Saturday, October 24, 2020

Biden’s Campaign Blew Up in a Bad Way

"The fraudulent Biden campaign effectively blew up on Thursday night in Nashville. 

"After five days of intensive subterranean preparation, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden was coherent and gaffe-free for the first hour and got to the end without any horrifying blunders, though he trailed off into grammatical chaos and jumbled articulation a couple of times. There were relatively few interruptions and no persistent interruptions and neither candidate was acoustically or behaviorally irritating. 

"The moderator, Kristen Welker, was fair and efficient. President Trump skillfully cast himself as an “outsider” who gets and has produced results, facing an insider who has accomplished precious little useful after 47 years paddling and wallowing in the public trough and moving steadily to the left.

"Trump finally gave a spirited and plausible defense of his COVID leadership and gave voice to the national impatience with a policy of panic and defeatism. He exhorted the audience: “Learn to live with it,” and the former vice president, in what presumably he thought was a clever rejoinder, said that “We will have to learn to die with it.” Trump, in turn, referred effectively, but unhistrionically, to his own bout with the coronavirus." . . . 

Coming soon, food desert: BLM shakes down Seattle Trader Joe's for a 15% cut

 Monica Showalter  "Grocery retailer Trader Joe's, which refused to cave in to political correctness in its product names, is experiencing new problems with Black Lives Matter protestors in Seattle, according to Breitbart News:

Black Lives Matter protesters pushed their way into a Seattle Trader Joe’s demanding the company give “15 percent at least.” The group has repeated the tactic of harassing the store’s staff and customers over the past few months.

A video tweeted Thursday night shows a large group of BLM activists entering a Seattle Trader Joe’s store. They chanted and beat drums as they marched through the grocery chain location.

"Seattle has five Trader Joe's locations and Breitbart reports that three of them have been hit in this way. It shows that Trader Joe's, which resisted the demands, remains a target, based on Seattle's failure to send police to protect them." . . .

Hear the juvenile voices in this video:

BLM of course, is led by "trained Marxists" who just happened to have learned their tactics at Hugo Chavez's knee. Here's a piece I did on their pilgrimages to Caracas, where these kinds of shakedowns are what goes on in that hellhole. And don't think the Chavista agenda they embrace isn't to harm the entire U.S. Here's one I wrote from 2019. And Venezuelans have noticed the similarities.

Friday, October 23, 2020

A Serious Debate that Leaves Biden with Lingering BRUISES

 Socio-Political Journal

"Will allegations of Biden family corruption ever be properly scrutinized?"

. . . "It matters, obviously, that neither candidate won a decisive victory and that Trump needed one more because he’s trailing, according to polls. But the debate helped Trump in another way. Biden said things he will regret. Time and again, he made false or misleading claims and politically-questionable promises. Three stand out: ‘super predators’, fracking and family corruption.

"Fracking is important because it has led to much lower energy prices and freed America from foreign oil supplies. Whether to continue fracking or significantly reduce it is part of a larger debate about fossil fuels. How much are Americans willing to pay to move away from cheap hydrocarbons? How quickly they wish to do it? On the debate stage, Joe said he has never wanted to ban fracking. But that’s ‘General Election Joe.’ Last winter, ‘Democratic Primary Joe’ had a very different position. His running mate Kamala Harris was even more emphatic. Even in this debate, Biden acknowledged he wants to ban fracking on federal lands.

"Biden and Trump differ sharply on America’s energy future, and those differences came through in the debate. Biden made aggressive statements supporting alternative energy, pledging to gradually phase out the entire oil and gas industry and add thousands of new, high-paying jobs as he did so. There are really two issues here. One is whether voters have a clear sense of what Biden will do and how much it will cost. The other is how these promises will play in states that rely on energy production (such as Texas, Pennsylvania and Ohio) or on energy-intensive industries (Michigan). How Pennsylvania voters, in particular, see Biden’s energy policies is crucial because, if Trump loses the state, he’ll have a very hard time winning reelection. That’s why Trump was so quick to jump on Biden’s ‘green energy’ promises during the debate. He thinks Biden is hurting himself in Pennsylvania and Ohio." . . .

