Friday, August 23, 2024

Anti-Israel National Union Has Taken Hold at College Campuses, UChicago Lawsuit Reveals

Legal Insurrection  Jewish graduate students must either support union antisemitism or forfeit their careers.

"And it doesn’t help that the university continues to signal weakness in the face of the protesters’ violence and aggression. There were reportedly no arrests after police dismantled the encampments. And the school just dropped the disciplinary charges against students involved in last year’s protests, caving on its threat to withhold their diplomas."

"When the anti-Israel campus protests broke out last year, they had the support of an ally whose role until recently has been largely overlooked: graduate student unions. These unions are a growing presence at both public and private universities. And now, they’re defendants in a University of Chicago lawsuit brought by the outraged students who are forced to fund them, whether they agree with their antisemitic rhetoric or not.

"Academic unions aren’t like traditional trade groups pushing for higher wages, shorter hours, and better working conditions. They’re a new breed—an affiliation of graduate student unions with a “parent,” frequently the national United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE), a radical group known for its anti-Israel activism.

"At Legal Insurrection, we’ve been keeping tabs on UE since it first endorsed a “boycott, divest, and sanction” (BDS) campaign against Israel in 2015. More recently, when Cornell graduate students voted to federate under UE, Prof. Jacobson warned that the new alliance meant trouble: “On a campus wracked with anti-Israel activism and antisemitic invective, the connection to an anti-Israel national union raises concerns of a renewed BDS effort,” he wrote. In fact, UE has repeatedly called for the “union at all levels to become engaged in BDS.”

"Graduate students weren’t always unionized, of course, and it’s not obvious how they fit into the “labor” mold. True, they work as research assistants and teaching assistants, but that work is incidental to their academic pursuit.

"How did these doctoral candidates become UE labor union brothers?". . .

This only became a problem when residents of Gaza chose to kill and destroy Israelis and their villages, not only on Oct 7, but also with years of sending explosive rockets to kill Israelis who had not bothered the Arabs. Now Muslim activists appear on Western campuses, 
spawning riots and property destruction, teaching impressionable youths, wearing designer scarves to chant "Death to....!"

Lives shattered by Oct. 7 attack, some survivors return to Kibbutz Be’eri "A month after Hamas wrought some of its worst destruction at Kibbutz Be’eri, what was once a peaceful agricultural commune is now a makeshift military base. Special correspondent Leila Molana-Allen visits the community where Hamas terrorists kidnapped dozens of Israelis and slaughtered more than a hundred others and talks to survivors who have returned."

Link to video below.

When Gazans encounter Israeli children:  Video out of Israel shows room full of children massacred by Hamas  Hamas Gaza militant terrorists are roaming the streets and massacring people at random -men, women, and children ON SIGHT. They are also kidnapping/killing Israeli civilian thanks to Joe Biden’s $6 billion to Iran, not to mention restoration of the hundreds of million of US taxpayer dollars to the Palestinians that Donald Trump had cut off when he was in office."  Below is a copy of the above video for when it gets taken down by Leftist terrorist supporters.

Video Player

Bullet Wounds Found on Bodies of Recovered Israeli Hostages, Confirming Hamas Murdered Them

 Legal Insurrection   "Bullet wounds were found on the bodies of six hostages recovered by the Israeli military earlier this week. The grim finding confirms the fears that most of them had been murdered by Hamas terrorists during their 10-month-long captivity in Gaza.

“ 'The Israeli army confirmed on Thursday that signs of gunfire were found on the bodies of the six hostages who were recovered on Tuesday from Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip,” the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported.

"The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on Monday night extracted the bodies of six hostages from the southern Gaza town of Khan Yunis. The recovery operation in Hamas-infested territory was conducted after the terrorist group repeatedly rejected President Joe Biden’s latest ceasefire proposal, demanding more security concessions from Israel.". . .


Following The Script; Even Fawning Media Ridicules Harris’ Socialist Proposals

 Issues & Insights 

. . ."price controls are a recipe for shortages and black markets and the breakdown of rule of law, and at a minimum, never work the way they are supposed to work."
Even Fawning Media Ridicules Harris’ Socialist Proposals    "The media adulation for Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign may still be strong in general, but several major liberal outlets haven’t been able to stomach her latest economic policy proposal.
"Harris announced Wednesday that she would institute a “federal ban on price gouging on food and groceries” as president in an attempt to stop “big corporations” from taking advantage of consumers, and outlets like the Washington Post, CNN, and Newsweek published reports shredding the idea.
" 'Whether the Harris proposal wins over voters remains to be seen, but if sound economic analysis still matters, it won’t,” the liberal-leaning Washington Post editorial board wrote on Friday.
"If enacted, the Harris campaign’s proposal would give authority to the Federal Trade Commission and state attorneys general to impose harsh penalties on companies for setting excessively high prices.
" 'There’s a big difference between fair pricing in competitive markets and excessive prices unrelated to the costs of doing business,” the Harris campaign said in a statement. “Americans can see that difference in their grocery bills.”
"The Post’s editorial board took Harris to task on the idea, stating it’s not even clear what her plan is. “Ms. Harris says she’ll target companies that make ‘excessive’ profits, whatever that means.” It also expressed relief that the plan was getting pummeled out of the gate." . . .

