Friday, August 2, 2024

Hamas in Its Own Words


"Hamas sees the territory of Israel as exclusive to all the world’s Muslims (not just Palestinians), forbids a Jewish state on “any part” of the land and promotes the idea that it is the “duty for every Muslim” to reverse Israel’s existence: . . ."

 "On October 7, Hamas attacked Israel, slaughtering around 1,200 men, women, children, and infants in the largest and most brutal massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. Hamas terrorists intentionally recorded their murder, rape, and torture of civilians, including around 200 foreign nationals, and took at least 240 hostages back with them to Gaza. 

The physical attack was followed by a propaganda and disinformation campaign. Knowing that Israel would have no choice but to respond to the October 7 massacre, Hamas retreated into its network of tunnels beneath the homes, schools, and hospitals of Gaza, using Palestinian civilians as human shields in order to weaponize the resulting civilian casualties

This left Israel with two options – either do nothing in response to the murder and kidnapping of its citizens by invading Hamas terrorists, thereby inviting more attacks, or act against Hamas as it hid behind and under its own citizens. As Hamas leaders themselves admit, Hamas sees either path as a strategic win for its campaign of terror and incitement against Israel, with the ultimate goal of Israel’s eradication. While there can be legitimate criticism of specific Israeli policies and actions during its war with Hamas, it is paramount to remember this worldview of Hamas. 

Since its founding in the late 1980s, Hamas has been promoting rhetoric and policies aimed at destroying the Jewish state of Israel and killing Jews and Israelis around the world. This is evident in their founding charter, which cites the infamous Protocols of the Elders of Zion forgery as “proof” of a Zionist plot to control the world. It remains true after Hamas released a new charter in 2017, which essentially simply swapped the word “Jew” out and replaced it with “Zionist” while repeating antisemitic tropes. 

The following are examples of hateful rhetoric by Hamas leaders and officials, as well as language from their charter:  

Hamas Leaders and Officials:  

Statements by Hamas officials make clear the terrorist organization’s commitment to destroying Israel and killing Jews and Israelis around the world. 

  • Ismail Haniyeh in 2020: He explained that Hamas rejects ceasefire agreements by which, “Gaza would become Singapore,” preferring to remain at war with Israel until a Palestinian state is established from the River to the Sea: “We cannot, in exchange for money or projects, give up Palestine and our weapons. We will not give up the resistance... We will not recognize Israel, Palestine must stretch from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea.” 
  • Hamas official, Hamad Al-Regeb in an April 2023 sermon: He prayed for “annihilation” and “paralysis” of the Jews whom he described as filthy animals: “[Allah] transformed them into filthy, ugly animals like apes and pigs because of the injustice and evil they had brought about.” Al-Regeb also prayed for the ability to “get to the necks of the Jews.” 
  • Hamas Political Bureau Chairman Saleh Al-Arouri in an August 2023 interview:  He expressed Hamas’ desire for “total war” with Israel: “Therefore, we are convinced that if a total conflict begins, the airspace and seaports of this entity will be shut down, and they will not be able to live without electricity, water, and communications.” . . .  Entire article here.

'Weird' Bonus Cartoon - Counter-Attack Leftists With Facts

 Friday Funnies: RedState

"Remember when “the adults" were "back in charge”? It has been anything but. Joe Biden’s basement campaign was effective inasmuch as it kept the old coot in the cooler, but his promise to return to "normalcy"? Not so much. 

"Instead, he and Kamala Harris brought in “Star Wars bar” characters to populate the administration and executive branch agencies. It wasn’t just cross-dressing luggage thief Sam Brinton and/or fake “Admiral” Rachel Levine or staffers doing a gay porn shoot in a Senate hearing room; it was Biden’s embrace of everything other than normalcy.  

"Donald Trump’s pick for VP has predictably set the left’s hair on fire. Every word JD Vance has uttered has been dissected. A campaign of vilification has been set.  

“ 'Vance is “weird."  . . .

A Harris Presidency Would Endanger Us All | Opinion

 John Mac Ghlionn | Opinion (   

"In stark contrast, Trump and his running mate, JD Vance, offer the possibility of a very different approach. They advocate for policies focused on reducing U.S. military engagement worldwide and de-escalating ongoing conflicts. Don't let Harris' smile and social media persona fool you." . . .

"Not that long ago, the idea of Kamala Harris becoming the next president of the United States seemed laughable, even delusional. But things have changed. Not only is she competing with and outperforming Donald Trump in some polls, but the vice president also has the backing of the Obamas.

"On Friday, July 26, Barack and Michelle Obama endorsed the vice president. "At a time when the stakes have never been higher, she gives us all reason to hope," they said.

