Showing posts sorted by relevance for query electoral college. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query electoral college. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday, January 2, 2021

REMINDER: Democrats Have Objected To Electoral Certification The Last Three Times A Republican Won

Gateway Pundit  "Democrats are absolutely freaking out about the fact that some Republicans are planning to object to the certification of Joe Biden by the Electoral College.

"Not only did they spend the last four years freaking out about Trump, they have objected to the certification the last three times a Republican won the presidency.

"This is what they do but when Republicans do it, they act like it’s a threat to democracy.

"PJ Media reports:

Democrats Have Objected to Electoral Vote Certification For the Last 3 GOP Presidents

Democrats are outraged that Republicans are planning on objecting to the certification of electoral votes. It’s “conspiracy and fantasy,” says Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.

“The effort by the sitting President of the United States to overturn the results is patently undemocratic,” the New York Democrat said. “The effort by others to amplify and burnish his ludicrous claims of fraud is equally revolting.”

“This is America. We have elections. We have results. We make arguments based on the fact and reason—not conspiracy and fantasy,” he added.

There’s only one problem with Chucky’s “argument based on fact and reason.” Democrats have been challenging the electoral vote certification for 2 decades.

The last three times a Republican has been elected president — Trump in 2016 and George W. Bush in both 2000 and 2004 — Democrats in the House have brought objections to the electoral votes in states the GOP nominee won. In early 2005 specifically, Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., along with Rep. Stephanie Tubbs, D-Ohio, objected to Bush’s 2004 electoral votes in Ohio.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The liberal scheme to get rid of the Electoral College is dangerous

With all that in mind, does this really make sense? Are we really so dead-set on taking the success and prosperity of America for granted that we’re willing to go down this dangerous road? Maybe we are. In fact, if Texas goes blue, you can be certain that it will be Republicans pushing this idea or something similar. But, as our Founding Fathers realized, it’s dangerous to our Republic and we should be very hesitant to take the sort of risk that moving to a popular vote model would create. 

"From George Washington to Donald Trump, there have been 45 American presidents and out of all the elections they have participated in, there have only been five times where the popular vote did not agree with the electoral college. However, because two of those elections have occurred within the last 20 years (Trump vs. Clinton, Bush vs. Gore), liberals believe we have a crisis on our hands that must be addressed.

"Their plan to address this crisis is called the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. The idea is to get 270 electoral votes worth of states to sign up for it and then those states will promise to throw their electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote. 

"Democrats believe this will benefit them, but that is far from assured. Why? Because since the election isn’t decided on the popular vote, Republicans haven’t been competing to win the popular vote. For example, what sense would it have made for Donald Trump to spend major resources in California, New York, New Jersey, and Illinois in 2016? He wasn’t going to win those states and everyone knew it, including Republican voters, millions of whom undoubtedly didn’t bother turning out because of it.

"If the popular vote were to become the standard, Republicans would start spending major amounts of time and money in big liberal states and once that happens, there’s no reason to think that Democrats would have an advantage. In fact, if and when Texas turns blue, it would undoubtedly be to the Republican Party’s advantage to have the election decided by the popular vote." . . .

Friday, July 27, 2018

A 'walk away' movement might not be strong enough

Russ Vaughn . . . " In the true homeland of Abraham Lincoln, fully two thirds of the state's twelve million population reside in the Greater Chicago Metropolitan Area and as a result, the fiscally irresponsible and constitutionally nullifying liberal Democrats who govern that city and control the statehouse have all but bankrupted the entire state while legislating away the citizens' Second Amendment rights.
. . . 
"Just as the Founding Fathers had the wisdom to prevent the more densely populated states from dominating the more rural and agrarian, it is time for America's huge majority (2,600 voted for Trump of 3,100) red counties to overthrow the liberal tyranny of blue urban majorities by finding ways to adopt systems similar to the federal Electoral College, but based on counties within the states.  Had such electoral provisions been in place in all states in 2016, Trump could well have added several states such as New York, Maryland, Virginia, Illinois, Minnesota, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington to his electoral victory.  Had that happened, Trump would have buried hapless Hillary in an Electoral College landslide, perhaps sparing us the constant carping of the deranged media about an illegitimate president.  Let us hope for more counties to begin defending the rights of their citizens against tyrannical state governments."

The Blue-State Housing Bubble  . . . "The bubble is bursting right now in Illinois and in CA, PA, MA, CT, NJ, NY, and all other big Blue states. California alone has a half-trillion-dollar unfunded pension liability. The financial mechanics are the same and cannot be stopped."

