Thursday, April 4, 2024

The fourth anniversary of Faucism

  Don Surber

We should learn from this because we failed to learn from the London Plague in 1665The plague was spread by fleas. Rats carried the fleas. The Lord Mayor of London did not fully understand this. He ordered the slaughter of all the dogs and the cats in the city. The rat population rose. The human population withered.

This week marks the fourth anniversary of the birth of Faucism, in which an elfin bureaucrat uses a health emergency to shove people around and show what a big man he was. The birth was in Barbra Streisand’s backyard where police valiantly pursued and subdued a flagrant violator of the high and hideous crime of surfing on the high seas.
"Gidget and the Beach Boys were hardest hit.
"No, this was not a joke. This was an attack on the liberty of every American.
"The Faucists succeeded in using fear to remove us from our beaches and to strip us of our president, who so loved America and so wanted to make her great again that they impeached him twice.
"Let us review as I go over an old post from my old blog. (And I thank Ed Driscoll at Instapundit for reviving it yesterday because we must remember the evil they unleashed in the name of protecting public health.)
"Here is that post.  
"On April 3, 2020, the Daily Breeze reported, “Malibu surfer in handcuffs after enjoying empty, epic waves.”
Los Angeles County sheriff deputies arrested a man who was by himself in the ocean, in the name of stopping the spread of covid. The deputies were unmasked. It was a crazy time in which authorities erred on the side of authoritarianism to stop the spread of a virus.
The experts sided with closing down the world.
The LA Times reported, “Kim Prather, a leading atmospheric chemist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, wants to yell out her window at every surfer, runner, and biker she spots along the San Diego coast.”
She told the paper, I wouldn’t go in the water if you paid me $1 million right now.”
Why?" . . .

“Few have ever had so little accountability for their inadequacy in addressing the task at hand, while being handed so much unconstitutional and unwarranted responsibility for doing so.” — Faucian Bargain: The Most Powerful and Dangerous Bureaucrat in American History.  . . .

California Audit Released 350 Days Past Deadline, Shows Conservatives Are Right About the State

 The Western Journal (

"California, land of boundless opportunity and breathtaking natural beauty that seemed to symbolize Reagan's "Morning in America," helped its former Republican governor complete that historic near-sweep in the unforgettable 1984 presidential election.

"Alas, everything has changed. California, by its own accounting, has degenerated into a failed state.

"According to The Center Square -- a news outlet focused on state and local governments -- California's belated Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022, showed that the state had liabilities $55 billion in excess of its total resources.

"Despite post-pandemic job growth in its lucrative tech industry, California still did not come close to achieving a balanced budget.

"Nor does the future look promising. A $73 billion deficit confronts the state in 2024-25. With expanded, taxpayer-funded benefits to illegal immigrants, and with Texas' stepped-up border security diverting invaders to California, that number could increase, particularly in the face of much slower job growth.

"Furthermore, according to Marc Joffe of the Cato Institute, California's pandemic-era profligacy included $29 billion in improper Unemployment Insurance payments that the state may have to repay to the federal government." . . .

Burger King, In-N-Out, and Others Raise Prices Significantly 2 Days After California's $20 Minimum Wage Kicks In (

. . ."The Texas Double Whopper meal at Burger King went from $15.09 on March 29 to $16.89 by April 1. The Big Fish Meal went up from $7.49 to $11.49, with other items on the menu going up by 25 cents to $1.

"In-N-Out Burger saw burgers go up 25 cents and soft drinks by a nickel. Hart House, owned by actor and comedian Kevin Hart, increased all milkshake prices regardless of size by a dollar, sandwiches by 50 cents, and large fries by $1.10 going from $4.49 to $5.99.

"While Chik-fil-A, McDonald's, and Wendy's haven't seen price increases, one would have to imagine they are on the way."

From our parodigal child: Mexican Robots Surge Across Southern Border To Take New Fast Food Jobs In California | Babylon Bee  

At publishing time, Democrats in California had already introduced legislation that would grant Mexican robots the right to vote in elections.

Press secretary KJP, the artful dodger.


AfterMath - Home

. . ."In a remarkable interview with WBT radio in Charlotte, North Carolina, on Tuesday, KJP first bristled when News Director Mark Garrison asked if President Joe Biden has dementia, and then, after stumbling over her words on both that question and a subsequent question about inflation, abruptly ended the interview by hanging up the phone.

" 'I don't understand the fragility of this person," another radio host said of KJP afterward.

