual misconduct allegations rises to at least ten. . .

The Babylon Bee Presents: Top CNN Moments Of 2021

 The Babylon Bee

"2021 was a banner year for CNN! For 12 long months, we looked to their fake news coverage for guidance, clarity, and above all, laughs. Let's take a look back at some of CNN's biggest stories of the year! 

January 7: CNN Gravely Reports On 'First Violent Protest In Recent Memory'

"It was a dark, dark, very dark day for democracy. Our country had never seen anything like it ever before. CNN courageously broke the story...

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Former MSNBC Host Implodes: ‘I Tried to Warn We Were Headed Too Far Left’

  Neon Nettle

Chris Matthews triggers backlash from progressives over panicky comments

"Matthews is a moderate Democrat who was replaced by the far-left Joy Reid when he left MSNBC last year.

"He "shocked viewers in March 2020 by announcing he would immediately step down from his program amid a series of controversies,” Fox News reported. "During his on-air remarks, the longtime MSNBC host then referenced claims of sexual harassment against him by a journalist who previously appeared on his show.”

"I want Hardball fans to know how I appreciate your faith in me,” Matthews tweeted." . . .

"The radical wing of the Democrats has pushed the party further left"

Hugh Hewitt DESTROYS Dr. Fauci In Brilliant Interview...Calls Him Out For Lies...Asks Him To Resign

 100PercentFedUp  "Dr. Fauci has been the face of the United States’ response to the Covid-19 pandemic.  As infections continue to rise to a record high despite the authoritarian measures that he has pushed, he faces growing pressure to resign from conservatives in government as well as conservative media figures.  Earlier this week, conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt sat down for an interview with Fauci where he grilled him on his failure to end the Covid-19 pandemic and a variety of other issues.  The interview continued to get more tense and reached a fever pitch when Hewitt pressured Fauci to resign as the public continues to lose trust in him.

"Hugh Hewit: I’ve lost confidence in the CDC and FDA. And I actually believe a lot of Americans, a significant part of America now has lost confidence in you, Doctor. is there a point where you will say I do more harm than good because people don’t listen to me anymore and step aside?

"Fauci responded, “No. Absolutely and unequivocally no.”


"Fauci has also faced growing scrutiny for inhumane experiments that he signed off on to develop vaccines as well as treatments for HIV/AIDS."

Vice President Kamikaze Harris

I & I Editorial Board  "After more than 11 months in office, with inflation skyrocketing and the country’s superpower status plummeting, Americans can’t stand either President Joe Biden or his vice-presidential-beneficiary of-affirmative-action, Kamala Harris.

"Every time Harris tries to help herself, she hurts herself. As border czar who for three months avoided visiting the Mexican border, Harris relented only after plans were made known of former President Donald Trump and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott traveling to the frontier – and then she briefly visited only a border patrol station about nine miles from the actual border, far removed from where masses of illegal migrants have been crossing.

"To humanize her disastrous public image and connect with ordinary people, she staged a ludicrous fake meeting with child actors to tout space exploration. She chose to own Biden’s catastrophic Afghanistan withdrawal by telling the world she was the “last person in the room” when he formulated his policy. And her office has been hemorrhaging senior staff.

"But on Sunday, the vice president outdid herself in self-destructive stupidity, and made it crystal clear she is unqualified to assume the presidency should the ever-more-enfeebled Biden become incapacitated or, God forbid, pass on to his eternal reward.

"Appearing on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” she began by sounding, more even than Joe, like big, dumb, dangerous government personified. “Everyone has to get vaccinated,” Harris insisted at a time when the federal government’s approach to COVID is more discredited than ever, both among the populace and within the medical community, adding that “they’ll save your life.”. . .