That moment when Trump just let Biden keep talking...

I"t ought to be enough to sink him. Trump knew what he was doing when he did the moderator's job for her, and drew Biden out."

  Monica Showalter  "President Trump had several good moments in the final debate, as Andrea Widburg noted in her excellent curation here.

"In my own view, the standout moment came last, when Trump just drew out Joe Biden on energy, first on fracking, and then on the entire energy industry, setting him up and then ... letting him keep talking.

"In response to debate moderator Kristen Welker's question about poor communities living downwind of refineries and having health issues, Trump spoke of the jobs that drew them to the area, which had some strength, but he might have added that any such issues were local issues in Democrat-run cities, underlining the importance of not voting for Democrats. It worked well enough, though.

"But what really helped him was when he got Joe Biden talking. 

"Like a good probing moderator, Trump drew Biden out on what he really had in mind when he put out maudlin stories of the smokestack era of his youth, and Biden took the bait every time.

"Here's the transcript:" . . .


What the Toobin scandal really exposes

. . . "In fact, that's the single most disturbing aspect of the entire incident, and one that has no doubt caused many of us to be stricken with a new phobia: the fear of getting on Zoom meetings."

P.F. Whalen  . . . "For clarity, and contrary to Ms. Lazarus's suggestion, it seems obvious that Toobin's race has had no role in his employers' disinterest in discipline or the media's lack of accountability.  Toobin is getting a pass not because he is white, but because he is a leftist who hates Donald Trump and conservatives, and who works for CNN.  If a non-white person had behaved similarly, he would likely be treated the same as Toobin, provided he were on the left.  Imagine if an identical incident happened with a conservative legal pundit from Fox News.  Would the media be satisfied with an explanation of "my mistake was not that I was playing with myself during a business meeting; I just screwed up by allowing my laptop's camera to show it"?  We all know the answer.

"The larger tale is how this mindset continues to infect the entire left and its media.  When email messages from Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, and other Democrats at the DNC became public knowledge in 2016, the focus of Democrats and the mainstream media was not on the content of those emails, some of which was highly damaging to the Clinton campaign.  No one from the DNC disputed their authenticity, but all the media wanted to talk about was how they were acquired.  Those mean old Russians did this, and how dare they let the American public know the truth about how we operate?" . . . CNN!

Trump Won the Debate—But Won Bigly the Post-Debate

Final thoughts on the debate: The moderator Kristen Welker was far better than the prior debate and town-hall moderators, in avoiding the scripted stuff like the Charlottesville distortions and ‘when did you stop beating your wife’ questions. That said, she interrupted Trump far more than she did Biden, and focused more on Biden-friendly questions. But most importantly, Trump kept his cool, was deferential to Welker, and was tough but not cruel to Biden.
Ian Macfarlane

  Victor Davis Hanson  "There was a low bar for Joe Biden in the first debate, given his cognitive challenges. Because he exceeded that pessimism, he won momentum. 

"In opposite fashion, there was similarly an expectation that a disruptive Donald Trump would turn off the audience by the sort of interruptions and bullying that characterized the first debate. 

"He did not do that. He instead let a cocky Biden sound off, and thus more or less tie himself into knots on a host of topics, but most critically on gas and oil. So likewise Trump will gain momentum by exceeding those prognoses. 

"But far more importantly, the back-and-forth repartee will not matter other than Trump went toe to toe, but in a tough, dignified manner and beat Biden on points. Biden did not go blank — although he seemed to come close, often especially in the last 20 minutes. Had the debate gone another 30 minutes, his occasional lapses could have become chronic.

"What instead counts most are the days after.  The debate take-aways, the news clips, the post facto fact checks, and the soundbites to be used in ads over the next ten days all favor Trump. In this regard, Biden did poorly and will suffer continual bleeding in the swing states. 

"We will know that because by the weekend Biden will be out of his basement and trying to reboot his campaign and actually be forced to campaign. 

