Sunday, July 7, 2024

Biden’s Dénouement Hurts U.S. Standing; ("Dénouement": "the final outcome of the main dramatic complication in a literary work")

  James E. Fanell and Bradley A. Thayer › American Greatness

"The world witnessed the coverup of a president that is in sharp decline and our enemies are not going to wait for a new president to be selected before continuing the pursuit of their strategic goals."  

"In an odious, dangerous, and supremely selfish manner, the Biden administration has placed its political survival before the interests of the United States."

 "U.S. domestic politics is roiled over President Biden’s dénouement. The American people wonder whether Biden will be president in the weeks to come. Collectively, Americans are straining their eyes as they attempt to read the color of the smoke coming from the chimneys of the DNC, the White House, and Obama’s mansion in Kalorama. Will Biden step down or ride it out to the election? Will the 25th Amendment be invoked or will Biden stubbornly remain in office until January sees President Trump return to office or another Democrat occupy the Oval Office? Certainly, it deserves to be explored why Biden’s condition was obvious for so long but not acknowledged and addressed. As does the curious timing of a presidential debate in June to make the issue front and center and thus provide the Democrats time to find a replacement.

"However interesting and important these issues are, you do not get to call a “time out” in international politics. While the Democrats decide whether Biden will remain in office and serve as their candidate, America’s enemies are hard at work. The dictator of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Xi Jinping, was meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Astana, Kazakhstan for the annual Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) gathering. That meeting was notable for two reasons. First, the SCO is expanding. Belarus joined the SCO to become the tenth member along with Iran, Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, the PRC, Russia, India, Pakistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Second, the SCO now exists as a visible counterweight to U.S. influence in global politics. Putin made the meeting in Astana on the back of his visits to North Korea and Vietnam. No matter the success of these efforts, it demonstrates that Putin is chopping wood while Biden sleeps.

"In that effort, he is not alone. Xi is putting the screws to U.S. allies. Putin’s travels around Asia divert attention from the PRC’s increasing aggression against the Philippines, a U.S. Treaty ally. The PRC’s coercive actions against Manila at Second Thomas Shoal are notable because of Beijing’s escalation. Its coast guard and navy are directly interfering with the resupply of the Sierra Madre, the vessel permanently beached on the shoal to protect Manila’s sovereignty. Beijing is executing a maritime sovereignty campaign to seize Filipino territory through an orchestrated process of incremental coercive steps that are increasingly violent and could very well lead to an armed conflict. It remains unclear whether the PRC will succeed, but if it does, it will be because the Biden administration watched and did nothing to aid the brave Filipino military." . . .

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