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Showing posts sorted by date for query electoral college. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Speculation Grows That Hillary Clinton Positioning Herself To Run Again In 2024

 Daily Wire  "She just won’t go away.

"Speculation is running hot that Hillary Clinton — a spring chicken at age 74 compared to the 79-year-old President Joe Biden — is maneuvering to run for president again in 2024.

"Just this past Sunday, Clinton warned that former President Donald Trump is planning to run again, claiming there would be catastrophic consequences for America if he wins.

“ 'I think that could be the end of our democracy,” she said in an interview with the Today Show. “Not to be too pointed about it, but I want people to understand that this is a make-or-break point.”

"Clinton’s continued presence on the stage — liberal networks continue to put her on the air nearly every weekend — signals to some that she’s setting up a run. And with Biden plunging in the polls — along with Vice President Kamala Harris, who stood at just 28% approval rating in one recent poll — Clinton’s name recognition would once again put her at the head of the pack.

"In her Sunday interview, Clinton said she tried to warn Americans about Trump in 2016, when she got crushed in the Electoral College in her loss to Trump, 306-232.

“ 'I tried to warn people. I tried to make the case that this was really dangerous — the people he was allied with, what they were saying, what he might do,” she said. “Clearly, there were people who liked what they saw, despite what I see as the real dangers to our country. They turned out and voted for him.”

"Last week, Clinton broke down in tears as she read the victory speech she planned to deliver if she had beat Trump in 2016. The mainstream media gobbled it up, dutifully writing and airing stories." . . .

The BB knows to never lat a parody go to waste!

Babylon Bee: Radicalized By Last Four Years Of Living With Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton Announces Support For Trump

"If you had to live with Hillary for the last four years, trust me, you'd support Trump, too," an exasperated Bill Clinton said in a video released Wednesday.

“She hasn’t let 2016 go. It’s Russia this, Russia that. Non-stop. I tried to tell her, ‘Putin didn’t make you not campaign in Wisconsin, darling.’ You can imagine how that went,” he added.

Yelling could be heard in the background of Mr. Clinton’s video, which appeared to be filmed on a cell phone with the former leader of the free world speaking in hushed tones while crouching in a dimly lit closet.

“Yes, that noise you hear is her. I told you, she hasn’t stopped for four long years,” said the former President as he paused to check through the cracked closet door to see if Hillary had moved closer to his location


Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Whither Biden vs China?


AfterMath - Home (

However, MRC applied this 4.6 percent drop in Biden votes to the most closely-contested states and concluded that a knowledge of the Biden-China corruption scandal among Biden voters alone would have turned Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin red, giving Trump a 289-vote margin in the Electoral College and handing him the presidency.

 Biden's will to resist China is faltering | TheHill  ..." Apparently, this administration’s thinking, like that of its predecessors until the Trump team, is that talking straight to China will offend its sensibilities and be seen as provocation. As Biden put it, “We are not seeking a new Cold War, or a world divided into rigid blocs.' ” ...

Inside the Ring: Biden goes easy on China at U.N. - Washington Times   "President Biden this week signaled he is backing off the hardline U.S. policies of the Trump administration in dealing with China and reverting to the more accommodationist approach of earlier administrations."...

Monday, June 7, 2021

Joe Manchin saved the Republic...from Democrats

 Don Surber

. . . But Congress won't, so Manchin made a good argument that Democrats should not run roughshod over Senate rules, disable the filibuster, and pass an 800-page federal takeover of elections without a single Republican supporter. . . 

"This weekend, Joe Manchin showed he is not all about Joe.

"This weekend, Joe Manchin said no to his party's No. 1 legislative goal. This weekend, he became a Profile in Courage, which is when a senator stands up to the mob and does the right thing.

He penned a column in the Sunday paper in Charleston, West Virginia, "Why I'm voting against the For the People Act."

"Although we elect congressmen and senators directly, ours is not a democracy. America is a constitutional republic, which is why an Electoral College selects our president.

