Tuesday, September 3, 2024

US announced terrorism charges against Hamas; FM Katz urges countries to sanction Hamas and Iran

 World Israel News   

"Attorney General Merrick Garland announced terrorism, murder conspiracy, and sanctions-evasion charges against six senior leaders of Hamas."

"US Justice Department charges Hamas leaders with terrorism as Israel’s Foreign Minister urged countries around the world to condemn and issue sanctions against Hamas and Iran.
"Attorney General Merrick Garland announced on Tuesday the unsealing of terrorism, murder conspiracy, and sanctions-evasion charges against six senior leaders of Hamas.
"Hamas was charged with playing a “central role in planning, supporting, and perpetrating the terrorist atrocities that Hamas committed in Israel on Oct. 7, 2023.”
"Garland continued, “Hamas terrorists … murdered nearly 1200 people, including over 40 Americans, and kidnapped hundreds of civilians.”
"He added, “This weekend, we learned that Hamas murdered an additional six people they had kidnapped and held captive for nearly a year, including Hersh Goldberg-Polin, a 23 year old Israeli American.”
"Garland said, “We are investigating Hersh’s murder, and each and every one of Hamas’ brutal murders of Americans, as an act of terrorism. ”
"Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz urged embassies around the world to influence governments to sanction Hamas and Iran following the news that 6 Israeli hostages were executed shortly before their bodies were discovered by the IDF in Gaza.
" 'An execution is crossing a red line, a shocking war crime by a murderous terrorist organization,” he wrote.
"Katz added, “Israel demands the international community categorically condemn the heinous murder of the six hostages and take all possible measures, including sanctions and legal measures, against Hamas and its supporters, led by Iran.” . . . 

The American blueprint for failed negotiations in the Middle East -

 CarolineGlick  "The White House is pressuring Israel to throw in the towel, but will Prime Minister Netanyahu give in to the unprecedented pressure?

"While it may seem that America is trying to protect Israel from an attack by Iran and its proxies, the truth is that the Biden administration is also containing Israel and preventing a victory.

"I discuss the U.S.’s game plan and how explains the difference between Donald Trump’s foreign policy and the foreign policy we’ll experience if Kamala Harris is elected."

“Harris and Biden need to acknowledge Hamas is a terrorist organization and treat them like it, rather than pressuring Israel.”  
"Former U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley, who served during the Trump administration, slammed President Joe Biden for claiming that Israel is at fault for not securing a hostage deal with Hamas.
"When asked by a reporter if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is “doing enough” to bring about a deal, Biden clearly answered “no.”
"Biden’s comments, made just hours after the IDF discovered the bodies of hostages brutally executed by Hamas terrorists, sparked outraged.
"Haley wrote on social media platform X that U.S. pressure directed at Israel for a ceasefire had emboldened the terror group.
" 'Hersh Goldberg-Polin, an American citizen, was executed in Gaza. Seven Americans are still being held hostage by the same terrorists who murdered Hersh,” Haley posted on her X account.
“ 'It’s unacceptable. America should demand Hamas and their funders, Iran, release the hostages immediately. Harris and Biden need to acknowledge Hamas is a terrorist organization and treat them like it, rather than pressuring Israel,” she added.
"Haley also posted a video of Goldberg-Polin’s mother, Rachel, speaking at his funeral on Monday.
" 'How many more of these funerals have to happen before Kamala Harris and Joe Biden start playing hardball and put the sanctions back on Iran?” she wrote as a caption to the video.
“Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, none of these terror groups take this administration seriously. Cut off their money so the horror stops.' ” . . .

Joe Biden is a laughingstock around the world; a ridiculous man and just the type today's Democrats elect. TD

Joy as a form of politics has quite a Nazi history; Phyllis Chesler    "About #Kamala's Party of #Joy. Joy as a form of political activism has quite the #Nazi history. #Tax incentives and #bread and circuses was what the KDF offered the masses. They called it NS Gemeinschaft Kraft durch Freude (Strenth through Joy) and it was a Nazi operated organization which began in 1933 and lasted until the outbreak of the war, after which, their mandate was transformed into caring for and entertaining Nazi soldiers. The KDF was under the sponsorship of the National Labor Front. It provided sporting events, mandatory physical exercise, gymnastics, dancing classes for women, free or low-cost concerts, theater, and art exhibits, improved hygeine at workplaces, tax incentives, and government sponsored holidays, including cruises for the masses. The films and plays were pure propaganda.