"On the contrary, Harris gives us all reason for concern.

"First, her public image as an advocate for racial equality sharply contrasts with her track record, particularly on criminal justice issues. Her resistance to the early release of non-violent offenders—despite her supposed commitment to reform—reveals a disconnect between her rhetoric and her actions.

"Not only is she disingenuous, Harris doesn't appear to take her role as vice president seriously. In 2020, she was tasked with managing the southern border. Admittedly, this is a challenging and often thankless role, particularly given the scale of what many consider the nation's largest crisis. However, it seems she has shown next to no actual interest in addressing the issue. As Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens recently noted, Harris has not reached out to him since his appointment in July 2023. Think about that for a second. While countless migrants were entering the country illegally, Harris couldn't even be bothered to make a phone call to Owens.

"America First Legal, a nonprofit organization founded by Stephen Miller, who was a senior advisor to Donald Trump during his presidency, is currently conducting seven investigations into her tenure as California attorney general." . . . 

Freed hostages and their families take a back seat to Biden's and Harris's victory lap

 Biden's hatred for Trump is so intense there is no idea what he might have given away to one-up him. TD

Ned Barnett - American Thinker 

"We can thank God that even such an inept man as President Biden can deliver hostages from Russia – as long as he gives in to every one of Putin’s demands.  Compare this to President Trump.  In his first term, he repatriated fifty hostages, without giving up everyone we have locked up, in America or in the jails of one of our allies." 

  . . ."However, just as every soldier quickly learns that in the name Meals, Ready to Eat (MRE), “there are three lies there in one name,” we quickly learned that the word of the president and the vice president were worth exactly what we knew would be the case.  As media whores, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris found it an unnatural act to ignore reporters with cameras and live microphones.  More on this in a moment.

"As an aside, I spent most of my career working with employers or clients … or presidential political candidates – going all the way back to 1976.

"Here’s what I’m sure I could pass a lie detector exam on:

  1. The plane with the ex-hostages was forced to circle the federal airfield while the president got his, ahem, “act” together.  At 11:00 p.m. EDT, the press was advised that the plane would land within ten minutes, and the presidential motorcade would arrive in eight minutes. They were also told that this was all about the families.  Like MREs, that was three lies in one statement.  The plane was made to orbit the airbase until the president arrived, about 30 minutes late.  So much for putting the families first – this was to be a media photo op for a retiring president still eager to appear relevant, and a presidential candidate desperate to look presidential.

  1. A presidential spokesperson said this was not a political event.  Neither the president nor the veep would make a statement or answer questions.  Remember, this was all about the families. Except that it wasn’t." . . .

. . ."Biden then got creepy with reporters, saying, “You’re stuck with me as president for awhile, kid. There’s no way out. You got me for at least 90 days or so.” 

"Can these two not be awkward for one event? Is that even possible? No wonder why this country is rudderless and in a state of chaos—we have two mental invalids at the helm." . . .

Biden Makes Odd Move After Receiving Americans That Leaves Kamala Bemused and Everyone Talking   . . ."Meanwhile, Biden said he would tell Russian leader Vladimir Putin to "Stop." That's really worked well so far. It's similar to his "Don't" to the Iranian-backed militants. That didn't work either. 

“ 'You’re stuck with me as president for a while, kid. There’s no way out. You got me for at least 90 days or so,” Biden then said ominously. In addition to him just being out and out wrong about the alleged time left that he's occupying the office, saying there's "no way out" is pretty scary and sounds like a threat. He can do a lot of damage in the time he has left." . . In his Walter Mitty dreams.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Wins in the End

 John Hinderaker | Power Line (

"The Biden administration’s cowardly negotiations with these uber-terrorists and their lawyers–America’s top law firms lined up to represent the captured terrorists–is at best a joke."

NY loves him more than President Trump

"Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was the principal organizer of the September 11 attacks that killed around 3,000 Americans. He has been held prisoner at Guantanamo Bay for more than two decades. Yesterday the Biden administration announced that it has reached a “plea deal” with KSM and two high-ranking al Qaeda confederates:

“In exchange for removal of the death penalty as a possible punishment, these three Accused have agreed to plead guilty to all of the charged offenses, including the murder of the 2,976 people listed in the charge sheet,” said a letter signed by Rear Adm. Aaron C. Rugh, chief prosecutor for the OMC, and sent to victims’ families Wednesday.

"Well, that is big of them. We already knew they were guilty, so the “deal” is our agreement not to execute them, in exchange for nothing. KSM will now live out his days in comfort–much more comfort, I suspect, than he enjoyed in his terrorist days–and as a celebrity. Unlike most of us, KSM achieved the great goal of his life, a triumph which he will now have many more years to savor.

