Friday, October 29, 2010

No Taxes

Point of View   "In many countries in the Middle East, oil revenues fund the government, and the citizens pay no taxes. Since they don't have any "skin in the game," they are less involved as citizens. What will happen in the U.S. if a majority of Americans don't pay taxes? I think a reasonable assumption will be that citizen apathy will increase." Kerby Anderson

Focus on the Family voter guide

CitizenLink   "With this weighty responsibility, it is absolutely critical that we all understand where our candidates stand on the issues that matter to us. We hope you find this Web site informative and helpful as you choose the candidates who best line up with your beliefs, convictions and values.
"You may even want to print the information and take it with you to your polling place. This is perfectly legal and may save you time as you cast your ballot."  Via

Thursday, October 28, 2010

How the White House Bungled the Politics of Health Care

Weekly Standard  "They overestimated the amount of support passage would produce among their own allies, and further assumed opposition might wane as more Americans learned about the details of the legislation. As the Christian Science Monitor’s Gail Russell Chaddock wrote after the bill passed, “Democrats say Americans will soon forget the go-it-alone process they used to move this historic legislation as they come to know its benefits.”
"But the bigger misstep was underestimating the backlash."
Who can forget the image of Democrats walking past the TEA party and others protesting outside the capitol building, taunting them while Pelosi brandished her large gavel? There was no concern among Democrat supporters for our nation's economic foundation, only mocking. Like this!

Signs and omens "Here is one pointed reason served up by Barone: "[The Democrats] passed a health care bill that was the most unpopular major legislation passed by Congress since the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854." "

Reverend Jackson rebukes NPR - finally

Ethel C. Fenig "Hmmm, maybe NPR could offer Jackson a gig as oh, maybe a political analyst. Certainly he would meet NPR's standards of neutrality and non partisanship."

The Communist Party's recommendations

Communist Party USA Under "Take Action", click on Get out the vote and you will be directed to an AFL-CIO page promoting the Democrat agenda and election tasks. More interesting, however will be on the Take Action page where you will find the CPUSA platform which is basically the Democrat platform. More on CPUSA at the Mark Levin site.

George W. Bush Book 'Decision Points' out Nov. 9

ABC News  "Bush has said he is not writing a traditional memoir but an account of key decisions in his life. ....
"According to Crown Publishers, "Decision Points" will offer "gripping, never-before-heard detail" on such historic events as the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and the 2000 presidential election along with Bush's decision to quit drinking, his relationship with his family and other personal details."

The Democrats' Final Recourse: Massive Vote Fraud

American Thinker  "I have long said that this election would see vote fraud of unprecedented magnitude. And it does seem that a perfect storm of such criminality is brewing. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals just struck down an Arizona law requiring proof of citizenship to vote, a treasonous act that facilitates vote fraud. Of course, some liberals are more forthcoming about their intentions; in Portland, ME and New York City, there is a push to allow non-citizens to vote. Not to be outdone, San Francisco seeks to allow even illegal aliens to cast ballots in school elections. Hey, why not? They're not illegals - they're undocumented Democrats."   Selwyn Duke

Government Kills Businesses (video)

John Stossel
John Stossel  "This video should be required watching for every government official who is getting ready to pass more regulations. ESPECIALLY those who are getting ready to pass more regulations and say that they also want to “create jobs.”
"When will they learn that the best way to “create jobs” is to LEAVE US ALONE?"

Whitewashing Islam; "Who Controls the Past Controls the Future”

Bruce S. Thornton  "The fight against jihadism has been compromised by just such narratives in which the facts of history are twisted into a melodrama of Western imperialist aggression against a peaceful and tolerant Islam. This idealized picture of Islamic history would have astonished our ancestors, who for centuries called Islam the “religion of the sword” based on their own unfortunate experiences with centuries of Muslim aggression. This whitewashed history would have insulted the Muslim historians who proudly recorded the triumphs of Allah’s warriors and the devastation they left behind them."

Larry Elder: "NPR Fired Juan for Getting Krauthammered on Fox"

RealClearPolitics "Williams, as liberals go, comes across as more reasonable than most. He wasn't always like that. Years of getting his leftist butt kicked at the Fox round table by the likes of quick minds such as William Kristol, Brit Hume and the brilliant Charles Krauthammer made Williams more sensible. He raised his game, which meant fewer silly emotional arguments and a more nuanced, if still often wrongheaded, criticism of "the right." "....
"Can a lib really say to Fred Barnes/Krauthammer/Kristol/Hume that "Bush Lied, People Died" -- and not get his clock cleaned?"

Charles Krauthammer: "This Is How the Great, Post-Racial Promise of Obama Ends"    Video from Bully Pulpit.

Thomas Sowell: "Brass Oldies", parts 1, 2, 3

 Part One:  "One of these brass oldies is a phrase that has been a perennial favorite of the left, "tax cuts for the rich." How long ago was this refuted? More than 80 years ago, the "tax cuts for the rich" argument was refuted, both in theory and in practice, by Andrew Mellon, who was Secretary of the Treasury in the 1920s."

Part Two:  "Unemployment never hit double digits in any of the 12 months following the stock market crash of 1929. But it hit double digits within 6 months after government intervention-- and unemployment stayed in double digits for the entire remainder of the decade, as the government went in for one intervention after another."

Part Three:  "One of the brassiest of the brass oldies in the law is the notion that the Constitution creates a "wall of separation" between church and state. This false notion has been so widely accepted that people who tell the truth get laughed at and mocked."
Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institute and author of The Housing Boom and Bust.

Shipping out jobs/ A myth pols find convenient  "In fact, American companies have quite valid reasons beyond any tax advantage to establish overseas affiliates: That's how they reach foreign customers with US-branded goods and services."

You Don't Have to be Crazy to be a Democrat, But it Helps

Ann Coulter "...That's not Patty Murray-stupid, but it's still pretty stupid. How many late-term abortions are you planning to get, Californians, that it's worth being represented by such a cretinous woman?"
 "...When the Army considered court-martialing [Colonel] West thousands of letters poured in defending West and thanking him for what he had done. Ninety-five members of Congress signed a letter to the secretary of the Army in support of West. No court-martial was ever convened.
"Liberals won't say that John Phillip Walker Lindh disgraced his country. Washington Sen. Patty Murray thinks Osama bin Laden is a swell guy for building "day care centers" in Afghanistan. But they say a hero like Allen West "disgraced his uniform" by saving the lives of American soldiers.
"Yeah, the Tea Party candidates are a real embarrassment."