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Tolerant Liberals Start Revoking College Degrees

 Moonbattery  "Liberals have to stay creative to come up with new means to express their tolerance. Now they want to revoke the college degrees of conservatives.

"Rudy Giuliani, beloved as “America’s Mayor” in the aftermath of 9/11, is now a natural target:

Middlebury College, a liberal arts institution in Vermont, is rescinding Rudy Giuliani’s honorary degree, which they awarded him in 2005.

"The college accuses Giuliani of involvement “in fomenting the violent uprising” at the Capitol last week, on the grounds that he spoke at the rally that preceded the riot. Needless to say, moonbats who spoke to liberal mobs prior to Black Lives Matter riots don’t have to worry about losing honorary degrees.

"Ted Cruz may stand to lose a degree he actually earned:

New York University Assistant Professor of Sociology Alex Barnard called on Princeton University to rescind Sen. Ted Cruz’s Bachelor’s degree in response to the Texas Republican objecting to the certification of Arizona’s electoral college votes. …

Barnard wrote that Cruz supported such a measure “not because that makes any sense whatsoever, but because Cruz’s whole political program is symbolic acts of spite.”

"How better to express your disdain for symbolic acts of spite than with a symbolic act of spite?

"When Muslims conquered Christian lands like Egypt and Syria, they forced the locals to live as dhimmis — second class citizens — until they finally relented and converted to Islam so that they would not be systematically discriminated against and abused. It took centuries, but it worked. Christians constitute small minorities in the Middle East now. Liberals have not even completely taken over the federal government yet, and already they are applying a similar policy to eradicate resistance to their ideology.

"On tips from ABC of the ANC."

Friday, March 22, 2019

Constitutional Fairyland

Conrad Black

"Another week, a new harvest of insane Democratic pre-electoral hobby horses. Various of the numberless swarm of presidential aspirants in that party have glibly chimed in with their views of how to modify American government to assure a permanent “progressive” majority. Gathering steam now are absurd ideas to side-step the Electoral College, pack the Supreme Court, lower the voting age to 16, and divide the political rubble heap of California into three or four states to create more Democratic senators.
"All of this is nonsense, emanating from the same political fairyland as the 12-year elimination of carbon use and bovine flatulence. La Pasionaria Occasion assures us her Green New Deal will not lead to millions of unemployed as the leaders of organized leaders claim, but too a “reinvigorated workforce.” That is a (presumably) unintended recourse to Orwellian newspeak: involuntary unemployment is rarely reinvigorating.
Would-Be Rulers East and West
"The bunk about the Electoral College is an attempt to subvert the basis of the American federal system. Little states such as Delaware and Rhode Island had the same number of senators as large states like Virginia (which then included West Virginia) and Pennsylvania, for the reason that their interests as states were just as significant as those of the large ones—and probably in need of even greater protection. (Philadelphia in 1787 was the second largest English-speaking city in the world, with 34,000 people, though a long way behind London, 20 times as populous.)" . . .

Friday, December 29, 2023

Maine: The nightmare scenario we are now facing

But even if the spineless members of the GOP did in fact give in to Democrat demands and put Biden into office, this would set off a chain reaction amongst Republican voters who simply could not abide by such an abdication of duty, which would largely result in a massive restructuring of the country in a way that is not even comprehensible. 

 Timothy Jankowski - American Thinker   "Not since Gavrilo Princips assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 has the politically-motivated action of a single individual threatened to plunge an entire nation into strife and crisis like the decision by Maine’s Democrat Secretary of State, Shenna Bellows, to keep Donald Trump off of the state’s primary ballot.

"Does that sound like hyperbole? Allow me to explain.

"Donald Trump’s path to re-election in 2024 is simple: Hold the red states that he won in 2020, which he should do with ease, and win back the swing states of Wisconsin, Arizona, and Georgia. That outcome would result with him receiving 270 electoral votes, the exact margin needed to regain the presidency.

"The push to remove Trump from state ballots is largely irrelevant. He’s not going to be removed from any red state ballots and there are no signs he will be removed from the aforementioned swing states. Even if every blue state were to keep him off the ballot, the scenario laid out above would remain not just possible, but likely… with one exception: the state of Maine. Unlike most states which apportion their electoral votes on a winner-take-all basis, Maine divides its four electoral votes by Congressional districts; in 2020 Biden won three, while Trump managed to win one from the more rural, conservative region of the state.

