Thursday, October 15, 2009

Backlash to Limbaugh smear campaign?

By Thomas Lifson "There is at least a chance that a backlash to this libel will build. Rush has the resources to pursue those who have libeled and slandered him in court. Yes, a public figure has little protection, and must prove actual malice. However, CNN and other media sources compete with Rush, so he may be able to prove malice."

California appears poised to be first to ban power-guzzling big-screen TVs

LA Times "California's estimated 35 million TVs and related electronic devices account for about 10% of all household electricity consumption, the Energy Commission staff reported. But manufacturers quickly are coming up with new technologies that are making even 50-inch-screen models much more economical to operate."

ESPN Guest: 'Racist' Rush Would Never Hire Black Coach

Newsbusters "When it comes to slurring Rush Limbaugh in his quest to obtain an interest in the NFL's St. Louis Rams, someone's going to have to work hard to top Adrian Wojnarowski."

Is Obama A Fool?

Powerline "I'm not giving up hope yet. Maybe Obama didn't really give away the store for nothing. So far, though, there is no evidence that he got anything from Russia in exchange for his abandonment of European missile defense. Could Obama possibly be that inept a negotiator? Time will tell. UPDATE: More evidence of Obama's foolishness here."

Europe: Obama Is Just Not That Into You

By Victor Davis Hanson= "Europe was said to have hated George W. Bush. But in President Bush’s second term, friendly governments in Britain, France, Germany, and Italy could count on American support in any crisis that might threaten the wealthy but defenseless European Union. Now, with Obama’s real interests unclear, these countries are, like spurned teenage lovers, acting out their worries in neurotic fashion."

Endangering People to Protect Fish

American Thinker "A paragon of conservation and modern irrigation technology, California agriculture - comprised of many small and family-owned and operated farms - is almost completely dependent on irrigation for its water needs.".... "Yet, this vibrant industry and major food supplier to the nation and the world faces threats from recent, accelerated efforts by Left wing politicians, government agencies, and extremist environmental groups who seek to limit the Central Valley farmland water supply."

Mark Davis: Another embarrassing Obama appointee

By Mark Davis, Dallas Morning News: "Jennings must go, not because of what he is, but because of what he thinks. It is an intolerable mockery for this man to have a job that involves the interests of children. And maybe with this exit, the president might actually bother to issue a quote that indicates he gets it." Related: Acorn's Ally at the NLRB : "Obama appoints an SEIU man with ties to Blago"

The Rush Limbaugh media lynch mob

UK Telegraph "As Mark Steyn points out, in this instance it’s for Limbaugh to prove the negative – an impossible task. And Dan Calebrese asks why if Limbaugh really is a racist then it takes bogus quotes to “prove” that he is? What’s the term for those who are setting about “racist” Rush Limbaugh right now? Ironically, it seems to be “lynch mob”."

"1,000,000 Iraqis Died As a Result of Clinton's Policies... 85,000 Died During "Bush's War" (Horrifying Video) "

Gateway Pundit "In 1996 Secretary of State Madeleine Albright admitted that Bill Clinton's policy that resulted in 500,000 dead Iraqi children was worth it.In a much forgotten exchange between Lesley Stahl and Madeleine Albright on "60 Minutes" back on May 12, 1996..."

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Limbaugh dropped from group seeking to buy Rams

MyWay, Drudge "Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh has been dropped from a group seeking to buy the St. Louis Rams. Limbaugh was to be a limited partner in a bid led by St. Louis Blues chairman Dave Checketts, but Checketts said in a statement Wednesday that Limbaugh's participation had complicated the effort. The group will move forward without him."

Natural Born Losers

Ann Coulter, Townhall: "But Democrats couldn't care less about military strategy -- at least any "strategy" that doesn't involve allowing soldiers to date one another. To the extent you can get liberals to focus on national security at all, you will find they are rooting against their own country."...."A Democrat is president and, once again, America finds itself in an "unwinnable war." I know Democrats will never learn, but I wish the voters would."

America's Sheriff interview by GQ

GQ Magazine "[Sheriff Arpaio] says he's writing a letter to the Mexican Consul General, who, the week before, had reprimanded Arpaio for his "inhumane and barbaric" treatment of Mexican inmates. (In early February, the sheriff had marched two hundred Mexicans clad in pink undershirts from a county jail to their own Tent City, one of the primitive outdoor encampments for which he is best known.)"