Friday, August 9, 2024

Harris Dismissed From Intense War Meeting, MAGA Suggests Alarming Reason (Of course)

 RTM  "Vice President Kamala Harris was reportedly dismissed from a high-level meeting in the Situation Room on Monday. 

"The meeting, which focused on escalating tensions in the Middle East, saw Harris leaving early, sparking speculation about her role and influence in the administration during this critical time.

"Reports from multiple sources, including Fox News, said Harris’s early departure was sudden and unexpected. 

". . .Vice President Kamala Harris was reportedly dismissed from a high-level meeting in the Situation Room on Monday. 

"The meeting, which focused on escalating tensions in the Middle East, saw Harris leaving early, sparking speculation about her role and influence in the administration during this critical time.

"Reports from multiple sources, including Fox News, said Harris’s early departure was sudden and unexpected. "

“It looks like Kamala can’t handle a Big Girl meeting any better than Biden can handle a Big Boy meeting,” Kyle Becker said following Fox’s reporting.

"Jim Hoft of the Gateway Pundit commented on the incident, stating, “Amazing. Kamala was such a distraction she was dismissed.” 

"Ryan Fournier wrote on X, “They kicked Kamala out of the Situation Room before the meeting even ended,” adding, “Tensions seem high between her and Biden!” . . .

The Democracy of Dementia: Bye Then, Biden

Taki’s Magazine

“Most contemporary politicians have crafted a world for us all to live in where, by design, there is little true respect for, or knowledge of, the past.”

I have never been able to take the political opinions of movie stars terribly seriously. Whilst still a young English teacher, I once taught a future famous Hollywood actress, whom I shall not embarrass by naming here. During a class discussion about politics one day, this girl, then aged 17, solemnly informed me how she would “never vote for the Conservatory Party, because the Conservatory Party are only for rich people, as only rich people have conservatories, don’t they?” (For U.S. readers: A conservatory is British English for what you call a “solarium” or “orangery.”)

"The premise wasn’t even correct on its own terms: My current two next-door neighbors on either side each have conservatories, and one is a window cleaner whilst the other works in a warehouse. Presumably, now that she’s a multimillionaire adult, my former student today habitually votes for the Conservatory Party on a regular basis herself? People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

"Clooney Tunes

"I thought of this perfectly pleasant yet politically ill-informed girl recently when I read her fellow Hollywood star George Clooney’s laughable open letter in The New York Times begging yet another well-known star of stage and prostate screening, Joe Biden, to stand down before it was too late on account of his clear senile dementia, as demonstrated in last month’s embarrassing TV debate with Donald Trump during which he is alleged to have literally shat himself. At last, a leader who always follows through! (Although, in today’s less-than-bipartisan spirit, opponents claim it was actually Trump who dumped.)" . . .

. . ."Maybe Clooney himself also has dementia? After all, he appeared to be suffering from false memories in his article himself, which he concluded thus: “Joe Biden is a hero; he saved democracy in 2020. We need him to do it again in 2024 [by immediately visiting Dignitas].”

"Sorry, George, but I don’t remember Biden “saving democracy” by winning the White House back in 2020. I just remember an obviously incapable Brezhnev-style gerontocrat scarecrow in a suit being installed in office following a gigantic nationwide media and Big Tech cover-up of his patent late-stage coffin-dodgery and his son’s equally dodgy laptop. But then, perhaps Clooney, as a fully paid-up member of the Democratic media-industrial complex, would just prefer to wipe the slate clean of all that."

. . .

What would a "two-state solution" bring to Israel?

 Gaza was unoccupied by all but anti-Israel Arabs and how did that work out in October? What did the "free-free Palestinians" do with the state they presently had? They left it, went into Israel and encountered these peaceful Israeli citizens at a bus stop and did what Hamas does.

What is the two-state solution for Israel and Palestinians? | World News | Sky News   . . ."Hamas, which controls Gaza, has committed itself to the destruction of Israel. However, in a revised charter published in 2017, it said it would accept a Palestinian state along the 1967 borders.

"The lack of consensus on the Palestinian side makes the solution difficult - and the admission of Israeli officials that they are no longer committed to it near impossible.

"The US has recently reiterated the two-state solution is the best way to ensure Israel's security, unify moderate Arab countries in the region, and isolate Iran.

"It has also called for the Palestinian Authority to be "revitalised" and able to return to Gaza having been ousted in 2007." . . .

When Israel's current Palestinian neighbors come by to visit:

We all would love to have a peaceful Arab neighbor next door to Israel. But in light of what her Arab neighbors have done, what would the world expect?
Perhaps the U.S. Congress will stand by Israel:
Israel war: Tlaib still has a Palestinian flag hanging outside her House office - Washington Examiner     "Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) still has a Palestinian flag hanging outside of her House office after the invasion of Israel by Hamas, during which hundreds of Israelis and some Americans were killed.