"Now let’s assume that the election plays out in the highly likely possible manner as suggested, with the caveat that Trump is not on the ballot in Maine. This means he will lose one of the votes he held in 2020 bringing his electoral vote count to 269, one vote short of the number needed to win. The result will be an electoral college tie meaning the election will be thrown to the House of Representatives to decide." . . .

Remember the insane   . . ."As in Colorado, they throw the 14th Amendment and “insurrection” accusation at former President Trump.

"The problem is that Mr. Trump has not been convicted of an insurrection, or for that matter, even charged in a court of law.  To my knowledge no one arrested on January 6th was charged with the “I” word either.  I guess that’s what happens when a mob of people shows up without guns.

“ 'Insurrectionist” has now joined “racist” as the new “shut down all dialogue” buzz word in the Democrats’ vocabulary.  

"My guess is that Maine’s Secretary of State knows that this insane idea will be overturned by the Supreme Court.  She is only doing this to add some value to her resumé, or maybe to get a show on MSNBC.  Once the Supreme Court (hopefully) shoots this down, she will say that the justices appointed by the “insurrectionist” protected Trump.

"In the meantime, the people who burned businesses and police stations are walking free because that was definitely not an insurrection." . . .  

Lawfare Continues - Maine Democrat Secretary of State Determines, Without Judicial Hearing, Donald Trump Is Disqualified from 2024 GOP Primary Ballot

. . .The Maine decision by fiat will likely first travel through the judicial system in the state, as the determination of the Secretary of State holds no legal basis outside the authority granted to an individual office holder." . . .  But she will be a hero.

Jonathan Turley Decimates the Decision of the Maine Sec of State . . ."George Washington professor Jonathan Turley decimated her decision in a thread on X.

He said he had decided to "add her name to the ignoble list of Democratic officials claiming to defend democracy by preventing its exercise for millions of Trump supporters" and that "Maine shows why the Court needs to rule quickly, clearly, and hopefully unanimously in rejecting this pernicious theory."

"He did not think much of her reasoning." . . . 

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

A faithless elector

American Thinker  "Christopher Suprun, an elector from Texas, writes in an op-ed published in  the  New York Times on December 6, saying he will not cast his vote for Donald J. Trump.  Mr. Suprun urges his Electoral College colleagues to "unity behind a Republican alternative."
"Mr. Suprun – it is not clear how he got to be an elector – cites Federalist No. 68 for guidance.  He does not, however, refer to the following passage from No. 68:
It was also peculiarly desirable to afford as little opportunity as possible to tumult and disorder. This evil was not least to be dreaded in the election of a magistrate, who was to have so important an agency in the administration of the government as the President of the United States. But the precautions which have been so happily concerted in the system under consideration, promise an effectual security against this mischief. The choice of SEVERAL, to form an intermediate body of electors, will be much less apt to convulse the community with any extraordinary or violent movements, than the choice of ONE who was himself to be the final object of the public wishes. And as the electors, chosen in each State, are to assemble and vote in the State in which they are chosen, this detached and divided situation will expose them much less to heats and ferments, which might be communicated from them to the people, than if they were all to be convened at one time, in one place.
. . .
 Suprun signed a pledge this summer to support the Republican nominee. He lied.
. . . "Texas law doesn’t mandate that electors vote according to the results of the state’s presidential election, which Trump won by nine percentage points over Hillary Clinton. Suprun and the GOP’s other electors signed pledges at the state Republican convention in Dallas this summer promising to vote for their party’s nominee, but those aren’t legally binding.
“ 'I’m expecting backlash, but that has been par for the course this campaign. People are unhappy. They’re angry. But I’m angry, too,” said Suprun, who said that prior to changing his mind he had received hundreds of emails, letters and phone calls urging him not to support Trump."

The Electoral College Prevents California from Imposing Imperial Rule on the Country

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

How Do You Kill Democracy? Vote Democrat -

  The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Democracy Dies in Denver

"Four Biden campaign operatives on the seven-member Colorado Supreme Court on Tuesday evening kicked Donald J. Trump off the Centennial State’s presidential ballot. They abused Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to disqualify Trump because, they claim, he incited an insurrection on January 6, 2021. Never mind that Trump has not been convicted of, tried for, nor even charged with insurrection. Indeed, the U.S. Senate acquitted Trump of all January 6-related accusations for which the House impeached him that January 13.

