Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Our Privileged Scolds

Let them lead by example before they lecture the country on carbon emissions, gun ownership, and ‘white privilege.’

"One theme of the Democratic debates is collective furor — at whom or what is not always clear, other than at Americans who voted for Trump. Or perhaps at America itself for failing the expectations of our moral betters? Yet such rage is so deeply embedded in hypocrisy that it is not merely hard to take; it’s even harder to believe it’s serious.
"So upset are our woke progressive candidates that they insist that the rich, the privileged, the white, and the native-born must now pay ever more penance. Amid such acrimony is an inconvenient truth, though one that remains utterly unspoken: Most of those on stage who are so livid at the exploitative “system” have become wealthy and quite privileged through it — especially since they have spent so much of their adult lives gaming supposedly poorly compensated political service.
"Multimillionaire, mansion-living, ethnic-identity-stealing, and formerly house-flipping Senator Elizabeth Warren talks nonstop about corporate greed, endemic racism, and the need for executive fiats to deal with right-wing American pathologies. In Warren’s reductionist world, every sin originates with some Snidely Whiplash corporate CEO with a black top hat and handlebar moustache who trumped the success of her own past cynical efforts several hundred times over.
"Beto O’Rourke, born into privilege and wealth, and married into greater influence and riches, was so pampered and well connected as a teen that his prior burglary and drunk-driving arrests were either dismissed or white-privileged away. Otherwise, had he been treated as others — including poor working-class whites from southern Ohio or central California — he might now be an ex-felon, and certainly might not be eligible to buy or own a firearm under the regimens that he now blasts as too weak." . . .

. . . Now a few words for our " affluent scolds in Washington and Hollywood?" "How about just five simple commandments to see us through until November 2020?"
  • I will not lecture on the evils of gun ownership if I own a handgun or if anyone in my security details carries one. Given Joe Biden’s advice just to rely on a few random
    blasts of a shotgun on the front porch, perhaps his private security guards could do the same.
  • I pledge not to sermonize on the unfairness of wealth distribution or carbon-emission greed if I own more than one home, and if any of my homes is larger than 2,500 square feet.
  • If I continue to virtue-signal about the Green New Deal, I promise that, from this day forth, I will not fly on a private jet, not own a heated swimming pool or hot tub, not own or ride in an SUV, and not own or use air conditioning. The green future starts now, with me!
  • I swear not to rail about the failure of the public schools in general, the evils of non-union and charter schools, and in particular the asymmetries in the quality of our education system — if I place my own children in private academies and prep schools or if I attended a private school myself.
  • Finally, I will cease pontificating about “white privilege” and “white supremacy” if I live in a nearly all-white, non-diverse neighborhood and my children have ever attended a wealthy, predominately white school.

Top-level climate modeler goes rogue, criticizes ‘nonsense’ of ‘global warming crisis’

"But who are you going to believe: a superbly qualified Japanese scientist or a Swedish teenager with mental issues?" Thomas Lifson
Thomas Lifson  "A highly qualified and experienced climate modeler with impeccable credentials has rejected the unscientific bases of the doom-mongering over a purported climate crisis. His work has not yet been picked up in this country, but that is about to change, Writing in the Australian site Quadrant, Tony Thomas introduces the English-Speaking world to the truth-telling of Dr. Mototaka Nakamura. (hat tip:  Andrew Bolt, John McMahon).

Now Nakamura has found it again, further accusing the orthodox scientists of “data falsification” by adjusting previous temperature data to increase apparent warming “The global surface mean temperature-change data no longer have any scientific value and are nothing except a propaganda tool to the public,” he writes.

The climate models are useful tools for academic studies, he says. However, “the models just become useless pieces of junk or worse (worse in a sense that they can produce gravely misleading output) when they are used for climate forecasting.” The reason:

These models completely lack some critically important  climate processes and feedbacks, and represent some other critically important climate processes and feedbacks in grossly distorted manners to the extent that makes these models totally useless for any meaningful climate prediction.