"Fragility, of course, tends to plague those who, deep down, recognize themselves as frauds.

"Accustomed to friendly treatment from the corrupt establishment media, KJP perhaps did not anticipate the kind of questions she received.

" 'When I told a number of people that I was talking to you today, it was interesting, though, they all said, 'Would you please just ask her, does the president have dementia?' So before I move on from that, does he?" Garrison asked.

"The news director framed the question as something that, understandably, "a number of people" wanted to know. After all, Biden often gives the impression of not knowing where he is. Furthermore, much like his beleaguered press secretary, the president struggles to say coherent things." . . .

“Since you don’t have any answers on the classified documents, are you sure you are fit for this job” Simon Ateba. Of course she then rejects Simon. Bigly.

Why does KJP keep dodging questions? – HotAir 

 " As you know, I’m covered by the Hatch Act” is a phrase many in the White House Briefing Room are used to hearing from White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. In fact, Jean-Pierre has invoked the Hatch Act on 33 occasions at the podium since September." . . . 

October 7th and the Future of the United States

 David Lanza - American Thinker

We must wake up to the fact that our television rerun culture will not immunize us from the consequences of allowing an open border. Nothing in our cultural establishment is equipped to stop the next October 7th or September 11th -- either in Israel or in the United States. Controlling the border is the only tactic that will give us a fighting chance.

. . ."The notorious Rep. Rashida Tlaib [and I suggest personally repugnant] is a member of a secretive Facebook group that unashamedly supports Hamas and its war goals. DSA congressional representatives including Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Greg Casar, and Cori Bush refused to condemn pro-Hamas terrorists that violently attacked Democrat party headquarters in Washington D.C. in December. Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman publicly dismissed claims of Hamas atrocities as “propaganda.”

"Nationwide controversy erupted in December when the presidents of leading universities could not say that student calls for genocide would constitute harassment or justify expulsion. This policy is consistent with the conduct of other colleges that refuse or fail to protect Jewish students from harassment.

"The Washington Post removed the work of political cartoonist Michael Ramirez that mocked Hamas’ use of human shields. An NBC “journalist” was arrested in Israel for inciting and glorifying Hamas terror attacks. In December, fourteen attorneys general across the U.S. felt the need to warn the New York Times, AP, Reuters, and CNN that providing material support to overseas terrorists violated U.S. law.

"In October, it was discovered that the Department of Homeland Security employed and even promoted a former PLO official who began posting online in support of Hamas shortly after Hamas’ invasion of Israel.

"The genocidal phrase “from the river to the sea” has now become common at protests and rallies, in music, social media and even in Congress. One almost expects to hear it sung at an upcoming Super Bowl." . . .

UPDATE: Israeli minister ‘yelled at US Secretary of State’ over Rafah invasion, reports say (    . . ."But Israel is insisting on launching a full-scale ground invasion in Rafah as it has elsewhere in Gaza, to try to destroy the last four Hamas battalions believed to be operating there and attempt to free the remaining 130 or so Israeli hostages.

"Prime Minister Netanyahu has publicly clashed with the Biden administration over the issue, saying Israel has “no choice” but to enter the city.

"Mr Netanyahu and Mr Biden will discuss Rafah over the phone on Thursday, according to Israeli media."

Hamas Treats Captive Israeli Women as Animals

 Raymond Ibrahim - American Thinker  

In short, when Hamas, ISIS, and other Islamic terrorists treat captive women as “animals” -- referring to them as “mares,” etc. -- their behavior and perspective is being informed by Islamic teachings that trace back to Muhammad and the most authoritative sheikhs.

What will she be like when - if -she comes home?

 "The Hamas terrorists behind the Oct. 7, 2023 jihadist raid literally view their female Israeli captives as horses and other animals -- to be “ridden.”

"During a recent press conference, IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari stressed that Hamas members could be heard in their own (now captured) recordings referring to their female captives as sabi (or sabiya), an Arabic word that in Islamic jurisprudence refers to non-Muslim female slaves, whom Muslim men could freely copulate with -- in a word, concubines.

"Sex-slavery is not only an ironclad aspect of Islam; it is a reflection of “piety,” as well captured by a 2015 report:

In the moments before he raped the 12-year-old [non-Muslim] girl, the Islamic State fighter took the time to explain that what he was about to do was not a sin. Because the preteen girl practiced a religion other than Islam, the Quran not only gave him the right to rape her -- it condoned and encouraged it, he insisted.