"It is reasonable to blame the weak and borderline anti-American Biden administration for this travesty, and to be sure they deserve opprobrium. But the original fault goes back much further. The idea of treating these terrorists, whom we used military means to capture, as mere criminal defendants entitled to the panoply of criminal procedures available to Americans, including, at the end, plea bargaining, was a farce from the beginning. They should have been interrogated mercilessly and then shot, a long time ago. They deserved nothing more." . . .

Which Kamala is the candidate?


JD Vance shuts down CNN reporter when asked about Trump's Kamala comments: 'She's a chameleon' (   . . ." '
I think it's totally reasonable for the [former] president to call that out," Vance continued. "And that's all he did. Look, she's running as a tough on crime prosecutor even though she implemented open border policies. She's saying that she wants to support the police, yet she wanted to defund the police just three years ago. It's totally reasonable to call out the fact that she pretends to be somebody different depending on the audience she's talking to."

"Trump made the comment Wednesday after ABC News’ Rachel Scott asked the former president if he agreed with Republican lawmakers who have characterized Harris as a "DEI," or diversity, equity and inclusion, hire. 

" 'I've known her for a long time, indirectly, not directly… and she was always of Indian heritage, and she was only promoting Indian heritage," Trump said. "I didn't know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black. And now she wants to be known as Black. So, I don't know, is she Indian or is she Black?" . . .

'Kamala Harris is a chameleon who changes with audience': JD Vance adds fuel to race identity debate ( 
 Vance's remarks come amid growing scrutiny of Harris, particularly after she appeared to adopt a Southern accent during a recent speech in Atlanta. Critics, including Vance, have seized on this as evidence of Harris' inconsistency, with Vance accusing her of being "everything to everybody."

 This came to mind: Karma Chameleon

Kamala Harris Dismisses Past Biden Criticism: "It Was A Debate" | Video | RealClearPolitics     . . ."Not everyone landed punches like you did, though," Colbert said. 
“It was a debate," Harris repeated, laughing." . . .

Harris recalibrates policy stances as she adjusts to role atop Democratic ticket | CNN Politics   "As the burgeoning Kamala Harris campaign works behind the scenes to refine its policy platform, the vice president has increasingly found herself clarifying which of her positions have shifted over the years." 

Emotional moment female boxer dedicates qualifying for Olympics to her dead father… only to ultimately lose to 'biologically male' opponent

 Italian boxer Angela Carini says 'I quit to save my life' after stopping Olympics bout with 'biologically male' opponent Imane Khelif just 46 seconds into first round | Daily Mail Online

"While Harry Potter author JK Rowling branded the contest 'insanity'. In a post yesterday, the gender-critical author wrote: 'What will it take to end this insanity? A female boxer left with life-altering injuries? A female boxer killed?'  boxer Angela Carini says she stopped her Olympic bout against her 'biologically male' opponent to 'save my life'."  

Otoons - American Thinker

"The clash between the 25-year-old and her Algerian opponent Imane Khelif lasted just 46 seconds, with Carini yelling 'this is unjust' before she fell to canvas and wept having had her Olympic dreams snatched away from her. 

"Carini was rocked by two punches from Khelif - who had been banned from a major boxing contest before the Olympics - and said the savage force of the blows made it 'impossible to continue'.

Yet this guy is called "her"
"Khelif was thrown out of last year's world championships after failing testosterone tests carried out to establish gender qualification. 

"Today's fight in Paris is now set to become one of the most controversial in Olympic history and has thrown the Games into chaos amid a fierce backlash from the likes JK Rowling, Olympian Sharron Davies and former Prime Minister Liz Truss

"Speaking out following her loss, Carini revealed she quit to 'safeguard my life', adding: 'I couldn't carry on. I have a big pain in my nose and I said, 'Stop'. It's better to avoid keeping going. My nose started dripping from the first hit." . . .

‘Punch Hurt Too Much’: Female Boxer Forfeits Match Against Male Boxer After 46 Seconds (   . . ."One of those males, Algerian Imane Khelif, destroyed Italian Angela Carini after 46 seconds.

"Why? The answer is simple: KHELIF IS A MALE. The International Boxing Association found Khelif to have XY chromosomes, making him a male.

"Khelif’s chromosome and testosterone tests got him disqualified from the Women’s World Boxing Championships last year.

"Carini forfeited after 46 seconds after two punches to the head.

"FFS, there is a reason why sports are split into male and female categories.

"Will it finally take a literally beaten-up female to open everyone’s eyes?" . . .

Tony Branco