I myself used to use climate simulation models for scientific studies, not for predictions, and learned about their problems and limitations in the process. . . .
Read the full article here

His doxing will begin in three...two...one...
And he will NOT be nominated for sainthood:

Catholic Missionaries Compare Greta Thunberg to Virgin Mary . . . “ 'Christians getting their knickers all in a twist over the passionate, articulate & knowledgeable witness of Greta Thunberg because of her age seem to overlook the age of the Virgin Mary at the time of the Annunciation,” the group wrote on Twitter.
“ 'Young women can & have changed the world,” they concluded." . . .
. . . “ 'People are suffering, people are dying, entire ecosystems are collapsing,” she declared. “We are in the beginning of the mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!”
. . . "As bestselling author — and Breitbart News entertainment editor — Jerome Hudson notes in his book, 50 Things They Don’t Want You to Know, the U.S. has lowered emissions while growing its economy through the use of fracking — a practice that most of the Democratic candidates want to stop. 
"Thunberg['s handlers] did not endorse nuclear power — a zero-emissions technology — or any other solutions." . . .

"She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see! President Trump

Below: She sees President Trump at the UN.

I love this optimism, but then I recall Hillary's fireworks display that disappeared back in 2015

Democrats Turning the 2016 MAGA Movement into a 2020 Revolution  . . . "Ironically, Democrats have become the recipients of their own intolerance for any differing opinions. Fortunately for conservatives, it is futile for more centrist Democrats, if there are any, to try and convince far left, radical Dems there may be a better strategy than coddling illegals and race-baiting. Just try and tell the Squad, Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters and Jerry Nadler to stop beating the drum for the President's impeachment. 

"Trump’s 2016 victory has outed the Democrats. It’s official. Democrats are the party of political violence, of antifa zombies, of killing babies about to be born and making the already born comfortable before killing them, of race hoaxes, of Russia hoaxes, of green new deal scams, of transgendered bathrooms, of  educational indoctrination, of gun confiscations, of criminals, of drug and human traffickers, of Bolshevik socialism, of sanctuary cities for MS-13 butchers, of censorship, of America-hating politicians, of hellhole American cities, of character assassinations and of a coup against a president duly elected by the people.

"The Party not only embraces this platform of hate, misery and death, they demand we either see it their way through the lens of a socialist state, or we must be silenced." . . . 
This should average things out a bit:
“The latest Fox News poll about the 2020 election shows President Donald Trump losing to every Democratic frontrunner including Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.”  . . . "This poll is not alone in the propaganda parade. A recent Quinnipiac poll trumpeted, “Every major 2020 Democrat beats Trump by at least 9 points in new poll.” Game, set, match. Trump might as well report to prison now, so Reps Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler don’t have to bother with additional Congressional hearings, impeachment, indictments, and maybe even drawing and quartering Trump and his family.
"Far left Vanity Fair proclaims, “Trump is losing his mind over another bad Fox News poll”. Really? Watch any Trump rally or his famous “chopper pressers” before boarding Marine One and see if he is losing his mind. Instead listen to some of the silly media questions and realize that they are the ones going insane." . . .

. . . "Just keep in mind that when you see the Democrat media proclaiming, “Trump is trying to discredit recent polls because he’s losing in nearly all of them”, Trump is simply pointing out the obvious, that these polls are neither legitimate nor accurate and instead are simply political propaganda." . . .

The deciding factor in 2020: Are voters willing to live with Trump’s bizarre behavior? 
. . . "Crucial, of course, are the collective primary selections by Democratic voters on their standard-bearer. That person will be the main alternative to Donald Trump, each with their own flaws and strengths.
"Will it be some far-left woman or man with long, depressing lists of all that needs urgent fixing in America at astronomical costs? Would that doom the nominee who emerges from the party’s July Milwaukee convention to spend four months on defense proclaiming they’re not really as far left as they claimed to be?
"Might the choice be a comfortably familiar face of Washington whose jumbled spoken thoughts and patterns raise serious doubts about his advanced age, which would make him the oldest man ever to live in the White House?" . . .

