Saturday, September 28, 2024

Canada is fining the Amish $300,000 for not downloading a COVID app

 Andrea Widburg - American Thinker

"Trudeau mandated that the COVID app was for the good of Canadians. Therefore, all Canadians must get with the program. Those who didn’t made themselves enemies of the loving state and they must pay. By defying the government’s love, they’ve lost the privilege to have freedom of conscience and religion."

"A month ago, news broke that, up in Canada, Justin Trudeau’s government is fining the Amish community $300,000 ($222,660 American dollars). Their crime? They didn’t download the government’s COVID app. The twist, of course, is that the Amish don’t have smartphones. They eschew all modern technology. This story has made almost no headlines, but it’s important because it’s a preview of coming attractions if Kamala becomes president. This is what leftists do. Acting for your own good, they destroy you.

"As anyone who has watched either Witness or Weird Al Yankovich’s brilliant Amish Paradise knows, the Amish lifestyle does not embrace modernity. To hark back to another American pop culture moment, the Amish have “no phone, no lights, no motor car, not a single luxury. Like Robinson Crusoe, it’s primitive as can be.” This is not because the Amish are victims. They have embraced a lifestyle of pre-modern simplicity because their faith calls upon them to live this way." . . .

If you watch Kamala, her message—her “joy” and “vibes”—is the same as Trudeau’s. I’m the embodiment of a loving government. Just do what I say. But if you don’t, look at what happened to Donald Trump and everyone near him. And don’t believe that we won’t do it to you, too.

Democrat Sen. Wyden's Bill to Destroy the Supreme Court

 M. Dowling (  

As always, Democrats want all the power of government, and they will destroy whatever they don’t like.


"Far Left Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) sponsored legislation to destroy the Third Co-Equal Branch of government because they don’t like recent decisions.

"The bill would stack the Court, adding six Justices. The Court would undergo audits, putting them under the authority of Congress. They would no longer be a co-equal branch of government, but another politicized entity.

"Wyden’s bill is called the Judicial Modernization and Transparency Act. It would expand the court over 12 years. A president could appoint one nominee in the first and third years of a term in office.

"The bill would also require a ruling by two-thirds of the high court and the circuit courts of appeals, rather than a simple majority, to overturn a law passed by Congress.

"Another measure would allow a two-thirds vote of the court to force a fellow justice to recuse from a case.

"The Justices would be mandated to report all their personal and professional business.

The legislation would also require Supreme Court nominees to be automatically scheduled for a vote in the Senate if their nominations have lingered in committee for more than 180 days. It would prevent the minority from having a no vote." . . .

With Millions of new citizens let in by Biden-Harris who know nothing-NOTHING about our Constitution or system of government, and given prizes and gifts from Democrats, America will no longer be the nation we have cherished. Multiply The Squad by several hundred thousand.

Some of The Squad in Congress

The Democrats’ Joy Of Hating America – ( 
. . ."Another purpose was to “rub the right’s nose in diversity,” which lines up perfectly with what the American left has been up to for several decades, because the right unabashedly, and sincerely, loves this country, and that triggers the other side.

"The Democratic Party, Kamala Harris now its titular chief, unleashed illegal immigration after Donald Trump nearly closed the spigot. The lawlessness returned on Jan. 20, 2021, when the new president, Joe Biden, used executive orders to begin rolling back Trump’s border security policies. They were too successful for the left’s refined tastes, so Biden had to kill them." . . .

Hillary just may be the worst person in the world

 Patricia McCarthy - American Thinker

  Too many young people do not know the difference between right and wrong, good and evil. They’ve been brainwashed by decades of leftist propaganda, propaganda that has infected them to the point that they are unable to discern the difference between the truth and blatant lies. Try and tell them they are misguided and suffer their all-knowing wrath — like those Hamas-loving college students throughout the country who were, shockingly,  supported by their university administrations!   This is the Democrat party today, remade by people like Obama, Biden, Harris, and yes, Hillary, their queen of mean.  Americans are sick of her narcissistic, hateful rants. She just may be one of the worst people in the world. 

"Is there a person on the planet that does not know that Hillary Rodham Clinton is the most bitter, angry and hostile political person in the country?  Probably not; even those who may have supported her in the past have to know that she’s gone ‘round the bitter bend.  Trump’s victory in 2016, despite all the cheating the left had in place, rendered her permanently damaged, deranged with fury; how could anyone vote for Trump over her she wondered.  Trump broke her so badly that she remains thoroughly deranged.

"Now she wants to jail anyone who opposes her Saul Alinsky version of Marxism.  She worshiped Alinsky, and wrote her college thesis about him.  He was an evil entity who dedicated his little book to Lucifer.  But since he wrote that little book, the left/Democrat party has embraced and followed his “Rules for Radicals.”  It is a nasty little treatise, something akin to Mao’s little red book that laid out his cultural revolution that led to more deaths than Stalin or Hitler.  In short, Hillary Clinton and her Marxist pals are still trying to sell their evil ideology to the increasingly easily indoctrinated generations that have been taught to not think for themselves, or even to vote in their best interests, but in the interests of their self-appointed betters.  The dumbing down of two or maybe three generations of Americans has done horrific damage to our country. 

