Sunday, August 25, 2024

Multi-millionaire with three homes lectures Americans about 'not taking more than what you need'

 Satire by Genesius Times

"CHICAGO — In a heartfelt and humbling address at the Democratic National Convention, former First Lady and multi-millionaire Michelle Obama, who owns three luxurious homes, urged Americans to live modestly and “not take more than what you need.”

"Speaking from the stage at the convention in Chicago, just a short drive from her $11.75 million waterfront mansion in Martha’s Vineyard, Obama passionately called on the American public to embrace simplicity and restraint.

“ 'We all need to do our part to ensure that everyone has enough,” said the former First Lady, whose real estate portfolio also includes a $1.65 million home in Washington, D.C., and a $2.5 million property in Chicago’s Hyde Park. “It’s about fairness, it’s about sharing, it’s about recognizing that we don’t need to take more than we need.”

"The audience erupted in applause as Obama explained how living a minimalist lifestyle has always been a core value for her and her family. “We’ve always believed that you shouldn’t accumulate more than necessary,” she added, carefully omitting the square footage of her various residences.

"Obama’s speech was well-received by Democratic leaders and attendees, who nodded in agreement as she advocated for wealth redistribution and cutting back on excess. “It’s important that we all reflect on what we really need and consider giving up some of the luxuries that many of us enjoy,” she said, while wearing a designer outfit reportedly worth several thousand dollars.

"In closing, Obama reminded everyone that true fulfillment comes not from material wealth but from the connections we make and the impact we have on others. “At the end of the day, it’s not about what you have, but what you give,” she said, before heading off stage to her private jet, ready to take her back to one of her modest abodes.

"As the convention wrapped up, attendees were left inspired by Obama’s words and ready to reexamine their own lives—right after they booked their next vacation to Martha’s Vineyard."

Democrats Encourage Supporters To Go To The Polls By Telling Them Beyoncé Will Be There

 Babylon Bee. Who else?

"At publishing time, Donald Trump had asked his team to develop technology that would allow Kid Rock to appear at every polling station."

"To improve Kamala Harris' chances of victory, Democrats are encouraging supporters to go to the polls on election day by promising them that American singer, songwriter, and businesswoman Beyoncé will be there.

" 'Get ready to vote, BeyHive!" Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer told would-be voters as he danced along to "All the Single Ladies." "The Queen Bey herself is going to be at the polls in person, so you should be there too!"

"Nancy Pelosi, former House Speaker and current nobody, echoed Schumer's sentiments. "If we want to give Kamala a major dub we gotta' show up drip like real poggers and put Queen Bey on blast, no cap!" she said.

"A spokesperson for Beyoncé could not be reached for comment.

"Though voters are reportedly excited to see the popular pop singer, Republicans have decried the campaign tactic, calling it "literally impossible.' " . . .

The Garbage That Starts Off the Democratic Party Platform

 Robert Spencer; Frontpage Mag  "If you still think it’s hyperbole and hysteria to say that the Left hates America, check out the 2024 Democratic Party Platform"

To be a Democrat is to wear the hair shirt of guilt and repentence. TD

"This “inflection point” statement, however, is not the first item in the Democratic Party Platform. The first thing you see when you start reading the Democratic Party Platform, the very first thing that the Democrats want you to know, is that America is on stolen land. The message is clear: Go home, white colonizer!

"The first item in the 2024 platform of America’s majority party is the “Democratic National Convention Land Acknowledgement.” Land acknowledgments, which are basically statements of colonialist guilt and assertions that some particular parcel of land actually belongs to someone other than those who occupy it and own the deed, became trendy a few years ago, as our Age of Absurdity reached new heights of ridiculousness. They’re common, as you’d expect, on the websites of colleges and universities. The platform’s land acknowledgment is a trifle more gingerly stated than such things usually are, but its upshot is nonetheless unmistakable.

“ 'The Democratic National Committee,” the land acknowledgment begins, “wishes to acknowledge that we gather together to state our values on lands that have been stewarded through many centuries by the ancestors and descendants of Tribal Nations who have been here since time immemorial.”

"This is carefully worded. Instead of saying outright that the land belongs to the Tribal Nations, or was taken from them, as most land acknowledgments do, the platform says that the Democratic National Convention is taking place on lands that “have been stewarded” by the Tribal Nations." . . . And so on....

. . ."Conspicuously absent is any similar praise for the Founding Fathers or any of the heroic figures of American history. From the Democrats’ platform, the uninformed reader would get the impression that the colonialist oppressors arrived in North America, stole the land from the Native Americans, and somehow established a Constitution that now Donald Trump wants to destroy, but which they are working very hard to save." . . .

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 28 books, including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About MuhammadThe History of Jihad, and The Critical Qur’an. His latest book is Muhammad: A Critical Biography. . . .

Jon Stewart SHUTS DOWN MSNBC & CNN for Biased Reporting

Jon Stewart Slams CNN, NBC for Blocking Reporters From His Podcast ( We regret the language in this report. TD

Mr. Stewart speaks of "journalists" and I wonder if he includes personalities like Ali Velshi , Joy Reid,  Jim Acosta Rachel Maddow,  Wolf Blitzer, to name only a few. TD

"On his latest “Weekly Show” podcast, Jon Stewart railed against news outlets such as CNN and NBC, claiming that these “organizations that rely on access and transparency refuse to allow their reporters to come on [this] podcast and talk about the issues of the day.”

