Saturday, April 16, 2022

Silence is no longer golden: The left demands woke words

 Left demands woke words from corporations (

"Examples of this virtue-signaling abound: Think of every horrible video with endless Hollywood celebrities profoundly and sincerely decrying whatever the outrage du jour is. The issue here isn’t really “cancel culture,” it’s whether we can have entertainment and corporate spaces that are free of politics. 

"This is part of a weird larger trend in corporate America in which it is no longer enough for companies to sell us soap and smartphones; they also must be saving the world, leading the way for cultural change or standing up to this, that or the other thing. Why? Why can’t they just sell us a widget and shut up? 

"The answer, until recently, has been that progressive public-relations stunts bought companies cred with the hyper-left at little cost. You could throw “love is love” into a commercial, throw on a colorful ribbon at the Oscars, and feel smug as you collected a paycheck. 

"Now that’s not enough. Activists and the Twitter mobs won’t accept it when businesses and cultural heroes don’t take a stand. You denounced that law in Kentucky, why won’t you do the same in Texas? 

"It’s hypocritical, of course, because the loudest voices in the room are screaming about Republican governors, but never call for a boycott of, say, Myanmar. And progressives are never happy with bland slogans of unity — they are increasingly pushing companies to oppose laws that most Americans agree with, including the Florida school curriculum one. ". . .

Conservative shareholders target 'woke' corporate boards - Washington Times  "Conservative investors are becoming shareholder activists to battle what they call the “woke” gender and race policies of America’s corporate boardrooms."

Will Conservative Investors Now Become Shareholder Activists and Battle 'Woke' Boardrooms? – RedState   . . ."In the wake of Elon Musk’s hostile takeover bid to acquire 100 percent of Twitter and take the leftist, conservative-censoring Big Tech giant private, investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald — the best in the business in my not-so-humble opinion — made the following observation:

Yesterday was a flagship day in corporate media. It was the day they were forced to explicitly state what has long been clear: they not only favor censorship but desperately crave and depend on it.

Even if Musk doesn’t buy Twitter, never forget what yesterday revealed.

Busted MTA cameras failed these subway violence victims, too

 NY Post

“The MTA has work to do to ensure riders feel safe. At a minimum, that means making sure existing security measures are working. New Yorkers are resilient and will persevere, but they deserve peace of mind that comes from a transit system that puts their safety first,” DiNapoli said in a statement.


. . ."Rebecca Lamorte, 30, a disability activist and former City Council candidate, recounted twice being assaulted on the subway — and both times authorities said cameras were out of service.

"In 2013, she said, she was getting off the 6 train at 51st Street when — “a woman pushed me.”

“ 'I thought I was putting my left leg on the platform and it was the gap, actually, between the train and the platform. my leg went in, it was crushed between the train and the platform,” she told The Post.

"The next morning, she couldn’t walk. Her left leg’s nerves are now “completely ruined,” causing her daily pain and forcing her to walk with a cane, she said.

“ 'I wanted camera footage. I was told that the cameras don’t work there. They’re either broken or there’s no tape in them to record anything,” she said. “I want to know what happened to me. … My life is forever shaped from this moment.' ”

Psaki Says Fox News ‘Provides Questions’ That Make ‘Anyone Sound Like a Stupid Son of a B*tch’

 Legal Insurrection

"The arrogance and snobbish attitude displayed by these people never fails to blow me away."

"Aren’t you so glad that decency has returned to the White House? Aren’t you so glad that we have an administration that doesn’t attack the press?

"Biden called Fox News’s Peter Doocy a stupid son of a b*tch when he asked the president about inflation.

"The issue came up on Thursday night when Press Secretary Jen Psaki appeared at a live recording of Pod Save America, which is run by a bunch of former Obama people.

"Doocy asks Psaki a lot of hard-hitting questions. He irritates her and the whole administration.

"So the hosts of the podcasts asked if Biden addressed Doocy correctly. Psaki used it to take a swipe at Fox News.

"Fox News issued this statement: “In his role as White House correspondent, Peter Doocy’s job is to elicit truth from power for the American public. His questions are his own, he is a terrific reporter and we are extremely proud of his work.”

"Then Psaki said Doocy “was gracious after President Biden called him and apologized.”. . .