"Hillary is still so enraged at Trump and his supporters, she penned an op-ed in the Washington Post in order to double down on her “basket of deplorables”slur.  She accuses them of being drawn to “his racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia.” Of course, Trump supporters are not drawn to any of those things.  Trump is none of those things.  In fact, it is a safe bet that among his vast number of friends, there are far more people of color than HRC has ever had on her rolodex.

"But now she says her “deplorables” comment “did not go far enough,” that it was an “important truth.”  Then she invoked the thoroughly debunked Charlottesville lie and, of course, January 6th which was, as most people have concluded by now, a set-up to stop any recounts in disputed states before certification of the 2020 election. . . ." 

Most thinking Americans realize that the Democrat party is no longer the party of JFK, but too few realize how much damage it has done to the nation over the last fifty years.  The party likes to call itself progressive but it is actually frighteningly regressive. . .

Now that millions of migrants are safely in the states, Kamala Harris visits border and vows to close the barn door next year


Now that news has broke that the Harris-Biden administration's illegal border surge has deposited more than 425,000 criminals, including 13,000 killers and 15,000 rapists into our country, she apparently thinks she can find just enough dumb people to buy her border claims to vote for her. 

"Now that the millions of illegal migrants are in, and tens of thousands have gotten busy committing crimes against Americans as well as sopping up welfare programs, Kamala Harris has decided to visit the border in a new campaign stop in swing state Arizona to proclaim how "tough" she is on the matter. Five years ago, she called the crisis "fictional."

"And pay no attention to the past three years, where she served as Joe Biden's border czar, where she visited the border once on a stopover on the way to Brentwood, California.

"According to the New York Post:

Vice President Kamala Harris made her first visit to the US-Mexico border as the Democratic presidential nominee Friday to hastily announce measures meant to mitigate the ongoing border crisis fewer than 40 days before election day — despite having been the White House border “czar” for more than three-and-a-half years.

“The United States is a sovereign nation, and I believe we have a duty to set rules at our border and to enforce them,” Harris, 59, said at a rally after touring a section of the border wall in Cochise County.

“And I take that responsibility very seriously.”

She announced that if elected the 47th president, she would improve on an executive order announced by President Biden in June that barred migrants from applying for asylum when they cross the border illegally.

"She cut a fashionable figure in her what some say was a $76,000 necklace, and expensive linen safari jacket topper over an urban-hipster black top and pants to create an elongated line, and stylin' black high-heeled boots; her hair blow-dried and expensively coiffed. It created just the right study-in-desert-neutrals color contrast against the Trump-constructed border wall.

"It was kind of like a Vogue fashion shoot or an Instagram vanity post." . . .


Victor Davis Hanson: October/September surprises!

  Victor Davis Hanson ( 

"Yet were the Zelenskyy sudden Pennsylvania drop-in and his crude domestic politicking and trashing of Trump and Vance all that wise? After all, Harris's opponent Trump had just escaped an assassination attempt from a pro-Ukrainian gunman . . ." 

"An October surprise is usually defined as the well-known (and more often left-wing) tactic of manufacturing or unloading a news story right before voting to surprise a rival without allowing them time sufficiently to respond or recover.

"Think of the last-minute bombshell disclosure, five days before the 2000 election, that candidate George W. Bush had been cited for drunk driving over a quarter-century earlier. That surprise may have cost Bush the popular vote that year.

"Sometimes, an incumbent can use his powers of office to warp the election. President Joe Biden benefited before the 2022 midterm elections when leftist activists leaked the impending Supreme Court repeal of Roe v. Wade.

"Closer to the actual voting, Biden sought to cancel hundreds of billions of dollars of student debt owed to the federal government. He also began draining the strategic petroleum reserve to lower gas prices (as he is doing again this election year as well). No wonder the predicted Republican midterm red wave ended up a tiny ripple.

More often, October surprises are more ad hominem and unleashed on a rival candidate's supposedly previously undisclosed failings.

At the end of the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton's team leaked news of her purchased bogus "Steele Dossier" as supposed proof of Trump-Russian "collusion."

"On the eve of the last 2020 presidential debate, Biden delegated now Secretary of State Antony Blinken to work with former interim CIA Director Mike Morrell to round up "51 former intelligence authorities." They were to lie that the incriminating Hunter Biden laptop was likely a product of a Russian intelligence "disinformation" operation.

"The ruse worked — turning potential proof of Biden family corruption into a replay of the fake 2016 Trump-Russian collusion hoax.

"This time around, apparently the Harris campaign could not wait until October or early November to spring their surprises.

"Perhaps the Harris campaign's impatience is due to Democratically-inspired radical changes to state voting laws." . . .