“ 'He said that by raping me,” recalled the 12-year-old, “he is drawing closer to God.”

“ 'Every time that he came to rape me, he would pray,” explained another girl, aged 15. “He said that raping me is his prayer to God. I said to him, ‘What you’re doing to me is wrong, and it will not bring you closer to God.’ And he said, ‘No, it’s allowed. It’s halal.’”

"Seeing rape as a pious gesture is only one of the “oddities” of Islamic sex-slavery. In the same press conference, Hagari said that

“ 'Hamas treated young women… like animals,” and that one terrorist could be heard describing “a woman as a noble mare.” . . .

Biden; much more that just age. He is not an intelligent man nor commendable in any way

Joe Biden's lies are legendary. He's still the same dishonest plagiarist he was 33 years ago. (

Poor Israel; fighting for their lives and stuck with an ally as unintelligent as Biden and as sinister as Obama.

"This is appalling and absolutely terrifying. As children we’re taught that positions like the presidency, and CEO, are given to the smartest, brightest, and most capable of us all. Then you get older and see an entirely different story. If you were in school and someone finished 75th out of 85 students, would you believe that person would become a Senator, let alone the President of the United States? Is that not terrifying?"

‘A nightmare’: Special counsel’s assessment of Biden’s mental fitness triggers Democratic panic   . . .“This is beyond devastating,” said another Democratic operative, speaking on condition of anonymity to talk candidly about Biden’s shortcomings. “It confirms every doubt and concern that voters have. If the only reason they didn’t charge him is because he’s too old to be charged, then how can he be president of the United States?”

"Asked if Hur’s report changes the calculus for Democrats who expect Biden to be the party’s nominee, this person said: “How the f--- does it not?”

"Another Biden ally called it “the worst day of his presidency.”

“ 'I think he needs to show us this is a demonstrably false characterization of him and that he has what it takes to win and govern.' ” . . .

Millions of illegal immigrants swarming our land, occupying our homes because of Biden and his people defend him. TD

‘Californication’: An Ode to the Decay of Modern Society

 Kurt Mahlburg - Intellectual Takeout

"The Red Hot Chili Peppers had first-hand experience of this. Eleven years before they released this song, the band lost their founding guitarist Hillel Slovak to suicide. He was just 26 years of age."

"The Red Hot Chili Peppers are one of the top-selling bands of all time. Formed in the early 80s, the Los Angeles-based outfit has won six Grammy Awards, was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2012, and is still producing records today.

"Perhaps their most recognizable song is the 1999 hit “Californication,” which showcases the band’s unique fusion of alternative rock, funk, and psychedelic rock. And while I can’t endorse all of what the band has done throughout their career, this song’s lyrics are more introspective than those of most of their music.

"As suggested by the neologism in the song title, “Californication” is an irreverent and disturbing ode to the decay of modern society. Doubtless, there are many who have heard the song but not listened to its lyrics. For anyone who tunes in, however, “Californication” makes a sobering decree:  It’s the edge of the world and all of Western Civilization

The sun may rise in the East, at least it settled in a final location

It’s understood that Hollywood sells Californication

…  And tidal waves couldn’t save the world from Californication

. . ."In both their music and their lived experience, the Red Hot Chilli Peppers remind us that when we forget that we are created in the image of God, our leaps for meaning will always reduce humans to something less than we they are. And this erodes civilization.

"How can we recover ourselves and our civilization?

"By returning to the simple truth that we have been created as both rational and spiritual beings." . . . 

Does The New York Times Actually Care About Mass Shootings? - Ann Coulter

  Ann Coulter  

. . ."Any black person who is more worried about his child being killed by the police than another black is an idiot. But I don’t believe any normal black person does believe that. Joy Ann Reid probably believes it. Yamiche Alcindor believes it. And everyone who reads The New York Times believes it. So the killings will go on. And so will the cover-up."  A.C.

"Did you know there was a mass shooting in Indianapolis over the weekend? I briefly saw it on a news crawl, but didn’t hear another word about it, so, by Monday, I assumed I had dreamt it.

     Nope. There was a real mass shooting, sending seven kids aged 12 to 17 to the hospital, one in critical condition. The gunfire came from a group of juveniles gathered outside a shopping mall in downtown Indianapolis Saturday night.

"The New York Times didn’t report the shooting, which I found odd, because the gunmen were almost certainly black, meaning it was the gun’s fault.