New York Times Attacks Christians on Easter Weekend, Demands America Gets Rid of God

 New York Times Attacks Christians on Easter Weekend, Demands America Gets Rid of God | Neon Nettle

"The failing New York Times has marked the Holy weekend of Easter by attacking Christians and demanding that America gets rid of God.

"The left-wing newspaper published an op-ed on Good Friday arguing that faithful Christians should eliminate their belief in God.

"The article, titled In This Time of War, I Propose We Give Up God,” shamelessly claims that God is responsible for “war and violence.”

"It continues by blaming God and Christianity for the world's “oppression and suffering.”

"It then suggests that people should be banned from teaching children about Him.

"The author concludes by declaring: "Killing gods is an idea I can get behind.' ". . .

Biden’s Late Brezhnev Period

 The American Conservative   "The president attempted to shake hands with someone who isn’t there, then stumbled around confused before finding his way off the stage. Take a look at this clip from Barack Obama’s recent visit to the White House. President Biden wandered around disoriented, and again tried to give a greeting with his hands to someone who wasn’t there.". . .

"This is not funny. This man is the Commander in Chief, and he is clearly not in full control of his faculties. The other day he called Russian war crimes in Ukraine “genocide” — a term that has specific meaning in international law, and that commits the US to certain acts in its face. As horrible as what Russia is doing is, it’s not genocide, and it cheapens the term for the sake of scoring political points against the Russians. The point is that the President of the United States is not in control of his mental faculties enough to stop himself from running off at the mouth in a time of war. You’ll remember how in Poland, he called for regime change in Russia — a radical statement that White House aides had to walk back.
" I’ve been thinking about Biden as a Jimmy Carter, in terms of his weakness at the polls. But he is also late-period  Leonin Brezhnev
" He’s not the only possibly senile politician in Washington:
 Some colleagues of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) are concerned she’s no longer fit to serve in Congress, according to a new report. . . .

 Full article here 

Media that gleefully pilloried the Catholic Church over pedophilia charges averts their eyes over much larger schoolteacher pedophilia problem

 Thomas Lifson

Imagine if 7 separate charges of pedophilia against Catholic priests had surfaced in one day.  The progressive media would have blared the total on front pages and in newscasts all day long 

Grooming? Woke Schools Brainwash Kids Using the Same Tactics Deployed
by Pedophiles (
  Added by TD

. . ."I am not complaining that the Catholic Church’s problems should have been ignored by the media.  The institutional failure of the Church to confront its pedophile priests caused great suffering among innocent children.

But that suffering and institutional failure apparently is dwarfed by the magnitude of the pedophilia and grooming problem (they are closely related) in government schools. In both institutions, people entrusted with leadership responsibilities failed their young charges, and used them for their own perverse sexual gratification.  The media highlighted pedophilia cases in the Church to the point that pedophile priests became a cliché because of its hostility to  the Catholic Church for its unwavering commitment to unchanging moral standards given by God (including the sanctity of human life). But now that government schools have become indoctrination camps, dominated by left wing teachers’ unions and boards of education that do their bidding, the media usually limit coverage of teachers’ pedophilia to local media, if that. (The sole exception seems to be hot, young female teachers who have posed for pictures in provocative outfits.)

"OF COURSE, not all teachers are pedophiles. Just as was true for priests, many people selflessly devote themselves to the cause of helping others. But there needs to be strict scrutiny of those who seek to be put into the classroom, and awareness, as David Mamet recently pointed out, that pedophiles gravitate towards occupations that put them in contact with vulnerable children."

Don Surber: 7 pedo teachers in 1 day  . . ."The people who oppose the new law aid and abet these crimes. They don't want to be called groomers. That's an easy title to lose. Stop grooming and stop enabling groomers."

Friday, April 15, 2022

Not up for Debate: The RNC Votes Unanimously to Withdraw From the Commission on Presidential Debates

 Not up for Debate: The RNC Votes Unanimously to Withdraw From the Commission on Presidential Debates – RedState

The RNC took far too long in doing this. They should have voted to withdraw after the CNN Candy Crowley/Mitt Romney 2012 debate debacle.