"So we are going to hear over the next week that Biden simply denied the factual evidence of the Hunter Biden laptop computer, the emails, the cell phones, and the testimonies from some of the relevant players as a concocted smear, a Russian disinformation attack. That denial is clearly a lie. It is absolutely unsupportable. And Biden will have to drop that false claim.  

"Biden will suffer for unequivocally denying what is now a demonstrable fact: there is evidence that his family ran a systematic shake-down operation to peddle inside access and influence for millions of foreign dollars in profits. In the debate, Biden seemed bewildered why anyone could ever conclude the obvious." . . .

Hunter becomes the hunted


. . . "I am the CEO of Sinohawk Holdings which was a partnership between the Chinese operating through CEFC/Chairman Ye and the Biden family. I was brought into the company to be the CEO by James Gilliar and Hunter Biden. The reference to “the Big Guy” in the much publicized May 13, 2017 email is in fact a reference to Joe Biden." . .  

. . . "Bobulinkski also took a shot at the liberal media, which continues to ignore or suppress any news that might be detrimental to Joe Biden:

"If the media and Big Tech companies had done their jobs over the past several weeks I would be irrelevant in this story. Given my long standing service and devotion to this great country, I could no longer allow my family’s name to be associated or tied to Russian disinformation or implied lies and false narratives dominating the media right now."

"I would ask the Biden family to address the American people and outline the facts so I can go back to being irrelevant," he wrote.

Coyotes? What coyotes? Come on, man!

Sister Toldjah  "Of all the post-presidential debate hot takes from Democrats last night, perhaps the most idiotic of them all was the one posted by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) in the wee hours of the morning, over two hours after the debate between President Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden had concluded.

"Anyone who watched the hour and a half event knows that a wide range of topics were discussed, from fracking to Obamacare, to the Hunter Biden email scandal.

"But as per the norm, “Squad” leader AOC was narcissistically hellbent on not just making the debate about her, but also about yet again proclaiming herself to be a victim of sexism or something.

"Why? Because during the debate, President Trump had the nerve to call her by the name she uses on Twitter and in the hallways of Congress – AOC – rather than call her Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez." . . . 

Mr. Trump explains the meaning of "coyote" to liberals

And THEY make fun of Trump?! HA! Lots and lots and LOTS of blue-check libs don’t know what a coyote is 

In a way, you kinda gotta give them a little credit for actually knowing there is an animal named coyote.

The Left: Biden Had Better Win or the Country Gets It! Weeks of Riots Threatened

Democrats have left this nation a third-world country. TD

PJ Media

"It looks like the 130 nights of looting, rioting, and hell in downtown Portland were just a prelude to the kind of fury the Left will unleash if Joe Biden isn’t elected on November 3.  The Resistance has promised a violent, nationwide hissy fit because “Trump must go. It’s as simple as that.”

"My advice is to vote early, stock up on boxed wine, and pop the popcorn.

"The Federalist first reported that the folks we last saw rioting outside the White House, setting the “president’s church” on fire, attacking people leaving a White House event, all while being given the tacit approval of the D.C. government, have left instructions for massive civil unrest if their candidate, Joe Biden, doesn’t win.

"Antifa, rioters, and other members of the Left are urged to swarm elections offices.

Find out where the votes will be counted where you live. Make a plan with others to get there and stay until all the votes are counted. And come up with a plan to create serious disruption if Trump really tries to steal the election!

"What they mean by if “Trump really tries to steal the election” is if he wins.

"The “Shut Down DC” group, which is disappearing its web content faster than you can say antifa, implores its followers across the country to vote on “November 3rd. After You Vote, Hit the Streets!” It appears that unrest, riots, and arson will happen anyway, regardless of what the polls say on Election Day. Just like every day in Portland." . . .

Thursday, October 22, 2020

SUPER CUT: Yes Joe Biden Will Ban Fracking…

Weasel Zippers

"He said it! He crowed as a lousy Senator, but the knock-out punch was Trump calling him on fracking. He stood there and bold-faced lied again and again.

