Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Email Looks Like the Smoking Gun Against Biden on Kabul Evacuation Debacle


So if 84% of the people rescued of that 124,000 number were “at risk” meaning not necessarily having any relation to helping America at all – 104,160 of those they got out fell into that category, assuming that number is accurate. And they wonder why there are now reports of problems? They basically threw random people on the plane – who knows who they are – from a country with a bunch of terrorists as well.". . . 

"When Biden initially began evacuating people out of the Kabul airport, Biden was supposed to be getting out American citizens and those who helped us during the war including SIV holders. But initially the numbers were low going out on the planes and people noticed, as we reported and Biden was getting hammered for the half-empty planes and being chastised for not having gotten our allies out earlier.

"But then the Biden team started getting more on the planes. Yet he ended up not only leaving hundreds of Americans, he also ended up leaving over 80,000 SIVs, as well as other people who had helped America.

"So who did he get out? I’ve always believed that when he started getting flack for not getting people out, they started putting pretty much anyone they could on the plane to pump up the numbers so it could look like he was getting people out. Whether they were the people we were supposed to get out or not, vetted or not, despite them claiming they had carefully vetted everyone. Meanwhile that very action of taking other people meant that even more people would crash the airport hoping to get out and blocking the people who deserved to get on the flights because they helped America.". . . 

Must-see TV: Sky News Australia takes on Greta Thunberg

Thomas Lifson  "Have you got 2 minutes to spare watching a teenage climate scold get her comeuppance?  A commentator on Sky News Australia ripped the hypocrisy behind the children's crusade demanding extreme measures to solve a problem that for thirty years or so has been about to end humanity in ten years.  Those with no adult responsibilities for the consequences of their actions feel free to make demands they wouldn't want to live with, if ever implemented.

"Patrick Moore, one of the founders of Greenpeace who retains a skeptical mind, tweeted out a two-minute segment in which those kids are instructed on the sacrifices they would have to make if they got their way.

 CNN reporter notes that Gandhi and Cesar Chavez never had to deal with what these young ‘climate activists’ on hunger strike are facing

Hey hunger strikes worked for Gandhi when he was protesting for Indian independence, no reason they shouldn't for overprivileged suburban teens protesting against India getting air conditioning

The White House Terrible Two have joined in the strike for some time now:



James O’Keefe, Abigail Shrier, and David Daleiden on Investigative Journalism; plus a sample of that

 The American Spectator

                             Two of them have been arrested for their work.

"Winners of The American Spectator’s Barbara Olson  Award for Excellence and Independence in Journalism, Project Veritas founder and CEO James O’Keefe, Abigail Shrier, author of Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, and anti-abortion activist David Daleiden, discuss the state of journalism with publisher of The American Spectator Melissa Mackenzie at the 2021 Robert L. Bartley Gala.

James O’Keefe: Thank you, Melissa. Well, things have changed because 10 years ago the mainstream media would have a dialogue with us. There would be a sense of engagement or consensus. When we did the ACORN story, the House and Senate were both Democratically controlled and they voted to defund ACORN — that would never happen these days.

Here is one product of their work: 

New Jersey's Phil Murphy has COVID plans he wasn't going to share with voters  "New Jersey's governor, Phil Murphy is another Democrat governor who has seen COVID's appearance on the scene as the opportunity to expand his power far beyond the Constitution's parameters.  In 2020, he implemented some of the most draconian lockdown orders in America, including locking down vulnerable seniors with people already infected with COVID.  Now that he's in a tight re-election race against a dynamic Republican candidate, Murphy planned to keep secret that he intends to mandate vaccines.  Project Veritas Action, however, gave away the secret.  New Jersey voters should be outraged.". . . 

In April, Murphy ordered the arrest of 15 men for attending the funeral of their rabbi, something that is exceptionally important in the Orthodox Jewish community.  When Tucker Carlson quizzed him about riding roughshod over the First Amendment's assertion that people have an inherent right to worship and assemble freely, Murphy guffawed, saying core constitutional rights are "above my pay grade."  Instead, he said, all that mattered were data.

. . . 