"The proposed Democrat voting act would federalize all elections in violation of the Tenth Amendment, which states, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

"If Congress had power over elections, it would have lowered the voting age to 18 by a simple vote. Instead, Congress needed the approval of 38 states to make the 26th Amendment the law of the land.

"However, Manchin does not make the 10th Amendment argument against federalizing the elections. He merely wants Republicans and Democrats to find common ground.

"In his column, Manchin wrote, "During my time as West Virginia’s secretary of state, I was determined to protect this right and ensure our elections are fair, accessible and secure. Not to benefit my party but all the people of West Virginia. For example, as secretary of state I took specific actions to establish early voting for the first time in West Virginia in order to provide expanded options for those whose work or family schedule made it difficult for them to vote on Election Day. Throughout my tenure in politics, I have been guided by this simple philosophy — our party labels can’t prevent us from doing what is right.' ". . . 

Sunday, April 11, 2021

A Self-Loathing Ruling Class Cannot Endure

 Conrad Black; American Greatness

The U.S. now has an official regime of lies, supported by an almost worthlessly dishonest media, and scores of millions of Americans brainwashed into the false view that they live in an evil country. 

. . . "There was from the start the terrible problem of slavery, which belied the assertion that “all men are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights.” The Civil War was conducted in the North to preserve the Union, and only the immense political dexterity of Abraham Lincoln achieved the approval of the emancipation of the slaves as a war aim, in part to stir unrest within the Confederacy.

"Segregation continued to be enforced with an iron fist in the South and not infrequently in parts of the North as well, for over a century. The South was completely defeated but had received credit for 60 percent of the slave population in establishing their congressional and Electoral College representations before the war and henceforth received 100 percent credit for the African Americans who, though nominally emancipated, still could not vote in the South.

"When Franklin D. Roosevelt was hassling Winston Churchill in the midst of World War II about granting independence to India and suggesting texts from the founding of America as models to use, Churchill was well within his rights in saying to his entourage (although, unfortunately, he did not say it to Roosevelt) that he would take his solicitude for the vast masses of India more seriously if he could pass an anti-lynching law in his own Congress." . . .  

Thursday, February 4, 2021

AOC faces backlash as critics point out she wasn't in Capitol building during riot

. @AOC made clear she didn’t know who was at her door. Breathless attempts by media to fan fictitious news flames are dangerous.

 Fox News "Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., is facing criticism over initial claims she made about the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, with many noting that she wasn't even in the Capitol when it occurred.

"The controversy erupted after the New York congresswoman posted a video in which she described a confrontation with Capitol Police at her office, which is located on the larger Capitol complex. But it is not in the Capitol itself — which includes the dome, the House, and the Senate — and was where many rioters stormed in and were seen breaking windows.

"Her office is located in the Cannon building, which is accessible through underground tunnels connected to the Capitol as well as via a short stroll down a walkway and across the street. It was also one of the buildings where staff was told to evacuate after suspicious packages were found in the area. Law enforcement found pipe bombs and Molotov cocktails in the vicinity.

"In response to the incident, the congresswoman said: "I did not know if I was going to make it to the end of that day alive." She also accused Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, of almost having her "murdered," touching on accusations that Cruz and others incited the attack through their rhetoric about the election.

""I can tell you that I had a very close encounter where I thought I was going to die," she said in a video last month.

"In her more recent video, she offered an emotional recollection of how she hid behind a bathroom door and heard the police officer break into her office.

" 'I thought I was going to die," she said, noting that she didn't initially realize the person trying to enter her office was police. "I have never been quieter in my entire life.' " . . .

. made clear she didn’t know who was at her door. Breathless attempts by media to fan fictitious news flames are dangerous. My office is 2 doors down. Insurrectionists never stormed our hallway. Egregious doesn’t even begin to cover it. Is there nothing MSM won’t politicize? . . .

