Thursday, October 22, 2020

BREAKING: Judge Barrett Approved by Senate Judiciary Committee


Democrats skipped out but were there in spirit, I'm sure

Townhall  "The Senate Judiciary Committee approved Judge Amy Coney Barrett's nomination to the Supreme Court on Thursday morning, on party lines. Democrats on the committee boycotted the vote and their elected duties, but could not prevent Judge Barrett from being confirmed by the committee. The stunt pulled by the committee's Democratic members allowed Judge Barrett's to be approved unanimously." 

"Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham praised Judge Barrett's exemplary qualifications, and glowing endorsements from colleagues, peers and the American Bar Association (ABA). Sen. Graham pointed out that Senate Democrats allowed Judge Barrett's swift confirmation to be possible, by changing Senate threshold rules in 2013.

“ 'Back then, I told Senator Schumer they would regret changing the rules on judges. Today, they will,” he said." . . .

Here is Why Judiciary Republicans Broke No Rules in Holding Vote on Judge Barrett as Dems Boycotted

Republicans looking to confirm Judge Barrett on or around Oct. 26    "The Hill reports that Senate Republicans are eyeing a final vote to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court on Monday, October 26 — less than a week from today. That timeline isn’t locked down, but Republicans are planning a rare weekend session that would set up a final vote early next week.

"My initial take was that Barrett probably wouldn’t be confirmed before the election (and probably not afterwards, either). I thought that Sens. Collins, Murkowski, and Romney would all oppose her confirmation, and that a random GOP Senator or two, with nothing to lose, would join them. I also wondered whether McConnell could get a vote for Barrett this quickly.

"But Romney immdediately made it clear that he was on board with confirming Barrett. And now, it seems there’s a chance that even Murkowski will vote to confirm her.

"As for timing, I suspect that McConnell and his caucus were highly motivated to get confirmation done because they saw it as a means of saving their Senate majority. They probably recognized that the odds in this election are against them, and that they needed a game changer." . . .

AMY CONEY BARRETT HEARINGS: 6 THINGS TO WATCH  . . . " 'We will talk about when the actual vote occurs in committee and on the floor. Democrats will not supply the quorum," Schumer said. "Period."

"A quorum is the minimum number of members present for a committee or the full Senate to conduct business and hold votes. The quorum in the full Senate is 51 members and the quorum of the Judiciary Committee is nine members including two in the minority party. This means that if one or fewer Democrats show up to the planned Oct. 22 meeting where the Judiciary Committee plans to vote on the Barrett confirmation then they could prevent the committee from reporting the nomination to the Senate. 

"There are ways around this. Most notably, the Senate can vote on a discharge resolution that would remove the responsibility of considering the Barrett nomination from the committee, allowing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., to call the nomination for a full vote. " . . .

Republicans Derail Democrats’ Barrett Boycott Plans, Send Chuck Schumer

Der Schumerglower
Democrat plans to derail a Senate Judiciary Committee vote approving Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation to the Supreme Court ended up in shambles Thursday after Republicans moved up the vote by several hours, leaving Democrats scrambling to respond.

"The vote to recommend Barrett be confirmed to the Supreme Court was scheduled for 1 pm but, after learning that Democrats on the panel planned to boycott the hearing in, moved up the vote to 9 am. Barrett’s nomination was passed out of committee on a party-line vote, 12-0.

"Typically, a Democrat boycott might have forced the Judiciary Committee out of session, since it prevented the formation of a quorum, but Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-CA), allowed for a last-minute rule change, giving Republicans the power to pass Barrett out of committee on a simple majority vote." . . .

"Elect Joe Biden: He’ll Be The Worst President In U.S. History"


Image by Ronny Gordon.

Issues & Insights  "Ranking modern presidents, from first to worst, is an entirely subjective matter. That said, we’re quite sure Joe Biden will be, if elected, the most destructive president of our lifetimes if not of all time." . . . 

"Here, though, is what can expect from a Biden presidency:
  • A hard left shift in policies that the Democratic Party, already too far left, has surrendered to. Few will dare call it socialism, but that’s what it will be, with government continually taking bites out of civil society, centralized bureaucrats planning the economy, and political cronies cashing in.
  • Higher taxes.
  • sclerotic economy.
  • An unsustainable government-run health care system.
  • An executive branch that recognizes no limits to its power: “This messy democracy and our constitutional republic are wildly inconvenient and Democrats are done pretending to abide it,” writes Ned Ryun in American Greatness.
  • Demands for a modern inquisition to “erase (President Donald) Trump’s lies” and “name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.”
  • A commander in chief “who is controlled by a movement that believes America is bad.” 
  • Energy policy based on the costly and needless Green New Deal.
  • A rollback of the Trump administration’s deregulation achievements.
  • An acceleration of the cancel culture.
  • Accommodations to the Antifa and Black Lives Matter zealots who want to destabilize the country. Under a Biden administration, these groups will eventually become de facto stormtroopers for the Democrats.
  • Unpunished violence from the left against those who publicly oppose Biden and the Democrat-media machine, and/or support the Republicans remaining in office, law enforcement, and free speech.
  • Childish foreign policy.
  • A campaign to ban gasoline-powered automobiles.
  • A president who will sleep through that 3 a.m. phone call.