. . ."Republican nominees have often cried foul over the bias existent in the commission, including former President Donald J. Trump. So, the fact that the RNC is now kicking the commission to the curb is no big surprise. Legacy media has been slipping into irrelevancy for years, hastened further by their collusion with the Democrats and government in pushing pandemic lies. Why watch a debate on a channel you do not trust with moderators whom you cannot stand? Free of the formalities of this commission, any presidential candidate can simply go on Joe Rogan’s podcast or Bill Maher’s HBO show Real Time, reach way more people, and be done with it.

"In January, the RNC wrote a letter to the Commission asking them to commit to certain parameters:

  • To hold a debate before the start of early voting.
  • To not hold any matchups after the deadline for mailing absentee ballots to military personnel and overseas voters.
  • To enact term limits for the commission board members.
  • To ban partisan political activity by officials and staffers of the commission.

"Former Missouri Sen. John Danforth is the poster child for these last two points. A so-called Republican, in 2020 Danforth famously took to The Washington Post, CNN, and other outlets to denounce then-sitting president Donald Trump and decry that he was not a Republican.

"Danforth has been on the Commission on Presidential Debates for 26 years.". . .

Joy Behar ridiculed as 'dumbest person in media' for saying SCOTUS 'poised to pass a bill' on open carry

 BPR  ABC’s “The View” is a very strange program.

"As New Republic senior correspondent Jim Geraghty wrote in a very pithy tweet: “‘The View’ is a show about current events, hosted by several celebrities who don’t know much about current events, and who adamantly refuse to learn anything new about current events.”

"That pretty much sums it up, and it’s a well-made point that was underscored on Wednesday when host Joy Behar made some peculiar comments in the wake of the Brooklyn subway mass shooting that injured at least 23 people earlier this week. Amid a generally inane and thoroughly pointless anti-gun conversation, during which a guest claimed that most gun owners shoot themselves (perhaps a case of wishful thinking, but not actually true,) Behar decided to weigh in and give vent to her considered opinion on the matter.

"First, she saw fit to open her opinions with a quick observation about the number of mass shootings that have occurred in the country so far. “So, we are 103 days into 2022,” she said, “and there have already been more than 130 mass shootings in America this year alone.”. . .

WHO are that thirty-three percent? Celebrities?

 Bruce Springsteen for sure; The ladies of The View and their Applause sign guy; Late-night TV hosts; Mitt Romney and Adam Kinzinger? Hollywood? 

"The next time some leftist robot tells you only racists could be against Biden’s open border, you can show them this poll. Why, it’s almost as if people who played by the rules and came here legally don’t really want every scumbag from their old homeland rolling into their new homeland and helping themselves to taxpayer goodies. Hispanics apparently pay taxes, too — who knew? 

I’m going out on a limb here and suggesting that people who uprooted their lives and left their homes to escape corrupt socialist countries didn’t go to all that trouble just to land in yet another corrupt socialist country.

This is even funnier when you remember that Democrats have been crowing for decades about how they are deliberately changing the demographics of America so that white voters will be canceled out because they thought Hispanic people would monolithically vote for them. Such is the danger when you are so racist that you can only see other human beings as members of skin-color groups to which you have assigned your own values.. . .

. . ."The next time some leftist robot tells you only racists could be against Biden’s open border, you can show them this poll. Why, it’s almost as if people who played by the rules and came here legally don’t really want every scumbag from their old homeland rolling into their new homeland and helping themselves to taxpayer goodies. Hispanics apparently pay taxes, too — who knew?"

Disney Stained by Wokism


Reality Bites by Broc Smith.

No one is hiding how pro-LGBTQ Disney’s latest movie is - American Thinker   "Earlier this month, an LGBTQ+++ buzz started circulating regarding Disney’s latest movie, Better Nate Than Ever. American Thinker covered that groundswell of excitement here. Given the collapse of Disney’s reputation as it put its corporate weight behind fighting a Florida bill keeping sexual identity talk out of kindergarten through third-grade classrooms, one might think Disney and other leftists might have tried to downplay the overtly LGBTQ+++ theme in a “family” movie. The opposite, however, is true.

"Since Disney went to war against Florida parents, and videos emerged showing Disney executives boasting about using the company’s platform and reputation to push LGBTQ content, Disney’s standing with families has plummeted. Earlier this week, almost 70% of Americans stated that they were less likely to do business with Disney. That is a catastrophic number for a corporation.

