Friday, September 25, 2020

Democrats Begin Pivoting On In Person Voting…


Via Axios:
"Democrats spent the early months of the coronavirus pandemic urging their base to vote absentee. But as threats of U.S. Postal Service delays, Team Trump litigation and higher ballot rejection rates become clearer, many are pivoting to promote more in-person voting as well.
"Why it matters: Democrats are exponentially more likely to vote by mail than Republicans this year — and if enough mail-in ballots are lost, rejected on a technicality or undercounted, it could change the outcome of the presidential election or other key races.
"Driving the news: In Colorado, former Gov. John Hickenlooper, who’s running against Sen. Cory Gardner, told Axios that he’s encouraging voters to physically take their mail-in ballots to a dropbox and to do so “early, really early.”

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Candace Owens: It’s time for 'a Black exit from the Democrat Party'

Fox News

Owens said crime is up due to Democrats 'pushing to criminalize our law enforcement officers'

. . . "Owens claimed that the crime increase is due to Democrats “pushing to criminalize our law enforcement officers as they do with everything that is good for the minority community.”

" “This is the reason why, as you are observing in the polls, Maria, that Black Americans' support just keeps going up, and up and up for Donald J. Trump because of people like the congressmen who can just brazenly look in your face and lie and say, ‘What are you talking about, Maria? We’re not trying to defund the police. None of our leaders are.’ He’s trying to hide behind Joe Biden. Joe Biden is not an elected official in this country.”

"Owens went on to say, “I am so disgusted by everything I have just heard in this last segment and it is exactly why I have been calling for a Black exit from the Democrat Party.”


Armed Black Militia Vows To Leave The Country If Demand To Own Texas Is Not Met

The “Not F*cking Around Coalition” Is Demanding Their Own State, If It Is Not Given To Them They Vow To Leave The Country  "The Not F***ing Around Coalition—and yes, that is their real name—is promising to leave the country if their demands are not met and all Nationalist Review can think of to say to that is “where can we donate?' ”

“We’re an eye for an eye organization… we don’t bring signs to a gun fight” 

“We will become the backbone for the military of a new black nation. The solution is very simple: we file a declaration of liberation declaring every African American descendant of slavery a political prisoner here in the United States. Then after that, the United States has a choice. Either, ‘A’ carve out a piece of land out here, we’ll take Texas, and let us do our own thing, or [‘B’] don’t stop us when we exodus up out of here and go somewhere where they will give us our own land to build our own nation.” 

We don’t wanna talk no more, we don’t wanna negotiate, we don’t sing songs, we don’t bring signs to a gun fight. We are an eye for an eye organization. So when they decide to act right, we’ll decide to act right. And we do it all legally, just like them.”. . . 

Then you can erect monuments to your leaders for 22nd-century "wokes" to tear down in shame. Then after it all fails, will you give the wreckage back to America? Maybe like this:

Innocent Until Proven Trump Supporter

 Ann Coulter  "During a BLM “peaceful protest” in Omaha, Nebraska, on May 30 (over George Floyd’s dying of a heart attack while in police custody in Minneapolis), James Scurlock was peacefully protesting by breaking into an architecture firm — hoisting an office chair and hurling it into two computer monitors, then ripping a phone from a desk and throwing it against the wall, as his friend shattered another monitor — all of which was captured on video.

"Nearby, Jake Gardner, an Iraq War veteran and Trump supporter, was keeping watch over the two bars he owned, The Hive and The Gatsby, aided by his 68-year-old father and a security guard. The peaceful protesters soon made their way to Jake’s bar, where they hurled a street sign through The Hive’s plate-glass window. He and his father rushed outside to prevent the peaceful protesters from storming his bar."

Scurlock’s friend, catching his wind after smashing computer monitors, knocked Gardner’s

father to the ground. (It’s on tape.) Or as CNN’s Madeline Holcombe put it: “An unidentified man can be seen pushing Gardner’s father.”Gardner rushed to help his father, then backed away toward the bar, lifting his shirt to show the protesters he was armed, and telling them to move along. Again, it’s all on tape. Murmurings can be heard from the crowd: “That (expletive) got a gun” and “It’s not worth it (expletive) you stu–,”

"At that point, peaceful protester Alayna Melendez leapt on Gardner from behind (not subscribers to the Marquess of Queensberry rules, these peaceful protesters), knocking him down and into the street, whereupon yet another peaceful protester jumped on top of Gardner, who fired two warning shots in the air, scattering his first two assailants. Again: all on tape.