Tax incentives for the masses? Does the Democrat Party know this history? If they do, why would they choose such a tainted brand? Or, is their model the "black joy" movement, a "joy that no #White man can steal." (Read Tracey Michael L'Lewis Giggetts in "Black Joy." But maybe the Democrat Party does not know about this either.

"Oh America, America, you/we are so lost.

"Please Democrats: Find another inspiration for political activism."  

AF Branco

Kam's push for Palestinian statehood   . . ."Secondly, if the incompetents in D.C. hadn't been trying to court Hamas-supporting constituents —on the grounds, as Biden said at the Democratic National Convention, that "they have a point" —they might have behaved like the allies of Israel that they've been professing to be since Oct. 7. Yes, had they not kept trying to block it from entering Rafah, or withholding weapons shipments as leverage, Goldberg-Polin and many others might well have been rescued by now.

"This brings us back to Harris, who made sure, in her inarticulate fashion, to stress that she'll toe the party line on Gaza: nodding slightly to the Jewish community by purporting to back Israel's right to be upset about the atrocities of Oct. 7, while attempting to appeal to progressive antisemites.

" 'We have got to get a deal done," she told Bash. "We were in Doha [the capital of Qatar, where some of the ceasefire negotiations were held]. We have to get a deal done. This war must end. And we must get a deal that is about getting the hostages out. I've met with the families of the American hostages. Let's get the hostages out. Let's get the ceasefire done."

"Bash interjected, "But no change in policy in terms of arms so forth?"

"Harris said a perfunctory "no," repeating, "I —we —have to get a deal done. Dana, we have to get a deal done. When you look at the significance of this to the families, to the people who are living in that region, a deal is not only the right thing to do to end this war, but will unlock so much of what must happen next."

"Not a mention of Hamas's refusal to accept any deal that doesn't guarantee its continued reign, nor of the inconvenient fact that it never agreed to release all the hostages." . . .

"Harris was admitting that, from the day after Palestinian terrorists committed the worst atrocities against Jews since the Holocaust —before Israeli boots even touched the ground in Gaza, but while rockets continued to be launched from the Strip into the south, and Hezbollah in Lebanon fired missile barrages on the north —Team Biden was promoting a narrative of moral equivalence between perpetrator and victim." . . .

Another Chinese Spy Busted in the US; Former Aide to Cuomo, Hochul Indicted

 Jennifer Van Laar – RedState

"A former aide to former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and current Gov. Kathy Hochul was arrested Tuesday morning on charges of violating and conspiring to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), visa fraud, alien smuggling, and money laundering conspiracy. The former aide, Linda Sun, is accused of acting on behalf of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party, to further their interests in the United States. Her husband, Chris Hu, was also arrested and charged with money laundering conspiracy, as well as conspiracy to commit bank fraud and misuse of means of identification.

Sun was the Chief of Staff for Rep. Grace Meng (D-NY) when Meng was a member of the New York State Assembly, then worked for Cuomo in multiple positions: Director of Asian American Affairs, Deputy Chief Diversity Officer, and Deputy Superintendent for Intergovermental Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer. After Hochul took office in August 2021 Sun became Deputy Chief of Staff, then left that job in November 2022 to become the Deputy Commissioner for Strategic Business Development at the New York State Department of Labor." . . .

Hamas savages taunted families of the six executed Israeli and American hostages by releasing haunting new footage of the victims

 Bare Naked Islam (barenakedislam.com)  

Hamas today taunted the families of the six Israeli and A merican hostages executed by Hamas in a Gaza tunnel by releasing haunting new footage of the victims — and warning that the gut-wrenching clips were only a teaser to their “last messages.”

"The hostages, looking gaunt and exhausted, identify themselves for the camera before the footage transitions to still frames — including one threatening to release the captives’ full statements in a matter of hours, according to the terrorist propaganda video posted on Telegram.
"Hamas previously released similar videos of Oct. 7 hostages — footage that the Israeli government has denounced as a form of psychological warfare. Israeli media outlets did not carry the traumatizing video clips.
"Past Hamas videos included a brief message from Goldberg-Polin. It was released in April. In the video, Goldberg-Polin identified himself as Israeli and said he had been held captive for “nearly 200 days,” which suggested that the video was taken shortly before it was released.
"The dual American-Israeli citizen was missing part of his left arm, which was blown off by a Hamas grenade when the Palestinian terror group descended on the Nova music festival in southern Negev during the Oct. 7 massacre in Israel. His body and those of the five other slain hostages found Saturday were released to their families over the weekend." . . . 