"The media is the enemy, but the tape from the debates about his anti-fracking declaration will get out. It will keep PA red."

CAWTHORN: America Needs A New Republican Party

Washington Times

Madison Cawthorn

"Our party, the Grand Old Party, is no longer very grand. But it is very old."

"When I was given the honor of speaking at the Republican National Convention, I didn’t want to let the opportunity pass without sending a clear message to my generation and younger voters among millennials and Generation Z. The status quo days of the GOP being defined by what we are against, rather than what we are for, are over. We intend to listen, but we also intend to win the argument.

"Make no mistake: In a flawed and imperfect two-party system, the Republican Party represents America’s best hope of saving this nation and preserving republican principles of liberty and limited government. For the past two decades, however, the Republican Party has marginalized principled reformers in its own ranks and let itself be branded as the “party of no.” On things such as health care, the environment, and other key issues, our leadership has aggressively attacked ideas from the Left but has failed to force consensus around the best ideas from the Right. It wasn’t always that way. And if we want to be a credible party in the future that can win national elections, that trend cannot continue.

"The party of Lincoln has a proud history of leading the charge on the big issues of our times, including issues the modern Left feels like they own. Ronald Reagan signed and George H.W. Bush implemented the Montreal Protocol, which resulted in the most drastic decrease of greenhouse gases achieved by any president. It was Theodore Roosevelt who created the National Park System and safeguarded countless acres of public land for Americans to enjoy. I echo the words of Ronald Reagan when he said, “Preservation of our environment is not a partisan challenge; it’s common sense.” It’s our duty to be stewards of earth; we must answer that call.

"Among younger voters, it’s no surprise independents outnumber both Democrats and Republicans. Both parties are guilty of failing to represent their constituents. I believe that the far-Left Democrats who have seized control of their party represent the very worst that America has to offer, but I truly believe that, in a close second, are many career politicians within the Republican Party. " . . .

The Biden-Trump show, final act before the Awards Show


If The Debate Moderator Won’t Ask Biden Tough Questions, Trump Should  "Heading into the second and final presidential debate tonight, with less than two weeks until Election Day, voters deserve some straight answers from Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. And if debate moderator Kristen Welker of NBC News won’t ask Biden the tough questions — and we all know she won’t — then President Trump should.
"First and foremost, Trump should ask Biden about the trove of emails uncovered last week by the New York Post. Earlier this week, Trump’s campaign said that if the media didn’t ask Biden about this, Trump would, “and there will be no escape for Biden.” 
"The emails expose a massive foreign corruption scheme, showing how the younger Biden was profiting off his family name in a series of overseas business deals that appear to have involved his father. The elder Biden has so far refused to answer any questions about the substance of those emails, instead angrily attacking anyone who brings up the Post’s reporting and claiming it’s all part of a “smear campaign” against him and his family. Last year Biden insisted, “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.' ” . . .
Here’s everything you need to know about the bombshells altering the dynamics of an already contentious race two weeks out.
Iam Macfarlane

Is this the real reason they've been hidin' Biden before the debate?   . . .
 Assuming it's correct, the schedule-alteration process could be facilitated by keeping Biden in rooms with full-spectrum lighting during his new waking hours so that, maybe, "sundown" for him is 12 A.M.

"Whatever the case, the person managing Biden's dementia has got to be the most competent individual aiding his campaign.  After all, the ex–vice president couldn't remember the name of the man he worked under for eight years, Barack Obama, in August.  Yet he seemed very much like his old old self in the Sept. 29 debate with Trump.

"This could be because Biden is on dementia medication — Namenda, to be precise — as a rumor allegedly from an ex-campaign staffer holds.  Or it could be that he was wearing a wire last month, as others contended, or that he got the debate questions in advance (à la Donna Brazile in 2016).  Or it could be a combination of factors.

"As for my theory, is it a stretch?  Perhaps, but I won't be too surprised if Joe's opening words to debate moderator Kristen Welker are "Good morning!' "