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Putin Slams U.S. for Deleting Its History, Calls Transgenderism a 'Crime Against Humanity'

Even the guy who kills any opponent running against him thinks America's national level is half a bubble off. TD

 Townhall"Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a speech this week calling out the United States and other western nations for their progressive ideology, particularly drawing attention to the issue of gender identity.

"Putin said during his Thursday speech at the Valdai Discussion Club in Sochi that Russia should hold onto its "spiritual values and historical traditions." He added that "sociocultural disturbances" could be detrimental to the country.

"Western nations in Europe and the United States, Putin warned, have allowed "the aggressive deletion of whole pages of their own history, reverse discrimination against the majority in the interests of minorities … constitute movement toward public renewal."

" 'It’s their right, but we are asking them to steer clear of our home," he continued. "We have a different viewpoint."

"Putin also discussed how liberals in the West want to eliminate what he called "traditional interpretation of such basic values," which include designations such as "mother, father, family, and the distinction between sexes." . . .

'Everything He's Done Is a Failure'

Fired Keystone XL Contractor Torches Biden: 'Everything He's Done Is a Failure'  , ,  , "He then praised Donald Trump for his approach to the energy sector.

“Trump had it going on,” he said.

“The thing about it is that we’ve got all these high prices of oil and gas, we’ve got drilling rigs stacked, we’ve got roustabout crews ready to go, we’ve got pipeline contractors with all of their equipment is stacked in the yards."

Image by Mogey.

"All Biden administration policies can be understood not in the traditional sense of "success" but in the radical context of remaking the country into an American-style socialist tyranny, atop which the leftist ruling class will sit forever." . . ."Prior to the pandemic, the economy under President Trump was firing on all cylinders, with growth strong, wages up and unemployment at or near historic lows for every demographic group. When the pandemic hit, Trump oversaw the execution of $4 trillion in economic relief, and when he left office, he handed Biden the fastest economic recovery on record.". . . 

Watch out when Democrats tell you anything

Beware, my gullible countrymen. The snake oil salesmen are ramping up their lies to persuade you that you must obey their onerous diktats and accept as “settled science” their concocted hypotheses that are anything but settled. Behind the curtain they are piling up the profits, now in the trillions of dollars, almost all of it in taxpayer’s money. 

Mark Landsbaum  "Dr. Anthony Fauci's prevarications have become so numerous, wide ranging, and convoluted that it’s next to impossible to know what, if anything, can be believed coming from his lips. He’s the living, lying embodiment of Aesop’s "Boy Who Cried Wolf." A Wall Street Journal column by Gary Saul Morson captures the problem succinctly:

“Dr. Fauci admitted that he first stated that masks were ineffective in part because there was a shortage of masks and he wanted to preserve them for medical workers, who needed them most…”

“He doesn’t seem to have considered: Once he shades the truth for a reason of policy, why shouldn’t reasonable people assume his other statements are based on policy considerations rather than science?”

"Why indeed? When do you believe a proven, even a confessed liar?

"Morson, a professor of Slavic languages and literature and co-author of Minds Wide Shut: How the New Fundamentalisms Divide Us, doesn’t limit his critique to Fauci’s prevarications. He writes about what Russians some time ago dubbed “partisan science.' ”. . .

...We’ve seen this horror show before. Remember “global warming”? They lied, cherry-picked, and distorted so much about it that its “true believers” had to start calling it something else, “climate change.” Same lies, different label. Nah, nothing deceptive about that. Remember Al Gore’s Fauci impersonation: “The science is settled!”... 

Obama Gets Fact Checked Hard Over 'Fake Outrage' Claim About Parents in Virginia

. . . "But this is typical Obama — disdainful and dismissive of anyone or anything that threatens Democrats’ power. How despicable to be dismissive of things like this.

"Parents and the public weren’t having any of it.

“That is the most tone-deaf statement I have ever heard,” Brandon Michon, a frustrated father of three in Loudoun County, Virginia, told Fox News on Sunday. “First and foremost, everything that has come up with the cover-up in Loudoun County has to do with a sexual assault on girls. To say that this is trumped-up as a political thing is laughable.” [….]