Screenshot from the Hamas video. They have no fear of public pressure on them, but enjoy the benefits of it on the Israeli government.  Comment to the post:
"Hamas operatives embedded in the groups of protesters in America have certainly done their job. They have tried to make this look like it is an Israel problem, when really, it is a Hamas problem. Israel has every right to wipe out Hamas after what happened on October 7th, and I sympathize obviously with the families of the hostages, but you cannot let up in terms of destroying Hamas or else October 7th will happen again and again. This is particularly true given that Hamas now sees that they have sympathizers in the West who won't care if they do so. The world has gone crazy. Trump cannot be elected soon enough, this is Biden/Harris's mess."

15 Radical Rules Kamala Harris Makeover Follows

Victor Davis Hanson (dailysignal.com)  

"Banish all thoughts that she is an incumbent vice president and co-owns the last four years of the Biden administration". . ."She is always to be from Oakland—never Berkeley."

Earl of Taint

"How do accomplished radicals elect a mediocre far-left presidential candidate?

"The task might at first seem impossible.

"Kamala Harris is currently a radical incumbent vice president. For more than three years, she was second in command to an unprecedentedly unliked Democrat president, his failed policies, and his unpopular record.Harris herself had compiled a hard-left trail over her own entire career while loudly boasting indiscreetly to leftist audiences of being proudly “woke” and “radical.”

"Most challenging for a Harris candidacy makeover was the long, entrenched Democratic Party’s reluctance to remove a debilitated President Joe Biden from the Democratic ticket.


"Because Harris was deemed such a liability that she had become a Spiro Agnew-like insurance policy for a failing Biden.

"Until just recently, Democrats had considered an unpopular and enfeebled Biden nonetheless far preferable to an incoherent, lightweight, and widely ridiculed potential replacement Vice President Harris.

"After all, she had never before entered a presidential primary. She never won a single delegate by voting. She failed miserably as a candidate in 2020.

"And she co-owns the unpopular record of an even more unpopular president.

"The complete Harris makeover requires 15 radical rules followed to the letter:" . .  .

Read this list and recognize it is all happening as we speak!

Andrew Yang Update: From Biden to Gabbard, here’s what Harris’ past debates show before a faceoff with Trump

"Que Mala!" means "How Bad!"

RealityBites by Broc Smith

Election 2024: Here's what Harris' past debates show before a faceoff with Trump | AP News  A former San Francisco district attorney and California attorney general, Harris has long presented her debating prowess as a strength, and her sharp questioning of opponents has produced many a career highlight. But she has also had testy exchanges that didn’t play as well." . . .
. . ."Gabbard said Harris “put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana.” With the audience roaring, Gabbard further accused Harris of having “blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row until the courts forced her to do so.”
"Gabbard now says she was surprised that Harris’ record hadn’t been more carefully scrutinized during the primary. She said she uncovered the issues she raised not with opposition research, but by using Google.
" 'I was surprised at how unprepared she was to respond to them. Just from, you know, I would imagine that you’d prepare before going into a debate,” Gabbard said in an interview. “And also that she made no attempt to deny them or frankly justify them, if she was proud of those decisions.” . . .

Harris acknowledges Biden had a 'slow start' in debate and tries to calm Democratic fears | AP News  . . ."As she acknowledged Biden’s uneven performance, Harris emphasized the substance of Trump’s remarks during the 90-minute debate, including his refusal to condemn the rioters who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, as well as his unwillingness to emphatically commit to accepting the results of this November’s election.
“ 'Last night clarified the stakes of this election,” Harris said.
"Her event in Las Vegas and her television interviews after Biden’s debate were apparent efforts to calm Democratic panic. Hours earlier in Raleigh, North Carolina, Biden appeared to acknowledge the criticism of his performance, saying ”I don’t debate as well as I used to.' ” . . .

'Terrified' Kamala Harris Accused of Seeking Debate Rule Changes Out of Fear of Facing Donald Trump - EconoTimes  
The controversy underscores the high stakes of this election, where every move is scrutinized, and every decision could have far-reaching consequences. For now, the focus is on whether Harris will confront Trump under the traditional debate rules or whether her campaign will succeed in negotiating the modifications they are reportedly seeking.

