Sunday, September 15, 2024

File this under "Trump must be eliminated!"

 Would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh, 58, of Hawaii echoed Harris, Biden’s anti-Trump rhetoric as he backed Dem candidates (   "The alleged gunman who authorities said targeted former President Trump while he golfed in Florida Sunday afternoon previously declared on social media that “Democracy is on the ballot” this year, and “we cannot lose” — echoing the anti-Trump rhetoric used by Vice President Kamala Harris and President Biden.

"Law enforcement sources identified the suspect as Ryan Wesley Routh, 58. 

"Routh, who has a lengthy criminal record from North Carolina, frequently posted about politics and exclusively donated to Democratic candidates and causes dating back to 2019." . . .

Remainder behind a paywall....

Nolte: Hoaxtress Rachel Maddow ‘Worried’ Donald Trump Will Ship Her to ‘Massive Camp’ ( 

Rich Conley Dribbble.

. . ."She also spoke of some horrible camp built to house “well-known liberals.” Don’t we already have those? Isn’t it called Los Angeles?

"It’s such a fascinating culture we live in, one where Rachel Maddow — one of the most powerful, privileged, wealthiest, and famous faces around — can get away with portraying herself as a victim. She makes millions of dollars a year working one day a week, and here she is posing as Anne Frank in an attic one step ahead of the S.S." . . .

Maxine Waters Calls Trump Supporters "Domestic Terrorists" (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

MSNBC's Wallace: 'As with Racists, All the Conspiracy Theorists Are Republicans'

Maxine Waters: If Trump Wins in November There Will Be Violence, More Killings

Column: Maddow and Stelter Concoct Crazy Theories on Trump's 'Revenge' 

. . ."Trump and his closest lieutenants have openly talked a big game about taking revenge on anti-Trump media outlets, so that concern is legitimate. It's the crazy talk about prison camps for cable-news hosts that sounds cuckoo-for-Cocoa-Puffs. But Stelter thinks it's right to "be thinking aloud."

"That's the pattern of the anti-Trump media. Since 2015, they have constantly "thought aloud" about the wildest conspiracy theories. Trump is a Russian agent. Trump paid Moscow hookers to urinate on a bed the Obamas used. Trump is Hitler, or Mussolini, or whatever autocrat you can find. Trump will kill more millions of people than Hitler, Stalin and Mao combined. (Stelter rolled out the red carpet for that last insanity on his CNN show. Even PolitiFact couldn't avoid flagging that.)

"Right now, the anti-Trump, pro-Biden media is projecting panic about a second term, and imagining nothing about what a second Biden term would look like -- especially whether Biden's mental decline will reach a crisis point. 

"But wait -- consider the first half of Stelter's interview with Phillip. She played a series of clips of conservatives complaining about top Justice Department official Matthew Colangelo joining the Manhattan DA's prosecution of Trump. How hard is it to connect dots here? Easier than the nonexistent "pee tapes" CNN promoted." . . .

Trump Shuts Down Liberal Reporters One-by-One During Epic Presser

 The American  "Former President Donald Trump recently hosted a press conference in California where he addressed the destructive negative impacts of the progressive leadership that has led to the “destruction” of once-great cities such as San Francisco.  During the event, Trump impressively handled a barrage of liberal reporters, shutting down their hostile questions one by one.

"Speaking about the presidential debate last week, one reporter asked Trump, “Some of your own Republican allies have come out and said that you missed the mark, that you miss…” she said, before Trump cut her off, “No, no, no, excuse me,” before going on to insist that he led an impressive performance on Tuesday night against Vice President Kamala Harris.

"Trump continued, “Most of my Republican allies had said I was great in the debate. You’re just like you know a lot of other people at Fox Well, why don’t you say most, 94% of the Republicans said I did phenomenally in the debate, some said that I could have been tougher. I don’t know how I could have been tougher when I said he’s the worst president and she is the worst vice president in the history of our country, 94% of the Republicans and the only one that wouldn’t maybe a Mitt Romney or somebody like that. But we’ve gotten great praise for the debate, and based on the polls like Rasmussen being up six today, the first poll out based on the polls, obviously I did well in the debate, also based on the debate polls, where sometimes had, in one case, 92% win. So you know, look, you come from Fox. You shouldn’t play the same game as everybody else.”

