Monday, August 26, 2024

Court Grants RFK Jr Standing in Censorship Case Against Biden Administration

 Anthony Gonzalez (  

"Shortly before endorsing the former president, Kennedy held a press conference, where he issued a scathing rebuke of the Democratic Party, accusing it of waging “continual legal warfare against both President Trump and myself.'”

 "In a major win for former independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a district court has ruled that Kennedy and his charity, Children’s Health Defense (CHD), can rightfully sue the Biden administration for allegedly working with Big Tech to censor their social media posts.

"The Louisiana district court’s ruling comes after the Supreme Court, in a 6-3 majority vote, struck down a similar injunction in Murthy v. Missouri, ruling that plaintiffs lacked standing because they did not present sufficient evidence that the government engaged in unlawful actions.

"In Murthy v. Missouri, the Supreme Court delivered a blow for the plaintiffs — two states and five social media users — who argued that the Biden administration was engaging in online censorship.

"However, in Kennedy’s case against the federal government, U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty — a Trump appointee — ruled that the former independent presidential candidate and his “anti-vaccine” charity met the criteria for standing.

" 'The Court finds that Kennedy is likely to succeed on his claim that suppression of content posted was caused by actions of Government Defendants, and there is a substantial risk that he will suffer similar injury in the near future,” Doughty wrote in his decision." . . .

Jim Acosta Makes Disgusting Attack on Trump for Honoring Soldiers Killed During Afghanistan Withdrawal

 Jeff Charles; RedState  Such a sad state at CNN if Jim Acosta is the best they have. TD

"The former president did slam the Biden administration in a post on Truth Social on Monday, referring to the withdrawal as “the most EMBARASSING [sic] moment in the history of our Country.' ”

"CNN’s Jim Acosta sunk to a new low during an interview on Monday in which he lashed out at former President Donald Trump for honoring the 13 service members who lost their lives during the Biden administration’s botched military withdrawal from Afghanistan.

"While interviewing Rep. Jason Crow (D-CO), he suggested Trump was politicizing the service members’ deaths by showing up to place a wreath at Arlington National Cemetery for the victims of the Kabul airport terrorist attack on the anniversary of the tragedy.

"Acosta started by bringing up deceptive claims that Trump referred to deceased veterans as “suckers” and “losers.”

“ 'You’re a former army ranger. Is he politicizing these soldiers’ deaths? Should he even be at Arlington National Cemetery if he’s going to make some politics out of this?” Acosta asked the lawmaker.

"Crow responded, lamely defending President Joe Biden’s handling of the withdrawal."

"Cheryl Rex, the mother of one of the fallen Marines, recalled a disturbingly callous interaction with President Biden where he appeared to make the tragedy about himself, equating the loss of her son to that of his own son, who died of cancer."

Cheryl Rex, mother of Lance Cpl. Dylan Merola: "When [Biden] approached me, his words to me were, 'My wife, Jill & I, know how you feel. We lost our son as well and brought him home in a flag draped coffin.'" "My heart started beating faster & I started shaking, knowing that their son died from cancer & they were able to be by his side." "How could someone be so heartless to say he knew how I felt."

Kamala learned how she can destroy a life with a swipe of her pen

Kamala learned how she can destroy a life with a swipe of her pen. What would a free and independent press do when that happened? Well...what did the press do when that was done to Donald Trump?

Posts Claim Harris Once Said She Can Ruin Lives with the 'Swipe of a Pen.' Here's the Context ( She is showing how others, presumably Republicans, can ruin your life, but she did just that to many as California attorney general.

Kamala Harris’s record as California prosecutor hurt her 2020 campaign. Will 2024 be different? | US elections 2024 | The Guardian  . . ." As DA, Harris championed state legislation that threatened jail time for parents if their children were repeatedly absent.

"As DA and AG, Harris was also criticized for defending convictions in cases where there was evidence of innocence and prosecutorial misconduct; opposing legislation to require AG investigations into police shootings; defending the prison system in civil rights litigation, as the state’s top lawyer and clashing with sex worker rights’ groups. She declined to seek the death penalty as SFDA, but then as AG fought against a challenge to capital punishment." . . .

I've selected the above passages, so read the entire post in context. TD

Broc Smith

Attorney General Kamala Harris Was Even Worse Than You Think  (  "Anyone interested in justice was entitled to feel a Chris Matthews thrill up their leg when Tulsi Gabbard went after Kamala Harris for her record as state attorney general at the Detroit debate.

"Gabbard pointed out that as California’s AG, Harris refused to allow DNA testing that would’ve exonerated a death-row inmate and prosecuted more than 1,000 marijuana cases—though as a candidate she later laughed with a radio host about her own pot-smoking past.

"But that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Harris’s tenure.

"There’s the case of Daniel Larsen. After 11 years of incarceration, a federal judge ruled that he was innocent. Harris kept him in prison for two more years while she appealed this decision on a technicality: She argued that Larsen hadn’t provided proof in a timely manner.

"This was not her only bad conduct with regard to wrongfully convicted citizens." . . .

Nichols wrote that “The sense of disappointment and distress conveyed by the court is so palpable, because it recalls no instance in experience over forty-seven years as an advocate and as a judge in which the conduct of the attorney general’s office so thoroughly departed from the high standard it represents.” The office the judge was talking about, of course, belonged to Kamala Harris. (Emphasis added by TD)

"Dear Democrats, there are no two sides to Hamas support" David M. Weinberg


The American Spectator

Woke Reporter embarrassed!