Harris Campaign’s Cheap New Debate Gambit Reveals Its Fears | National Review    . . .“Debates don’t matter . . . unless someone faceplants.” Of course, back then, the first debate may well have mattered significantly: Donald Trump didn’t exactly faceplant, but — because he was suffering from an as-yet-undisclosed bout of Covid himself, one that put Chris Christie, his unlucky debate-prep partner, in the hospital and nearly in his grave — he gave a disastrously interrupting, impatient performance that night. ' . . .

UPDATE: Andrew Yang: What I Learned After Debating Kamala Harris 5 Times | Opinion (msn.com) 

 . . ."So, what would I say about Harris as a debater? She gets high marks for poise and being able to recall and deliver messages. She prefers to use notes, which makes sense given her legal background—she used the time before the moderators got started to reproduce notes on the notepaper we were given. (Note: I did the exact same thing.) She certainly has the stamina for a 90-minute debate. She'll expect hostility from Trump, and I expect her to be steady and strong. She was taken by surprise by Tulsi Gabbard's pointed and persistent attacks four years ago but there will be no surprise here. Outside of the primaries, she debated former Vice President Mike Pence four years ago, and I thought that she was clear and composed throughout." . . .

New Titanic photos show shipwreck decay, fallen deck railing

  AP News  

The crew spent 20 days at the site and returned to Providence, Rhode Island, on Aug. 9. They captured more than 2 million of the highest resolution pictures of the site ever to exist, the company said.

"A bronze statue from the Titanic — not seen in decades and feared to be lost for good — is among the discoveries made by the company with salvage rights to the wreck site on its first expedition there in many years.

"RMS Titanic Inc., a Georgia-based company that holds the legal rights to the 112-year-old wreck, has completed its first trip since 2010 and released images from the expedition on Monday. The pictures show a site that continues to change more than a century later.

"The trip to the remote corner of the North Atlantic Ocean where the Titanic sank happened as the U.S. Coast Guard investigates the June 2023 implosion of the Titan, an experimental submersible owned by a different company. The Titan submersible disaster killed all five people on board, including Paul-Henri Nargeolet, who was director of underwater research for RMS Titanic.

"The findings from this summer’s trip “showcase a bittersweet mix of preservation and loss,” RMS Titanic said in a statement. A highlight was the rediscovery of the statue “Diana of Versaille,” last seen in 1986, and the statue now has a clear and updated image, the company said." . . .

Democrats; the evil that America and Israel must both fear

Israel faces its own divisions on these questions; an American leader determined to be a true ally wouldn’t be stirring the pot purely to serve his own domestic political aims. But, plainly, that’s not how Biden or Harris rolls. 


. . ."But the wrinkle was Kerry voting to fund the war that a few years later he was against, saying “I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it.”

To commemorate Kerry’s flip-flops, one could purchase an actual pair of flip-flops. A pair is on display at the National Museum of American History. Soon, Kamala Harris flip-flops will be available for use during the last days of summer." . . .

Democrats Have Made It Clear: They Will Be Tyrants If Given the Chance   ..."Biden wasn’t the only recent Democrat president to have his actions rejected by the Court for overreach. Before him, Barack Obama had his amnesty for illegal aliens struck down by the Court. Obama’s placement of three new members of the  National Labor Relations Board without Senatorial confirmation was struck down, too. 

"Democrats are unhappy that their attempts to plow through the Constitution’s guardrails have been blocked by a Court whose majority is composed of men and women determined to keep the Constitution in place.

"Democrats now seek to turn their despair into joy by changing the Court – or, failing that, by pressuring the Court, as Franklin Roosevelt did. 

"Following his announcement that he was no longer a candidate for reelection, Biden proposed a series of reforms to the Court, including an 18-year term limit on the justices and a measure that would have instituted the nomination of a new Supreme Court Justice every other year, so that each president’s term would have brought with it as a spoil of campaign victory the right to name two new justices to the Court." . . .

AF Branco

Terrorist Flags Wave in NYC as Anti-Israel Protesters March in Support of Hamas – RedState 
"From the water to the water, Palestine is Arab," protesters chanted during the march.
 . . ."In one clip, a pro-Hamas protester sitting in a car can be heard saying that Israeli American Hersh Goldberg-Polin, who was recently murdered by terrorists after being kidnapped on October 7, deserved his fate. The individual also claimed Israel killed Goldberg-Polin, not Hamas."

"In a speech, Nerdeen Kiswani, leader of the anti-Israel group "Within Our Lifetime” said “Calling for a ceasefire is not enough” and argued that “If you stand with Palestinians, you stand with Palestinian resistance.”

