Saturday, March 23, 2019

Black Lives Matter Founder: ‘The Clintons Use Black People For Votes’ (2016)

The Federalist

"The Clintons use black people for votes, but then don’t do anything for black communities after they’re elected. They use us for photo ops."

. . . "The 42nd president’s comments aren’t the only reason the BLM movement is upset with the Clintons. Hillary’s campaign events have been repeatedly foiled by activists who have criticized her use of the term “super-predator” to describe young, black men.

"Last year, Hillary told BLM activists that she would only talk to white people about racial issues if they continued to disrupt her events.

"In March, Hillary popped off at a young, black woman who asked her a question about her record on racial issues, suggesting the young women should “go run for something” if she wasn’t happy with the status quo.

"Hillary also declared at a campaign rally that a lot of “well-meaning, open-minded white people” think black men in hoodies are scary.

“ 'I mean if we’re honest, for a lot of well-meaning, open-minded white people, the sight of a young black man in a hoodie still evokes a twinge of fear,” Clinton said.

"In 1996, Hillary Clinton famously referred to black youths as “super predators” who have “no conscience” and “no empathy.' ”

“[W]e have to bring them to heel,” the then-First Lady vowed." . . .

But please comment on this chant for "dead cops!"..."NOW!"

Friday, March 22, 2019

A Brief Survey of 2020's Psychotic Democratic Roster

Chinese-Americans are already seeing the specter of Mao in this crop of candidates.  So, as Mr. Bardmesser advises, do anything and everything you can to convince those less politically aware that if any one of the declared Democrats wins in 2020, America as we know it will be relegated to the ash heap of tragic history along with our precious Constitution.

Patricia McCarthy  "There was a superb column at The Federalist on Wednesday by George S. Bardmesser: "Every Time Democrats Talk, I Want to Vote for Trump Twice."  It is as hilarious as it is frightening.  It is also a courageous confession, especially for a lawyer who lives in D.C.  Let's hope he has personal security."
. . . 
"Then there is the thoroughly insubstantial Kirsten Gillibrand, who has never held a position longer than politically convenient.  Now she is so pro-illegal immigration that she even wants to reward illegal aliens' law-breaking with Social Security.  This woman's character is as ephemeral as a puff of smoke.  She also sounds like a little girl who never developed an adult voice, rather like Ocasio-Cortez.

"But even Gillibrand is not as silly as Andrew Yang.  One of his core issues is circumcision!  He is against it!  He is also for giving money away in the form of a "universal basic income."

"Like the rest of the Left, all of these people's plans require taxing people beyond sanity — the kind of taxation that would destroy the country. 

"Pete Buttigeig is the current mayor of South Bend, Indiana.  He is openly gay with a stellar résumé, including the fact that he is a veteran.  His particular issue is "intergenerational justice," whatever that is.  He is clearly a smart guy but, like all the others, makes catastrophic climate change part and parcel of his agenda.

"Curiously, in a recent survey of Millennials that sought to determine the top twenty things that worry them, climate change did not make the list.  And to anyone paying attention, global cooling is very likely a graver danger.

"Why are Ocasio-Cortez's approval ratings falling?  Aside from the fact that she knows nothing about anything, her Green New Deal is a pathetic joke.

"Oh, yes, and they all suddenly want to abolish the Electoral College!  Had HRC won, they would be singing its praises." . . .

"Bloomberg Chides Biden And Beto (‘Whatever His Name Is’) For Apologizing For Being White "

Toni Waterman   "This is pretty hilarious. He’s doubtless going to get attacked for this take. But he clearly didn’t want to apologize for being an old, white guy to get the nomination." 
"Competition + age. Among other things." Video

Beto O'Rourke grilled by Penn State student: 'When am I going to get an actual policy from you?'.

Washington Times  "A student at Pennsylvania State University confronted Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke this week for giving potential voters “platitudes and nice stories” instead of solid policy proposals.

"In a video flagged by the Republican National Committee, a female student received a round of boos at a campus meet and greet on Tuesday after she asked the former congressman why his official campaign website is still “mostly just platitudes and a merch store” one week after he announced his 2020 run.
“ 'When am I going to get an actual policy from you instead of just platitudes and nice stories?” the student asked.

" 'Mr. O’Rourke responded by saying he’s running his campaign on issues such as criminal justice reform, marijuana legalization and universal health care." . . .

The daffy left and their Democrat candidates: the perfect storm

What if Democrats don't nominate a crazy person in 2020?  "Reeling from defeat in the midterm elections, Republicans have started to entertain the following hope: The liberal base will force Democrats to nominate somebody totally crazy as their presidential candidate in 2020, ensuring the re-election of President Trump.