. . ."But what they don’t talk about – the issues and areas they have largely tried to avoid, at least so far – says as much about their electoral strategies and weakness as what they choose to highlight. Here are three notable omissions halfway through the party extravaganza." . . .

Democrats' long-simmering Israel tensions reignite over Squad's comments on Hamas (   "House Democrats’ long-simmering divisions over Israel are bubbling to the surface in the aftermath of Hamas' attacks on Israeli civilians.
Why it matters: The overwhelmingly pro-Israel Democratic Caucus tends to tolerate the high-profile, left-wing "Squad," which generally is more sympathetic to the Palestinian cause — but Squad members' comments about the attacks have sparked a swift internal backlash.
Driving the news: To the dismay of some of their Democratic colleagues, Squad members' reactions to Hamas' attack included decrying the "cycle of violence" between Israelis and Palestinians and demanding an end to U.S. military assistance to Israel.
"I was pained to read those comments," Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) told Axios.

"What they're saying: Squad Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) called for an end to U.S. aid to Israel, while Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) called to end "unconditional" military aid. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) said "this heartbreaking cycle of violence will continue" unless the funds are cut off.

"Tlaib, a Palestinian American, did not mention Hamas and made only a passing reference to the recent violence in her statement, which decried the "Palestinian and Israeli lives lost yesterday, today, and every day." . . .

Dear Democrats, there are no two sides to Hamas support  

. . ."KAMALA HARRIS, who now officially holds the Democratic presidential nomination, showed Biden the way. One month ago, she declared that Gaza “is not a binary issue,” meaning, I guess, that there are “very fine people on both sides” of the protest lines." . . .  

Mendacity in the Media

Mendacity: Making "a statement known by its maker to be untrue and made in order to deceive; highly fictionalized "memoirs"; in which the facts were few, the mendacities many"  


Mainstream media misinformation, mendacity at PBS    "PBS recently reported that, via a phone call, former President Trump urged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to delay a hostage deal between Israel and Hamas until after the 2024 presidential election to benefit himself politically.

"Turns out, that wasn’t true.

"In any way, shape, or form.

"Knock me over with a feather. Imagine my surprise when I found out that this, too, was a lie made out of whole cloth!" . . .

Kamala Harris's coverage from the media is déjà blue to Barack Obama's 2008 campaign (    "A year into Barack Obama’s presidency, Sarah Palin, a former Alaska governor and John McCain’s 2008 running mate, mockingly asked a Tea Party gathering a question: “How’s that hopey, changey stuff working out?” 

"The roomful of conservatives howled with laughter because by then, Obama’s dreamy campaign motto of “Hope and Change” had been replaced by hard policy lurches to the far left. 

"The Palin question is a piece of history 2024 voters should keep in mind as they assess Kamala Harris.

"The parallels between then and now are striking. 

"Like Obama, the Democrats’ current nominee has been maddeningly elusive about what she would do as president.

"Yet she is nonetheless riding a wave of enthusiasm that could carry her to the White House."...

 Kamala Harris gave us no idea what she’d do as president (  

Yet Harris herself cited the case as a reason why Trump can’t be trusted. Oddly, she didn’t seem to mind working with Biden despite his family’s influence-peddling scheme, which netted it some $27 million. Or that Hunter Biden is an accused tax cheat and has already been convicted of a gun felony. Selective outrage based on partisanship might help get her elected, but it means she doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of uniting a deeply divided America.

 It's Been 35 Days Since Biden Endorsed Harris, and 35 Days of Avoiding Unscripted Press Conference 

. . ."During the Democratic National Convention (DNC), Fox News’ White House correspondent, Peter Doocy, finally had the chance to ask Harris a critical question: “Are you ready for your Fox News interview?”  However, in her signature cackle, Harris chuckled, shrugged her shoulders, saying, “I’m working towards it,” before walking away." . . . 

ABC News Host Tried to Spin Kamala's Health Care Policy in Front of This GOP Senator. It Got Messy.   "ABC News host Jonathan Karl tried to sell Sen. Tom Cotton some pure snake oil about Kamala Harris, but the Arkansas Republican wasn’t having any of it. Karl got dragged for trying to spread fake news about the vice president’s agenda, which the media is desperately trying to rework as a moderate plan for our nation’s future. Cotton said that Harris wants to eliminate private health care plans, which Karl said isn’t true.  "Cotton then ran a clinic on Harris, who hasn’t disavowed this part of her 2020 platform." . . .

Donald Trump Sensed a Trap by the Left and Didn’t Fall for It

 PJ Media

During presidential campaigns, candidates are typically briefed by the nation's security agencies on critical matters they could face if they win the election. However, this week former President Donald Trump announced that he would refuse to take part in these standard intelligence briefings for candidates.

And the reason is actually quite genius. He explained his decision by expressing concern that Democrats would leak classified information and then attempt to accuse him of being the source of the leaks.

In other words, Trump knew a trap was being set for him.

“I don't want them, because, number one, I know what's happening. It's very easy to see what's happening,” he told the Daily Mail. “We have an incompetent leader, and we have two incompetent leaders. We have a Marxist that's going to try and be president, and this country is not ready for a Marxist or a communist president, and that's what she is. She destroyed San Francisco, she destroyed California, and this country is not ready for it."

Trump continued, "So, I don’t want the briefings because as soon as I get one, they’ll accuse me of leaking it. The best way to handle that is to avoid the briefing altogether. They come in, give you a briefing, and then two days later, they leak it and blame you."