"Three seconds later, as Gardner was trying to get up, Scurlock jumped on him from behind and put him in a chokehold — which I believe is considered definitive proof of intentional murder when performed by a police officer. In videos, Gardner can be heard yelling, “Get off me! Get off me!”

"With his right arm pinned, and Scurlock choking him, Gardner moved the gun to his left hand and shot over his shoulder, hitting Scurlock in the collarbone, killing him." . . .

"Or as The New York Times’ Azi Paybarah explained it: “Mr. Gardner got into a fight with one man, James Scurlock, 22. The two scuffled before Mr. Gardner fired a shot that killed him.” They “scuffled.” It brings to mind the Times headline from Nov. 23, 1963: “President Kennedy Dies in Dallas After Scuffle — Albeit at Great Distance — With Lee Harvey Oswald.” . . .

U-Haul Seen Distributing Shields, Weapons to Louisville Rioters Rented to Soros-Connected Louisville Bail Project

Video: “We Handed Out Supplies” Anarchist Agent Holly Zoller Behind U-Haul Brought To Louisville Riot   I'd say this lady has got her opinions from CNN's head Lemon.

Young skulls full of mush; MSNBC's "merry caravan"

Michelle Malkin: Sunrise Movement…the riotous left’s pot-banging brats  "Wake up. The “community organizers” of the left are in full wildebeest mode. Now is not the time for bending down, rolling over or playing nice. From now until Election Day (and likely until the end of the year), you can expect screaming banshees carrying identical, preprinted signs to turn up in the middle of the night at the private homes of elected politicians, Donald Trump campaign and administration officials, law enforcement officers, judges and conservative leaders.
"This is not conjecture. A nationwide agitation force milked the dead body of George Floyd to create the current anarchotyranny. Now, in keeping with her dying wish, the mob will use the fresh corpse of Ruth Bader Ginsburg to try to bully Republicans into submission over President Donald Trump’s rightful Supreme Court nomination. The ultimate goal: obstruction and delegitimization of Trump’s reelection.
"On cue, a bunch of demonstrators all in matching yellow-and-black T-shirts from the Sunrise Movement turned out in front of South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham’s house in Washington, D.C., this weekend, banging pots, pans and buckets. The disrupters also blasted airhorns, pointed strobe lights at the windows and crashed cymbals to punctuate their collective fit over Ginsburg’s passing. Not a single one was arrested for disturbing the peace." . . .
"The Sunrise Movement’s co-founder, Evan Weber, is a former Occupy Wall Street organizer. Two others, Sara Blazevic and Varshini Prakash, are Green New Deal zealots and Bernie Sanders activists who teamed with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to push the Democrats even further left. Prakash serves as an advisory board member of Climate Power 2020 along with Soros-funded Center for American Progress head John Podesta, former Obama administration environmental czar Carol Browner, former Obama administration science czar John Holdren, former Obama administration Secretary of State John Kerry, former Obama administration EPA head Gina McCarthy, and former Obama administration U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power." . . .

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Gavin Newsom, California governor, plays both sides in forest management fight as wildfires rage

Daily Truth report  "California Gov. Gavin Newsom has pointed out that the state’s wildfires are located primarily on federal land — and he’s right — but now he and other Democratic governors seek to block the Trump administration’s effort to speed up the clearing of overgrown, tinder-dry forests.

"Twenty-three states including California, Oregon and Washington sued last month to stop the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) modernization, which would thin the regulatory thicket and red tape blamed for bogging down federal projects, including forest management on the government’s extensive Western lands.

"The NEPA lawsuit came as no surprise, given that California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has sued the Trump administration 100 times, but it also frustrated critics who accused California Democrats of putting their loyalty to the environmental movement and focus on climate change ahead of proven forest-health strategies.

"Trending: Twitter Users Question Bizarre Pelosi Moment: “Did She Just Have a Stroke On TV?”

