Saturday, July 27, 2024

My mother the Czar

 BIPARTISAN: While Media Tries To Shield Kamala From Border Crisis... Congress Made Her Failure Official   . . ."The Dems realize that the border is a MASSIVE Public Relations problem for Kamala’s Comrade Chaos Campaign… and they have been working overtime to make all memory of the ‘Border Czar’ problem go away.

"They have issued talking points for the Democrats to echo… and KJ has been dutifully performing her role as White House Spokes-Muppet. Whenever a reporter pulls the string on her back, she spits out the correct canned response.

"There’s even a hard copy of the latest talking points.

The Dems realize that the border is a MASSIVE Public Relations problem for Kamala’s Comrade Chaos Campaign… and they have been working overtime to make all memory of the ‘Border Czar’ problem go away. They have issued talking points for the Democrats to echo… and KJ has been dutifully performing her role as White House Spokes-Muppet. Whenever a reporter pulls the string on her back, she spits out the correct canned response. There’s even a hard copy of the latest talking points:

. . ."Symbolic or not, this a bipartisan rebuke of Kamala’s border failures during her time as Veep… six Democrats knew their personal political future would be in trouble if they didn’t admit the obvious failures.

"Now, when clowns on the evening news/opinion shows try to pass off criticism of Kamala’s border failures as somehow a ‘Republican’ attack, or a ‘Racist’ criticism of her… we need to remind them that this is far more ‘bipartisan’ than some of the other acts of Congress that were dubbed ‘bipartisan’ when a couple of gutless turncoats act as Democrats while pretending to be ‘principled Republicans’. (The J6 Committee for example.)

"Kamala is on record saying she does not believe that illegal entry into America is an actual crime, and she needs to own this issue… because it would define her time in office supposing she should ever be sworn in as the 47th President." . . .

Kamala Harris proves she’s no real friend to Israel

 Kamala Harris proves she's no real friend to Israel  

"She wants it done, she wants it over, she wants the hostages, she wants a Palestinian state, she wants Arab votes in Michigan . . . oh, wait, she didn’t say that part out loud." 

 "Advice to Israel: Get it done in Gaza fast and get to it with Hezbollah soon, because it’s a 50-50 proposition that Kamala Harris is going to be president in January.

"And she is coming after you.

"In her first major statement as the presumptive Democratic nominee, Harris began by saying Israel has the right to defend itself against terrorism.

"Some commenters said she was therefore speaking supportive words. That is absurd on its face.

"It actually goes without saying that every nation, in every circumstance, has the right to defend itself against terrorism, since terrorism is the act of deploying political violence against non-combatants. That includes bad nations, and mean nations, even tyrannical nations.

"Saying Israel has the right to defend itself against terrorism is a sentence with no meaning, and it is only uttered by those who wish to follow its utterance with a “but.”

"And here was Harris’s but: “How it does so matters.” . . .

JNS poll: Israelis support Donald Trump over Joe Biden 

. . ."Among young Israelis, the responses were even more dramatic. Seventy-four percent of respondents aged 18 to 29 said that Biden is not pro-Israel. Young Israelis support Trump over Biden 95%-5%." . . .

The Hour of Israeli Leadership has Arrived -  . . ."Obama’s foreign policy was predicated on his anti-imperialist world view. Guided by its principles of Western culpability for the pathologies of the Middle East, Obama believed that Iran’s hostility towards the U.S. was justified. As he saw things, it was up to the U.S. to make amends to Iran by changing the way it operated in the Middle East.

"To accomplish this goal, Obama began realigning the U.S. towards Iran and its Sunni allies in the Muslim Brotherhood at the expense of Israel and the U.S.’s traditional Sunni Arab allies.

"Obama’s betrayal of both Israel and the Sunni Arabs brought the long estranged neighbors together. The Israeli-Sunni partnership was first brought to bear in the 2014 Hamas war against Israel. Obama sided with Hamas’s state sponsors Qatar and Turkey and insisted that Israel accept the terror regime’s ceasefire demands. Supported by Egypt, Saudi Arabia and UAE, Netanyahu was able to withstand Obama’s pressure." . . .

"The true birth of the Abraham alliance then, came without U.S. involvement, in response to the U.S.’s betrayal of Israel and the Sunni Arabs under the Obama administration." . . .

