Wednesday, November 25, 2009

(Kyoto Protocol) Thanks again, President Bush

American Thinker "With the exposure of the global warming hoax through the release of the CRU emails, we should offer a toast to the much maligned President George W. Bush and thank him for not committing the United States to similar disastrous actions that our counterparts in Europe fell for."

Sensing threats to bedrock institutions of society, church leaders release the Manhattan Declaration

World Magazine "The declaration closes: “We will fully and ungrudgingly render to Caesar what is Caesar’s. But under no circumstances will we render to Caesar what is God’s.”"

Thanksgiving Quiz

Probe Ministries "This nation was founded by Christians, and Thanksgiving is a time when we can reflect upon this rich, Christian heritage. But many of us are often ignorant of our country's origins, so we have put together a Thanksgiving quiz to test your knowledge about this nation's biblical foundations. We hope that you will not only take this test and pass it on to others, but we also hope that you will be encouraged to study more about the Christian foundations of this country."

For teachers and parents:Another explanation of climategate in simple, readable terms

Boortz "Well, how about plugging in false temperatures to research data in order to either show a warming where there was none, or to hide a cooling trend? Yup! It's all detailed in the emails. You can also read about plots and efforts to demean or denigrate any climate scientists who disagreed or strayed from the man-made global warming dogma. You can even find emails where the death of a global warming skeptic was celebrated and suggestions that it would be nice if someone would find another way to send some more skeptics to their eternal celestial dirt nap. Perhaps the scariest revelation to come from this scandal is the fact that peer reviews failed to keep the science honest ... that other scientists were essentially in cahoots to spread false science: global warming."

Three Navy SEALs court-martialed after giving most-wanted Iraqi terrorist a fat lip

Hot Air "“A fat lip? That’s enough to get you rough military justice from the Obama administration, but blow up the World Trade Center and you get all the due process rights of the civilian criminal justice system.” "

A conversation with Scott Fenstermaker (An attorney for the 9-11 planner)

Hot Air "This attention whore attorney sums it up when he says to you: “I have no idea who attacked the WTC, and couldn’t care less.”" From the comments section.

Why Democrats cannot be trusted with America's security

Sen. Conrad Suggests That People Who Don’t Believe in Civilian Trials for Terrorists Should Leave America and ‘Go Somewhere Else’ Need I say a Democrat? Sen. Feinstein: Whether Osama bin Laden Should be Read Miranda Rights is a 'Murky Area' Make that "Feinstein, D-CA" Sen. Dodd (Democrat): Civilian Courts Better Than Military Tribunals for Prosecuting Terrorists

Political Cartoons by Eric Allie

Keep Terrorists Out of Civilian Courts

Jay Seculow, ACLJ "Moving terrorists to civilian courts will empower terrorists with rights afforded only to U.S. citizens. Such a move would limit – and even exclude – important evidence against the terrorists – place our intelligence gathering techniques at risk – and even give terrorists a platform to spew hate and incite more violence. You can read more about the dangers of opening-up the civilian court system to terrorists here."

The Clean Energy Act of 2009: A Missed Opportunity for Real Nuclear Energy Policy Reform

Heritage "Senators Lamar Alexander and Jim Webb recently introduced their bipartisan Clean Energy Act of 2009 ,which aims to create a business and regulatory environment to double nuclear power production in just two decades. While their reform efforts are laudable and necessary, most of their recommendations will not bring about their desired results."

A message for the president

American Thinker "As it turned out in Yusufiya, the locals were most concerned that after a brief improvement in security, we would leave and Al Qaeda would return. They doubted our resolve. But after fourteen months of daily patrols, several casualties and one fatality, the hard work and sacrifice of men in my battalion, and many other units, convinced the Iraqis otherwise. In some ways, my unit capitalized on years of sacrifice in the region."

UK Official Critical of Barack Obama over Afghanistan

UK Telegraph "Senior British Government sources have become increasingly frustrated with Mr Obama’s “dithering” on Afghanistan, the Daily Telegraph disclosed earlier this month, with several former British defence chiefs echoing the concerns."