“ 'It’s not just saying, on one hand you want to manage your forest, and then suing the government to stop the management of . . .Continue reading 

California: The Golden State in Utter Decay  . . . "The current crisis in California that is getting the most national attention is the plague of wildfires throughout much of the northern part of the state.  Such fires have ravaged the area for millennia, long before the presence of any European settlers, but that has not stopped California leftists and their media from pointing fingers at climate change and President Trump.  Avoiding responsibility for a crisis by blaming anyone and anything with even a remote chance of culpability is the California way — which leads to a failure to develop real solutions." . . .

 . . . "California, the bluest of blue states, has rising crime and homelessness.  California has fearsome wildfires and rolling electrical blackouts due to government mismanagement of its forests and energy systems.  California has an ever-increasing budget deficit with no end in sight.  Yet California's tone-deaf politicians continue to enjoy immense support from their oblivious electorate.  Many residents cherish the song lyric that laments, "Going to California with an aching in my heart."  Unfortunately, the time has come for many to recognize reality, and to leave California with a similar aching.  California is decaying before our eyes, and it is not going to get better." . . .

DOJ snubs Nadler’s request for testimony from top officials, cites reprehensible treatment of Barr

DOJ snubs Nadler’s request for testimony from top officials, cites reprehensible treatment of Barr  "The request by the New York Democrat and House Judiciary Committee chairman was met with a stinging rebuke and refusal by Assistant Attorney General Stephen E. Boyd who called out committee members for using a July hearing to “air grievances” when they had the opportunity to question Attorney General William Barr in person."

Rep. Jerrold Nadler got snubbed by the Department of Justice, which refused his request for top officials to testify in upcoming hearings. The request by the New York Democrat and House Judiciary Committee chairman was met with a stinging rebuke and refusal by Assistant Attorney General Stephen E. Boyd who called out committee members for using a July hearing to “air grievances” when they had the opportunity to question Attorney General William Barr in person. Nadler called for appearances by Assistant Attorney General Eric Dreiband, Bureau of Prisons Director Michael Carvajal and U.S. Marshals Service Director Donald Washington. 

Newsweek Forced To Issue Major Retraction After It Smears Amy Coney Barrett, Claims She Belongs To Sect That Inspired ‘The Handmaids Tale’

Daily Wire  "Initially, Newsweek claimed that “People of Praise,” a charismatic Catholic group to which Barrett reportedly belongs, “served as inspiration for Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel, The Handmaid’s Tale,” adding that female members are forced to report to spiritual superiors known as “handmaids” and that the group stresses that “men have authority over their wives.”  . . . 

. . . "I think there’s a lot of mental revisionist history going on there, unless what they are hoping for is that Harris gets another opportunity to remind everyone what a shrill shrew she is.

 And so it begins...

Barrett has fallen under scrutiny because she’s likely a judicial conservative, something the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, whom Barrett could replace, was not. Her feelings on key political issues are under wraps, as is the case with most high-level judges, and experts have been left to speculate that Barrett is religious and right-wing based on her biography alone.

"The problem? People of Praise’s “handmaids” are little more than spiritual advisors, according to sources familiar with the 1,700-member group that spoke to The Daily Wire. And as National Review Online’s David Harsanyi points out, Barrett’s partner’s “authority” must be severely limited, given that her “knuckle-dragging misogynistic religious fanatic husband has only let the poor woman out of the house twice. Once, to serve a 15-year stint as a law professor at a highly prestigious university,” and the other to serve on the 7th Circuit.

"Deeper than that, though, it turns out Newsweek’s story is actually completely wrong based on information from Atwood herself, which Newsweek points out in its “correction.”

“Correction: This article’s headline originally stated that People of Praise inspired ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’. The book’s author, Margaret Atwood, has never specifically mentioned the group as being the inspiration for her work,” the note read. “A New Yorker profile of the author from 2017 mentions a newspaper clipping as part of her research for the book of a different charismatic Catholic group, People of Hope. Newsweek regrets the error.”