Fact Check the Left: Did Ocasio-Cortez Mislead the Public About Her Location During Capitol Hill Riot? . . . "The New York leftist is getting dragged on social media. She has gone on a tirade about why we shouldn’t move on from the Capitol Hill riot on January 6. That’s the day pro-Trump supporters stormed the Capitol Building as members of Congress were certifying the 2020 election results. Five people died. It derailed the GOP’s symbolic move of challenging the Electoral College results. This was going to happen at least three times. The objection would be lobbed, the House and Senate would go to their respective chambers for up to two hours of debate, hold another vote to verify the allocation of the electoral votes, and then continue with the certification process. Protesters stormed the US Capitol as the first objection was being debated.

"Ocasio-Cortez, and I know some of you don’t like me saying this, is smarter than she looks. She’s a masterful communicator. It’s manipulation for sure — but she knows how to reach her audience, how to animate them, and how to use social media. Donald Trump has the same skill when it comes to audience engagement on these platforms.

She took aim at the "move on" calls, saying that this is the rhetoric of abusers. That’s when she dropped the bombshell that she was a survivor of sexual assault. And there is the iron dome protection shield. I’m not here to discuss the veracity of that claim, . . ."

Even the parody site, Babylon Bee couldn't pass this all up: AOC Claims Two Men In MAGA Hats Threw Economics Textbooks At Her

. . . "At one point, two scary men in MAGA hats, like, literally threw copies of Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell, literally right at me," said AOC. "They said: 'Read this! Read this please!' in their very scary man voices. I thought at that moment I was going to die. I'm lucky to still be standing before you today." . . .

CNN’s Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo Defend AOC — The Threat Doesn’t Have to Be Real for You to Believe It  "CNN anchors Don Lemon, and Chris Cuomo defended Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-NY) emotional telling of her experience during the deadly riots at Capitol Hill on January 6." . . .

Friday, January 22, 2021

Professor Calls For The Elimination of the Republican Party and Purging "Nazified" People From Congress, Universities, and "Regular Jobs"

 Jonathan Turley  "The media has been airing discussion of hosts and leading figures like Katie Couric on “deprogramming ” Trump supporters or treating Trump supporters as a cult, including a CNN interview with an actual “cult expert.”  Since that would include over 70 million Trump voters, the hyperbolic language can be dismissed as just more examples of our rage-filled political environment. After all, a few days after the election, a law professor 

The College Fix
declared that even questioning the Biden electoral victory was tantamount to being a holocaust denier. One professor however has taken this call even further in declaring such supporters are worse than the Nazis and heralding the need for the same type of treatment seen with the Nuremberg trials, including the apparent elimination of the Republican Party. Smith College Professor Loretta Ross, who teaches women’s and gender studies, rejected calls for unity and instead called for punitive action against supporters in Congress, universities, and “regular jobs.” . . .

Professor Ross shows no concern for free speech or academic freedom as she calls for identifying and condemning anyone who is viewed as complicit with Trump over the last four years so that they can be “treated with the same public condemnation that the Nazis received after World War II.”

. . . As for calls from people like President Joe Biden for reconciliation and healing, Ross balked at the very notion. She calls for supporter to be denied jobs, media opportunities, publishing contracts, and all other opportunities. What is particularly chilling is her use of a statement from philosopher Karl Popper: “In order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance.” Thus, intolerance of opposing viewpoints is now tolerance. It is that easy.


Tuesday, January 19, 2021

CNN Pushes to Close Down Newsmax TV


No, NOT George Costanza.

"CNN is making no mistake about it: It wants to censor and close Newsmax from broadcasting as a cable news channel.

"Apparently jolted by the fact Newsmax has skyrocketed to become the 4th highest-rated cable news channel in the country, the liberal CNN is decrying what it calls Newsmax's "election denialism" and is seeking to have it "deplatformed" from cable and satellite systems across the nation.

"Oliver Darcy, CNN's leftwing media critic, has been demanding cable operators drop Newsmax, which is currently carried by every major system in the nation. Newsmax is also streamed free by most OTT platforms and devices.

"In a CNN column in early January, Darcy falsely claimed conservative media caused the protests at the Capitol on Jan. 6."

. . . 