"None of these make America a better country. They all add up to a dystopian future, far removed from what once was a land like no other in history." . . .   Full article here

Months Before Illegal MS-13 Gang Member Murdered Family, Kamala Harris Failed To Prosecute Him

Michael Austin, WJ   "Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris of California failed to prosecute a known gang member and illegal immigrant who went on to murder a man and two of his sons in 2008.

"The gang member, Edwin Ramos, had been arrested three months before the killings.

"Harris, who was the San Francisco district attorney at the time, had a chance to stop Ramos. According to SFGate, police had warned her that he was a known MS-13 gang member with multiple run-ins with the law." . . .

. . . Although President Donald Trump has stood strongly against MS-13, the American left has done anything but. Back in May 2018, Trump referred to MS-13 members as “animals,” a comment that was then taken out of context by the left-wing media to make it seem as though he was referring to illegal immigrants rather than the notoriously violent gang.  . . .

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Senate Democrats Will Boycott Judge Barrett’s Committee Vote Tomorrow

Hot Air

Der Schumerglower

"Tomorrow the Senate Judiciary Committee will vote to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. At least that’s what Republicans on the committee will be doing. Democrats have decided they will boycott the vote as a way to signal their displeasure with the outcome:

The plan hasn’t been finalized yet, according to a Democratic aide, but Democrats are preparing to fill their empty seats with poster-sized photos of people who would be hurt by Barrett potentially casting a deciding vote against the Affordable Care Act. These would be the same pictures of people Democrats had on display during Barrett’s confirmation hearing last week.

Democrats also intend to hold two press conferences to push back on Barrett’s confirmation ― one on the Capitol steps and one on the Supreme Court steps. They will go to one or both of these pressers during the committee vote, according to the Democratic aide.

"Sen. Schumer has been doing his best today to signal he’s prepared to fight to the bitter end:

"Democrats made it very clear last week that they were very unhappy with Sen. Dianne Feinstein after she closed the confirmation hearings with praise for Sen. Lindsey Graham followed by a hug. It was bad enough they were going to lose, but to lose with grace and decency was just too much. There were lots of calls for Feinstein to immediately resign:" . . .

Severe language alert: Video: Biden Supporter Screams At Chinese Trump Supporter “You F**king Chinks!”

 Weasel Zippers

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Racism is perfectly acceptable against Trump supporters, it seems. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) <a href="">October 21, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Gretchen Whitmer THREATENS LOCKDOWNS Unless Joe Biden Is ELECTED. How Is This Person A Governor?


Whitmer Accuses Trump Of ‘Domestic Terrorism  . . . “If you’re tired of lockdowns, or you’re tired of wearing masks, or you wish you were in church this morning or watching college football or your kids were in-person instruction, it is time for change in this country, and that’s why we’ve got to elect Joe Biden,” Whitmer said while appearing on “Meet The Press.”

 "She went on to blast President Donald Trump, accusing him of inciting violence and being incompetent.

“ 'The Trump virus response is the worst in the globe — I mean, in the world it’s the worst,” Whitmer said. “Eight million people have contracted COVID-19, 220,000 dead. We’ve got people in food pantry lines who never would have imagined that they’d be there. And no light on the horizon because our numbers keep going up. This is a gravely serious moment for all of us.' ” . . .

Houston Police Sgt. Killed By Repeat Offender After Soros-Funded D.A. Refused to Press Charges

Say his name!

American Greatness   "A police sergeant in Houston, Texas was shot dead Tuesday morning by a suspect who was in police custody just two days earlier, but was allowed to go free when the Democrat district attorney refused to press charges.

"HPD Sergeant Harold Preston had been with the Houston Police Department for 41-years and was due to retire at the end of the year, according to the Montgomery County Police Reporter. The local pro-police paper is urging voters to oust the D.A., whose campaign for office was bankrolled by left-wing billionaire George Soros.

 "The suspect, Elmer Manzano, is a convicted felon with multiple prior assaults on his record. He is in police custody after being hospitalized for a gunshot wound to the stomach." 

. .  .  ."The Police Reporter stated that the carnage was “100% preventable.”