Wall Street battens down hatches, warns investors about Kamala's price controls -report  . . ."Broadly speaking, it's always a disaster when a government overspends beyond its means, devalues its currency as a result, sees various financial institutions take hits, and then in some cases takes insane measures like capital controls to fix the mess they made, leading to shortages and the destruction of savings that would otherwise go into investment capital. In some cases the governments actually go down in flames, their capitols literally on fire.

They know Economics 101, that price controls are a recipe for shortages and black markets and the breakdown of rule of law, and at a minimum, never work the way they are supposed to work. Even the leftists on Wall Street know this basic fact, they would be embarrassed to say they didn't, which is why we see so much pushback against the idea even in the leftist media. Again, it's Economics 101 and only stupid people don't know Economics 101." . . .

RFK Makes Huge Move in Arizona, Could Permanently Shake Up Race in Trump’s Favor

 TFPP Wire  "Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign took an unexpected turn this week, as he withdrew his name from the Arizona ballot just as the Democratic National Convention wrapped up.

"This move has sparked speculation about Kennedy’s political future and his potential impact on the 2024 race.

"On social media, Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes announced, “RFK Jr.’s campaign filed official paperwork with our office today withdrawing him from AZ’s 2024 election.” Fontes added that the official filing would be available on the state’s website soon.

"This development comes at a critical time in the election cycle.

"The Democratic Party just finished its convention, where Vice President Kamala Harris gave the keynote address.

"Meanwhile, rumors are swirling that Kennedy might drop out of the race entirely and throw his support behind former President Donald Trump.

"Adding fuel to the fire, Kennedy has scheduled an address for Friday, August 23, to update the public on his political plans." . . .  My father and my uncle were members of a Democratic Party that was at the forefront of making sure that every American could vote for the candidate they wanted to.

. . .

RFK Jr. has announced he will “address the nation live” on Friday from Phoenix, AZ about his “path forward. The most interesting part? President Trump will ALSO be having an event in Phoenix on Friday" 

Fake News: Judy Woodruff does a Dan Rather

 Monica Showalter 

 The most damning element of Woodruff's statement, that Trump urged Netanyahu to reject the ceasefire because it would help Harris in the 2024 presidential campaign -- never happened at all in either report, not even by wink, hint, or suggestion, not in the corrected or uncorrected versions. Nothing. Zilch. Zero. Nada.

Here too.

"How does fake news get out there?

"Well, based on this latest event, it comes not from Russian bots and fringe websites that the censorship lobby keeps howling about, but from the mainstream media itself, allowing its political biases to run wild at the expense of the facts.

"According to the New York Post:

A PBS senior correspondent apologized Wednesday after falsely telling her audience that former President Donald Trump tried to talk Israel out of a cease-fire amid its ongoing war in Gaza.

Judy Woodruff passed off blame for the blunder by “clarifying” that she based the flimsy scoop on outside reporting she had read before broadcasting from the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago on Monday.

“The reporting is that former President Trump is on the phone with the prime minister of Israel, urging him not to cut a deal right now, because it’s believed that would help the Harris campaign,” Woodruff told a PBS roundtable.

"Her apology is here: 

Not every Democrat feels the joy.

‘Squad’ Democrat rejects ‘false narrative’ of joy at Harris convention (    "Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) accused her own party of presenting a “false narrative” of Democratic optimism amid a fight over the war in Gaza that has roiled the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

"The tension comes as the Uncommitted National Movement, a pro-Palestinian group that emerged during the Democratic primaries to vote against candidates unless they backed a ceasefire in the war between Israel and Hamas, has requested a speaking slot at the four-day convention — a request it claims has been denied by the Democratic National Committee. Tlaib decried the decision not to allow a pro-Palestinian speaker to take the stage on the pretext it would disrupt the party’s picture of unity it wants to present to voters.

“ 'To hear what we’ve done to generations of families shatters the false narrative of hope and joy,” Tlaib wrote in a post on X." . . .

"The demand for a speaking slot comes after the parents of an Israeli American hostage, captured during Hamas's Oct. 7, 2023, invasion, spoke on the third night of the convention, with the group calling for balance “to reject a hierarchy of human value by ensuring Palestinian voices are heard on the main stage.”