Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Face The Music

Stilton's Place   "Kamala Harris has chosen Minnesota Governor Tim Walz to be her running mate in the upcoming election, and voters are excitedly proclaiming "Who the hell is that?!"

"And the answer is he's a white guy from the Midwest and the Harris team thinks he'll bring in votes because, well shoot, you can't count on flyover country to vote for a radical Black woman, right? Also, they like the symbolism of a white man being seen as subordinate to a (vaguely) Black woman. If Kamala had chosen a Samoan lesbian in a wheelchair the optics just wouldn't have been as tasty.

"Walz is, of course, screamingly liberal and enjoys outdoor activities like watching BLM burn cities down while on his watch. He was late calling in the National Guard, and then allowed his daughter to "leak" the security plans so rioters would know which areas to avoid. And there's more damning stuff, but there's no need to list it here. We all knew he was a horrible candidate and a horrible human being when Kamala rightfully thought he belonged on her team.

"But thinking of the HARRIS - WALZ signs we'll soon see sprouting up in yards everywhere, it struck me that there was something rather musical about that combination of words.

"And so I modestly present "The New Harris Wal(t)z"...    

One has to go to Stilton's link and click on it there. Look for the couple dancing in the street full of burning buildings. TD

As Iran strike looms, IDF Home Front Command dispatches rescue units to Tel Aviv

 JNS Main Headlines

Israel created a garden spot in this land; their enemies can only destroy. TD

view of the skyline of Israel's coastal city of Tel Aviv

"Israel’s Home Front Command has moved search and rescue forces to Tel Aviv and other cities in preparation for potential Iranian and Hezbollah attacks, the Israel Defense Forces said on Tuesday.

"The Ram Battalion (668) of the IDF’s Search and Rescue Brigade (60th) has repositioned itself in Tel Aviv, the economic and cultural hub of Israel along the central Mediterranean coastline.

"The unit has moved near Menora Mivtachim Arena in the Yad Eliyahu neighborhood, where the Home Front Command’s rescue vehicles and trailers are stationed.

"Both Tehran and its Lebanese terror proxy have threatened to target military sites in the Tel Aviv area. The Ram Battalion would respond to any building collapses or other destruction.

"According to the IDF, rapid rescue teams have also been deployed to Haifa, the Haifa bay area and several cities in the south and center of the country.

"The deployment followed a recent situational assessment held by the Home Front Command.

"It was also decided to position a permanent battalion in the Red Sea resort town of Eilat, which has been targeted multiple times by Iran’s Yemeni terror proxy, the Houthis.

Underground parking lots to be converted to shelters

"Some Israeli municipalities are preparing to turn underground parking lots into emergency shelters in the event of a sustained wave of attacks from Iran and its terror proxies, Channel 12 reported on Tuesday." . . .

Transgender: Tim Walz Signed Law to Strip Children of Parental Protections

Neil Munro; Breitbart

 The Democrat legislator who championed the parent-stripping law is Rep. Leigh Finke, a man who insists that he is a transgender woman. He promotes the “trans refuge” law to encourage more irreversible transgender surgeries and hormone treatment for children and adults in the state.

Rep. Leigh Finke
"Gov. Tim Walz signed a law that strips parental protections from out-of-state teenagers and children who claim to want irreversible transgender medical treatment in Minnesota.

He also signed laws that install tampon-dispensing machines in K-12 schools to broadcast the state’s claim that teenage girls can choose their legal sex, and also a law that allows pedophilia to be someday legally protected under existing state anti-discrimination laws.

President Donald Trump’s campaign is eagerly spotlighting Walz’s pro-transgender advocacy, and is describing him as “#TamponTim.”

“As a woman, I think there is no greater threat to our health than leaders who support gender-transition surgeries for young minors, who support putting tampons in men’s bathrooms in public schools,” campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt told Fox News on Tuesday. “Those are radical policies that Tim Walz supports.”. . .

Here's why GOP critics are branding Walz 'Tampon Tim' (

Parents Need to Reject Kamala and Tampon Tim, by Betsy McCaughey    ... "Harris has a history of bashing lawmakers who side with parents. At a June 23, 2023, pride rally, she called them "extremists."

Who's extreme here? You decide.

An AFT report deplores a Henrico County, Virginia, parent for questioning the appropriateness of "I'm a Gay Wizard," a book in the school library, which depicts two boy characters having oral sex." . . .

"But this battle isn't about inclusion. Inclusion is a good thing. This is about indoctrination." 

By Picking Walz, Harris Confirms That The Radical Left Is Fully In Control Of The Democratic Party

 Issues & Insights   "There’s a reason nobody expected far-left Kamala Harris to pick a far-left governor from a deep blue state as her running mate. It’s never worked.

"In the wake of Jimmy Carter’s crushing defeat in 1980 and repeated Democratic losses thereafter, the party decided that to win presidential elections they had to at least appear as moderates.

Bill Clinton won by labeling himself a “new Democrat” and picked Al Gore, then a fellow moderate Southerner. Gore in turn tapped Joe Lieberman as his running mate. Barack Obama tried to position himself to the right of John McCain and ran with Scranton Joe Biden. Hillary Clinton picked Virginia moderate Sen. Tim Kaine to balance the ideological scales. Biden ran as a sensible centrist with a talent for working both sides of the aisle (and picked Harris more as an insurance policy against impeachment than anything else).

Which is why pundits across the board expected Harris – in what amounts to the first important decision she has made as presidential candidate — to pick a more mainstream governor with cross-party appeal from a swing state like Arizona or Pennsylvania.