“The actions of Harris County DA Kim Ogg are inexcusable. While Mr. Manzano pulled the trigger, Kim Ogg put the gun in his hands. Her actions are directly responsible for the death of HPD Sergeant Harold Preston,” the paper said. “DA Ogg’s fate is in the hands of Harris County voters NOW. She is on the ballot today. Vote to keep your streets, your neighborhoods, your homes, and your family safe. Vote to keep the men and women of law enforcement from preventable perils. Vote to hold Kim Ogg responsible for HPD Sergeant Preston’s death.” 

"Left-wing billionaire George Soros made a half-million-dollar advertising buy on behalf Ogg Harris during the County district attorney’s race in 2016, according to the Houston Chronicle.

"Soros-backed DAs in other cities such as Philadelphia, St. Louis, and San Francisco “have fired scores of experienced prosecutors and, as promised, stopped prosecuting low-level quality-of-life crimes such as disorderly conduct, vagrancy and loitering,” resulting in skyrocketing crime and frayed relationships with police departments, the Washington Times reported."

Photos added by TD

Leave It to Hapless Brian Stelter to Make CNN's 'Toobin Problem' Even More Embarrassing

CNN being CNN. It doesn’t get any better. That whole “Most Trusted Name in News” thing has become a joke that CNN caricatures on a daily basis. Maybe something like The Most Distrusted Name in Dumpster Fires™ would be more appropriate.

"I don't always masturbate with my
computer camera on, but when I do
I always make sure I am in a Zoom
work meeting."

 RedState  "CNN’s headache began — this headache, that is; CNN has more headaches than, as my dad used to say, you can shake a stick at — on Monday when news broke that its chief legal analyst, Jeffrey Toobin, was exposed (pun intended) for engaging in a particularly graphic “Anthony Weiner moment” during a Zoom meeting with coworkers.

"As I reported in an article titled CNN’s Chief Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin ‘Takes Some Time Off’ After ‘Going Anthony Weiner’ on Zoom Call, Toobin, who also writes for the New Yorker, was suspended by the magazine on Monday for masturbating on a Zoom video chat between members of the New Yorker and WNYC radio last week.

"Later on Monday, CNN said Toobin had “asked for some time off” from his analyst role on the network.

“ 'Jeff Toobin has asked for some time off while he deals with a personal issue, which we have granted,” the network said in a statement.

"Memes immediately sprung up on Twitter, among them #Toobin. Here’s one of the “milder” tweets." . . .

. . . "Problem is, rather than lamenting Toobin’s disgusting behavior, the Trump-loathing Stelter instead lamented Toobin being “sidelined at a pivotal moment in a run-up to the election,” seemingly dismissing the creepy reason his pal was put on the shelf." . . .

Democrats Lost More Than a Supreme Court Seat This Week

"Will voters now want to turn the Senate over to these fools?" 

Nation and State  "The Senate Judiciary Committee hearings that Democrats hoped would thwart Amy Coney Barrett’s path to the Supreme Court instead threaten to squash a greater hope of Senate Democrats: a majority.

"Cory Booker of New Jersey asked the adoptive mother of two Haitian children, “You condemn white supremacy, correct?”

If the hearings did not galvanize demoralized conservatives, then why did CNN keep cutting away to below-the-fold matters?

"Sen. Mazie Hirono asked the question on nobody’s mind: “Since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors, or committed any physical or verbal harassment or assault of a sexual nature?”

"Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse’s presentation Tuesday drew comparisons by Sen. Ben Sasse to the fevered thinking portrayed in A Beautiful Mind. It more closely resembled the big basement meeting in Pee-wee’s Big Adventure. Sure, Whitehouse never actually uttered, “Is there something you could share with the rest of us, Amazing Larry?” But his 30-minute remarks, relying heavily on breathy conspiracy theories and intricate flow charts, left room, just like Pee-wee’s three-hour presentation, for not a single question." . . .

Whitehouse . . . just got relentlessly mocked for his silliness.

The juxtaposition between the brilliant Barrett and her dim Democratic interlocutors subtly conveyed the stakes this November. Amid their monotonous speeches occasionally disguised as questions, mind-wandering viewers asked a question to themselves: Do we really want to elect more of these buffoons in three weeks so they can control the Senate?

Democrats can’t ‘Kavanaugh’ unflappable Justice-to-be Amy Coney Barrett: Goodwin . . . "In that context, the separation-of-powers discussion is crucial because it is one of the defining differences of the two main political parties. Dems have used the courts as a kind of super legislature to win rulings on measures they can’t get through Congress and statehouses. Republicans generally want judges to stay in their lane and not be activists who stick their fingers in the air to see which way the political winds are blowing." . . .