"In a statement released Sunday, Newsmax said, contrary to Darcy's and Stamos' claims, Newsmax never denied the election results.

"The network called all contested states for Biden as they were certified and accepted him as president-elect Dec. 14, after the meeting of the Electoral College.

"Newsmax also noted, while it justifiably covered the president's allegations about the election, and interviewed his lawyers and supporters – as did Fox News and Fox Business News, it never said all allegations were true.

"The network did note, after years of CNN falsely claiming the Steele Dossier was valid and the Russian collusion claim against Trump was credible, it was never held accountable for its misreporting. Newsmax never called for CNN to be shut down."

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Tolerant Liberals Start Revoking College Degrees

 Moonbattery  "Liberals have to stay creative to come up with new means to express their tolerance. Now they want to revoke the college degrees of conservatives.

"Rudy Giuliani, beloved as “America’s Mayor” in the aftermath of 9/11, is now a natural target:

Middlebury College, a liberal arts institution in Vermont, is rescinding Rudy Giuliani’s honorary degree, which they awarded him in 2005.

"The college accuses Giuliani of involvement “in fomenting the violent uprising” at the Capitol last week, on the grounds that he spoke at the rally that preceded the riot. Needless to say, moonbats who spoke to liberal mobs prior to Black Lives Matter riots don’t have to worry about losing honorary degrees.

"Ted Cruz may stand to lose a degree he actually earned:

New York University Assistant Professor of Sociology Alex Barnard called on Princeton University to rescind Sen. Ted Cruz’s Bachelor’s degree in response to the Texas Republican objecting to the certification of Arizona’s electoral college votes. …

Barnard wrote that Cruz supported such a measure “not because that makes any sense whatsoever, but because Cruz’s whole political program is symbolic acts of spite.”

"How better to express your disdain for symbolic acts of spite than with a symbolic act of spite?

"When Muslims conquered Christian lands like Egypt and Syria, they forced the locals to live as dhimmis — second class citizens — until they finally relented and converted to Islam so that they would not be systematically discriminated against and abused. It took centuries, but it worked. Christians constitute small minorities in the Middle East now. Liberals have not even completely taken over the federal government yet, and already they are applying a similar policy to eradicate resistance to their ideology.

"On tips from ABC of the ANC."

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Rep. Stefanik Reacts After Harvard Kicks Her Off Senior Advisory Committee


. . . "With her expulsion, Stefanik added that congratulations are in order for the Senior Advisory Committee, which is now composed solely of "Joe Biden voters."

"Stefanik was one of several Republican lawmakers who still followed through on their plans to object to last week's electoral college certification, despite the violence that occurred in the Capitol following a Trump rally. She has since fielded demands for her resignation.

" 'They have the right to those opinions, and they also have the constitutional right to speak out,” Stefanik told her critics. “President-Elect Biden was certified, but that debate was important for the American people to hear.”

. . . "The decision by Harvard's administration to cower and cave to the woke Left will continue to erode diversity of thought, public discourse, and ultimately the student experience," Stefanik writes in a blunt new statement." . . .

Monday, January 11, 2021

There is much more to all this than President Trump

Democrats close in for the kill – not just Trump, but all Republicans "In 2020, Democrat riots caused billions of dollars in property damage, destroyed historic sites, and assaulted and murdered dozens of people. Meanwhile, on January 6, President Trump asked patriots to walk peacefully to the Capitol to cheer politicians who, copying Democrats, objected to Electoral College votes. Some hotheads (encouraged by Antifa plants?) entered the Capitol, as Democrat protesters have done many times before. This time, though, Democrats demanded that Trump leave office immediately under the 25th Amendment or be impeached and that all Trump-supporting politicians across America be expelled from office.

"When George Floyd, an ex-con convicted of a brutal crime, died from a drug overdose while Minneapolis police restrained him in accordance with their department’s training materials, Democrats across America went wild. Minneapolis alone suffered half a billion dollars in damages, mostly to small business owners, many of whom were black. " . .  .