  • Around October 2011, under President Barack Obama and then-Vice President Joe Biden, the Justice Department tapped the phones of then-Fox News correspondent James Rosen and his parents on Staten Island. DOJ was probing Rosen’s sources related to his coverage of U.S. policy on North Korea.
  • Obama-Biden perpetrated political profiling by denying 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) tax-exempt status to scores of conservative and Tea Party groups in 2010 to 2012. According to a sample of 111 such outfits, the House Ways & Means Committee found that the IRS granted tax exemption to 100 percent of left-wing organizations, but only 46 percent of conservative establishments. IRS foot-dragging and rejection of center-right applications crippled conservative groups that aimed to educate voters before the 2012 election.
  • During Obama-Biden, the FBI launched Operation Crossfire Hurricane, to spy on the 2016 Trump campaign. Special Counsel John Durham concluded that the FBI relied on “raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence.” This FBI probe was worse than Watergate even without a break-in.
  • Hillary Clinton paid Democrat election law firm Perkins Coie to commission Fusion GPS’s notorious “dirty dossier” that smeared Trump as a Russian agent. Fusion GPS, in turn, paid former British spy Christopher Steele for “evidence” of Kremlin ties. Steele’s “source” was Igor Danchenko — a Russian employee of the Brookings Institution. Danchenko’s wild accusation, that Trump in 2013 watched two prostitutes urinate on each other in his Moscow hotel room, fueled the left’s outlandish sex fantasy that Kremlin extortionists controlled Trump.
  • After Trump upset Hillary Clinton in November 2016, Democrats rioted, committed arson, and relentlessly called Trump’s election illegitimate. Martin Sheen, Mike Farrell, and other Hollywood stars concocted their own fake electors scheme: They urged electors to support someone other than Trump in the Electoral College, never mind that voters selected them to back Trump.
  • Democrats objected to Trump’s slates of electors during the January 6, 2017 certification ceremony for Electoral College ballots. House Democrats vocally opposed Trump’s electors from 10 different states. These included Michigan and Wisconsin, which Trump barely won, but also Alabama (where Trump trumped Clinton by 28.3 percent), West Virginia (42.2 percent), and Wyoming (47.6 percent).

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Why we must fear Democrats' desire to rule over our nation

Delaware Pizza Shop Cancels Event for Republican Senate Candidate After Pressure From BLM    . . . After [America First senate candidate] Lauren Witzke  following a pressure campaign from the left.

"Witzke announced her meet and greet at the venue, the left set up petitions and began a harassment campaign to get the owner to cancel the event. Their mob tactics worked, and less than 24 hours before the event, the shop posted on Facebook that it had been cancelled." . . .

Keith Olbermann: Trump Supporters Are ‘Maggots,’ Must Be ‘Prosecuted’  . . . “Remember it, even though to remember it means remembering that the fight does not end on November 3rd but in many ways will only begin that day,” he said. On October 7, Olbermann announced he was leaving ESPN to devote himself fulltime to political commentaries." . . .  Keith Olbermann lets out his inner Maoist in a YouTube rant  . . . "Instead, Olbermann wants to eliminate people who have political views with which he disagrees.  The tip-off is that he included Amy Coney Barrett on his list.  She is a woman who has lived an exemplary life.  However, she believes that the Constitution is America's central document and that a judge must measure the government's laws and actions against the Constitution.  She also believes that abortion is morally wrong.  For that, says Olbermann, she must be "removed from our society.' " . . .

5 Major Ways America Will Fundamentally Change If Biden Packs The Court  . . . "Let’s lay out five potentially major changes to American life and society that court packing would result in." . . .

Schiff: ‘I Would Favor Doing away with the Electoral College’   . . .In order to take power over you, the Democrats are willing to destroy the foundations of your nation -- from its borders, to the Electoral College, to the Supreme Court, to the Constitution itself. They do not care about your rights or the rights of your children. They care about power -- by any means necessary. Donald Trump was correct. It is you they are after. He is just standing in their way.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

All the Progressive Plotters

No reporter seems to care that Hillary Clinton hired a foreign national to work with other foreign nationals to sabotage, first, her opponent’s campaign, then his transition and his presidency, along with the wink and nod help from key Obama officials at the Department of Justice, State Department, National Security Council, FBI and CIA.