"While there are no data about the number of canceled subscriptions to Disney+, the streaming TV channel, there is evidence that people are boycotting the Disney resorts. Of course, Disney’s stand against the innocence of small children in Florida’s classrooms is just the last in a series of escalating attacks on family values. For example, many parents haven’t forgotten that Disney fired Gina Carano because she dared to poke fun at the woke left’s crazed pronoun madness and noted that America was becoming as divided as Germany was in the lead-up to WWII.". . .

Disney Stained by Wokism

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Subway shooter thinking shaped by CNN and MSNBC, or did he like them because he thought like them?

I can just hear Reid and Lemon giving the usual Maxine Waters trope; "We do not condone..."TD

 Suspect Frank James was spewing racist hate well before Brooklyn shooting ( . . . “ 'You hear black people [inspired by Jackson] say my daughter … dreaming to be a part of something that does not want you be a part of it … You’re not white, you’re not European … You want to force yourself on these people and they’re going to kill you.” 

"James, a fan of CNN, in many of his videos appeared in  front of a large TV tuned to the left-wing cable channel. His grievances against “whitey” could be ripped from the teleprompters of any of the race-baiting hosts of CNN and MSNBC. The only difference between the dehumanizing racial hatred he spews and the commentary by Joy Reid when she sneers at “white tears” and argues that Americans only care about the war in Ukraine because the victims are “white and largely Christian” is that James advocates violence. “I’m wanting to kill everything in sight,” he says in one video.

 'These white motherf—ers, this is what they do,” he says in a video about the Ukraine invasion, claiming it presaged a black genocide in the United States.

“ 'Ultimately at the end of the day, they kill and commit genocide against each other. What do you think they gonna do to your black ass? …”

"He also criticizes New York City Mayor Eric Adams and black people who don’t perceive themselves as victims. “You got your Ph.D. career and nice shoes. You got an education but now you’re just a carbon copy of the person who made you a slave … you’re there to serve these motherf—ers.”. . .

. . ."Hate crimes are abhorrent and should be denounced whenever, and against whoever, they happen.

"There is no excuse for hating people based on their race, religion or sexuality. Full stop.

But that is not exactly how Lemon sees it. Responding to Cuomo the CNN host said that white men are the biggest threat to America.

Truth: Democrats Feed Racism to Control Our Black Community – PJ Media


Unapologetic Tony Dungy Smokes Out Obama’s Betrayal of Black America

 Unapologetic Tony Dungy Smokes Out Obama’s Betrayal of Black America - American Thinker  "Tony Dungy, the first black coach ever to win a Super Bowl, might have escaped notice this week had he merely supported Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s Responsible Fatherhood Initiative.” His real sin was to explain why.

"Dungy, a Christian father of eleven, recounted a conversation he had years back with the Rev. Abe Brown about Brown’s prison ministry. At Brown’s request, Dungy accompanied him to prison. Expecting to find hardened criminals, Dungy found instead “19- and 20- and 21-year-old kids who looked like my boys.” When Dungy asked what accounted for the young men’s incarceration, Brown told him, “Its not socioeconomic. Its not racial. Its not education. Its none of that. Ninety-five percent of these boys did not grow up with their dad.”

"Said Dungy, “That hit me.” Predictably, Dungy’s truth-telling stirred the woke beehive. “Dungy standing there cackling,” tweeted former ESPN commentator Keith Olbermann, “a fascist political prop.”

“ 'Fathers are extremely important, but yeah,” tweeted Jemele Hill, also formerly with ESPN, “that ain’t how this works. If a father is in the home and can’t find a job, then what?”

"Deadspin, which comically positions itself as “sports news without fear, favor, or compromise,” headlined its article on the DeSantis initiative, “Tony Dungy is constantly used as a prop by bigots.” Reporter Carron Phillips could find little to fault in the initiative itself but took offense that Dungy would appear with DeSantis who, in his unbiased opinion, had made Florida “arguably the worst state in the nation.”

"Undaunted, Dungy fired back exactly as warranted. “2 days ago I spoke on behalf of a Florida bill that supports dads & families and it offended some people,” tweeted Dungy. “14 yrs ago Pres Obama said the same things almost verbatim. Im assuming people were outraged at him too.” Added Dungy defiantly, “I am serving the Lord so Ill keep supporting dads and families.” . . .