Friday, October 16, 2009

National Review "experts" out of their lanes

Uncle Jimbo in Blackfive "Andy McCarthy is a brilliant legal mind and one of the top strategists in our battles against terror in the courts. He prosecuted the blind sheikh and continues to work toward policies that enable us to dismantle terror networks and deal with captured terrorists. On military strategy and tactics, not so much."

The Search for the Wikipedia Libelist (important update)

Ralph Alter, American Thinker "While others have noted this in various forums, no one seems to have made the connection that this IP address is used as a gateway by the law firm Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP (see here, for example) that all users from that IP address come from the domain.)"The firm provides a wide array of legal services with a broad spectrum of politically correct causes served:"

Is the 'Obama effect' turning the world against Israel?

Haaretz "In the eyes of Israel's enemies, the election of Barack Obama has turned what was considered the unwavering American support of Israel into something that is not taken for granted any more. And when the nuclear-producing Ahmedinejad calls the Holocaust a lie, it is clear whom he is threatening."

Debacle in Moscow

by Charles Krauthammer "The Russian leadership, hardly believing its luck, needs no interpreter to understand that when the Obama team clownishly rushes in bearing gifts and "reset" buttons, there is nothing ulterior, diabolical, clever or even serious behind it. It is amateurishness, wrapped in naivete, inside credulity. In short, the very stuff of Nobels."

A $250 bribe to help the ObamaCare medicine go down.

WSJ "The Democrats are scrounging to get seniors to support their healthcare plan. Then Barack Obama comes along and says he will give every senior citizen a $250 check. Any connection?" Neal Boortz

Sharpton’s Corporate Sponsors Funded Anti-Rush Limbaugh Campaign

Link "...American Honda, Anheuser Busch, Colgate-Palmolive, Comcast, Entergy, Ford Motor Company, Home Depot, Johnson & Johnson, Macy’s, PepsiCo, Pfizer and Wal-Mart. Sponsorship reportedly cost $50,000." Contact info for these companies in the article. Oh, no! Oh no! Not Home Depot! Cartoon: Glenn McCoy, Townhall

My letter to Home Depot: "It deeply concerns me that one of my favorite stores as a remodeler/home improvement hobbyist is a contributor to Al Sharpton's organization. The man is a racist shake-down artist whose power is increased by those he intimidates and extorts. I regret that Home Depot is one such company and ask that you please not give this man one more cent. Thank you."

The Truth About Jackson, Sharpton and CNN's Sanchez (with Sources)

Rush Limbaugh "No liberal would ever be treated like this, no matter how foulmouthed. I mean, there are rappers that own parts of NBA teams. Lyrics to their songs we couldn't play on this radio show. They're celebrated." Check the links at the bottom for the sources of Rush's information. Here: A bunch of links on this whole kerfuffle from Google. Knock yourself out.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Afghan war debate endangers U.S. troops: veterans

Yahoo News ""The extremists are sensing weakness and indecision within the U.S. government, which plays into their hands," said Thomas J. Tradewell Sr., a Vietnam veteran and head of VFW. That was "evidenced by the increased attacks in Afghanistan as well as Pakistan," he said."

HuffPo Retracts False Limbaugh Quotes; When Will CNN & ThinkProgress?

The Weekly Standard "The Huffington Post has retracted two quotes author Jack Huberman falsely attributed to Rush Limbaugh. Huberman wrote on the liberal website in 2006 that Limbaugh said James Earl Ray "deserves a posthumous Medal of Honor" and that Limbaugh praised slavery because "streets were safer after dark" back then."

Straw Man Watch

By Karl Rove "The Straw Man fallacy involves the attribution or assumption of a position, which is then attacked or dismissed, The problem is that the position dismissed by the argument is not the real 'man' or 'person', but a caricature of the real position held."—Christopher W. Tindale, Fallacies and Argument Appraisal, January 2007" Rove discusses the latest of these arguments by this administration.

So Much for the Post-Racial America

By Andy McCarthy= "But everytime one of these stories comes up, which is all too often, I can't help but think it says a lot more about us than whoever happens to be in the cross-hairs. Why do Sharpton and Jackson have careers? Why aren't they shown the door for serial racism and dishonesty? Why does anyone give a damn what they say? Why does the press treat them like they matter when they're a walking, talking parodies?"

"Who thinks Al Sharpton is a racist pig ?"

Yahoo Answers "Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:" "I don't think he's a pig, but he is definitely a bigot and a racist."...."If Sharpton were a white skinhead, he would be a political leper, spurned everywhere but the fringe. But democrats embrace him." Documents three of Sharpton's most egregious acts.