"Many of the pro-Hamas protests have been taking place on university campuses with activists calling for schools to divest from Israel. However, others have taken to the streets in major cities as well." 

How Do You Negotiate—With Evil?

 How Do You Negotiate—With Evil? – RedState

. . ."I watched as Fox News reporter Trey Yingst described an unfolding attack against Israel, apparently by the terrorist group Hamas. I (incredulously) reported on it that night, and myriad times in the months following, and even though I was appalled by the slaughter, I was not prepared for the true evil that it turned out unfolded on that day.

"Babies killed. Women raped. Innocents assassinated in cold blood. Hundreds of young people enjoying their lives brutally massacred at a music festival. It could have been my kids. It could have been yours.

"The images haunt me to this day. As more and more information was revealed showing the true depravity of the Hamas assailants, it became clear to me that there was only one word for what we witnessed: evil

"Actually, make it three words: pure, unadulterated evil." . . .

Kamala Harris Eviscerated for Response to American Hostage Murdered In Gaza; Jeff Charles – RedState 

  1. Several users pilloried Harris, arguing that such a move would only benefit the terrorist organization while not holding it accountable for the murders it has committed.

 . . ."President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and other officials issued statements on Sunday condemning the murder of Goldberg-Polin, affirming its stances against terrorism.

The vice president in a post on X announced that she met with the hostage deal negotiation team with Biden and declared that while “Hamas leaders will pay for these crimes,” it is “long past time for a ceasefire and hostage deal.”

Isn't a ceasefire what we gave the Taliban? "Has anyone ever defined “ceasefire?” Are both sides required to participate or can one side continue to wage war while the other ceases firing? Is it necessary for both sides to agree? It’s very confusing."  Larry Kahn, who added:

 Zionism is the idea that an oppressed people has the right to have its own state in its ancestral homeland.

 Hamas vows to kill hostages at 'risk' of rescue, and Biden ups his presure on Israel (nypost.com)  . . ."We doubt Biden or Kamala Harris is willing to send in US forces to do the job, so slamming Bibi as the prez did is tantamount to saying that Israel must give Hamas a lifeline to get the remaining hostages freed.

"Maybe that’s what Israel should do, but Washington pushing Jerusalem to bend is pretty rank — especially when Biden’s motive is fundamentally selfish: He wants a ceasefire in place to cement his own legacy, and to boost Harris’ chances in November.

" 'And this is after Harris-Biden pushed Israel to hold off on operations that could’ve freed hostages weeks or months ago.

"Especially when Hamas now brags it’ll kill hostages rather than let them be rescued."

Hamas Made Slain Hostages Record Videos Before Their Deaths

Hamas Made Slain Hostages Record Videos Before Their Deaths – RedState    "The barbarians known as Hamas are not only killing hostages, but they are now taunting the families of those hostages by releasing videos of the slain taken prior to their deaths. The terror organization is also promising more to come." . . .

From the network that gave us Jim Acosta:

 Is CNN Serious With This Headline About the American Murdered by Hamas? (townhall.com) "CNN is working hard to avoid creating trouble for the Democratic Party over Israel’s justified war in Gaza. Hordes of Arab Americans are furious with the Biden-Harris policy in the region; they’ve given the vice president the moniker ‘Killer Kamala.’ In a race that will be decided by razor-thin margins, these folks staying home could create issues for the Harris campaign in Michigan and Minnesota. Hence, why we have weak sauce and inaccurate headlines like this regarding the gruesome discovery made by Israeli forces over the weekend: the bodies of six hostages were found, including American Hersh Goldberg-Polin. 

"Yet, the network framed his death as if he died in a car accident: “Israeli-American Hersh Goldberg-Polin has died, his family says in a statement…
Hamas Muslims did this horrible act and received no condemnation from the left; Hamas should, because of what they did, get everything they wanted! TD

 Three of the six whose bodies were recovered had been expected to be released during the first phase of an eventual ceasefire agreement, two Israeli officials have told CNN. 

 Even with this news, Biden-Harris continue to blame Netanyahu. Bet Harris come out more forcefully against Israel in order to placate the Pro-Hamas voters.

"And now they are threatening to release those videos to torture the families even more."

Aviva Klompas
Hamas filmed each hostage before they executed them. They terrorized and brutalized Hersh, Eden, Carmel, Alex, Ori and Almog until their last moment of life. Hamas is pure evil. And there is no reasoning or negotiating with evil.