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

REPORT: "Adam Schiff is a . . . Liar". (Their words)

 Legal Insurrection 

“The FBI and DOJ concur with DNI Ratcliffe’s assessment that Hunter Biden’s laptop and emails in question were not part of a Russian disinformation campaign.”

"In case that wasn’t obvious enough already…

"When the Hunter Biden story became an actual story despite attempts of social media behemoths to squash the story, infamous Russiagate conspiracy theorist, Rep. Adam Schiff, yet again blamed Russia. And I’m sure you’ll be shocked to know that recent reports indicate Schiff if once again, totally full of it. 

"At this point, does *anyone* disagree with Trump here?

“It’s just crazy. I saw Shifty Schiff get up yesterday and say this is Russia,” Trump exclaimed, using his favorite nickname for Schiff. “He’s a sick man. He is so sick. We went through two and a half years of that, plus. This guy, he ought to be put away, or he ought to be, you know, something should happen with him.' ”


Hunter Biden's hard drive allegedly shows he had a thing about underage girls

Not only did Biden do nothing to stop an ongoing blackmailing risk, but he also continued to use Hunter as his bagman.  It's an open secret that Joe Biden managed to maneuver his family members into receiving huge financial benefits wherever Joe's political power took him.  

Biden hands out ‘Courage Awards’ for #MeToo — despite handsy history with women, kids

Andrea Widburg  "Hunter Biden's hard drive, which the FBI has now verified as legitimate, allegedly has images of him misbehaving with underage girls.  The current information makes Hunter sound more like Anthony Weiner than Jeffrey Epstein, but it's still awful (and there may be worse to come).  The serious problem for Joe Biden — again, assuming the new information is accurate — is that he knew about this stuff.  Indeed, one gets the sense that, at least in some ways, Hunter is a chip off the old block.

"The first thing to note here is that the FBI has confirmed that it has Hunter Biden's hard drive, and it is legitimate.  Rudy Giuliani, who has reviewed the contents of this verified hard drive, states that it contains many pictures of "underage" girls.  In a Newsmax interview, Giuliani implied that Hunter appears in the same pictures as the girls themselves.  Because the images are disturbing and may be illegal, Giuliani turned the evidence over to the Delaware State Police.

"All of that is sordid, disgusting, and sad.  None of that, though, makes Hunter's Weinerish predilections politically interesting.

"What is politically interesting is that, again according to Giuliani, Joe Biden knew about what was going on because Hunter told him.  Giuliani read from one such alleged conversation and shared a screen grab of the message:" . . .

Like father, like son?  And keep in mind Biden's inability to keep his hands off little girls.  Even if that public fondling is the worst that Biden does, it's highly inappropriate and an unconscionable violation of the girls' personal space.

Two Bidens and a Toobin: Could Trump have scripted these last two weeks any better?

Bookworm Room

"We are in the third act of an epic morality play, and the Bidens and their ally Toobin stand exposed as corrupt, sexually perverse people.

"Starting with the 2016 election, Scott Adams said that Donald Trump is the ultimate showman, and that he understands how to create a narrative. Adams is correct and I knew that, in 2020, it was always going to be Trump who controlled the October surprise. After all, since they subjected Trump to a daily colonoscopy for the last four years, the Democrats have no arrows left in their quiver.

"Even the Wuhan virus is proving to be a failure when it comes to destroying Trump. The economy is rebounding; voters understand that China, not Trump, is to blame; Americans have been repulsed by the Democrats’ embrace of covid despotism, and Trump’s own bout with the virus shows that we’re coming to the end of the pandemic.

"Additionally, as Americans watch Europe again collapse under the weight of the virus, despite ostensibly doing everything right compared to Trump’s doing everything wrong, they’re realizing that, in fact, Trump didn’t do anything wrong terribly wrong. He responded swiftly to events based on the best information available. No matter how one approaches the Wuhan virus, some people (sadly) will die.

"When it came to whichever Democrat primary candidate became the Democrat presidential candidate, I always assumed that Trump would be able to pull a rabbit out of his hat. I also assumed, once Biden was the anointed one, that there would be lots of rabbits. When I envisioned those rabbits, though, I imagined that they would have Russian accents.

"Thus, I had faith that, despite the Democrats using the Wuhan virus to slow down the Durham investigation, there would still be red meat regarding Biden’s involvement in the Russia hoax. Even when I learned that Durham would say nothing before the election, I told myself, “That’s okay. He probably can’t get a D.C. Grand Jury to indict anyone. And if he can get a D.C. Grand Jury to indict, it’ll be a year, at least, before there’s a trial. And in that year, all that the media will show are statements from the defendants’ attorneys saying that they’re innocent. I’m sure that Trump’s plan is to put the documents before the American people and let them make up their minds.' ” . . .