. . . "Will his fulfilled promises — creating millions of new jobs, enacting tax cuts, crushing the ISIS caliphate, rebuilding the military and slashing regulations, among others — outweigh the simmering unease, distaste and fatigue over his uncommon behavior?" 

Young San Francisco children indoctrinated to chant, “Who do we hate? Donald Trump!”

Conservative Firing Line  "This is just an indication of how bad the indoctrination is in our so-called “public schools.”  According to a post at the Gateway Pundit, several San Francisco public schools took children as young as five years of age to a “Close the Camps” protest.  The children, who have obviously been coached, chanted, among other things, “Who do we hate? Donald Trump!” and “Si se puede.”
"YouTuber “Fog City Midge” caught some of the shenanigans on video.  She tried to interview some of the teachers, but they refused to speak to her.  One man, draped in a Mexican flag, threatened to get police involved.
"Here’s the video, and it is shocking:"

4 San Francisco public schools took kids as young as 5 out of class to march in a “Close The Camps” leftist protest. Kids were told @realDonaldTrump is an evil racist that hates immigrants, had prepared protest signs at school & had scripts of anti-Trump chants.
The event clearly pushed false leftist talking points regarding “Concentration Camps” at the US-Mexico Border and had objectives that included abolishing ICE, granting amnesty to illegal immigrants, decriminalizing border crossings and boycotting any company that does business with Border Patrol.
The left is using kids to push their political agenda. This is indoctrination and exploitation. Shameful. Hat tip to Fox City Midge

Related links at this post::
  • Outrageous: High school student hounded out of her D.C. school for supporting Trump — Video
  • NC Teacher Suspended for Telling Students: “Pence Should be Shot in the Head”
  • Video: Teacher calls student an ‘a**hole,’ evacuates class over pro-Trump MAGA hat
  • Student carrying Trump flag assaulted during National Walkout Day
  • HS student in Minnesota yearbook: ‘I would like to behead’ Donald Trump

Monday, September 23, 2019

More Fracking, or More War? It’s Our Choice.

National Review  "Here is a news lead that begins with a bang and ends with a whimper: “The strike on the heartland of Saudi Arabia’s oil industry, including damage to the world’s biggest petroleum-processing facility, has driven oil prices to their highest level in” — here, Reuters should have used some ellipses of irony — “nearly four months.”
Four months!

"If the United States declines to go to war against Iran on behalf of Saudi Arabia, our increasingly troublesome client state, one of the reasons for that happy development will be: because we do not need to. It is no longer the case that the world sneezes when the Saudis catch a cold. U.S. interests and Saudi interests remain aligned, broadly, but they are severable.

"The high-tech method of mining shale formations for oil and gas colloquially known as “fracking” — though hydraulic fracturing is only a part of it — has been a game-changer for more than one game. While countries such as Germany set headline-grabbing, politics-driven carbon-reduction targets only to woefully fail to achieve them (it is very difficult to greenwash 170 million tons of brown coal), the United States has been relatively successful on that front, reducing energy-related carbon emissions by 14 percent from 2005 to 2017, thanks to natural gas; put another way, fracking has helped the United States to what climate activists ought to consider one of its greatest environmental victories.

"When the United States intensified its attention to the Middle East in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, the country was heavily dependent on petroleum imports. Today, the United States is the world’s largest exporter of petroleum — thanks to fracking. The pointy-headed guys in the Washington war rooms spend a lot less time worrying about whether tankers can get through the Strait of Hormuz these days. And that means the United States has a much more free hand — and more realistic options — when dealing with Riyadh, Tehran, or any of the other pits of vipers that pass for national capitals in that part of the world."