Sheriff, Secret Service and FBI Provide Details on Second "Assassination Attempt" of President Trump - The Last Refuge (

"Breaking news from Fox reveals that the suspect in the alleged assassination attempt on Trump has been identified as Ryan Wesley Routh."

Trump Is Thought to Be Target of Gunshots at West Palm Beach Golf Course

 BREAKING: CNN Reports Secret Service Returned Fire; Trump Is Thought to Be Target of Gunshots at West Palm Beach Golf Course; Rifle, Backpack and Go-Pro Camera Reported Found | The Gateway Pundit   "Brian Stelter posted CNN video clips: Breaking from @KristenhCNN and @JohnMillerCNN: “Officials believe the shots fired at Trump International Golf Club were intended for former President Donald Trump, according to sources familiar on the matter.””

"“Miller: “The Secret Service identified the direction” of the shots “and returned fire at that gunman, who fled. Witnesses were able to provide a description of an individual and a vehicle. We are told that a vehicle that is close to that description has been stopped” by police.”

"Miller: "The Secret Service identified the direction" of the shots "and returned fire at that gunman, who fled. Witnesses were able to provide a description of an individual and a vehicle. We are told that a vehicle that is close to that description has been stopped" by police.

— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) September 15, 2024

"@JohnMillerCNN : All this info is preliminary. But “in the area of the shooting, sources say they recovered a backpack and a semi-automatic rifle… and a GoPro camera.” The camera suggests “that this individual may have wanted to record himself in the first person.”” . . .

An Ardmore teacher appears to have wished for the death of former President Donald Trump in a social-media post highlighted on a prominent account on X (formerly Twitter).

Fmr. President Trump: Pres. Biden's Speech Filled With "Hatred and ...

MSNBC may finally be facing blowback for its deranged hatred of Donald Trump.    . . ."Despite Scholl’s concerns, Hayes, Maddow, and Nicolle Wallace aired several segments about Wooten’s allegations on their evening MSNBC programs.  It seems that the opportunity to discredit anything even tangentially related to then-President Trump was just too irresistible to pass up." . . . 

More Takeaways on the Trump – Harris Debate -


Facing Off Against Three - The American Spectator

"When elected, Trump knew what he wanted to do and he tried to do it. After the debate, what Harris would do remains a mystery." 

"The debate over the debate is just getting started. Here are a few takes on the ABC News debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.
ABC Lost
"Everyone knew the ABC News debate would be one-sided. Moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis did nothing to push back against that low-bar expectation as they joined Harris to make the debate a three-against-one affair.
"Harris did not respond to Muir’s opening question — are Americans better off than they were four years ago? Rather than answer, Harris led with her standard talking point about growing up as a “middle-class kid.” The moderators’ failure to call her on her non-answer set the stage.
"I don’t know what ABC brass were thinking, but I know what they weren’t thinking: How could the network make the debate look even-handed?
"One more thing: Trump should have expected as much and brought his A game.
Harris Not Asked About Joe?
"Two journalists had a chance to ask Harris about President Joe Biden’s mental capacity after his dismal performance during a June 27 debate with Trump, which ultimately led Biden to end his reelection bid.
"Biden has blamed a cold, over-preparation, and jet lag from an international trip two weeks earlier for his poor performance during that face-off with Trump. ABC should have asked:
"Does she agree?
"Harris regularly lunches with the president, whom Special Counsel Robert Hur had referred to as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”
"Americans have a right to know if the man who will sit in the Oval Office until Jan. 20 is up to the job now.
"The failure to press Harris on Biden’s mental capacity was nothing short of journalistic malpractice.
Trump and Abortion" . . .  More here...

My two shocking statements

 Eric Utter - American Thinker 

. . ."Truth be told, today’s “progressives” claim to worship diversity, but only of skin color, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation. And, perhaps, depravity." . . .

"I am going to make two statements -- here and now -- that will cause woke Marxists to throw a tantrum and scream into the sky. (If any woke Marxists are reading this, please set down your Palestinian flags and the keys to your Prius hybrids … and move to your nearest safe space. For your own good. I care.)

"First, “diversity” in and of itself is not a “value,” nor a good thing. In fact, very often it is destructive. And it is destroying the formerly United States as we speak. 

"Second, tolerance is where nations go to die.

"Diversity of crime, violence, pain, and injustice is not a good thing. Nor is diversity of ignorance, prevarication, apathy, or evil. Truth be told, today’s “progressives” claim to worship diversity, but only of skin color, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation. And, perhaps, depravity. They themselves have zero tolerance for traditional values, conservative thought and opinion, the freedom for others to disagree with them … and anyone or thing that dares to challenge their power.

