Sunday, July 7, 2024

A viral photo identified as Biden’s speechwriting team explains so much

 Andrea Widburg - American Thinker

In November 1863, while traveling on a train from D.C. to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and experiencing the early stages of a mild case of smallpox, Abraham Lincoln handwrote the Gettysburg Address. Joe Biden is no Lincoln, and you can bet your bottom dollar that he’s not writing his own speeches. Instead, he has a staff that puts words into his mouth. That’s why a photo posted by the White House Director of Broadcast Media showing his communications staff goes a long way to defining the Biden White House.

I believe that Revolver News published the original viral tweet:

"That is a fascinating photo. Because it’s so crowded, I broke it down by apparent race and gender (although, nowadays, one can never tell how people “identify”):

If any were wearing Hamas scarves they had to take them off for the photo, I'm sure. TD

""What do we say? "Convicted felon!" When do we say it?  NOW!"

. . . "I’d say, then, that the image is real. These people are the ones putting words in Biden’s mouth. They are both foot soldiers and, at a guess, policymakers. I say the last because they are the living embodiment of the modern Democrat party: shiny pretty Marxists who are mostly cat ladies.

"The image, of course, is going viral because everybody understands what they are seeing. These are the people in charge in America. It’s a terrifying thought:" . . .

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