Victor Davis Hanson  "Right after the 2016 election, Green Party candidate Jill Stein—cheered on by Hillary Clinton dead-enders—sued in three states to recount votes and thereby overturn Donald Trump’s victory in the Electoral College. Before the quixotic effort imploded, Stein was praised as an iconic progressive social justice warrior who might stop the hated Trump from even entering the White House.

"When that did not work, B-list Hollywood celebrities mobilized, with television and radio commercials, to shame electors in Trump-won states into not voting for the president-elect during the official Electoral College balloting in December 2016. Their idea was that select morally superior electors should reject their constitutional directives and throw the election into the House of Representatives where even more morally superior NeverTrump Republicans might join with even much more morally superior Democrats to find the perfect morally superior NeverTrump alternative.
"When that did not work, more than 60 Democratic House members voted to bring up Trump’s impeachment for vote. Trump had only been in office a few weeks. Then San Francisco billionaire Tom Steyer toured the country and lavished millions on advertisements demanding Trump’s removal by impeachment—and was sorely disappointed when he discovered that billion-dollar-fueled virtue-signaling proved utterly bankrupt virtue-signaling.
"When that did not work, celebrities and politicians hit social media and the airwaves to so demonize Trump that culturally it would become taboo even to voice prior support for the elected president. Their chief tool was a strange new sort of presidential assassination chic, as Madonna, David Crosby, Robert de Niro, Johnny Depp, Snoop Dogg, Peter Fonda, Kathy Griffin, and a host of others linguistically vied with one another in finding the most appropriately violent end of Trump—blowing him up, burning him up, beating him up, shooting him up, caging him up, or decapitating him. Apparently, the aim—aside from careerist chest-thumping among the entertainment elite—was to lower the bar of Trump disparagement and insidiously delegitimize his presidency." . . .
"When that did not work . . ." "When that did not work . . ." "When that did not work . . ."....And so on and on...

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Vote No on 1984; Thought crimes, ministries of truth, and memory holes belong in Oceania, not America.

"Are we crazy who watch the violence in our streets and scream at our TVs that that masked man, this hooded woman on the screen is, in real time, assaulting the police, looting a family’s store, tossing a firebomb at a police car — and all with virtual immunity? Did Americans miss out on some new state or local law decreeing that it’s now legal to ransack a store or demolish a business?"

Victor Davis Hanson  "If we were to wake up in 2022, would we be more likely to see a 15-person Supreme Court, a Senate without a filibuster, a nation without an Electoral College, and an effort to admit two more states and with them four more senators if Joe Biden or Donald Trump were president?

"Why would we blow up a nine-justice Supreme Court after 151 years, or a 233-year Electoral College, or a 170-year Senate filibuster, or a 60-year 50-state Union? And why now? What is the theme, the argument, the momentum for shattering these traditions, other than that progressives see them as ancient impediments to their radical ends?

"Who, if president, would alter our ways of governance, and who would resist? Why are the proponents of these radical changes to the way we are governed so fanatical and yet so quiet about their intentions?" . . .

What became of our sense of right and wrong?  ... "Are we crazy who watch the violence in our streets and scream at our TVs that that masked man, this hooded woman on the screen is, in real time, assaulting the police, looting a family’s store, tossing a firebomb at a police car — and all with virtual immunity? Did Americans miss out on some new state or local law decreeing that it’s now legal to ransack a store or demolish a business?" . . .

What judgment will future generations pass on us?  ..."For a generation so prone to damn the past by the standards of the present, what will our grandchildren say about us in 50 years, we who have aborted 2,000 to 3,000 infants a day? Will they scream that we were racists to allow 1,000 African-American lives to be extinguished every 24 hours? And which current presidential candidate would be more likely to say, “Please, don’t do this” and which to boast, “Who are you to object?' ”...

Today we have our tech barons just as the 1800s had the robber barons:  . . . "When listening the other day to the senatorial furor directed at Jack Dorsey, Twitter founder and CEO, I thought of the 19th-century agrarian venom against the railroad monopolies that rigged freight rates when farmers had no other way to ship their produce. Dorsey essentially admitted that, as a private tech baron, he too can do as he pleases. And as he pleases means censoring conservative content on all he owns. 

CEOs of Facebook, Twitter and Google

"Dorsey, like the late-19th-century railroad conglomerates, operates a virtual octopus, as do Facebook and Google. Their tentacles squeeze out all their competition. They are vertically integrated. Long ago they strangulated competitors and censored and rigged their operations in a way that assumes that they are neither operating in the public domain like a utility nor subject to antitrust and anti-monopoly laws that tend to reappear when moguls express open contempt for their customers." . . .