Kamala Harris, female messiah?

 Eric Utter - American Thinker   

"Kamala Harris has an extreme left voting record. She botched the border. She appears to be an anti-Semite. She is for virtually unfettered abortion. She isn’t the Messiah. She’s a mess. She doesn’t deserve to become the Cackler-in-Chief. And that’s the truth." 

"The entire federal government apparatus, made-up largely of Democrats, uses taxpayer money to attack its political opponents and retain and enhance its power. The larger the government gets, the larger it wants to be. And too many people are either on the government dole or are too stupid to notice or care.

"This is why it is so dangerous for Republicans, and Trump supporters in specific, to be overconfident about the upcoming election.

"Democrats, being maniacally power-besotted and grotesquely evil, no doubt have tricks up their sleeve as regards the upcoming presidential election. They have not openly imported 10 million illegal undocumented immigrants for no reason. And they “harvest” ballots like a farmer harvests corn, though the farmer at least knows from whence the corn came.

"As recently as a few weeks ago, some Democrats—and their human remoras that make up the mainstream media (emphasis on make up)—were claiming that President Biden was in tip-top shape, vigorous and virile, focused and sharp as the proverbial tack. The White House doctor claimed Biden was “healthy, active, robust.” Age had nothing on Biden and was an arbitrary and moot issue! However, once top Democrats realized that a Biden victory would be so preposterous (after his debate performance) as to arouse suspicion even among the dullest of Americans, he was issued an ultimatum and forced to quit his campaign…and the media was given its updated talking points. At which time it turned on Biden like Michael Moore on a Whopper with cheese." . . .

"And started claiming that Trump was too old to be president." . . . Full article here.

Trump Didn’t Back Out of the September Debate — Joe Biden Did

  National Review

Donald Trump’s campaign on Thursday announced that he is not yet ready to agree to the details of a debate with Vice President Kamala Harris, stating:

Given the continued political chaos surrounding Crooked Joe Biden and the Democrat Party, general election debate details cannot be finalized until Democrats formally decide on their nominee. There is a strong sense by many in the Democrat Party — namely Barack Hussein Obama — that Kamala Harris is a Marxist fraud who cannot beat President Trump, and they are still holding out hope for somebody “better.” Therefore, it would be inappropriate to schedule things with Harris because Democrats very well could still change their minds.

The wording of the statement, using Obama’s middle name and trolling with the recent chaos on the Democratic side, is very Trumpy. But it’s dishonest for Democrats and their media allies to act as if Trump is backing out because he is quaking in his boots about the prospect of Harris.

Why Were the DC Protests So Out of Control? There Were Only 29 Police!


"Many people are wondering how and why the protests against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu got so out of control on Wednesday.

"In addition to the vandalism, tearing down of the American flag, and general violence, the police trying to control the crowd were violently attacked. 

"Well, there is a simple answer: there were only 29 Park Police who could defend the sites against the rampaging mob, and the Department of the Interior was unwilling to help those guys out. Dealing with a violent mob consisting of thousands of Antifa and pro-Hamas proto-terrorists, they were outmanned beyond belief." . . .

Fox News: Rashida Tlaib ripped for holding 'war criminal' sign during Netanyahu’s speech: 'Absolute disgrace'


. . ."Netanyahu tore into Gaza cease-fire demonstrations across the U.S. and accused Iran of funding those protests during an impassioned address. While many have praised him for his leadership and for his speech to Americans, not all politicians were happy to see him, with several Democrats skipping the event.

"Among those in the chamber was Tlaib, a Palestinian American who is one of Israel's harshest critics in the House of Representatives. Tlaib has called for Netanyahu to be arrested by the International Criminal Court (ICC). She staged a silent protest for much of his speech, holding a double-sided sign that read "guilty of genocide" on one side and "war criminal" on the other." . . .

GOP lawmaker says Tlaib should be ‘run out of town’ over ‘genocide’ sign (

Rashida Tlaib attends conference honoring terrorists, hosting terrorist speaker (   "Michigan congresswoman Rashida Tlaib spoke on Saturday at a Detroit Pro-Palestinian conference that advocated on behalf of terrorism, honored terrorists, and featured a member of a terrorist organization as a panelist.

