Wednesday, June 9, 2010

President Obama advises high school graduates not to blame others for their mistakes

Weekly Standard "Obama has relentlessly blamed Republicans, as well as his predecessor, for his and the nation’s problems. He has made all sorts of accusations on TV, at major press conferences and even the State of the Union address. A small sampling from the past several months:"...
Peyton R. Miller is the editor of the Harvard Salient and a Student Free Press Association intern at THE WEEKLY STANDARD.
The man who blames Bush for everything urges grads...not to blame others  " Monday, speaking to high school graduates, The Finger Pointer-in-Chief dropped jaws across the nation, claiming the high road with regard to excuse-making."

Let's see how Turkey welcomes a 'reverse freedom flotilla' for the Kurds

Ethel C. Fenig in AT: "Hey there all you starry eyed humanitarians, do gooders, peace activists, liberal religious, anti Israel, anti Jewish haters and other useful idiots! Do you want to help a small beleaguered minority group of Muslims in the Mideast fighting for a state of its own against a larger, more well equipped army that is occupying their land? You do? Well, have I got a flotilla for you! Several actually!"

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Obama’s Latest White House Radical

Human Events  "Here are three quick things about Berwick that you need to know. And wait until you get to the part about his preferred word choice when describing an "ultrasound." It’s truly shocking."  Jason Mattera ;the editor of HUMAN EVENTS and the author of Obama Zombies: How the Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation (Simon & Schuster).

A Warning Label — on the U.S. Constitution

CATO   "...this $4.95 paperback copy of the U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Articles of Confederation, which contains the following advisory ..."
© Wilder Publications 2008  This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today. Parents might wish to discuss with their children how views on race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and interpersonal relations have changed since this book was written before allowing them to read this classic work."
H/t to Weasel Zippers

The Art of Seaborne Humiliation (updated)

Victor Davis Hanson   "As a general rule, nothing much good comes to a Western power when a rogue nation or anti-Western organization seeks confrontation on the seas. In such incidents, Iranians, Palestinians, North Koreans, and generic pirates are judged on an entirely different set of moral rules that tend to offer exemption for the weaker power (i.e., the victims of “disproportionate” force) or the crazier party (i.e., we expect provocation from them, but not retaliation from you)."
Heroic, Wounded Israeli Soldiers Honored in New York City  "This time, Israel is not just up against five Arab armies. This time, Israel is up against 56 Muslim states, the Palestinian terrorists, the United Nations, state-funded and shadow-funded terrorist groups, the world's professoriate and the world's media."

ObamaCare nails its first “villain”

Hot Air "The firm, nHealth, appears to be the first to claim that the new law has driven it out of business. “We don’t know what the rules are going to be, and, as a start-up, our investors need certainty,” nHealth CEO and President Paul Kitchen told POLITICO. “The law created so much uncertainty that is beyond our control.” "
Read the letter:

Introducing…the Coveted Helen Thomas Award! Updated

Verum Serum "Each year starting on May 11th, the date of modern Israel’s founding, my co-bloggers and I will nominate those bloggers, journalists, or news organizations who have displayed the most egregious anti-Israel bias over the previous year. We will also accept nominations by link submission in the comments."

In 2002, Helen Thomas Exclaimed 'Thank God for Hezbollah' 
"... for driving Israel out of Lebanon, adding that "Israel is the cause for 99 percent of all this terrorism."
Gary Varvel cartoon

An open letter to Helen Thomas

Jerusalem Post "Are you aware, Ms. Thomas, that many children from Sderot and the area around Gaza wet their beds until a late age out of fear of the Hamas missiles? And it is us that you wish to exile? Why? Because you think that we are weak or because it annoys you that we are not defeated?" Yoram Dori, adviser to President Shimon Peres.Hat tip to Mark Davis WBAP, DFW

Photographs of Battered Israeli Commandos Show New Side of Raid

The Lede "...the newspaper, Hurriyet, published a slide show with eight graphic images of the bloodied commandos after they were disarmed and dragged inside the Mavi Marmara. On its English-language Web site, the newspaper explained, “Photos recovered from memory cards and acquired by daily Hürriyet provide an inside look at what happened when Israeli commandos raided the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara in the early morning hours of May 31.” "

Satellite Photos Support Testimony That Iraqi WMD Went to Syria

Pajamas Media "Ha’aretz has revived the mystery surrounding the inability to find weapons of mass destruction stockpiles in Iraq, the most commonly cited justification for Operation Iraqi Freedom and one of the most embarrassing episodes for the United States."
What is Assad hiding in his backyard? "Satellite photos of secret Syrian site depict at least five guarded installations whose purpose is unclear."

Obama’s Gulf Fix

NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE    " The Heritage Foundation recently published a book documenting the problems and causes of overcriminalization. One Nation under Arrest explains how these thousands of federal criminal laws can trap honest, hard-working Americans. In many cases, people who were trying to be respectable, law-abiding citizens have been targeted for prosecution and spent time in federal prison. It’s easy to heap scorn upon an oil company whose operations are causing serious damage to our Gulf Coast. But the American government shouldn’t seek criminal punishment unless there’s solid evidence that someone violated a criminal law and did so in an intentional fashion."