Saturday, October 24, 2020

Coming soon, food desert: BLM shakes down Seattle Trader Joe's for a 15% cut

 Monica Showalter  "Grocery retailer Trader Joe's, which refused to cave in to political correctness in its product names, is experiencing new problems with Black Lives Matter protestors in Seattle, according to Breitbart News:

Black Lives Matter protesters pushed their way into a Seattle Trader Joe’s demanding the company give “15 percent at least.” The group has repeated the tactic of harassing the store’s staff and customers over the past few months.

A video tweeted Thursday night shows a large group of BLM activists entering a Seattle Trader Joe’s store. They chanted and beat drums as they marched through the grocery chain location.

"Seattle has five Trader Joe's locations and Breitbart reports that three of them have been hit in this way. It shows that Trader Joe's, which resisted the demands, remains a target, based on Seattle's failure to send police to protect them." . . .

Hear the juvenile voices in this video:

BLM of course, is led by "trained Marxists" who just happened to have learned their tactics at Hugo Chavez's knee. Here's a piece I did on their pilgrimages to Caracas, where these kinds of shakedowns are what goes on in that hellhole. And don't think the Chavista agenda they embrace isn't to harm the entire U.S. Here's one I wrote from 2019. And Venezuelans have noticed the similarities.

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