Sunday, July 7, 2024

Biden broke the border, but here's how Trump can fix it again

 Trump says that “[o]n my first day … I will terminate every open borders policy of the Biden administration.” (

If Trump wins in November Democrats will have till Jan 20th, 2025 to wreak all the damage they can to American society and culture in order to present Republicans - President Trump - with a monumental, perhaps unreparable nation. Just look at the angry, distorted face of Joe Biden when he discusses his opponent. TD

"If anyone can seal the border, Donald Trump can. But can even he wrestle back control after President Biden’s “nation-wrecking nightmare” (Trump’s words, jarring but spot on)?

"Trump would “seek to re-establish” his “Migrant Protection Protocols,” which saw the Department of Homeland Security refuse entry to those apprehended at the southern border, and having them stay in Mexico pending their removal proceedings.

"Since 1997, all Trump’s predecessors possessed this potent statutory tool, yet only Trump used it. MPP took away aliens’ incentive to make bogus claims of fear to secure release into the U.S. DHS found it “indispensable,” resulting in “a rapid and substantial decline in apprehension[s].” Pre-COVID, MPP was truly the MVP of border security. 

"Stephen Miller, President Trump’s former immigration advisor, promises that Trump will again invoke Title 42, under which “we would send … straight back home” aliens entering illegally (Trump’s words). Since WWII, all Trump’s predecessors possessed this potent statutory tool, yet only Trump used it.

"Trump would “push to revive” his “asylum cooperative agreements,” allowing DHS to send asylum-seekers to amenable countries to seek protection. Since 1997, all Trump’s predecessors possessed this potent statutory tool, yet (other than to a limited extent with Canada) only Trump used it.

"Trump “will revoke” the student visas of “radical anti-American and antisemitic foreigners” and institute “strong ideological screening” — “If you want to abolish … Israel…. [i]f you’re a communist … you are disqualified” (his words). If Trump has the will, federal law has the way:" . . .

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