Candidate Obama Was Silent on Voter Fraud in Pennsylvania in 2008, 2012  “All across the country, Democrats are trying to make it easier to vote, not make it harder to vote and push back on Republicans who are trying to systematically prevent ordinary citizens from making their voices heard. You have to ask yourself, why is it Republicans don’t want you to vote?’”

"Well now. Isn’t that interesting?  Let’s hop in the time capsule and rocket back to 2008 and 2012 when Obama himself was running for election and re-election. And let’s focus on exactly what was going on with Pennsylvania Democrats at the time.". . . 

AOC Still Peddling Lies About Jan. 6: “Almost 10 dead”  "There are some members of Congress who are more clueless and some who are more outrageous, but few are as clueless and outrageous as New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC).

"She again demonstrated her knack for being both clueless and outrageous by tweeting misinformation about January 6th and falsely claiming that there were “almost 10 dead.' ”

"Thanks for nothing, Joe."

Thanks, Joe: This year's Thanksgiving feast set to 'wallop the wallet,' NYT reports  . . . "This is Biden's doing, nearly across the board, given his advocacy of global warming measures, money printing, incentives to stay out of the labor force, and energy production shutdowns. All of that is what's driving man-caused drought, high gas prices. labor shortages, and maybee steel plant shutdowns. Too bad the Times didn't mention it.

"But the public is noticing it, and even if they can't pin their finger precisely on Joe Biden, they can compare this inflation-wracked Thanksgiving under this president with Thanksgiving under that of President Trump and draw their own conclusions.

"Those of us who know better know that Joe's been claiming credit for a marginal decline in the cost of a July 4 hot dog as his own. Therefore, he owns this one, too, even if he tries to hide it.

"Thanks for nothing, Joe."

Monday, October 25, 2021

'Greenwash': The US Is the Only Country Actually Engaged in Economic Suicide

"Which gives We the Imposed Upon pause."


. . ."We have been told incessantly for decades the planet in its entirety faces a cataclysmic environmental crisis. And that every nation must subject its respective peoples to massive economic contractions in order to address it. Every nation must end its traditional energy use.  While continuing to massively ramp up its government spending on “green energy.” Except time and time again, it is only the United States that self-inflicts the “climate change” economic wounds.

"Which gives We the Imposed Upon pause.

"Well, welcome once again to Leftist harmonic convergence. The world’s government officials are readying themselves for private jet rides to the fabulous hotels and meals awaiting them in Glasgow, Scotland at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26).

"Which if it were a biker rally in South Dakota it would be falsely labeled a “Super Spreader” event. '. . .  Well, one can only imagine...  

Israel's post-American strategic challenge

Israel's leaders need to wake up. Joe Biden (or, more accurately, his puppeteers) have shown an absolute willingness to stab their allies in the back and act unilaterally against their allies' best interests. This was proven unequivocally in Afghanistan, when Biden pulled out his forces without even consulting with the British and the French. Biden is an untrustworthy backstabber. If he's willing to treat the British and the French this way, you can be sure he will throw the Israelis under the b

us as well, given his longstanding antipathy toward the Jewish state. (From the comments to this post)

Caroline Glick; Israel Hayom

. . . "First, the Americans [under Democrats] are not working with Israel to block Iran from becoming a nuclear power. They are working against Israel.

"The Americans and Israelis agree that Iran is on the verge of becoming a nuclear breakout state, which can assemble nuclear weapons at will. But whereas they agree on the status of Iran’s quest for military nuclear capability, they disagree about what the response to the current state of Iran’s nuclear program should be.

"Israel’s position is that the United States should take diplomatic and economic action, and at a minimum threaten military action if Iran refuses to reinstate the limitations on its nuclear activities set out in the so-called Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA. The 2015 nuclear deal permitted Iran to enrich limited quantities of uranium to the level of 3.67 percent. Iran is currently enriching massive quantities of uranium to 60 percent — just a step away from weapons-grade.

"U.S. President Joe Biden and his advisers are unwilling to consider placing additional economic sanctions on Iran. Indeed, the administration is turning a blind eye to Iran’s export of massive quantities of oil and gas to China and other states, in breach of the sanctions. The Americans say they may be willing to consider taking diplomatic action of some form or another, but in exchange, they demand Israeli concessions to the Palestinians.". . . 