The right needs to remember that this is bigger than Trump

. . . "What matters is that we on the right all face a herculean struggle between capitalism and socialism, and between strict construction of the Constitution and judicial activism, and a host of other threats to the Republic. " . . .

Waving Goodbye to the America We All Knew and Loved  ..."All that seems to be changing.  As we move into 2021, to borrow from Shakespeare, something is rotten.  It is difficult to pinpoint the origin or the exact nature of America's disintegration.  It developed a head of steam when a man who hates this country, Barack Obama, was elected president.  For eight years, we watched his concentrated assault on our values. Obama and his fellow Democrats have introduced some new concepts into our vernacular: democratic socialism, identity politics, social justice, diversity, inclusion, political correctness, Critical Race Theory, cancel culture.  They were intended for the express purpose of destroying everything that is laudable about America." . . .

Saturday, January 9, 2021

28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Or Endorsed Violence Committed By Left-Wing Activists

The Federalist

After excusing and ignoring riots from leftists all year, Democrats and their allies in the media are ready to condemn riots now that the turmoil has shifted to fit their narrative.

"Democrats and their allies in the media are ready to condemn riots now that the turmoil has shifted to fit their narrative.

"On Wednesday, a mob of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol building. It was an astonishing display of anarchic protest that delayed congressional certification of the Electoral College vote formally handing former Vice President Joe Biden the keys to the White House.

"The scenes from the dark day of disaster demonstrations illustrated a deteriorating country, repulsed millions, and traumatized a nation still recovering from the death, despair, and disruption that came to define the dystopian months of 2020. Above all, what happened Wednesday served as a grim reminder that the institutional stress test of 2020 has followed us into 2021.

"A trip down memory lane chronicling the left’s reaction to last year’s eruption of unrest claiming the lives of at least 30 people not only exposes the hypocrisy suffusing Democrats’ condemnation of political violence, but also illustrates a sobering reality that there’s plenty of blame to go around for the situation in which the United States now finds itself.

1. Kamala Harris Urges Followers to Cover Rioters’ Bail  

Incoming Vice President Kamala Harris encouraged her supporters last summer to donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which provided bail money to the militant anarchists facing charges for setting fire to Minneapolis.

"2. Chris Cuomo: Who Said Protests Were Supposed To Be Peaceful?

"CNN’s Chris Cuomo showcased his ignorance of the First Amendment in June when dismissing the idea that militant protests sweeping the nation in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death were illegal.

“Please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful,” Cuomo demanded.  

"Here’s the text from the First Amendment, emphasis added:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Keep reading...

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Posts on the Capitol riots

Republican Lawmakers Objecting To Biden Electors Have A Point: Americans Need To Trust Elections  . . . "But here’s what all these strident denunciations are missing: There really was evidence, lots of it, that voter fraud and illegal electioneering took place on a massive scale in the November election. 
"I’m not talking about exotic theories that voting machines controlled by communists in Venezuela and China switched millions of Trump votes to Biden (a convenient straw-man the corporate media constantly slays). I’m talking about old-fashioned, mundane stuff: people voting twice, dead people voting, cash-for-votes schemes, election workers ignoring state laws about the counting of absentee ballots, and courts changing the rules and deadlines for absentee ballots at the last minute. Much of it was perpetrated by Democratic political machines in places like Philadelphia and Detroit — cities infamous for corruption and election-rigging." . . .

Twitter Bans Users From Retweeting Trump’s Call For Peace, Rule Of Law . . . "While Trump’s video is littered with references to a “fraudulent election” that was “stolen from us,” he also spends a portion of his time urging the people who breached the most important federal building in the United States to go home.

“ 'You have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order. We have to respect our great people in law and order. We don’t want anybody hurt,” Trump said." . . .

***Live Updates*** U.S. Capitol Descends into Chaos on Day of Electoral College Certification

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Same girl as this? <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Debian (@d3b1an) <a href="">January 6, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

'TRAITOR, TRAITOR, TRAITOR': Trump supporters hurl abuse at Mitt Romney on flight from Salt Lake City to D.C. for refusing to back bid to overturn Biden victory

UK Daily Mail  . . . "Romney is among the Republican Senators who have rejected an effort to oppose certification of Joe Biden's presidency this week when Congress meets to officially count the electoral college votes.

