Friday, September 20, 2024

Rigged Debate: Harris Had Much More Help Than Viewers Noticed That Night

 American Free News Network (   "Anyone who watched even the first thirty minutes of the September 10th “debate” between Donald J. Trump and Kamala Harris could tell the “moderators” were bending over backwards to help Harris."

"The entire affidavit can be accessed in the link below. Here, I will provide you with the key provisions in this unethical agreement, without which Harris threatened she would cancel the debate:

  1. They agreed that Trump, and only Trump, would be fact-checked LIVE, during the debate. I can only assume ABC had hundreds of fact-checkers in the back room because Muir & Davis received the texts from them within seconds of Trump saying something.
  2. “The Harris campaign was provided with sample questions that, while not the exact questions, covered similar topics that would appear during the debate.”
  3. This special agreement was hidden from the Trump campaign.
  4. “The Harris campaign-imposed restrictions included:

A) No questions about Joe Biden’s health;

B) No questions about her tenure as “Attorney General in San Francisco” (I think the affidavit writer is confusing her years as California AG in Sacramento and her earlier years as San Francisco DA); and

C) No questions about her brother-in-law, Tony West, who is facing charges of embezzling billions in taxpayer funds and who may be in her administration if Democrats can successfully rig another presidential election." . . .

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