More at the Tunnel Wall

Friday, June 7, 2019

Illegal Alien Invasion Part Of Left’s Plan To Control Electoral College

OAN "Following the loss of the 2016 election, Democrats are scrambling to make sure they control the electoral college the next time round. Illegal aliens could be a big part of their plan.
"One America’s Pearson Sharp explains."

Friday, February 7, 2020

Democrat SOTU

Don Surber

"I know the governor of Michigan gave the Democrat response to President Donald John Trump's uplifting, rousing, and patriotic State of the Union address. But she is just their Bobby Jindal glossing over where the party stands. The true state of the Democrat Party is as American as the Iranian flag.
"They gave Iran 150 times what they gave Ukraine, and did not require Iran to fire anyone first.
"What do Democrats want for America?
"1. Open Borders. Democrat mayors across the United States order their police to ignore lawful orders to turn over to ICE illegal aliens who have committed violent crimes.
"Julián Castro was the first Democrat presidential candidate this time to call for ending deportations. He wrote, "Immigrants seeking refuge in our country aren’t a threat to national security. Migration shouldn’t be a criminal justice issue. It’s time to end this draconian policy and return to treating immigration as a civil — not a criminal — issue."
"The rest of the candidates followed his lead." . . .

3. Reparations. Elizabeth Warren said, "I believe it’s time to start the national, full-blown conversation about reparations."
 4. Trillions in new taxes. Bloomberg wants to go after "high earners," while Warren wants to confiscate 2% of the acquired wealth of billionaires.
5. Medicare for All. It is actually Medicaid for all as it would eliminate private insurance. Even liberals choke on this one. *
6. Yuppie Chow. The word Yuppie fell out of favor but forgiving $1.6 million million (or $1.6 trillion if you prefer) in student loans is welfare for mainly young urban professionals, most of whom are white. Colleges fleeced them, now they want to fleece taxpayers.
 7. Legalizing Crime. They have legalized pooping in the street, using hard drugs (needle exchanges) and shoplifting (stealing less than $960 is no big deal) in cities in California. New York state has ended requiring bail.
8. Eliminate the Electoral College. Unable to win the last election constitutionally, Democrats want to get around it by having states give up their electors to the candidate with the most votes. The problem with that the Constitution requires approval of each house of Congress and 38 states to eliminate the Electoral College. I do not see an honest judge approving this scheme.
9. Letting felons vote.
They call this restoring their rights.
How about we begin by restoring their rights to own a gun? 
. . . *The Eye-Popping Cost of Medicare for All  . . .  "Senator Elizabeth Warren’s refusal to answer repeated questions at last night’s debate about how she would fund Medicare for All underscores the challenge she faces finding a politically acceptable means to meet the idea’s huge price tag—a challenge that only intensified today with the release of an eye-popping new study." . . .

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Winners and whiners

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

For the first time in 8 years, I am proud of my country  . . . "Still, until the very end, on November 7, thousands of unintimidated, courageous Americans showed up at Trump's rallies to save this country from the pervasive darkness blanketing this nation.
"On January 20, we will begin to sift through the wreckage of the Obama years.  The  out-of-control, angry, hate-filled protesters burning Trump in  effigy, publicly calling for his assassination, and brutalizing innocent people are Obama's nightmarish children.  Their lawless tantrums after the election remind us exactly why we, along with Donald Trump, beat Hillary Clinton."
Political Cartoons by Mike Lester

MoveOn Petition Asks Electoral College to Vote Hillary Clinton  . . . "Furthermore, Hillary Clinton has already done the right thing, conceding the race to Trump and encouraging her supporters to accept the results of the election. Even if the Electoral College were to buck the voters and cast their ballots for Clinton, that would not alter the election, as she has already ruled herself out." . . .
If it turns out Hillary is sincere about this, she will have at last earned some new respect.

Hate in the Time of Tantrums  "We're living in a time of tantrums right now.  Liberals, progressives, and soi-disantsocial justice warriors are acting out everywhere from Harvard to the Hollywood Freeway that was blocked near my house last night by demonstrators waving signs reading "Love Trumps Hate," as they chanted "F... Trump!" over the din of the traffic." . . .

Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Anti-Trump Protesters UNLEASH Electoral College Members’ PERSONAL Information On Internet!

