Monday, September 30, 2024

Cackling Kamala Harris LIES That World Leaders Are ‘Laughing’ at Donald Trump, but European Foreign Ministers Show She Couldn’t Be More Wrong

The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran 

. . ."But of course, no European nation has praised the success of Trump’s first term – and expressed hopes for a strong second term – as has Hungary. According to Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó, his government has ‘huge expectations’ for a new Trump administration." . . .

"Donald Trump is a great world leader with a wonderful sense of humor, but he knows that geopolitics are a consequential thing that he tackles with due seriousness – and unlike the worst VP in American history Kamala Harris, he is not in the habit of making a fool of himself.

"So when Cackling Harris ridiculously claims that world leaders are ‘laughing’ at Trump, it reveals a lot about herself.

"Sure enough, Foreign ministers from European nations with close U.S. ties immediately reacted to her comment, dismissing it.

"During the presidential debate, Harris said  that World leaders ‘are laughing at Donald Trump’. ‘I have talked with military leaders, some of whom worked with you, and they say you’re a disgrace’.

"But when asked about this absurd quote, foreign ministers that are in attendance dismissed any preference, and made it clear that they will work with whomever wins.

"Fox News reported:

" '‘We are friends of America’, Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said, noting Italy and the U.S. are ‘two sides of the same coin’. ‘If Trump will be the new president of America, we will work with him as we worked with him when he was president of America. We worked well with Biden, with Bush, with Reagan, with Clinton, with Obama’, Tajani added. ‘For us, the transatlantic relations are the key strategy of our foreign policy, Europe and America’.”

"Foreign minister for the Czech Republic, Jan Lipavsky stressed that he would not interfere in the election, saying ‘leave it to the American citizens to decide’.

"But he could not help but stress Trump’s ‘strong’ message of defense spending, one he hopes Europe would continue to embrace." . . .

The absent Joe Biden


Ken Swope.

Gone Biden Gone – Commentary Magazine 
. . ."So, yes, Biden had to go. But the solution here is probably no solution. I’m not saying Kamala Harris can’t win the presidency against Donald Trump. The Lord is the only one who knows, and given how He’s altered reality for the past 25 days, I wouldn’t put it past Him to keep throwing us for loops because, let’s face it, we’re sinners and we’re bad and we deserve everything we’re getting. We have the greatest country on earth, the greatest constitution, the greatest economy, the greatest everything, and we’ve ended up fostering a political culture so generally nauseating that even Screwtape must be feeling a little sorry for us." . . .  

'Cooked': An Out-of-It Joe Biden Is Asked About Israeli Strikes on Yemen, Gives Very Concerning Response – RedState

 Biden Confuses Israeli Airstrikes in Yemen With Union Strikes (   "President Joe Biden is just gone. Just WOW.

"No words. Seriously, I don’t have to write or say anything else about his answer regarding the Israeli airstrikes in Yemen:

REPORTER: “Any comment on the strikes in Yemen, Mr. President!?”

BIDEN (or whatever’s left of him): “I’ve spoken to both sides. They gotta settle the strike. I’m supporting the collective bargaining effort. I think they’ll settle the strike.”. . . 

 His only quick recall is his visceral hatred of Donald Trump. TD   Journos Admit Fear of Trump Victory Influenced Scant Reporting on Biden’s Cognitive Issues (  . . ."As it turned out, Biden outed himself in front of millions during that CNN debate. After that, the media knew they couldn’t hide it anymore – not just because the way their failure to treat the issue with the seriousness it deserved (instead of dismissing concerning video clips as “cheap fakes“) made them look but also because they knew if they didn’t act fast it was going to be too late to replace him as the Democrat nominee.

"No matter which way you look at it, the media engaged in their own brand of election interference, trying to hide Joe Biden’s obvious health issues for the three and a half years before that debate, and then doing their part in the aftermath of it to pressure him to exit the race." . . .

Biden drops out, endorses Harris: Is Kamala Harris a better candidate now than she was in 2020?

"In short, she is a pathological liar who will say anything if it will win her votes.  That is rather typical of politicians who assume voters are not only ignorant but really stupid."  Patricia McCarthy

Jul 10, 2024,  Biden drops out, endorses Harris: Is Kamala Harris a better candidate now than she was in 2020? | Vox   "The last time Kamala Harris ran a campaign for the presidency, she dropped out of the contest before a single vote was cast.

"After launching her bid in Oakland, California, in front of a crowd of 20,000 supporters in January 2019, she campaigned for 310 days before dropping out of the contest. At the time she left the race, she was polling at 4 percent or lower in polling aggregates — a complete flop. It was a stunning result: Harris had been seen as a rising star for most of her years campaigning for and legislating in the Senate, questioning Trump administration officials, and was viewed as the possible future of the Democratic Party as she prepared for a presidential bid.

"She didn’t get close to the nomination in 2020. Now, due to the unprecedented weirdness of the 2024 cycle, she’s as close as she has ever been. President Joe Biden is under strong pressure to drop out of the race, but so far, has vowed not to do so. If that changes, Harris appears most likely to replace him atop the ticket.

But would a Harris-led ticket give Democrats a better shot at beating Donald Trump? What can we learn from 2020 that informs us on how she’d fare in 2024? And would the factors that held Harris back in 2020 likely still plague her this time around?" . . .

As with Biden saying "Don't, look at what she said vs. what she did:

A look at Kamala Harris' work on foreign policy as vice president - CBS News

"After President Biden announced he would not be running for reelection, he endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as his pick to become the Democratic nominee. Here's a look at some of Harris' work on foreign policy over the last three and a half years:

. . ."Harris was assigned early during the Biden administration with addressing the "root causes" of irregular migration to the United States across its border with Mexico. She described those causes as corruption and lack of economic opportunity in some Central and South American nations.

"She has traveled to Latin America twice as vice president: To Mexico and Guatemala in 2021, and to Honduras in 2022.

"During a speech In Guatemala, she told people in the region considering making an unauthorized trip across the border: "Do not come. Do not come. The United States will continue to enforce our laws and secure our borders." . . .

How on Earth do Harris supporters rationalize away her continuous stream of lies? - Patricia McCarthy     "Kamala Harris was a district attorney in San Francisco, then a state attorney general in Sacramento, but apparently never personally prosecuted a single case. 

"She did damage though, contributing to the sad downfall of those once-glorious cities. In 2014, she led the charge to pass Proposition 47, which ended prosecutions for crimes deemed unimportant and tied the hands of police. Crime and lawlessness have followed.

"Then she became a senator.  Only California would elect such an unqualified person to that high office. She was by all accounts the most radical senator in Congress while she was there." . . .  Many, I suppose are those who wear those designer scarves while chanting 'Death to America!' TD