"We are tolerating our kids being indoctrinated instead of educated in our schools. We are tolerating the mutilation of their genitalia, and the consequent theft of their sexual health in their adult years … often aided and abetted by their “educators.” We tolerated lockdowns and the mandatory introduction of experimental mRNA vaccines into our bodies. And being told we couldn’t attend the weddings or funerals of our loved ones."

What is racism? Everything, according to "The View" ladies and especially Joy Reid of MSNBC

 Arnold Cusmariu - American Thinker

I watched Joy Reid once and it was enough. It's just all her subjective opinion, a total blowhard, a lot of angry blather. Not news. That's not what I watch news for.
Tony Branco

"I enjoyed Matt Walsh’s movie, as did the audience in the theater where I saw it.  He skewers DIE mythology very effectively, showing with example after example that a good deal of what’s going on here is just plain money-grubbing opportunism.  Also coming through loud and clear is the foolishness of whites who take DIE nonsense seriously.  The self-flagellation scene (no kidding) had me howling with laughter.

"Because a movie is not the place for academic analysis, Walsh could not very well include an interview with someone, such as a philosopher specializing in moral theory, who is qualified to explain that “racism” isn’t just a dangerously loaded term; it has multiple meanings that should be distinguished carefully.  Failing to do so will guarantee that the logical fallacy of equivocation is committed.

"A good person for Walsh to have interviewed on the subject of racism is Thomas L. Carson, who taught philosophy at Loyola University Chicago for many years, now retired.  Among Carson’s several books is Lincoln’s Ethics (Cambridge University Press, 2015), to which I contributed comments in draft — Tom and I went to Brown together.

"Eight concepts of racism can be extracted from definitions Carson presented in a chapter titled “Was Lincoln a Racist?”  Carson says (p. 338) that his definitions “draw on important work in contemporary philosophy.” . . .

. . ."Finally, leftists have been known to charge anyone with “racism” who:

  • Utters a word of criticism against Vice-President Harris.
  • Considers affirmative action immoral.
  • Blames violent crime in Chicago on African-Americans.
  • Believes that welfare is a huge waste of money.
  • Voted for Donald Trump.
  • Is a Republican or supports GOP candidates.
  • Finds statistics linking I.Q. to scholastic achievement credible.
  • Believes that slavery reparations would punish innocent people.
  • Wears a MAGA hat.
  • Disagrees with New York Times editorials on race.
  • Is a member of the National Rifle Association.
  • Thinks George Floyd was largely responsible for his own death.

"These are phony charges according to the eight criteria presented in this article.  Anyone who thinks other criteria merit consideration is welcome to formulate them."

A frequent contributor to American Thinker, Arnold Cusmariu is the author of Logic for Kids.  His academic articles can be read at  Also a sculptor, Arnold is currently making pieces that redefine Surrealism.

Bad Blood: Taylor Swift's Endorsement of Kamala Harris May Have Backfired Big Time

  Matt Margolis – PJ Media  

"Sixty-six percent of the poll’s participants said they are not Swifties, while 28% reported being a fan and 6% identified as a big fan. The majority of “big fans” were women, and registered Democrats."

RealityBites by Broc Smith

"According to a new poll, Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Kamala Harris in the 2024 presidential election might have more of a negative impact on voter support than a positive one.

" 'A new post-debate poll from YouGov released Saturday found that 8% of voters said the pop superstar’s nod is either 'somewhat' or 'much more likely' to convince them to cast their ballot for the Democrat," reports the New York Post. "But a whopping 20% said they are 'somewhat' or 'much less likely' to vote for former President Donald Trump’s opponent now that Swift has spoken."

Celebrity endorsement
"According to reports, Swift’s endorsement resulted in a surge of traffic to through Wednesday afternoon. A spokesperson revealed that 337,826 visitors accessed the site after clicking a custom link shared by Swift on Instagram, though it's not entirely clear how many registrations it actually generated or what the party breakdown of those registrations may have been. Some on the left have been jubilant about Taylor Swift's endorsement, which is weird because it's not like the left-wing superstar wasn't going to endorse Kamala at some point.

"I’ve done my own research," Swift claimed, without evidence, "and I’ve made my choice."