. . . Beady-eyed realpolitik used to mean deferring to the world’s big oil producers when it came to our relations in the Middle East. Now it means being the world’s big oil producer and — once they decide they’ve grown tired of unnecessarily taking on risk while giving up wealth, income, and jobs — helping our British and European allies become bigger players, too. Fracking involves some real environmental challenges — American producers and regulators have developed great skill at dealing with them. The environmental challenges of fracking are manageable. The Saudis and the Iranians are manageable, too, but at a radically higher cost in blood and resources. (Emphasis added by TD)

To paraphrase Winston Churchill back in the fifties, "Frack-frack is better than war-war."

Why Mayor Pete and Black Voters; His 2020 Presidential Campaign is Already Finished

William Sullivan  "Pete Buttigieg has long had a problem with black voters. It's a problem that grew visible in his leadership as mayor of South Bend, Indiana over black-police conflictIn an effort to save his flailing presidential campaign, he has released his “Douglass Plan” to pander to the black electorate.  In this plan, he promises to reform credit scoring (currently consisting of five simple scoring metrics, none of which is the least bit racist), a “reduction in “racist policies” preventing some people from voting,” (like requiring a photo ID to vote, I guess?) and a “25% increase in government contracts with minority-owned businesses.”
. . . "True to my orientation’s claim, I’d estimate that this class was about 15 to 20 percent comprised of black students.  And no one was quicker to speak than those students on this particular subject.  Without fail, every single black student adamantly stated opposition to affirmative action policies in college admissions, and every single black student said that college admissions, just like everything else in life, should be earned by effort and merit.

"It was truly amazing.  In a semester of nothing but contentious discussion about various subjects, there was virtually no disagreement on this one topic." . . .
Why Liberals and Progressives Lie to Blacks

. . . "This dishonesty to black people practiced by Warren and the others -- fomenting anger toward the police -- makes the lives of African Americans worse, frequently endangering them and resulting in their deaths, as Heather Mac Donald details so well in her The War on CopsI often wonder how many liberals have read this book. I imagine very few because it so undermines their virtue-signaling narrative with uncomfortable and overwhelming facts. For someone like Warren to fan the flames of cop-hatred is despicable and immoral, but not surprising for someone so willing to lie about her Indian ethnicity. If black lives truly did matter to her, she would never say such a thing.
"Just the other day, legendary power forward Charles Barkley put it this way in his usually pungent manner: "Democrats only talk to black people every four years." He could have added: "And when they do, they lie.' " . . .
Sharpton: ‘I Still Can’t Understand’ Why Evangelicals, Christians ‘Enthralled’ to Trump

Woke Emmys Fail: Ratings Hit Record Low


"The 71st Primetime Emmy Awards on Fox drew a record low viewership on Sunday as TV fans opted to tune out of the telecast that featured woke celebrities lecturing America on issues including the gender pay gap and transgender rights.
"Sunday’s broadcast drew a paltry 5.7 rating and a 10 share in the overnight metered market ratings, down 23 percent from last year’s Monday night show on NBC and down 30 percent from the preliminary rating for the 2017 ceremony, which aired on a Sunday night on CBS, according to Variety.
"Deadline noted that the figures represent the “lowest rating the annual ceremony has achieved in early metrics.' ” . . .
"The decision came after the Academy Awards did the same earlier this year when comedian Kevin Hart withdrew from duties following a backlash over the resurfacing of old gay jokes and tweets.
"On Sunday, the Emmys featured acceptance speeches in which celebrities ranted about their political and cultural views.
"Actress Michelle Williams, who won for her lead role in FX’s Fosse/Verdon, spoke about the gender pay gap, invoking white men.
. . . "Patricia Arquette, who won an Emmy for her supporting role in Hulu’s The Act, devoted much of her speech to transgender people, invoking her late transgender sibling, Alexis Arquette." . . .
"Actor Billy Porter invoked James Baldwin while accepting his award for FX’s transgender-themed series Pose." . . .
Comment to this post: 
What? Another night of rich, liberal white people giving each other awards and telling each other how great they are. All while looking down on the Deplorables and Irredeemables.