But the radicalized, hopeless woke Democratic party couldn’t bring itself to OK anyone like that. So instead, Harris decided to “balance” the ticket with another leftist.

As Axios reported today: “Many Republicans expressed surprise and relief at the choice of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate, readying renewed ‘radical’ liberal attacks.”

No matter, it goes on, because “Walz has backing from many influential Democratic voices, including the progressive wing of the party which has at times turned on President Biden, especially over his handling of the war in Gaza.” . . .

How 'weird' became the internet's favorite political insult (“I hope Republicans have the nerve to fight like that,” he added. “It’s the only way. Fire with fire. It’s going to get ugly.”

As the use of “weird” gained traction, Republicans responded, pivoting to use the word against Harris and to describe trans and other LGBTQ people, as well as gender-nonconforming individuals. Anti-LGBTQ efforts, particularly those targeting trans people and drag performers, have been a major pillar of conservative legislationcampaigning and online rhetoric that can spill into real-life conflict.

Donald Trump Jr. has leaned heavily on redirecting the word “weird,” using it against Harris five times, including in a caption on a video of her high-fiving a drag performer. Libs of TikTok, one of the most followed far-right accounts on social media, has used “weird” as a pejorative in 14 posts since July 23, most of them alongside images and videos of drag performers and people displaying what some might perceive as gender nonconformity, like Harris’ stepdaughter Ella Emhoff with unshaven armpits and men wearing makeup." . . .

Tony Branco

Bitter Joe

"So the story is out: Biden is seething, bitter, disgusted with Kamala's bad judgment in picking the buffoonish Tim Walz over more moderate Josh Shapiro, looking for a way to regain his grasp on power, and no longer motivated to do his job as president of the United States."

"Not too long ago, Joe Biden had it made. The Democrat convention was approaching, he had the delegates, and he was going to be the nominee.

"He rigged the Democrat primaries for himself, shut out all competition, kneecapped Bobby Kennedy's independent campaign, and if all else failed, tried through various means -- court and otherwise -- to eliminate his main rival, President Trump.

"But he got hit from a direction from which he wasn't looking -- his own party majordomos, who engineered his "easy way or hard way" ouster, ushering in Kamala Harris instead. Harris was stupid. Harris was his "insurance." But Harris had ideas of her own and ran away with it. Now she has risen in the polls as he hasn't and the mainstream media are in full-throated cheerleading mode in ways he never got.

"Now he's reportedly seething.

"Here's what President Trump's close advisor, Stephen Miller, tweeted out:

Buzz growing that Biden regrets caving to the coup after Kamala seismically botched the VP pick by surrendering to the Jew-haters. She showed tremendous cowardice exiling Shapiro for a socialist and Biden is fuming that he let donors extort him out by freezing his campaign funds.

. . . " Unlike Trump, Biden does plot, and he takes a lot of revenge on his enemies. If Democrats could plot against him, why wouldn't he plot back to take the whole miserable house of cards down, too? He probably will fail, and once again, stew in his bitterness.

"If so, couldn't happen to a nicer guy who did so much damage to our country. Biden set the rules on manipulating elections, and in the end got beaten by fellow Democrats at his own game, his own rules he thought he was master of." . . . 

Kamala Harris’ VP pick, Tim Walz, completes the progressives’ takeover of the Democrat Party

 A choice Harris didn’t make also reveals how she would govern.

UPDATED: J.D. Vance’s first interview since Gov. Walz was named the Democrat’s VP choice

However, Shapiro apparently had at least two strikes against him: He’s Jewish in a political party that is increasingly influenced by an über left, anti-Zionist, and even anti-Semitic, base and he is a strong supporter of Israel in its war against Hamas and potentially its other enemies including Iran.

 . . ."VANCE: Kamala Harris has supported giving Medicare and Social Security benefits to illegal aliens.

So the question for the American people is, do you want to bankrupt Social Security and Medicare by giving it to illegal aliens? Because if so, Kamala Harris is your person.

If you want to preserve Social Security so that we don’t throw a generation of elderly Americans into poverty, then Donald Trump is your candidate.

And it’s very simple issue after issue.

Do you want an open border? If no, Donald Trump is your guy.

Do you want the American government to protect American citizens? If you do, then clearly, you have got to back Donald Trump.

Do you want a tax policy that promotes American workers and promotes building things in the United States of America? If so, you’ve got to vote for Donald Trump.

It’s really not complicated. On policy after policy, Kamala Harris is far to the left of even Joe Biden. She’s governed that way and she would do even worse if the American people give her a promotion.

"Vance then returned to a discussion of the open border under the Biden-Harris administration." . . .

 Kamala Harris Selects Minnesota Governor Tim “Let it Burn” Walz as Progressive VP Nominee Who Will Target White Midwesterners  . . ."Walz, 60, led a progressive overhaul of Minnesota during his second term as governor, when Democrats took full control of state government in 2023 — a template for what Democrats hope to do nationally." . . .

"Walz is a younger Bernie Sanders with a much more violent disposition behind that mask."

Tim Walz’s Wife Said She Wanted To Smell Fires Of 2020 BLM Riots Because It Was A ‘Touchstone’ Moment  Weird, would you say?

Power Line: As an American, I am horrified at Walz’s selection.  . . . "Walz’s character defects are considerable, but let’s leave it at this: he was largely responsible for the George Floyd riots that devastated Minneapolis and other cities, because he dithered for days rather than calling out the National Guard. By his own admission, he held off out of sympathy for the rioters’ cause. We are still living with the consequences.

"Walz has a terrible record as governor. This post sums it up."