Don't Let Democrats Hijack Trump's Next Supreme Court Pick  "RBG's parting message that her "most fervent wish is that [she] will not be replaced until a new president is installed," while dramatic, is meaningless.  This "jurist of historic stature" might have had complete control over her courtroom, but she has no authority — alive or from beyond the grave — to hand down rulings about her successor or the process by which her replacement is selected.  Calls by Democrats to "honor her dying wishes" are disingenuous, and no one should be goaded into thinking otherwise. " . . .
. . . "If we do not confirm because too many Republican senators side with the Democrats, and we get clobbered on election day, their legacy will be a Republic held hostage by one-party rule as Democrats expand and stack the Supreme Court, destroy the filibuster, and gain four more Democrat senators by making D.C. and Puerto Rico states.  They will be responsible for relegating conservatives, the religiously observant, and those with a traditional outlook on life to new levels of oppression at the hands of our Democrat overlords, who will not be as indulgent of us as we have been of them." 

"As we have noted many times before, Kamala Harris is so off-putting that her own party decided she was the first of the “top tier” candidates in the Democratic primary race who needed to go. Increased exposure to the public doesn’t really go well for Harris." . . .

. . .  "The optics of Harris teeing off on a Roman Catholic mother with a shrieking progressive “gender traitor” rant won’t really help Team Harris-Biden win over any hearts and minds in swing states where the polls are tight." . . .

The Media Handles Amy Coney Barrett’s Faith With All the Care of a Paranoid Drunk   "Watching the media jump to the conclusion that Judge Amy Coney Barrett is guaranteed to be Donald Trump’s next pick has been a real treat. Much like Ash Wednesday and the Lenten season, Barrett’s faith is something the media can’t help but attack with all the accuracy of an archer strung out on meth." . . .

Harris — not Biden — is the real candidate

The intention of those who control the Democratic Party—influential individuals on the left such as George Soros and Soros equivalents, whoever they may be—is to jettison Biden after the election and substitute the real candidate, Senator Harris. 

 BPR   "One of the big questions on my mind has been, “Why in hell did the Democrats pick Biden?” It has been obvious for some time that Biden’s cognitive state is on a level with the spider monkey. He can’t remember where he is or what he is running for. He can’t put together a coherent sentence. His condition has become a running joke. At his age, he would at best be a one-term president. So why would a major party pin its hopes on such a man?

"To appreciate the Democratic Party’s election strategy it is necessary to recognize the migration of the party in the direction of Marxism. Today’s Democrat has fallen under the spell of oppressor ideology. Minorities and women are oppressed by Christian white males. Poor people are oppressed by the one percent. Traditional politicians like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are giving way to left-wing extremists—Bernie Sanders, AOC, Ilhan Omar. The public is not ready for them yet so the party is forced to pull a fast one.

"The intention of those who control the Democratic Party—influential individuals on the left such as George Soros and Soros equivalents, whoever they may be—is to jettison Biden after the election and substitute the real candidate, Senator Harris. Make no mistake about it, Harris is the real presidential candidate. Even now sly references are being made to the “Harris/Biden administration.” The Biden campaign chose Harris, says Marc Thiessen, because—in spite of her appalling record in politics—she is “ideologically flexible.” She is a complete opportunist with no moral center. She will do as she is told. Harris will play ball with the leftist gang that wants to continue what Obama began by fundamentally changing America into a leftist state." . . .

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Knowing what's at stake, Trump-supporters increasingly refuse to hide in the shadows

 William Sullivan

Certainly, not everyone is happy about the trend.  One neighbor in our community proudly posted his Trump sign to the fence on his property, only to have it defaced with BLM propaganda.  In a particularly clever response, he chose to use that act of vandalism to accentuate his reason for supporting President Trump for re-election, and to appropriately frame the nature of America's choice in November:

. . . "Back in May, I and my family attended the Liberty Fest rally held in Sacramento.  Not being a person who's attended many such rallies, it struck me as an awesome spectacle.  The Sacramento Bee reported that a "massive throng gathered along 10th Street, facing the west steps of the Capitol, with hundreds arriving hours before the official noon start."  We were among them, and upon arrival, I captured a short video of the waiting crowd as "America the Beautiful," performed by Ray Charles, played over the loudspeaker.

"That event wasn't really about Trump; it was about opposition to the California COVID lockdown.  But as you can see in the video, President Trump was prominently presented by many who were there as the yin to Gavin Newsom's dictatorial yang. 

