Friday, September 20, 2024

Irony! Israel struck Hezb’allah in their instruments of rape.



The karma in Lebanon is too strong! -Lynne Lechter   
Yet one couldn’t help but chortle at the karma of the latest Israeli attacks: after eleven months of the worst attack against Jews since the Holocaust, Israel struck back in an extremely fitting manner.  They struck Hezb’allah in their instruments of rape.  And they used the least high-tech gadget liable to execute the attacks: the pager.

Tiny Israel flips the tables of warfare itself on the terrorists of Hezb'allah - Monica Showalter   . . ."And that calls to mind what Israel is: The tech genius of the Middle East, the nation that gave us drip irrigation, computer processor chips, metal detectors, heart rate monitors from hospital beds, devices that can extract air for divers underwater, safe drinking water detectors, cell phones, safe-navigation technology for cars on the road, precision robots for spinal surgery, oh, and pagers, too. This list here is mind-blowing, I've heard Google guys call them the brains of their company.

"With that going on, while Hezb'allah and other miserable creatures of the Middle East stewing in Jew-hatred and fist-waving instead of trying to match them in intellectual creativity, innovation, and tech prowess, this Israeli advantage of being on the developer side is finally being put to work for Israel." . . .

Heaven help Israel if they ever elect leaders like Biden,Pelosi, and Harris. Their very existence can be threatened when America puts Democrats over her government. TD

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