"If global warming is not a fraud, why do the promoters of it so often do the sorts of things that fraudsters do?" (Thomas Lifson*)

Rich Terrell
Sorry, Greta: Trump skips UN climate summit  "Up until now, the public relations build-up for the big United Nations climate summit has been humongous.

"After all, who better than the United Nations to get carbon emissions choking the Earth down?  The world's at stake!  Twelve years to oblivion.  Submerged islands!  Funerals for glaciers.  Polar bears!  A very big march of some manipulated kids, led by Swedish teen climate activist Greta Thunberg — and all of this hoopla getting lots of press.

"Well, President Trump has a response for it, according to ABC News:" . . .
This points to the wisdom of Trump's refusal to even bother with this United Nations clown show.  It's a new takeover bid from unelected leftist bureaucrats to rule the U.S., which has the most pristine record on climate emissions anyway.  It stinks; President Trump knows it stinks; and, mercifully for us, he has the steely resolve to ignore the pressure campaigns and just let these compulsive meddlers play among themselves, except not on his time.
Canada’s global warming models threw out actual historical data and substituted models of what the temperature should have been . . . "In other words, the computer models Canada uses to measure and project “global warming” are themselves based on other computer models.  The expression “Garbage in / garbage out” refers to the vulnerability of all computer models to poor quality data used as the basis of their calculations."
. . . "NOAA, for example, has frequently been caught adjusting past temperatures downwards and more recent temperatures upwards in order to make “global warming” look more dramatic. During the Climategate scandal, scientists at the CRU admitted that they had thrown away much of their raw data, leaving only their revised data intact." . . .
* Thomas Lifson

The Morning Briefing: Let's Put the Climate Hoax Kids In a Time Out

"Enough with the Adolescent Human Shields 
"Climate hoaxer truant Greta Thunberg has dominated the news for the last several days, largely thanks to the fact that none of the adults around her seem to care if she gets an education. In fact, the little spectrum girl finally admitted that her antics are mostly about having an excuse to play hooky from school.
"Time: "Why should we study for a future that is being taken away from us. That is being sold for profit.”
"Last month, I wrote that scaring young people into believing that climate change is going to kill them is child abuse. The adults responsible for spreading this hysterical propaganda should be rounded up and jailed. They use children as messengers to provide some cover for their fantastical and nonsensical claims.
"When they aren't unleashing the brats to fill news cycles with lies about weather, the adults are even more insane. The New York Times published a "News Analysis" article this past weekend that suggested likening forest fires to Nazi war crimes:" . . .

Elon Musk is enthralled with Greta  . . . "Others have encouraged Thunberg too, such as Hillary Clinton who wrote on Facebook: “One of my favorite #gutsywomen: Greta Thunberg, the Swedish activist whose school strikes for climate action have inspired a global climate strike that will start tomorrow.”
"Former President Barack Obama also praised Thunberg, stating on Facebook after a meeting with the young activist: “At just 16 years old, Greta Thunberg is already one of our planet’s greatest advocates. Her age might have something to do with it. With full knowledge that her generation will bear the heaviest burden of climate change, she’s unafraid to believe that progress is possible—and fight for real change. She’s an example of why Michelle and I started the Obama Foundation — because we believe in a future that’s shaped by the courage and hope of young people like Greta.' ”

The Left’s Cynical and Childish ‘Climate Strike’  "What is even more obnoxious than thousands of smug, self-righteous leftists preaching hysterically about the Church of Mother Earth and the imminent destruction of our planet due to “global warming?” Hearing this same song-and-dance from a bunch of literal children." . . .
"Let’s just take a look at some of the most stomach-churning examples of this totally organic and not-orchestrated-in-the-slightest media narrative:
WATCH: California School Kids Chant, “Who Do We Hate? Donald Trump”
. . . "The video shows children being coached by their teachers to chant, “Who do we hate? Donald Trump.”
"This should horrify every freedom-loving American. These children should be learning about math and science. Instead, the public schools in San Francisco are teaching the youngsters how to be community organizers." . . .  Or transgenders

They are joining the climate cult