"He is seen in one video being confronted by a woman as he waits for his flight. She demands to know why Romney is not supporting Donald Trump with the president's unfounded claims of widespread voter fraud.

"Romney cannot be seen in the second video, which went viral on Tuesday night, and claimed to show maskless Trump fans screaming 'traitor' at the senator while on the plane.

"Thousands of Trump loyalists are flying to Washington D.C. to attend a massive 'Stop the Steal' rally scheduled for Wednesday." . . . 

. . . Trump allies Sen. Lindsay Graham of South Carolina, and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, both also spoke out Sunday, insisting attempts to stop the certification of the Electoral College 'will go nowhere'. 
" The process will unfold Wednesday on Capitol Hill, but the final outcome is not in doubt. 
" The results will eventually be certified for Biden, who will be sworn in as the nation´s 46th president two weeks later." . . .

. . . "Some Twitter Democrats tut-tutted the Trump Republicans for their bad manners, but that was disingenuous. They made hay on harassing and threatening Republicans all through the summer, looting, rioting and burning ... and somehow that's what got them on top now. Kamala Harris even cheered the rioters and said the looting would go on ... and look where she is.

"Will it work for Republicans? Let's just say that Republicans in ballot-harvesting California learned to play the Democrats game by the Democrats' rules far better than the Democrats did this time around.

"Yes, harassing people in airports is something hippies used to do and perfectly characteristic of leftists today in their tactics. What's good for the goose is one argument, now that the left is the establishment. But it's also the result of frustration because legal means of redress for a fraudulent election have been dismissed or ignored without any meaningful hearings. When grievances fail to be redressed, wildcat tactics follow.

"Others noted that something bigger was going on and the lines to the Trump rally were already a mile long. A mass movement seemed to be brewing and maybe new party, without RINOs like Mitt, was in the works."

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Beware Mitt's Snits.

Mitt Romney's Trump-hatred is starting to look demonic  "Mitt Romney's singular focus in opposing President Donald Trump is eerie.  

"Is it revenge, as President Trump passed on him for secretary of state, or do we see his fight as more sinister still?

"Yesterday, Mitt Romney blasted Josh Hawley, who has stated that he will challenge the electors sent to Congress on January sixth.  Josh Hawley and countless other congressmen and senators are concerned with myriad reports, signed affidavits, video evidence, data dumps, statistic improbabilities, and hacked Dominion tabulating machines strongly suggesting that massive fraud occurred in the 2020 presidential election.

"If one has watched any of the televised testimony or read any reports, it is evident that a possibility exists that mass fraud occurred.  To date, none of this evidence has been given the scrutiny necessary to confirm affirmatively and transparently that Joe Biden legitimately beat Donald Trump.  Democrats are doing everything in their power to suppress this scrutiny.  Sadly, many Republicans, led by Mitt Romney, have worked tirelessly to hide evidence under a basket.

"In September, Mitt Romney blasted GOP senator Ron Johnson and Senate Republicans for their "illegitimate" investigation into Hunter Biden and his ties to China and Ukraine.  Today, after the election, Democrats and their sycophantic media and Big Tech have affirmed the legitimacy of this investigation.  Has Mitt apologized to Mr. Johnson or the American people?

"Does Mitt believe himself a god?*

"Mitt Romney's actions come off as holier than thou.  Does Mitt believe in his own self-righteousness?  Has he attained (in his mind) godlike qualities here on Earth?  Or is he, like the rest of the swamp (and Judas), just working to conceal his own sins?" . . .

* Which could be consistent with Mormon doctrine

Mitt Romney Flips out Over Josh Hawley Standing up in Senate Electoral College Fight, Mark Levin Lets Him Have It   . . . "Breitbart News reports that on New Year’s Day, Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) took to CNN’s airwaves, which has lately become a cozy perch where nominal Republicans like him seem to let loose in calling fellow Republicans, including Pres. Trump, “dangerous” to the nation. And he didn’t disappoint the NeverTrump gang with his performance this time." . . .