"Taylor's political leanings are no secret, and she endorsed Joe Biden back in 2020, so there's no point in pretending she was actually comparing the candidates in order to make a decision. Last month, there were rumors that Taylor Swift would be a mystery performer at the last night of the Democratic National Convention. Beyoncé was another performer linked to the rumor, which turned out to be a con job to boost ratings for Kamala's speech. " . . .

It looks like Taylor is learning the hard way that maybe she should just shut up and sing.

Babylon Bee: Woman Who Made Career Singing About Her Bad Choices Endorses Kamala  . . ."Pop icon Taylor Swift, who has written a veritable library of songs about her being a poor judge of character, made the announcement last night. "I know I'm internationally renowned for regretting every major decision in my life, but this choice will turn out different, I just know it," said Swift. "She's the one!"

"A longtime Democrat, Swift's songwriting is known for chronicling how each man she thought would be the one turned out to be a total scumbag, but she was too blind to see it. More recently, her writing has evolved to explaining how she's mentally unstable and makes terrible, destructive decisions about other things in her life outside of romantic relationships." . . .

Wow. CNN Actually Fact-Checked Kamala's Attacks on Trump and JD Vance

 Matt Vespa (

Their coverage: Fact check: Harris campaign social media account has repeatedly deceived with misleading edits and captions | CNN Politics

"Below are eight examples of false or misleading video posts from the account since mid-August, including three from the latter part of this week. All of them have previously been highlighted by an anonymous rebuttal account called @KamalaHQLies, which itself has more than 268,000 followers."

"No, they don’t deserve a full pardon for their atrocious anti-Trump coverage, but at least, in this instance, they did their job. I have no idea why CNN’s Daniel Dale waited this long to slap a fact-check on Kamala’s social media team for spreading comical, facially untrue lies about the former president, but it is what it is when it comes to this outlet. Dale went through multiple instances where the Harris campaign was lying. Notably, remarks about Charlottesville are included in this list, though it did not delve into the ‘very fine people on both sides’ lie: 

  CNN just nuked @KamalaHQ for their constant lies about Trump and Vance.

. . .  "Dale, Snopes, a left-wing outlet, finally admitted Trump didn’t call Neo-Nazis ‘very fine people.’ The liberal media is forever going to die on that hill, aren’t they? It’s a total lie that many of us already knew since we watched the presser in real-time. So, yes, CNN finally fact-checked Kamala, but that only means a dozen-plus stories that falsely malign the former president are coming."

Matt Walsh and The Daily Wire Strike Again: ‘Am I Racist?’ Is Borat-Style Humor for Conservatives

 Scott Pinsker – PJ Media

One sidenote: Kudos to the editors and producers for making the film Kamala-centric. Numerous scenes were undoubtedly reshot — hastily, I’d assume — after Joe Biden abandoned his reelection campaign just a month ago. The film does a wonderful job at switching the focus away from Biden and onto Harris.

"In certain respects, this film is review-proof: Matt Walsh and The Daily Wire are already big winners. Their new feature film — a mockumentary about diversity education — opened last night in 1,500 theaters. Anecdotally, their fanbase responded enthusiastically, filling 75+ percent of seats in many markets across the country.

"But The Daily Wire already got what it wanted: The visibility of their brand was amplified, and the celebrity profile of one of their biggest personalities, Matt Walsh, was elevated. Regardless of how well it does in the box office, as a vehicle for self-promotion, DEI = ROI.

"The story (such as it is) is fairly thin: Matt Walsh has questions about diversity and racism, which leads him down the DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) rabbit hole. Alas, Wash is so gosh-darn famous, he must don a disguise. And so he does: God-awful skinny jeans, nerd-glasses and an ill-fitting man-bun. The rest of the film is mostly Walsh interviewing mush-brained “anti-racist” educators, slyly — and not so slyly — challenging their most cherished beliefs.

"The parallels to “Borat,” a 2006 mockumentary by Sacha Baron Cohen, are self-evident. Walsh and Cohen are both gifted comedic interviewers with an uncanny knack for maintaining a straight face and perfect composure amidst mayhem and absurdity. Both rely on uncomfortable social moments, cringe-humor, subterfuge, and “gotcha” exposés of self-important tastemakers, influencers and experts. 

“ 'Am I Racist?” veers from the “Borat” formula towards the end, almost becoming a live-action version of “South Park,” complete with a Kyle-esque “I learned something today” speech in the finale." . . .