"Tlaib made a surprise appearance at the People’s Conference for Palestine, an event that saw dozens of the anti-Israel groups involved in the post-October 7 protests in attendance, while Dearborn Michigan Mayor Abdullah Hammoud gave a video address.

"The May 24-26 conference is set to have Wisam Rafeedie as a speaker at a workshop on Sunday, the last day of the event. According to Amnesty International, Rafeedie is an activist for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The PFLP is designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the US State Department." . . .

Democrats and Middle East affairs; Not Kamala's Thing

CACKLE! Kamala Reportedly Tried to Get Tough With Netanyahu About a Ceasefire and It Did NOT Go Well

"Beyond the fact Kamala is simply an unlikable and cringe-inducing harpy, she's just not cut out to deal with leaders around the world, especially Netanyahu. Take a look:"

Netanyahu reportedly believes Harris could jeopardize a hostage and ceasefire deal."We hope that Harris' public criticism of Israel won't give Hamas the impression that there is daylight between the U.S. and Israel and as a result make it harder to get a deal," an Israeli official told Axios. . . .

. . ."Tlaib, who has often heavily criticized Netanyahu and the Israeli government amid the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, held up a sign that said both “war criminal” and “guilty of genocide.”

"Other Republican lawmakers went after Tlaib for the sign as well, including Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.), who captioned a picture of Tlaib with the sign on X with “Iran’s useful idiot.' ”

 Kamala Creates Diplomatic Flap Over Comments About Gaza, and Israel Isn't Happy – RedState  . . ."Exactly. That's why this is still going on because the Biden-Harris team keeps doing this thing of creating daylight rather than just saying, "Take out the terrorists." Kamala shows she has no more sense than Biden on the issue. Indeed, she's likely making the comments to appeal to the radical anti-Israel leftists because she will need their votes if she is the nominee. 

"In fact, another Israeli official said, "Harris' statement after the meeting was much more critical than what she told Netanyahu in the meeting." 

"Translation? She's saying one thing to Netanyahu and then trying to act like she's tough on him after the meeting to appeal. But now, Israel is calling her out on that game."

She reminds me of the school bully who would be friendly to us when with just the two of us, then push us around in front of the rest on the playground. TD  

. . ."Exactly. That's why this is still going on because the Biden-Harris team keeps doing this thing of creating daylight rather than just saying, "Take out the terrorists." Kamala shows she has no more sense than Biden on the issue. Indeed, she's likely making the comments to appeal to the radical anti-Israel leftists because she will need their votes if she is the nominee. 

"In fact, another Israeli official said, "Harris' statement after the meeting was much more critical than what she told Netanyahu in the meeting." 

"Translation? She's saying one thing to Netanyahu and then trying to act like she's tough on him after the meeting to appeal. But now, Israel is calling her out on that game. 

"That's not a particularly smart move by Kamala — did she think Israel wouldn't find out if she said stuff afterward that is different than what she told them? And that's not exactly a good recommendation for her character or why anyone should vote for her in the future if that's true. But as we've noted, it's not exactly like she has a lot of foreign policy experience, despite the efforts to paint her as the Second Coming." . . . 

Don’t be fooled by Kamala’s pro-Israel platitudes. She is pro-Iran and pro-Hamas. - Andrea Widburg  . . ."Six months after the October 7, 2023 attack on Israel, when Israel was winning against its genocidal enemy, Kamala, the military tactician, having “studied the maps,” warned Israel away from attacking Hamas’s stronghold of Rafah because only in that way could Israel protect an enemy civilian population (a population, notably that strongly supports Hamas). In fact, Israel successfully attacked Rafah and spared the civilian population because that’s the type of military it is. Kamala clearly wanted to protect Hamas from a military defeat:" . . .*

Here’s Who Has Endorsed Kamala Harris So Far | TIME   "So far VP Harris has received the endorsement of 7 out of the 9 squad members.

Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) Ayanna Pressley (@AyannaPressley) Delia Ramirez (@DeliaRamirezIL) Greg Casar (@GregCasar) Summer Lee (@SummerForPA) Cori Bush (@CoriBush) Jamaal Bowman… Show more