"Over the weekend, Hamas, a Palestinian militia group whose mission is to destroy Israel, invaded Israel and bombarded the country with missiles." . . .

"Scandal-plagued 2024 Democratic Party vice presidential nominee Governor Tim Walz (D-MN) appears to have forged close political ties with a radical Islamist cleric in his state who has praised the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel and promoted neo-Nazi propaganda film Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told. From 2019 to 2023, Walz either met with or attended events with Imam Asad Zaman at least five times.
"Walz’s relationship with Zaman dates back to early 2019. The imam participated in a press conference in January of that year with Walz, calling on the U.S. Congress to end its government shutdown. Then, in April, Zaman delivered an invocation before Gov. Walz’s State of the State address. A month later, Zaman was again present at a Ramadan celebration hosted by Walz." . . .
In the aftermath of the Hamas October 7 terrorist attacks against Israel, Zaman declared he “stands in solidarity with Palestinians against Israeli attacks.”

Team Trump Has To Relentlessly Hammer On The Failed Biden-Harris Economy

 I & I Editorial Board  

[The media] know that if they ignore the economy as much as possible and downplay its low points when it isn’t possible, they can carry Harris all the way to the White House. That can be avoided, though, if Trump and the GOP repeatedly show how this administration has wrecked what under Trump had been a thriving economy. 

Tony Branco

 "It can’t be denied that Kamala Harris is a midwit, a jabbering cackler and an unaccomplished office holder, all of which should be pointed out aggressively between now and Nov. 5. But the Trump campaign has to make even more noise about the economy. James Carville was right when he famously said “it’s the economy, stupid,” and there’s much about this one that isn’t healthy. 

"Carville, a Bill Clinton strategist, insisted that the 1992 campaign to unseat President George H.W. Bush was about the country’s economy. As Nov. 3 approached, “Americans were in a sour mood about the direction of the economy and their family finances,” remembers economist Steve Moore, and “Clinton rode that voter anger and angst to his historic victory.”

"Of course he needed help and got it from the press, which, after relentlessly reporting bad economic news during the year, refused to tell the public that the short recession that began in July 1990 was over by March 1991, and that neither inflation nor unemployment were high.

"It was their in-kind contribution to Clinton, whom they saw as the heir to the American Camelot that had been put on hold after John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

"History seems to repeating itself in the summer of 2024, with the media committed to doing their part for Harris (we’re will into our third week of Kamalot) while stopping Donald Trump. So this time they are going to hide the bad economic news to protect their candidate.

"This is where Trump’s camp and the Republican Party can help themselves, as well as this country. They need to incessantly and tirelessly:" . . .  Full article...

Harris as president could be a disaster for Israel and the Jewish people

 The Jerusalem Post    "As the presidential race heats up, Kamala Harris’s stance on Israel faces scrutiny."

"Harris, by contrast, could be a disaster for Israel and the Jewish people. This is a pivotal moment in history, and the choice made at the ballot box will resonate far beyond American borders. Consider this carefully before casting your vote. The future of Israel and the safety of the Jewish people depend on it." 


"The story begins on a tense summer afternoon on Wednesday in Detroit, where Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, was making a campaign stop. The atmosphere was charged as she arrived at an airport hangar, where she was met not only by her supporters but also by the founders of the Uncommitted National Movement, Abbas Alawieh and Layla Elabed.

"This extreme group had been mobilizing Arab American voters in Michigan to withhold their support for President Joe Biden due to his stance on Israel and Gaza. During this brief encounter, a tearful Elabed pleaded with Harris to consider an arms embargo on Israel, citing the devastating impact of Israeli military actions on her community in Gaza. Harris, attempting to show empathy and maintain political balance, assured the group that her campaign would continue to engage with their concerns. This ambiguous response left room for interpretation, leading to a media frenzy and heated debates about her proper stance on the issue.

"Harris’s willingness to entertain an arms embargo, as suggested during her Detroit meeting, is not an isolated incident. Over the years, her actions and statements have consistently raised alarms about her commitment to Israel. In February 2019, when Rep. Ilhan Omar used antisemitic tropes by suggesting that American support for Israel was “all about the Benjamins” and accusing American Jews of having “allegiance to a foreign country,” Harris’s response was disturbingly tepid. Instead of unequivocally condemning Omar’s statements, Harris expressed concern that the criticism might endanger Omar, thus failing to denounce the antisemitic rhetoric within her party firmly." . . .

Extreme Harris, extreme Walz


By Picking Walz, Harris Confirms That The Radical Left Is Fully In Control Of The Democratic Party
  . . ."Either Democrats are supremely confident that they can beat Donald Trump and see this as their golden opportunity to import Venezuelan-style socialism into the U.S., or the party has completely lost touch with reality.