"So please, Sen. Romney. Spare us your tears for the demise of the Republic. We know your game well."

Why Romney Takes Issue with the COVID Vaccination Distribution Plan   "Everyone's favorite senator, Mitt Romney (R-UT), on Friday criticized the rollout of the Wuhan coronavirus vaccine." . . .

Saturday, January 2, 2021

REMINDER: Democrats Have Objected To Electoral Certification The Last Three Times A Republican Won

Gateway Pundit  "Democrats are absolutely freaking out about the fact that some Republicans are planning to object to the certification of Joe Biden by the Electoral College.

"Not only did they spend the last four years freaking out about Trump, they have objected to the certification the last three times a Republican won the presidency.

"This is what they do but when Republicans do it, they act like it’s a threat to democracy.

"PJ Media reports:

Democrats Have Objected to Electoral Vote Certification For the Last 3 GOP Presidents

Democrats are outraged that Republicans are planning on objecting to the certification of electoral votes. It’s “conspiracy and fantasy,” says Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.

“The effort by the sitting President of the United States to overturn the results is patently undemocratic,” the New York Democrat said. “The effort by others to amplify and burnish his ludicrous claims of fraud is equally revolting.”

“This is America. We have elections. We have results. We make arguments based on the fact and reason—not conspiracy and fantasy,” he added.

There’s only one problem with Chucky’s “argument based on fact and reason.” Democrats have been challenging the electoral vote certification for 2 decades.

The last three times a Republican has been elected president — Trump in 2016 and George W. Bush in both 2000 and 2004 — Democrats in the House have brought objections to the electoral votes in states the GOP nominee won. In early 2005 specifically, Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., along with Rep. Stephanie Tubbs, D-Ohio, objected to Bush’s 2004 electoral votes in Ohio.

Thursday, December 31, 2020

January 6th; talk about a drop-dead date


Rich Terrell

Coming attractions for January 6  "Here are updates related to January 6, when a joint session of Congress will meet to vote on the Electoral College results.  (Depending on how things unfold, there may be some surprises.  Some could be quite shocking.  More on that further down.)

"On January 6, members of Trump's legal team hope to present their case of massive voter fraud to Congress and the American people.  I presume they've been sharing information with Congress for weeks now, but on the 6th, it will be official, and they will also have a platform to speak to the public — at least as far as I understand things.

"On that same day, dozens of speakers will be on stage before a massive crowd, challenging the election results, standing with President Trump, and standing for the Constitution.

"Inside the hallowed corrupt halls of Congress, twenty congressmen have pledged to challenge the Electoral College vote. " . . .

If enough senators challenge the election results, Trump wins 

. . . In brief: If senators follow Hawley's lead and take a stand against the fraudulently generated Electoral College votes, at that point, under the Twelfth Amendment, there is no elected president, and the matter returns not to the full House, but to a single representative from each state.  And so, Trump wins.

Hey, GOP: This is Your Do or Die Moment   Mr. Romney, you listening?

Sen. Josh Hawley to Join GOP House Members Who Will Contest Electoral College Results on Jan. 6  "January 6, the day Congress is expected to accept the results of the election, is fast approaching.

"There have been a lot of rumblings about what to do with so many Republicans questioning the results of the election. Polls indicate that at least 78% of Republicans do not believe that Joe Biden won legitimately and they want people to listen to the concerns being raised.

"Now, reports are that some in Congress will be objecting on January 6.

"Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) has been leading the charge in the House. Joining him will be several new incoming members including Reps. Barry Moore (R-AL), Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Madison Cawthorn (R-NC), Burgess Owens (R-UT), Yvette Herrell (R-NM), Dr. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), Bob Good (R-VA), Jerry Carl (R-AL) and Andrew Clyde of Georgia. While there are at least 10 new members joining Brooks, there are also current members who will be joining as well, such as Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA)." . . .