Monday, January 3, 2011

Obama's Ship of Fools foreign policy recalls Ike's Atoms for Peace fiasco

James Carafano  "After swearing to modernize our decaying nuclear arsenal, he subsequently promised that America would never build new nuclear weapons. He pulled out all the stops to push a nuclear arms control agreement with Moscow though the Senate, but has spent virtually no political or diplomatic capital to slow Iran's or North Korea's nuclear programs, nor has he shown any real interest in China's increasingly ambitious military and nuclear programs."
 Washington Examiner  via Heritage

GOP plans assault on health law

Politico  "The new Republican-controlled House plans to schedule a vote to repeal the sweeping health care overhaul before President Barack Obama delivers his annual State of the Union address late this month, incoming House Energy and Commerce Chairman Fred Upton (R-Mich.) said Sunday."

GOP agenda may mean more in 2012 than now  "The GOP is promising to use the new Congress that convenes Wednesday to cut spending, roll back President Barack Obama's health care overhaul and prevent unelected bureaucrats from expanding the government's role in society through regulations that tell people what they must or can't do."
Via Heritage

‘Civil Rights’ Gone Wild

National Review"There is no question that schools should not allow bullying or violence of any kind. But it’s ludicrous to launch federal investigations of schools for having dress codes that differentiate between males and females, or to equate such dress codes with “sex discrimination.”....
"One can only hope that the public will soon take notice of the Obama administration’s abuse of its civil-rights enforcement function. Otherwise, the division’s “enlightened” erosion of our culture and our real civil rights will proceed apace."
Hans A. von Spakovsky is a senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation and a former counsel to the assistant attorney general for civil rights at the Justice Department.

No Bailouts for Government Unions

Heritage   "The problem with government unions is that, unlike the private sector, governments have no competitors. If a union ends up extracting a contract from a private firm that eats up too much profits, that firm will lose out to the competition. But when a union extracts a generous contract from government, there is no check on that spending. Instead of being disciplined by more efficient competitors, the government just pays for higher spending with higher taxes or borrowing."

Sunday, January 2, 2011

File away for future reference; Hillary: Up to her old tricks

Dick Morris  (Nov, 2010) "She always goes for the jugular and loves the politics of personal intimidation and destruction. It is because she is so well suited and adept at this form of political combat that she was instrumental in her husband’s success in beating back the impeachment efforts that stemmed from his lies under oath in the Paula Jones litigation about his affair with Monica.
"Now she appears to have transformed the diplomatic corps into a spying operation, giving us yet another intelligence gathering agency. But, in doing so, she has undoubtedly alienated our allies and damaged our diplomats’ credibility."

There Oughta Be a Law: Californians Getting 725 New Ones in 2011

La Mesa Patch  "Trans-fats are thing of the past in certain food facilities, for example. And insurance companies can't charge men and women different rates for the same coverage." Here are a few more:

Kiss your 100-watt lightbulb goodbye  "As of Saturday, what used to be a 100-watt light bulb manufactured and sold in California will have to use 72 watts or less. The 72-watt replacement bulb, also called an energy-saving halogen light, will provide the same amount of light, called lumens, for lower energy cost.
"Similar new standards for traditional 75-watt, 60-watt and 40-watt incandescent bulbs will go into effect in California over the next few years, with wattages reduced to 53, 43 and 29 respectively."
Hat tip to Harley Standlee;Placerville, Ca.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Wars of Religion

 Bruce S. Thornton  "This, finally, is what is at stake in the war against religion: whether the goods we live by and cherish — the dignity of the individual, tolerance, or respect for life — will survive, or whether they all will be swept away by history, or succumb to the materialist logic that makes each of our unique collection of chemicals no more significant or important than those of monkeys or dinosaurs, like them the playthings of chance and force, without freedom or dignity or transcendent worth — always the precondition for the worst horrors humans have inflicted on one another. Driving Christmas into the private shadows is just another signpost on the road to that inhuman and inhumane world."

Canada slashes corporate tax rate to 16.5%

Thomas Lifson  "But The Canadians have figured out something that eludes American progressives: taxing corporations is a silly way to raise revenue for the state, as it hinders job creation..."
I've been an hourly employee in a union family all my life before and after serving in the Marines, but we knew our family's well-being depended on the well-being of those who employed us. Business people were our benefactors and Democrats are the enemies of employers.

The President Is No Prosecutor/ Congress, not the executive, controls criminal law.

Andrew C. McCarthy "Messrs. Rivkin and Casey specifically target budget provisions that bar using federal funds to transfer prisoners detained at Guantanamo Bay to the United States. This maneuver, the authors correctly assert, thwarts civilian prosecution. It keeps the terrorists outside federal-court jurisdiction and thus prevents their physical presence at trial, a constitutional right the lawyers reasonably assume the detainees would have in the civilian justice system. "

Eric Holder’s ‘Made-Up’ Defense   "He claims that the New Black Panther case is a "made up controversy." Holder would be well-advised to retreat from this position. Too many stories, too many incidents are known by too many people."

The American 21st Century

Victor Davis Hanson "The American Constitution has been tested over 223 years. In contrast, China, the European Union, India, Japan, Russia, and South Korea have constitutional pedigrees of not much more than 60 years. The last time Americans killed each other in large numbers was nearly a century and a half ago; most of our rivals have seen millions of their own destroyed in civil strife and internecine warring just this past century.
"In short, a nation’s health is gauged not by bouts of recession and self-doubt, but by the durability of its political, economic, military, and social foundations. A temporarily ill-seeming America is nevertheless still growing, stable, multiethnic, transparent, individualistic, self-critical, and meritocratic; almost all of its apparently healthy rivals, by contrast, are not."


'A big f------ deal' and more: The top 10 political quotes of 2010

The Hill  "Vice President Joe Biden’s use of profanity, a New York congressman’s admission of groping and a denial of witchcraft were among the top 10 political quotes of 2010.
"The healthcare reform debate is featured in several others, ranging from a Texas lawmaker’s outburst of “baby killer” to President Obama’s admission that he and his party took a “shellacking” in the midterm elections. " Via Lucianne