"I say “almost certainly black” because kids as young as 12 were out on a downtown city street, unsupervised, at 11:36 p.m. the night before Easter; a Google search of “Indianapolis mugshots shootings” looks like Gemini’s artificial intelligence version of a “Founding Father”; and also — the Times didn’t mention it.

"Luckily for the kids, police were on the scene in about 10 seconds. Twenty-five officers happened to be patrolling downtown on account of this being the third consecutive weekend in Indianapolis with a mass shooting.

"The previous weekend’s gunplay left one man dead and five wounded; the earlier shooting also killed one and wounded five. The Times didn’t report those incidents either.

"By contrast, last August, the Times was all over a shooting at a Jacksonville, Florida, dollar store. I’m not sure why …

"Subhead: “Three people, all Black, were fatally shot in a dollar store before the gunman, a white man, killed himself.”

"First sentence: “A white gunman shot and killed three Black people in a Dollar General store in Jacksonville, Fla., on Saturday afternoon. He then shot and killed himself.' ” . . .

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

The True Meaning of ’Diversity’ in Business

 Nate Hochman - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

For years, activists cited specific “studies” to argue for DEI. There’s only one problem: Those studies weren’t true.

. . ."In that case, corporate recruiters needn’t limit themselves to a few gender-nonconforming Harvard graduates. If it’s diverse perspectives they’re after, they should hire the Tanzanian witch doctors who kill albinos to concoct potions out of their body parts." . . .

"Very few independent minds ever truly believed that “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” — DEI, for short — was good for anyone other than its direct beneficiaries. But that hasn’t stopped corporate America from insisting that it is. “Diversity targets” and “inclusion goals” are now the cost of doing business in many Fortune 500 C-suites, spurred on by equity consultants who charge corporate giants by the hour for lectures on their subconscious bigotry — a bigotry that, conveniently enough, can only ever be overcome by forking over more cash for more lectures from the consultants in question.

"The formal argument for this system is that DEI is good for business — a claim that, in turn, relies on a handful of heavily-cited studies purporting to demonstrate a link between diversity and corporate profits. The most influential in this genre is a series from the consulting heavyweight McKinsey, which has produced four studies extolling the virtues of DEI over the course of the past decade: “Diversity Matters” (2015), “Delivering through Diversity” (2018), “Diversity Wins: How Inclusion Matters” (2020), and “Diversity Matters Even More: The Case for Holistic Impact” (2023). The core claim of these studies — that more DEI leads to better corporate performance — has served as the fertile ground for the blossoming of the entire DEI industry. The only problem is that it happens to not be true." . . .

. . ."In that case, corporate recruiters needn’t limit themselves to a few gender-nonconforming Harvard graduates. If it’s diverse perspectives they’re after, they should hire the Tanzanian witch doctors who kill albinos to concoct potions out of their body parts. They should hire the Afghans who have been practicing bacha bazi — literally, “boy play” — for over a millennia. They should hire the African warlords who pump their child soldiers full of tranquilizers, amphetamines, and cocaine mixed with gunpowder. They should hire the Amazon tribesmen that kill and eat farmers for religious rituals, the Sudanese and Egyptians who practice female genital mutilation, and every other culture and people and tradition in the world. Then, and only then, will they have an authentic diversity of lived experiences, befitting of a progressive, 21st-century workplace.". . .

Biden's Teleprompter Resigns To Take Job At MSNBC

 Do we need to tell you?

Babylon Bee

"WASHINGTON, D.C. - In what some pundits are calling the biggest loss yet for the administration, President Biden's teleprompter announced it is leaving to take a job at MSNBC.

" 'While I'm proud of my work trying to maintain the illusion of Joe Biden's coherence, I'm afraid that ship has sailed," said the teleprompter. "I've lost control of him. He's declaring war on someone new every other day, shaking hands with ghosts - it's over. Plus he always tries to sniff my wires, which is so uncomfortable."

"The teleprompter delivered his resignation at the end of Biden's latest speech, sowing confusion as Biden continued to read everything on screen. "I can't take this anymore! I quit!" yelled President Biden at a group of reporters. "I mean - 3.7 bottles of formula, Joe? Are you freaking kidding me? After all I got you through, now you want to ad-lib? I'm going with Jen!!" screamed Biden, storming off. 

"After clarifying that Biden had not, in fact, resigned the presidency to join MSNBC, Press Secretary Karine Jeanne-Pierre confirmed the teleprompter's departure. "While I did not watch Biden's speech, and have no apparent knowledge about anything happening at the White House, I did see our old teleprompter on MSNBC last night," said Jeanne-Pierre. "Also, the teleprompter used to be the only one who could tell Biden to brush his teeth before bed, and I have heard several aides complaining about his morning breath. Was that helpful?" 