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton  "This is called doxing. The #NotMyPresident Alliance has dug up the personal information of Electoral College members in states that voted Republican and has released it to their thuggish supporters. Their mission, should they choose to accept it (and they have), is to ‘persuade’ these voters to switch their votes from Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton. How many times do I have to tell these idiots that it is not going to happen? I don’t think even violence would do the trick. In fact, this is going to solidify their votes for Trump.

"They delivered this information via a Google doc spreadsheet to I don’t know how many people out there. Some of them are most likely unstable as that is the calling card of the Left. I think the authorities should go after these people with at the very least a warning. A few of the electors are not totally committed on their vote yet and are being severely targeted. One guy in Arizona, who is definitely voting for Trump, in one day got 60 calls and over 1500 emails. It’s sheer harassment." . . .

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Hillary! She's baaaaak! UPDATED!

Who Ordered This Clinton Comeback Tour  . . . "Asked by Jane Pauley of CBS News if she thought it would be harder for a woman to defeat Trump next year, the former secretary of state said that she didn’t think so. “Look, there were many funny things that happened in my election that will not happen again. And I’m hoping that both the public and press understand the way Trump plays the game,” she said.
Clinton implies that Trump stole or rigged the election — elsewhere in the interview, she refers to him as “an illegitimate president” — and that this explains her loss."Indeed, the new book of essays now landing on the shelves is written by Mrs. Clinton and her daughter Chelsea Clinton, is published by Simon & Schuster. Some informed observers speculate the book could be yet another indicator — along with increased public appearances and commentary — that Mrs. Clinton pines for a political comeback."
"What kind of comeback? Oh, maybe the bumper stickers will read BIDEN/CLINTON 2020, WARREN/CLINTON 2020 — or even CLINTON/CLINTON 2020. Who the heck knows?
“ 'Word on the political street now is the rumbling that the impeachment probe launched by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi may be the crack that opens the door for another presidential run by Hillary Clinton. This time, the thinking goes, Hillary would be running with vindication that the 2016 election was ‘stolen’ from her and she can ascend in 2020 to reclaim the mantle for her party and the majority of the country that voted for her,” writes Nate Ashworth, editor in chief of Election Central." . . .

Chelsea tells talk show host she feels need to protect Mom from Trump supporters

Hillary Clinton ‘Communes’ with the Spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt (Snopes) . . . "While many media outlets reported that Woodward’s book documented Clinton holding seances and “speaking to the dead,” Dr. Jean Houston, the advisor who worked with Clinton during these “imaginary chats,” said that the exercise was more akin to brainstorming than a religious ritual: . . .  How Hillary’s Seances Led Democrats To Embrace The Occult

Clinton discussed her admiration for Eleanor Roosevelt "Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton discussed President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s affair in a Sunday interview, saying, “It can be gutsy” for the wife to stay in the marriage." . . .

UPDATE:  Hillary: No one told me about this shocking, “godforsaken” obstacle in 2016, or something  . . . “ 'And now the godforsaken Electoral College”? Just as a reminder, the Electoral College has been the method of electing American presidents since 1789. It’s not a secret that the overall popular vote does not matter for presidential elections, especially since 2000’s Bush-Gore contest. Is it too much to ask that presidential candidates familiarize themselves with the 237-year-old instructions for American governance before running for office?"  . . . Shame on Jane Pauley of CBS for her fawning over this woman.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

'TRAITOR, TRAITOR, TRAITOR': Trump supporters hurl abuse at Mitt Romney on flight from Salt Lake City to D.C. for refusing to back bid to overturn Biden victory

UK Daily Mail  . . . "Romney is among the Republican Senators who have rejected an effort to oppose certification of Joe Biden's presidency this week when Congress meets to officially count the electoral college votes.

"He is seen in one video being confronted by a woman as he waits for his flight. She demands to know why Romney is not supporting Donald Trump with the president's unfounded claims of widespread voter fraud.

"Romney cannot be seen in the second video, which went viral on Tuesday night, and claimed to show maskless Trump fans screaming 'traitor' at the senator while on the plane.

"Thousands of Trump loyalists are flying to Washington D.C. to attend a massive 'Stop the Steal' rally scheduled for Wednesday." . . . 

. . . Trump allies Sen. Lindsay Graham of South Carolina, and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, both also spoke out Sunday, insisting attempts to stop the certification of the Electoral College 'will go nowhere'. 
" The process will unfold Wednesday on Capitol Hill, but the final outcome is not in doubt. 
" The results will eventually be certified for Biden, who will be sworn in as the nation´s 46th president two weeks later." . . .