"The dream that a victorious party will be consumed by radicals, overreach, and become unelectable, has long been a refuge for parties following a major loss. . . . 
""Looking toward 2020, there is good reason to believe that Trump, despite his low approval rating, will be able to shake off defeat and get re-elected.
. . . "The liberal base of the Democratic Party is angry and out for blood. But, there are currently two dozen potential presidential candidates and no clear frontrunner. Some of the candidates frequently touted have stumbled in early forays into the national spotlight — whether it was New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker’s “Spartacus moment” or Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s DNA test gambit that backfired badly. " . . .

Students say Ocasio-Cortez is face of Democrat party, not Pelosi   . . . "Wanting to know what college students had to say, Campus Reform's Cabot Phillips headed to Georgetown University to ask a simple question: “Between Nancy Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who do you view as the face of the Democrat party?”  
"The results were overwhelmingly in Ocasio-Cortez’s favor." . . .

Omar, Bernie, and Ocasio-Cortez decried for their fusty, outdated ideas on Venezuela — from the left  . . . And then he takes square aim at Reps. Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, whose heads are filled with lefty university mush and true ignorance of anything else, as well as the biggest old dinosaur himself: socialist honeymooner Bernie Sanders."  . . .

Most major 2020 Dem candidates will boycott American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference 
. . . "But the boycott by Democratic presidential candidates shows an extremely worrying fact; the radical anti-Semites on the left fringe of the Democratic party are gaining power and influence. There is already talk of pushing a "Boycott, Divest, Sanction" plank in the 2020 party platform and how much do you want to bet that Rep. Omar and her fellow travelers will be featured speakers at the event?" . . .

During a January stop in New Mexico which did not make it into his blog, O'Rourke, 46, ate the local dirt, which the report said is believed to have "regenerative powers."

The ‘Burn It Down!’ Democrats   
"The Senate. The Electoral College. The First Amendment. The Second Amendment. The Supreme Court. Is there a part of our constitutional order that the Democrats have not pledged to destroy?
"There are some Democrats out there in the sticks — a lot of them, in fact — who simply don’t understand the constitutional order. They believe that the United States is a democracy, John Adams et al. be damned, and, in fact, they often are confused by the frankly anti-democratic features of the American order, because they have been taught (theirs is a pseudo-education consisting of buzzwords rather than an actual education) that “democratic” means “good” and “undemocratic” means “bad.”
"But the Democrats in Washington are a different story. Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris went to law school. They understand the American constitutional order just fine.

"And they hate it." . . .

Constitutional Fairyland

Conrad Black

"Another week, a new harvest of insane Democratic pre-electoral hobby horses. Various of the numberless swarm of presidential aspirants in that party have glibly chimed in with their views of how to modify American government to assure a permanent “progressive” majority. Gathering steam now are absurd ideas to side-step the Electoral College, pack the Supreme Court, lower the voting age to 16, and divide the political rubble heap of California into three or four states to create more Democratic senators.
"All of this is nonsense, emanating from the same political fairyland as the 12-year elimination of carbon use and bovine flatulence. La Pasionaria Occasion assures us her Green New Deal will not lead to millions of unemployed as the leaders of organized leaders claim, but too a “reinvigorated workforce.” That is a (presumably) unintended recourse to Orwellian newspeak: involuntary unemployment is rarely reinvigorating.
Would-Be Rulers East and West
"The bunk about the Electoral College is an attempt to subvert the basis of the American federal system. Little states such as Delaware and Rhode Island had the same number of senators as large states like Virginia (which then included West Virginia) and Pennsylvania, for the reason that their interests as states were just as significant as those of the large ones—and probably in need of even greater protection. (Philadelphia in 1787 was the second largest English-speaking city in the world, with 34,000 people, though a long way behind London, 20 times as populous.)" . . .

Democrats: untrustworthy stewards of this nation for over 160 years

In the 1860's just as in the 2000's, Democrats have been the party to cut and run in the face of adversity. During the Civil War, Democrats ran on the platform of "forget the countless thousands who died, let slavery continue to exist". TD

The Democrat Party is the real symbol of the Confederacy  . . . "Polities where the Democrats enjoy one-party rule today include basket cases like Detroit, where African Americans endure some of the worst living conditions in the country, and creative-class playgrounds like San Francisco, whose black population was purged in the period of urban renewal. " . . . 

