Sunday, July 7, 2024

Michelle! The one-half

 MSNBC's Joy Reid will not be happy with this post! TD

Mike McDaniel - American Thinker

MICHELLE OBAMA sparked fury among voters after she admitted that campaigning for her husband Barack's first-term as President was "the first time in my adult life I'm proud to be an American".

"Prior to the 2020 race, I predicted Michelle Obama would be the Democrat/Socialist/Communist (D/S/C) Party nominee. I was sort of wrong. “Sort of” only if one assumed the Obamas have not been enjoying a third term and angling for a fourth. Since then, I’ve continued to keep an eye on Michelle, who, we are assured, hates politics and absolutely does not want to be president and will not run.  

"Now we are told a Reuters/Ipsos poll predicts Michelle would beat Donald Trump 50 to 39. Perhaps, to save “our democracy,” Michelle would nobly sacrifice herself to ensure a fourth Obama term?

"Why 50 to 39? Because she’s more than Kamala-sort-of-black? Because reporters have long drooled over her arms?  Because some of the messianic shine might rub off from Barack? Instead of being “the one,” she might be becoming—the title of one of her books--“the one-half?”

"But what are Michelle’s qualifications for the office, other than being the first lady to the most malignant, America and American-hating narcissist ever to occupy the Oval Office?" . . .

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