. . . "Some Twitter Democrats tut-tutted the Trump Republicans for their bad manners, but that was disingenuous. They made hay on harassing and threatening Republicans all through the summer, looting, rioting and burning ... and somehow that's what got them on top now. Kamala Harris even cheered the rioters and said the looting would go on ... and look where she is.

"Will it work for Republicans? Let's just say that Republicans in ballot-harvesting California learned to play the Democrats game by the Democrats' rules far better than the Democrats did this time around.

"Yes, harassing people in airports is something hippies used to do and perfectly characteristic of leftists today in their tactics. What's good for the goose is one argument, now that the left is the establishment. But it's also the result of frustration because legal means of redress for a fraudulent election have been dismissed or ignored without any meaningful hearings. When grievances fail to be redressed, wildcat tactics follow.

"Others noted that something bigger was going on and the lines to the Trump rally were already a mile long. A mass movement seemed to be brewing and maybe new party, without RINOs like Mitt, was in the works."

Monday, January 2, 2023

Adam Kinzinger Lies About Ray Epps Again, and We Should Probably Figure out Why


"The January 6 committee recently ended with a whimper after a year of pomp and circumstance. Despite much manipulation of information by its members, the committee’s report garnered all of about eight hours of headline news before quickly burning out.

"Why? Because there was almost nothing revealed that we didn’t already know in it, and no matter how much Liz Cheney, Adam Schiff, and the rest insisted otherwise, they themselves never produced an ounce of evidence that Donald Trump orchestrated and was responsible for the Capitol breach.

"Still, there was something interesting shown in the testimony of now-infamous Ray Epps, the man who was caught on video multiple times telling people to enter the Capitol Building on January 6th. While the committee’s final report never mentions him, he apparently stated “I also orchestrated it” in relation to the events of that day.

"Yet, for some reason, Adam Kinzinger rushed to social media on Sunday morning to defend Epps."

. . ."Why is a congressman who served on the January 6 committee outright lying about something that is so obviously true? The videos of Epps are not new and have been circulating since 2021. He clearly and unambiguously incited the riot and the entry into the Capitol Building. In fact, when you watch the different clips of him, he seems to be very well rehearsed in what he’s saying and doing.

"That he was never arrested while grandmas who took selfies were thrown into solitary confinement has always been a major red flag. Given that, perhaps we should figure out why Kinzinger keeps defending the one man with the most evidence of incitement against him in relation to January 6th. Wasn’t the committee’s entire justification for existing to find out why the attack happened? Yet, they completely ignore the man who instigated it?

"None of that makes any sense unless you begin to think the worst, which is that the government was involved. But hey, I’m sitting here typing this, willing to hear a reasonable explanation for why Epps was ignored by the committee and has never been arrested. If Kinzinger has one, he’s welcome to share it because lying about what happened isn’t convincing anyone.". . .  Much more on Twitter here

The Jan. 6 ‘Criminal Referrals’ Against Trump Are Political Bunk  . . .That’s exactly what those four “criminal referrals” from the Jan. 6 Committee against former President Donald Trump are.

"But, as the year ends, let’s go through the referrals featured in the committee’s 154-page report — the report of a witch hunt from the witch hunters.

"Specifically, the committee recommended that prosecutors pursue four charges against Trump. They are:

  1. Obstruction of an official proceeding of Congress.
  2. Conspiracy to defraud the United States.
  3. Inciting or assisting an insurrection.
  4. And conspiracy to make a false statement.

"Let’s start with No. 1, “Obstruction of an official proceeding of Congress.”

"First of all, Trump did not obstruct anything. He addressed a completely peaceful rally on the White House Ellipse before the events at the Capitol. It was a rally where told the tens of thousands gathered together to go protest “peacefully and patriotically.”

There was not a single word said about “obstructing” an official proceeding of Congress.

"But if protesting the counting of the results of an election is obstruction, then there is the matter of Maryland Democrat Rep. Jamie Raskin, a member of the Jan. 6 Committee.

"Democrats, in fact, tried to stop — that would be obstruct — the certification of the Electoral College vote in 2000, 2004, and 2016. Which is to say, they were obstructing “an official proceeding of Congress.” Among those Democrats was Raskin himself, who tried to reject Electoral College votes to declare Trump the winner in 2016.". . .