“ 'Weekly Show” producer Brittany Mehmedovic chimed in on the difficulty of booking guests on the podcast, saying “it’s unlike anything I’ve really ever seen” in her decade working in journalism. “Phone calls go unanswered,” she said, referring to NBC. “It’s very ‘We’re going to politely decline on this.'”

"Stewart said that individual reporters tell him they’d “love to do” the podcast but need to get “network approval,” which they say never comes. When the “Weekly Show” team seeks an explanation from the news outlet, Stewart and co. allegedly get “left on read.' ” . . .

Hillary's Glass Ceiling Is Dirty, Joe is just plain dirty

 American Free News Network (  

"Did you catch Hillary Clinton’s speech at the Democrat National Convention on Monday? Like our beloved Rush Limbaugh often said, I watched it so you didn’t have to. Deja vu all over again. Clinton’s speech brought me back to the 1970s when women were fighting for equal rights. We won that fight, but Clinton doesn’t want us to notice. She wants women to view themselves as victims. She prattled on about the glass ceiling, a term only pandering Democrats use in 2024 America.

"Queen Hillary spewed out the same old blather about how “women can do anything,” pretending that women are still being held back. To prove that women can do anything, Americans must, must, must put Kamala Harris in the White House. No special talent or experience is needed, and never mind that Harris is a Marxist. According to Clinton “female” on one’s birth certificate is sufficient.  Share

Good riddance to Joe Biden, one of America’s most disastrous presidents (The Telegraph)   "On Monday night, Biden took to the stage at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago to bid an emotional farewell. 

"Outside there had been significant unrest, with hundreds of keffiyeh-clad Gaza activists marching downtown to accuse Kamala Harris of “genocide” in Gaza.

"Four people had been detained by the police when they managed to break through a security perimeter that had been set up around the venue. In one snapshot, a tall thug wearing women’s clothing was filmed berating police officers in an unusually deep voice.

"Quite obviously, this was not just about Gaza. This was a clash of worldviews, with Western values of freedom and liberal democracy being assailed by the trendy new radicalism, a mélange of old-fashioned socialism and woke fundamentalism. It all put me in mind of Ronald Reagan’s battles with the Left.

"As Biden departs weeping from the stage, it is natural to consider his legacy. Perhaps that was part of the reason for his tears. Whereas Reagan inherited a divided country but successfully united it through the force of his charisma and solid values, Biden inherited a divided country from Donald Trump, promised to unify it, and left it more divided than ever before, with an orange sun rising once again on the horizon. It is hard to look upon his period in office as an untrammelled success.

"Partly, this has been because the 46th president has allowed himself to be pulled hither and thither by the increasingly militant progressive wing of his party, which has attempted to dictate policy on issues ranging from foreign affairs to rent controls. Biden dithered, capitulated, and triangulated, losing both his values and his overseas allies in the process – all for him to lose his chance at a second term, pushed out without so much as a how’s your father by a Democratic machine still heavily influenced by the Obamas." . . .

A blood libel from the unions against Israel?

 Civis Americanus  

"The bottom line is that if the Democrat party needs the kind of votes these unions can deliver, then it does not need your vote or mine, and its own members need to question whether this is the kind of representation they want."

"The Jewish Insider’s Gabby Deutch reports, “Major labor unions call on Biden to halt military aid to Israel.”  “Signatories include the Service Employees International Union, National Education Association, United Auto Workers, Association of Flight Attendants, the American Postal Workers Union, the International Union of Painters and the United Electrical Workers.”  All of these are major players in the Democrat party, which looks to them to deliver the union vote.  Note the presence of the NEA, a poster child for homeschooling and charter schools if ever I saw one.

"The article includes a link to confirm that the unions in question did in fact put their support behind the agenda of Hamas, which is to cripple Israel’s ability to remove the terrorist group permanently and recover all surviving hostages.

"The strict definition of a blood libel is specifically that Jews murder non-Jewish children to use their blood to make matzos.  I think, however, it is fair to extend the definition to include any false accusation of an atrocity to incite hatred of any racial, religious, or ethnic group, as the United Auto Workers did this July with its false accusation that Israel commits genocide.  Remember that more likely than not, false accusations that Spain blew up the USS Maine in Havana in 1898 helped start a war in which tens of thousands of people died, mostly from disease, as was standard in that era.  The Triple Entente depicted German soldiers murdering women, children, and prisoners of war and German sailors murdering the passengers of the Lusitania, which was, however, carrying munitions and thus a legitimate target.  This helped draw the United States into the war.  Adolf Hitler was unfortunately the German who learned the most from Germany’s failure to counteract this propaganda, and he used similar techniques to take over Germany." . . .

Civis Americanus is the pen name of an American Thinker contributor who remembers the lessons of history and wants to ensure that our country never needs to learn those lessons again the hard way.

Why I Stopped Teaching

 Prager U.   "For fifteen years, Kali Fontanilla taught middle and high school students in California public schools. Then she abruptly left it behind. Why would a teacher who loves teaching quit her job? Her answer should alarm us all."

Why I Stopped Teaching