"At publishing time, sources report that without his old teleprompter, Biden has gotten stuck in an endless loop of saying 'come on, man!' and 'deer in kevlar vests'."

Glenn Greenwald dubs MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace 'The Typhoid Mary of Disinformation'

  ‘Wallace has perfected the art of sociopathic lying,’ says Greenwald; Fox News

Greenwald’s piece hammered the MSNBC host for her significant role in spreading fake news throughout mainstream media. It began by ranking Wallace among "[t]he most blatant and shameless liars from the first term of the Bush/Cheney" who have "enjoyed great success in media and journalism." . . .

. . ." Greenwald exposed a bit of her political history, mentioning her pivot from Republican to liberal Democrat. "As Wallace — seeing the media's love affair with Obama — began shrewdly repositioning herself as a liberal, she claimed in 2010 that she did not even vote for McCain due to her misgivings about Palin."

"He recounted how, later she "joined NBC News. Quickly adapting to her new role as a Republican who vehemently despised Donald Trump* — easily the most lucrative Trump-era archetype" and then "MSNBC bestowed her with her own afternoon cable show in 2017" where she currently remains making unhinged remarks." . . .

*Like Joe Scarborough, maybe?

. . . Greenwald then explained how she’s been using these talents for disinformation in recent years. "Wallace has employed those personality traits in service of the most toxic and insidious of all tasks: a happy, relentless purveyor of official disinformation. When the CIA wants the American public contaminated with its lies and disinformation, Nicolle Wallace's lips begin moving."  
"The charges grew even more serious. "She has an unsurpassed ability to broadcast to audiences outright lies whispered to her by Deep State operatives — one after the next — without flinching or betraying the slightest sense of a conscience or moral compass," he wrote.
" 'She lies like only a sociopath can: exuding charm and warmth yet utterly vacant on the inside, except for a soul festering in rot," Greenwald added."   Ouch.

The NBC News Job Ad For a Republican Political Analyst (Satire, as MSNBC tends to be)

  The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

The reversal last week by NBC News of its decision to hire former Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel as a political analyst took Republicans by surprise. However, in the wake of McDaniel’s firing, MSNBC host and Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for the network Chris Hayes placed a job ad on that suggests NBC’s efforts may continue to fall short of Republican expectations.  It is reproduced below:

. . ."NBC hires regardless of race, color, or sexual orientation and will adhere to its DEI recruiting standards. Still, we’re realistic and understand the ideal Republican candidate likely will be stereotypically white, chubby, and awkward (think Karl Rove or Sarah Huckabee Sanders minus the crazy). 

"NBC also hires regardless of religious creed, although the preferred candidate should be an avowed Catholic who hates Catholicism or whose piousness promotes progressivism (think David French of The New York Times). Even though we don’t count them under our DEI standards, Jewish Republicans who loathe Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and accuse Israel of genocide are welcome to apply. 

"The GOP commentator must hold the core conservative values of supporting abortion, mass amnesty, Keynesian economics, collectivism, high taxes, and men competing in women’s sports. A hatred of oil, coal, and U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is required.

"To discuss how Republicans can win elections, the candidate should have recently lost political office, been a part of a losing campaign, or been fired from or formerly led a failing Republican political organization (except for Ronna “Romney” McDaniel — oh, the horror). Having worked for former presidential candidates John McCain and/or Mitt Romney is preferred but not required.

"NBC has desperately tried hiring Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. However, CNN scooped up Kinzinger, and Cheney still hasn’t forgiven Lawrence O’Donnell for dressing up as her for NBC’s 2019 Halloween costume party. 

"The GOP candidate should be able to denigrate former Presidents George W. Bush and (especially) Trump while just as quickly praising President Joe Biden’s domestic and foreign policy achievements, such as securing America’s southern border from Texans seeking to protect it. The candidate also should support Biden’s effort to ensure Israel does not defeat Hamas in a way that would jeopardize Michigan’s electoral votes. 

"The applicant must, with a straight face, be able to call Trump a vicious antisemite while simultaneously sitting on the same set with the Rev. Al Sharpton." . . .

Amazing that so many news sources go along with Wallace's staged shot of her throwing the script!  Wasn't it obvious when the camera was shifted to just the right spot for the scene?