"Shortly after that event, cities erupted across America in orgies of violence, thievery, arson, and mayhem to protest racial injustice, even though the circumstances of George Floyd's arrest and death, the event that ostensibly launched the riots, provide no convincing link whatsoever to racism in policing.  Most of this energy was spearheaded by Black Lives Matter, an admittedly Marxist organization with openly violent adherents, and was nurtured with winks and approving nods by Democratic politicians.

"After all of this had occurred throughout the summer, it was less of a surprise to see a massive pro-Trump rally and boat parade in Sacramento on Labor Day.  Trump was no longer just the opposite of Newsom when it came to COVID lockdowns; it had become clear that he is the only opposing force against much broader attacks on American liberty.  The Democratic Party, Hollywood, professional sports, and corporate leviathans had all hitched their wagons to Black Lives Matter's star, where "fiery but mostly peaceful" protesting is the manifestation of an orchestrated effort to undermine and destroy the traditional institutions and values of America, such as freedom of speech, property rights, and the rule of law. " . . .

FLASHBACK: Ginsburg on Kaepernick Protests: ‘I Think It’s Dumb and Disrespectful’


"As America continues to reflect on the life of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, it is notable to remember that she was not a supporter of former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s protests during the national anthem.

"In 2016, when the former San Francisco 49ers second-string quarterback first began taking a knee in protest against the country during the playing of the national anthem, Ginsburg said that she felt the player’s protest was “dumb.”

“ 'I think it’s really dumb of them,” Ginsburg said of Kaepernick’s protests during an interview with Katie Couric in October of 2016.

“ 'Would I arrest them for doing it? No,” Ginsburg continued. “I think it’s dumb and disrespectful. I would have the same answer if you asked me about flag burning. I think it’s a terrible thing to do, but I wouldn’t lock a person up for doing it. I would point out how ridiculous it seems to me to do such an act.”

Couric pressed the justice on the matter, reminding Ginsburg that the players were within their rights to make such protests.

"But Ginsburg was undeterred. In fact, she upped the ante from “dumb” to “stupid” to describe Kaepernick and the other players who protest by taking a knee during the anthem.

“ 'Yes,” said Ginsburg said of such protests. “If they want to be stupid, there’s no law that should be preventive. If they want to be arrogant, there’s no law that prevents them from that. What I would do is strongly take issue with the point of view that they are expressing when they do that.”

"As the liberal press waxes eloquent over the life of Justice Ginsburg, this comment is probably one they will conveniently forget to include in their hagiographies."

How environmentalists destroyed California’s forests

I live in Kansas now, where people are generally saner. But my heart still calls those mountains home. And they were killed by the Sierra Club and its allies. God may forgive you, but it’s gonna take me a while.

Spectator USA   "This article was published under a pseudonym as the author didn’t want to risk his job."

. . . "Those mountains will never be the same. An entire community is being destroyed and, no matter how hard those amazing people work to rebuild, it will be decades before the land they live on recovers.

"Why? Because loggers weren’t allowed to thin overcrowded stands of trees. Because grazing animals weren’t there to thin out the undergrowth. Because anytime the Forest Service or large landowners tried to start a project to manage the land, they got tied up in court and buried under years of environmental impact ‘studies.’ Because any fire, regardless of cause or location, was put out as quickly as possible for decades. Because any controlled burns were restricted by overzealous and shortsighted pollution thresholds set by the California’s Air Resources Board.  Because politicians and bureaucrats stopped listening to the people that actually lived in the forest. 

"And all of those things happened because well-meaning morons at organizations such the Sierra Club and the National Resources Defense Council managed to get a stranglehold on state politics and the courts. It’s because of ‘concern for natural conditions’ that we’re in this mess; because of a myopic focus on certain species, entire ecosystems are being overtaken by flames. But they’ll never accept responsibility.

"They persist in blaming fire conditions in today’s West solely on climate change. Even if every single thing that they claim about climate change were to be true, it wouldn’t undo the consequences of decades of mismanagement driven by their ‘advocacy.’ 

"You like hugging trees? They’re gone now. You love the spotted owl? Here’s some for ya, extra extra crispy. Concerned about erosion? Get ready for some serious mudslides this winter with all of the grass and smaller plants burned off. Worried about particulates from a controlled burn? Wildfires generate orders of magnitude more. " . . .