Israel’s operational and strategic incoherence stems from the government’s inability to reconcile itself to the fact of U.S. betrayal. By abandoning the United States’ longstanding opposition to Iran’s nuclear program, the Biden administration hasn’t simply dashed Israel’s hope of coordinating its efforts with Washington. It has obliterated the guiding wisdom at the foundation of Israel’s 50-year security partnership with America. That wisdom has it that America’s security partnership with Israel is the most important guarantee of Israel’s national security.

I&I/TIPP Poll Shocker: Trump Beats Biden In Presidential Poll In Every U.S. Region But One

 Issues & Insights  "When it comes to President Biden, are voters starting to have a serious case of buyers’ remorse? It sure looks that way. A new I&I/TIPP Poll limited to those who voted in the 2020 election shows former President Donald Trump sharply narrowing the gap between him and Biden and leading across most of the country if the election were held today.

"For all intents and purposes, based on current voter sentiment and the margin of error, it’s a virtual dead heat between Trump and Biden, with Trump having all the momentum.

"The data come from the October I&I/TIPP Poll of 1,308 adults was conducted online from Sept. 29 to Oct. 2 by TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence, I&I’s polling partner. The analysis for this story is based 955 Americans who voted in 2020 and revealed their 2020 vote.  The margin of error for the analysis is +/-3.3 percentage points.

"In it, we asked: “If the presidential election were held today, and the following were the candidates, for whom would you vote?” Respondents were given the choices of “Donald Trump,” “Joe Biden,” “Other,” or “Not sure.”

"Overall, Biden still leads Trump by 45% to 44%, with 6% choosing “other” and 5% saying “not sure.' ”. . . 

...Trump leads in the Midwest (45.9% vs. 44.9%), the South (45.8% vs. 44.6), and the West (42.4% vs. 39.7%).  Biden leads Trump in the Northeast 53.6% to 39.1%....  Bernie Sanders country!

Isn't this a factor? Questions About Joe Biden's Health Go Mainstream   "Just days ago, the president appeared to forget where he was, having to be saved by his wife (see Jill Biden Steps in to Save a Confused, Meandering Joe Biden). Other examples include Biden seemingly unable to control his anger at times, including with the families of slain soldiers. Past that, odd word salads and bumbling speeches have become what feels like a near-daily occurrence."...

The Cowardly Artists Who Stayed Silent

LONDON - England - The silence of cowardly artists during a time of mass censorship, cancel culture, is a disturbing commentary of our times.

The Daily Squib 

 "How we used to idolize artists when we were growing up. Here were these gods and goddesses who were above everything, they could stand up and stick their finger up with vitriol, they could shout out aloud at the injustices, they could bring forth real societal change simply with a few words in an interview or news flash.

"Artists whether musical/authors/painters/film or conceptual made sheer statements in their art. They were not afraid to voice their opinion, their dreams, their fears for what was to come. They were not afraid to question. Injustice was trodden on by these heroes as they pushed their fists in the air defiantly. This was why they were artists, it was this ‘fuck you!’ to everything wrong in society and government that made them real artists.

"Forward to 2020/21 and now there is only the sound of silence, of crickets with tumbleweed blowing across a society where heavy censorship and cancel culture is applauded.". . . 

The Daily Squib is a curious satirical parody newspaper offering breaking news, political satire, comedy, investigative journalism, opinion and celebrity news.

"Atlanta is still seething that Major League Baseball stripped the All-Star Game away from their beloved city this summer."

 Althouse   " 'Well, politics or not, there’s absolutely nothing MLB can do to stop Atlanta now. Atlanta will host the World Series for the first time since 1999."

"It's hard even to remember what offense Georgia committed that deserved the punishment imposed. Something un-woke? Something about voting regulations implying racism? Whatever... so now those terrible people are triumphing, and I don't think they're going to give up singing that doltish "Indian" tune while doing "the tomahawk chop."
"The only alternative is another Southern city, those cheaters in Texas.
"Ah, baseball is boring, all the Northerners sniff."