Now today, regarding the Electoral College, Democrats would be happy to discard the wisdom of the nation's Founders if it hinders their quest for power. Their cause is greatly aided by ignorance in the media and in our educational system that produces their candidates we see this election cycle and the voters who support them. Bear in mind this all started when Hillary mentioned the Electoral College as just one of many reasons she claimed for losing. TD

Restoring States' Rights to Presidential Elections  . . . "Restoring the rights and powers of the sovereign states is the linchpin of everything we need to begin to solve our problems.  The power of state legislatures remains in the language of the Constitution, and those rights ought to be given life again.  If that happens, we can begin the peaceful revolution our nation needs.  It is doable and ought to be done.  Nothing keeps Republican state legislatures from beginning the process but the guts and grit of their own members — and there is no reason for delay at all."

Oh, yes, and they all suddenly want to abolish the Electoral College! Had HRC won, they would be singing its praises.

Warren Wants to Eliminate the Electoral College, Which Would Cause Havoc in Our System
"You hate third party candidates now? Try competing without the Electoral College."

"I wouldn’t call our Founding Fathers perfect, but man did they leave us one of the greatest documents penned in the English language. Their brilliance provided America not only with the Bill of Rights, but with the Electoral College.

"Grumbles about the Electoral College have existed for a long time, but after President Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, its elimination shot to the top of the Democrats list of issues in their campaigns.

"Sen. Elizabeth Warren proclaimed her wish to abolish the Electoral College at a recent town hall, but I don’t think she’s given it much thought to the mess this would create."

. . . 

People forget that Hillary only received 48% of the popular vote, not 50% and above. In other words, she did not receive the majority of the popular vote. In 2000, Al Gore received 48.38% of the popular vote.
"Without the Electoral College, we could end up with a president who only had 25% of the vote. Wallison "points out that the government could add a run-off amendment, which means the top two or three candidates would hold another election:
Of course, we could graft a run-off system onto our Constitution; the two top candidates in, say, a 10-person race, would then run against one another for the presidency. But that could easily mean that the American people would have a choice between a candidate of the pro-choice party and a candidate of the pro-gun party. If you thought the choice was bad this year, it could be far worse.
"A mess. An absolute mess. These Democrats have to think long and hard before they shout from mountain tops stupid ideas just to appease the feels of some people."

Wake up Democrats, our party is un-American  . . . " 'Democrats and many in media now accuse Mr. Trump of totalitarian methods and objectives,” wrote Ted Van Dyk recently in the Wall Street Journal. “There is much to fault in the Trump presidency, but the totalitarian tendencies appear to flow from our own party.' ” . . .

UK Denies Asylum To Iranian Convert To Christianity, Saying The Religion Is Not ‘Peaceful’

Weasel Zippers  "Formerly Great Britain has fallen to Islam."  
No longer the Britain of Winston Churchill.
"Via Fox News:
The U.K. government agency in charge of immigration has come under fire for denying political asylum to an Iranian convert to Christianity and explaining its decision on its contention that the religion is not peaceful.
The Iranian man had said in his asylum petition that he converted to Christianity because it was a “peaceful” religion. The U.K. Home Office, which oversees immigration and passports, among other things, sent the Iranian national a letter that said the book of Revelations is “filled with imagery of revenge, destruction, death and violence,” according to the Independent.
It cited excerpts from the Bible, according to the newspaper, and added: “These examples are inconsistent with your claim that you converted to Christianity after discovering it is a ‘peaceful’ religion, as opposed to Islam which contains violence, rage and revenge.” The newspaper said it reached out to the Home Office for comment and was told that the letter the asylum seeker had received did not follow its protocol for handling petitions based on religious persecution. The agency said it was trying to improve training for officers who decide religious conversion-related cases.
Legal experts are holding the case up as an example of what they say is the agency’s pattern of over-reaching to deny political asylum.
Nathan Stevens, the asylum seeker’s caseworker, tweeted: “I’ve seen a lot over the years, but even I was genuinely shocked to read this unbelievably offensive diatribe being used to justify a refusal of asylum. “Whatever your views on faith, how can a government official arbitrarily pick bits out of a holy book and then use them to trash someone’s heartfelt reason for coming to a personal decision to follow another faith?”
Stevens said that his client is appealing the decision.
On Twitter, Stevens mentioned another asylum case to illustrate what he sees as the agency’s flawed system. “A comment from another refusal,” he tweeted, “You affirmed in your AIR that Jesus is your savior, but then claimed that He would not be able to save you from the Iranian regime. It is therefore considered that you have no conviction in your faith and your belief in Jesus in half-hearted.”
Legal experts say the Home Office is notorious for questionable asylum denials.