Sunday, July 7, 2024

This is for all pro-Hamas people out there; those who enjoyed ripping down posters of their Jewish hostages

"Did Hamas really behead babies, or is it false because I’m seeing a lot of different information & I am not sure?"
"They did. They also tied children together with wire and set fire to them in batches. They gang raped at least one prepubescent girl in front of her parents."

"Are Muslims horrified and disgusted with Hamas shooting and beheading little babies?"

"As a non muslim here is what I have noticed -

"After the Oct 7th massacre, across islamic countries, people got together in city squares and celebrated it as if hamas had done something great and they want to be part of that greatness. Obviously those large numbers of people were clearly jubilant not horrified at the massacre.

"The second image that is stuck in my mind is of the dead lady at the back of a pickup with two fat guys with legs across her dead body while boys spitting on the body as they make the rounds of gaza. Obviously those boys have been indoctrinated by their families. If people of gaza were horrified they would have stopped the show and handled the dead body with some respect.

"I saw or rather listened to a video of a hamas attacker calling up home after killing 10 israelis. What stuck me was that the parents were so happy about his achievement. His parents were wishing to be there with him to see his massacre of innocent people. I am going to ignore this attacker who might be in early 20s full of adrenaline. What stuck me was the attitude of his parents who were thrilled as if their son has cracked some ivy league college exam.

"There has to be something that causes all these people to uniformly celebrate/support massacre of innocent civilians."

Great numbers of kaffiyeh-wearing stylish, ignorant young people on campuses I hold equally to blame as well. TD

"Because, as Douglas Murray said in more than one instance, they carried out the massacre with glee."

"They did not come to carry out a task in the sense of how the Nazis shot women and children in the back of their heads and dump them into ditches.

"They came to simply have fun.

"And for them, decapitating Jews, raping women while chopping off their breasts and baking babies was fun…"

And meanwhile, instructors from Iran held classes to teach Americans to say "Death to America', and "Death to Israel" in Farsi. Tunnel Wall: Activists Chant 'Death To America And Israel' In Farsi At Chicago Left-Wing Meet. TD

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