Sunday, September 22, 2024

Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez explodes over Detroit News cartoon mocking notorious Israel-hating Congressman Rashida Tlaib

 The Gateway Pundit (  

Security sources confirmed that the devices were the latest models used by Hezbollah and were thought to be critical in their communications amidst their war efforts against Israel.

. . . "On Friday, AOC lost her ‘mind’ over a cartoon published in The Detroit News that referenced the pager incident. The cartoon in question showed notorious anti-Semitic congresswoman Rashida Talib (D-MI) looking at a blown-up pager on her desk. She quips: “Odd. My pager just exploded.”

"The purpose of the cartoon was not to promote racism but to likely make a point about Talib’s pro-terror sympathies while referencing a prominent worldwide event. But AOC just saw it as an attack on all Muslims and pitched a fit over it on X.

“The way Islamophobia and anti-Arab hatred is so deeply normalized and accepted in our politics is horrifying,” AOC whined.

“It rarely receives the equal condemnation it deserves, she added. It is inexcusable and a massive double standard.

“This is disgusting. And so is the silence around it. We see it.” . . .

The flag of those who want Israel destroyed.

Former Israeli PM responds to AOC scolding Israel for attacks on Hezbollah 

Video:  This is a very professional interview by Martha; well done. And by Bennett; he represents his nation and the essentials of the conflict with reason and objectivity.

After Two Failures, "They" Are Getting Desperate

Dems Are One Step Short Of Offering A Bounty On Trump (DianeLGruber)

Democrat Activist Ryan W. Routh: “Iran, you are free to assassinate Trump. No one here in the United States seems to have the balls to put natural selection to work, or even unnatural selection.” 

"From the minute Donald J. Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016, Democrats, Big Media, and all types of Useful Idiots have been demonizing him, daily, with such nonsensical labels as “Hitler,” “Satan,” “threat to democracy,” virtually begging the nutwings among them to become historical figures by “taking out” Trump."

"Democrats have been promoting & funding political violence for well over a decade now. Sunday’s second assassination attempt on Trump can only be seen as a symptom of the hate and vitriol Democrats at the highest levels, the lowest levels and everywhere in between, have been spewing at him for eight years now.

"Before the latest assassination attempt, Congressman Matt Gaetz, R-FL, met with a senior official in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) who said that there are at least five known assassination teams in the United States right now“at least three of which are foreign that are out to kill Trump . . . two of them we know are domestic in nature, . . . Iran, Ukraine, Pakistan.” YET THE SECRET SERVICE DID NOT INCREASE HIS LEVEL OF PROTECTION!!!  WHO IS FUNDING THE DOMESTIC HIT TEAMS?


“ 'They’re not coming after me, they’re coming after you,” Trump said after the first attempt. “I’m just standing in the way.”

“They” have been coming after Trump since he won the 2016 election, and soon thereafter “they” started coming after Trump supporters.

“ 'They” can’t stand it when Trump exposes how Americans are being abused. THAT is why they are still lying about the hell Americans in Springfield, Ohio and Aurora, Colorado are living through due to Biden/Harris’s importation of 21 million foreign nationals. There are thousands of neighborhoods across the country that are intentionally being destroyed under Biden/Harris’s replacement plans." . . . All emphases in the original

ABC's Trump fact check blows up

 Mike McDaniel - American Thinker 

 Friday afternoon, Trump spokesperson Karoline Leavitt called on Muir, the anchor of ABC’s “World News Tonight” to “issue an immediate public apology to President Trump for wrongly and rudely fact checking him on the debate stage.”
"Crime rates are on the ballot in November. Donald Trump won’t be
 holding his breath while waiting for Muir’s apology."

"Now infamously, ABC’s David Muir, during the Trump/Harris debate, “fact checked” Donald Trump’s assertion that crime rates had increased under the Harris/Biden Administration, arrogantly sniffing they were decreasing. That was only one of several ludicrously false “fact checks” against Trump, as opposed to no fact checks at all against Harris. What a surprise. It was only a few days later that the truth came out, but first, let’s explore some of the reasons why statistics, particularly those of the FBI, are blatantly false.

"At one time, the FBI’s annual Uniform Crime Report (UCR) was the gold standard of crime statistics, but that hasn’t been true for a very long time, and during the Harris/Biden years, the FBI’s reporting has become purposely inaccurate.

"Part of the reason for this is the success of “Defund the Police” lunacy. Particularly in blue cities, cutting police budgets has created a crime doom loop. Wages comprise most of any police budget. Cut the budget, and officers are fired. Firing officers for political reasons makes recruiting qualified candidates virtually impossible. It also causes officers who can retire to pull the pin, and forces others to flee to states where police officers are allowed to do their jobs. Stuck with DEI mandates and few or no qualified candidates, blue city police forces dramatically reduce hiring standards, accepting even people with drug and alcohol abuse histories and criminal records.

"The officers that remain are grossly overworked and have high incidences of illness and stress. Overtime goes through the roof, depleting city coffers. Those blue cities also tend to harass and prosecute officers for doing their jobs, while simultaneously denying them necessary and constitutional tools like stop and frisk, so in self-defense remaining officers tend to do as little as possible, and particularly avoid contact with black criminals, who tend to commit the most crimes, largely against honest black people." . . .

Levitation 101; Illusion

Victory for the Democrats will depend on the perpetuation of the illusion that Kamala Harris is in any way a plausible candidate for the presidency of the United States.

  Roger Kimball › American Greatness 

"Even Winfrey, a prominent anti-Trump Harris supporter, seemed taken aback by her guest’s incoherent flights of flaccid, cringe-making glossolalia. Harris supporters just winced and bit their tongues while critics pounced upon and ridiculed the seeping, leaking emission of empty saccharine vocables." 

Toon added by TD

"Every honest commentator, and even some dishonest ones, acknowledges the supreme oddity of Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign.

"As has been oft remarked,  the oddity begins with the campaign’s origin.  Exactly how is it that Kamala Harris even became the candidate?  By what process was Joe Biden, the undisputed winner of the Democratic primary, ousted, eliminated and defenestrated from contention?  The rumors and stories are plentiful, but the actual facts—to say nothing of the dramatis personae behind the facts—remain obscure.

"But somehow, exactly two months ago, Joe Biden raised his sleepy head in Rehoboth Beach and announced his departure from the campaign but not, pointedly, from the presidency. (Will that happen before January 20, 2025?  I wonder.)

"No sooner had the public begun to get its head around that surprise than they were hit with an even bigger one: Biden’s replacement would be Vice President Kamala Harris.  How did that happen?  Who voted for her? Shhh!  Some questions are mood breakers, and it was clear from the get-go that the Harris campaign was going to have to depend heavily, some experts say nearly exclusively, on mood.

"In the weeks since July 21, when Biden made his fateful announcement, there has been a lot of Dr. Johnson’s dog about the Harris campaign.  When it came to female preachers, Dr. Johnson said, we are reminded of dogs who can walk on their hind legs.  They do not do it well, but we are surprised they can do it at all.

"Mindful of Harris’s, er, challenges in public speaking and responding ex tempore to questions from interviewers,  her handlers have been assiduous about keeping her out of such dangerous situations. The more she vocalizes (I almost said “talks”), the more damage she does to her candidacy. Her embarrassing performance on a ninety-minute livestream exchange with Oprah Winfrey in Detroit a few days ago underscored the problem." . . .