We just hope voters haven’t lost touch with reality. Because the best thing to happen to this country would be for them to hand the radical team of Harris-Waltz a Jimmy Carter-scale defeat this November. Maybe that will smack some sense into the Democratic party." . . .

Extreme Harris, extreme Walz  . . ."The Power Line blog has some highly illustrative charts showing what has happened to the North Star State under Walz’s “leadership.”  One shows that, under Walz, Minnesota became a high crime state for the first time ever.  In 2020, its crime rate surpassed the national average, truly shocking for a state still filled with Scandinavians.  Another shows that student achievement declined even as education spending increased dramatically.  A third shows that, under Walz, Minnesota’s per capita GDP fell below the national average for the first time ever.  Still another shows that, under Walz, Minnesota has joined California (and New York and Illinois) and become a state that people are leaving in droves." . . .

"Walz is on record as saying that one person’s socialism is another’s “neighborliness,” which is nothing short of mind-blowing in its ignorance, historical and otherwise.  Not sure if Walz is a big fan of “neighborliness” in any case.  He instituted a “snitch line” early on in the pandemic, urging people to turn in their neighbors if they saw them, say, playing basketball in a park or attending in-person church services. An estimated 10,000 reports were taken. (“Land of 10,000 snitches”?)  Sounds more like the East German Stasi than “Minnesota Nice.' ” . . .

Tampon Tim’s Four Feathers   . . ."Trying the same stupid argument, Walz has made it seem as if he was actually in combat, which of course he was not.  The only “deployment” Walz was ever on, was decades ago to a base in sunny Italy for a few months.

"Back in 2004, political experts said we were wasting our time with John O’Neill and Unfit for Command exposing John Kerry’s brief and disgraceful tour of duty in Vietnam. Too complicated, and nobody cares, they said. Rank and file conservatives pressed on through the summer and fall; by the end, after the John Kerry lies and evasions, most voters understood what a phony he was.

"It shouldn’t take that long with Tim Walz. His old comrades are happy to explain it all and it is a very simple story of selfishness and dishonor."

Ferguson* speaks: Democrats may not like the message   "Democrat fortunes changed on Tuesday, but not in a good way for the Party Of Obama. Bonehead Kamala picked Tampon Tim as her running mate. On Sunday, Walz called JD Vance weird. It was projection by Tiny Timmy.

"He’s the governor of Minnesota who ordered schools to stock tampons in the boys’ room. He extended LGBT Rights protections to pedophiles. He embraced the transgender movement with a fervor that frightens stable people.

"He’s also the governor who fiddled while Minneapolis burned. 
His bananas wife said

, “I could smell the burning tires, and that was a very real thing. I kept the windows open as long as I could because I felt like that was such a touchstone of what was happening.”

"She loved the smell of small businesses burning to the ground in the morning.

"Walz’s support of BLM was popular in 2020. Four years later, maybe not." . . .

*A Look at the Destruction After Ferguson Riots

So, the big story was that pro-Hamas protesters interrupted Kamala’s speech, warning her that they will not support her if she supports Israel:

 "Bizarre response or not, Kamala supporters were in heaven. I see that nagging teacher I hated back in junior high school, but others saw presidential power!" . . .

Image courtesy of So Very Israeli.

Events in Detroit show Kamala vainly trying to straddle the Israel v. Hamas line   . . ."Notice that Kamala didn’t challenge the substance of the heckling. Instead, she simply said the equivalent of please, don’t say that out loud because it will keep me out of the White House. Unsaid was the implication that she might indeed abandon Israel if she got into the White House.

. . ."In the Middle East, though, aside from the fact that there’s strong evidence that the whole genocide accusation is a lie, the main issue is whether the US government should support a truly small-d democratic ally that is fighting an existential battle against fanatic Muslims who are members of a designated terror group and proxies for Iran, an American enemy. (Iran has considered itself at war with the US since 1979, as its terrorist acts since then prove.)

"For morally decent people, supporting Israel is a no-brainer. But for the left, which hates Israel, which is a living reminder of the Bible’s moral principles and the fact that there is a power greater than the government, Israel must be erased. Kamala is a leftist who has expressed understanding and empathy for the genocidal pro-Hamas protesters’ feelings, so it’s likely that they’re her real people, which is why she gave the hecklers that weirdly ambiguous put-down.

"Ultimately, America is going to have to take a stand. Biden has managed to avoid it, being senile and all, but the next president must to act. We know that Trump will allow Israel to squash Hamas, which is an enemy of civilization. We suspect Kamala will allow Hamas to squash Israel. For now, though, she must walk that tightrope, and her core pro-Hamas supporters aren’t making that easy for her."